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Software Quality Assurance Plan

Katrina Poulin edited this page Mar 1, 2020 · 20 revisions

This document describe the test coverage criteria, the unit testing approach we are choosing and the other means of quality assurance we will be using.

Unit Tests

Test Coverage Criteria

Test Coverage Objectives:

  • Statement Coverage: XX%
  • Branch Coverage: XX%

In order to make sure that we achieve these numbers, we plan to test all business methods to make sure that they perform the required operations successfully. Since the database access has already been tested in the Persistence Layer Tests, we are stubbing the data used in unit tests using Mockito.

To make sure that all the modules operate correctly, the unit tests are written knowing the inner workings of the method. Hence, the unit tests follow the white-box testing scheme.

Testing Approaches

For our testing, we use a top-down approach. We started by testing the persistence layer in deliverable 1. For deliverable 2, we test the business methods (located in Service classes) from persistence. We then test our service methods in isolation from persistence. Finally, we test the controller methods, which call both the service and the persistence.

We grouped the unit tests by type of object and by request, then divided these tests among the members of the team:

User Tests

Pet Tests

Advertisement Tests:

Advertisement Get Create Edit Delete
Valid advertisement Normal use case Normal use case Normal use case Normal use case
Invalid ID Exception thrown, no advertisement found - Exception thrown, no advertisement found Exception thrown, no advertisement found
Invalid Pet Exception thrown, no advertisement found Exception thrown Exception thrown -
Invalid title Exception thrown, no advertisement found Exception thrown Exception thrown -
Invalid description - Exception thrown Exception thrown -

Application Tests

Forum Tests

Comment Tests

Donation Tests

We partitioned our input by selecting valid input first and testing for this input. Then we select edge cases that would return an error and test whether the right error message is returned.

Integration Testing

Coding Conventions

Test Coverage Results

Test Suite Primary Class Under Test Coverage (%)
Unit Tests Service XX
Integration Tests Controller XX


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