Mossaddeque Mahmood
ICT, 3rd batch
Backbase B.V.
Lead Software Developer
[email protected]
Wanted to join an international company.
Tech jobs are drying up in Bangladesh.
Started looking into all the job boards, picking the right one and apply.
Company handled everything which includes visa/work permit and 1 month accommodation.
Papers I needed:
Marriage certificate, translated and notarized since it was in Bangla.
Birth Certificates (both my wife and I), need to be translated and notarized too.
Carry papers when you fly:
Offer latter.
Health insurance.
Accommodation confirmation paper.
Bring all the certificates.
Previous job’s offer latter and experience latter.
Always ask the HR / contact in the company which paper to bring. If are just applying, you may prepare papers like translated and notarized documents.
Talk with someone friendly who been though the process.
Interview invite is tough:
Don’t blindly apply. Search for the company online. Glassdoor, LinkedIn and company website might be helpful.
Modify your CV according to the information you got in the last step. Read the job post multiple times, check what they want.
Add personal projects, try to build something cool.
When applying jobs:
Try to send the application as an email.
Don’t send generic email to all. Write something that people might get interested.
Homework or assignment:
Company might ask you to do a homework to check your skill.
Do it in a way you know best.
Show your code to someone who might be better than you.
Read interview tips online.
I went though lots of interviews, the more you do, the more you get better.
Do mock interview with friends.
Work on you communication skill aka English conversation.
Make sure you got good internet connection.
Make sure room is quite and has enough light. Ceiling fan create tons of noise.
Try to make a conversation rather answering the question interviewer ask. Joke around.