An unordered thinking space for new features.
- Keep (capped) list of requests and responses
- powershell auto complete
- go releaser
- release versioning
- chocolety
- homebrew
- apt-get
- import from
- swagger
- curl statement
- cli history
- postman
- be able to interact with the history
- what-if => dump url cmd or json
- read in json (or last cmd) as input values
- convert value to type within payload e.g.
using standard truthy/falsy
- defaultQuery for an api, many apis take the api token as a query parameter
- separate query args in cmd (from path)
- does it already work for XML or json to XML conversion?
- download binary
- payload a binary file
- form posting
- dynamic functions for parameters e.g. (all currently doable outside of capi, using the normal shell but might help)
- v4 uuid{fn:date(yyyyMMdd)}
- current date (UTC only) formatted- yyMMdd, etc.
- enum (go consts, Kitchen, etc.)
- unix second/ms/nano
relative time, an hour ago{fn:rndstr(5)}
- random string, 5 chars long
- full blown templating engine
{{ if .value }}foo{{ end }}
- override profile,
- headers
- query string
- payload