Effective bug reports are more likely to be fixed. These guidelines explain how to write such reports.
- Make sure your software is up to date.
- Search stackoverflow to see whether your question has been asked.
- Search github issues to see whether your bug has already been reported.
- Open one case for each problem.
- Proceed to the next steps for details.
- For questions and specific support issues use stackoverflow with tags
. After the quesion is asked, you can ping me on twitter (@eed3si9n) about it, but don't expect immediate response. - For enhancement ideas and confirmed bugs use github issues to report them.
The developers need three things from you: steps, problem, and expectation.
First and foremost, the developers need exact steps to reproduce your problems on his/her computer. This is called reproduction steps, which is often shortened to "repro steps" or "steps." Describe your method of running it. Provide the build files that was used that caused the problem.
Repro steps are the most important part of a bug report. If the developers cannot reproduce the problem in one way or the other, the problem can't be fixed. Telling them the error messages is not enough.
Next, describe the problem, or what you think is the problem. It might be "obvious" to you that it's a problem, but it could actually be an intentional behavior for some backward compatibility etc. When available, include stack trace. More raw info the better.
Same as the problem. Describe what you think should've happened.
Add an optional notes section to describe your analysis.
The subject of the bug report doesn't matter. A more descriptive subject is certainly better, but a good subject really depends on the analysis of the problem, so don't worry too much about it.
If possible, use highlight outputs and code snipplets. On Github it's:
import sbt._
import Keys._
import sbtassembly.Plugin._
import AssemblyKeys._
object Builds extends Build {
lazy val buildSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq(
version := "0.1-SNAPSHOT",
organization := "com.example",
scalaVersion := "2.10.1"
lazy val app = Project("app", file("app"),
settings = buildSettings ++ assemblySettings) settings(
// your settings here
On StackOverflow, it's:
<!-- language: lang-scala -->
import sbt._
import Keys._
import sbtassembly.Plugin._
import AssemblyKeys._
The above will be displayed nicely in fixed width font with Scala syntax highlights.
The ultimate way of reporting a bug is to actually fix it and send us a pull request. The same principle appies here. Document what you changed and why using reproducible cases. Please add scripted tests if possible to demonstrate your case.
By sending the pull request, we assume that you agree to release your work under the license that covers this software.
Please use global .gitignore instead of adding editor junk files to .gitignore