All notable changes to the "businesscentral-lintercop" extension will be documented in this file.
- Json Syntax for LinterCop.json #7 thanks @jwikman
- Always support TLS1.2 #8 thanks @jwikman
- Changed download script to load both, current and next major .dll
- digital signed for the PS downloadscript. To Use the extension it is now enough to have
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- bugfix in download script leading to always download the prerelease if it is the latest
- added link to the linter cop change log in message window thats shows up when a new version got loaded
- bugfix in the download script preventing download of a release when prerelease is activated
- added license
- added changelog
- the repository link now points to the correct repository
- added a first draft of a logo
- indroduced a new setting
to allow the externsion to download pre-releases of the linter
- added information about the active code cops in the status bar
- its now possible to change the cops by clicking on the code cop status bar indicator
- Initial release