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+# Allow users to define version ranges for ProjectReferences
+- [Martin Ruiz](https://github.com/martinrrm)
+- Start Date (2023-01-01)
+- [5556](https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/5556)
+# Summary
+Add a `Version` to `ProjectReference` tag in CSPROJ, to allow customers to specify the referenced project version in the `.nupkg` and `nuspec` files when doing a pack command.
+# Motivation
+When using `ProjectReference` there is no option to define a Version to the reference like in `PackageReference` and the version will always be defined as `>= ProjectVersion`, this results in customers manually modifying the nuspec file if they want to declare a different version than the project version.
+# Explanation
+Currently when adding a `ProjectReference` to a project, there is no property to specify which version(s) of it to be used when doing a pack.
+When doing a pack to a package with a `ProjectReference` it will always be added as a range, where the minimum version will be the ProjectReference version and with an open maximum version.
+Add a `Version` property to `ProjectReference` and store that value in the assets file when doing a restore so we can retrieve that information when doing a `pack` command.
+## Considerations
+If there is no `Version` information then the behavior should be the current one.
+If the `Version` is not a range, it will be treated as one, like in `PackageReference`. `Version="2.0.0"` means `Version="[2.0.0, )"`
+Minimum version should not be open to users, and NuGet should always automatically fill in the min version from the project's version, this is for the protection of package consumers.
+## Option 1 - Version with VersionRange
+### .CSPROJ file
+### Explanation
+`Version` will be a version range, but the lower version will be replaced with the actual `Version` as an inclusive min version.
+We will log a warning saying that the min version should be equal to the `ProjectVersion` and it was replaced.
+## Option 2 - Version without defined min version
+### .CSPROJ file
+### Explanation
+`Version` will be a version range, but the lower version will be defined by a 'X' and replaced with the actual `ProjectVersion` as an inclusive min version.
+### assets file
+"frameworks": {
+ "net6.0": {
+ "targetAlias": "net6.0",
+ "projectReferences": {
+ "C:\\Users\\mruizmares\\source\\repos\\ConsoleApp1\\MyReferencedPackage\\MyReferencedPackage.csproj": {
+ "projectPath": "C:\\Users\\mruizmares\\source\\repos\\ConsoleApp1\\MyReferencedPackage\\MyReferencedPackage.csproj",
+ "version": "[1.0.0, 2.0.0)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### nuspec file
+ ConsoleApp1
+ 1.2.4
+ ConsoleApp1
+ Package Description
+### nupkg
+ id: ConsoleApp1
+ version: 1.2.4
+ authors: ConsoleApp1
+ description: Package Description
+ net6.0:
+ MyReferencedPackage: '>= 1.0.0 && < 2.0.0'
+ Newtonsoft.Json: '>= 9.0.0 && < 13.0.2'
+ - File: _rels/.rels
+ - File: [Content_Types].xml
+ - File: ConsoleApp1.nuspec
+ - File: lib/net6.0/ConsoleApp1.dll
+ - File: lib/net6.0/ConsoleApp1.runtimeconfig.json
+ - File: package/services/metadata/core-properties/a638a18cb3b1449185ce67e16a13ebaf.psmdcp
+# Drawbacks
+I don't think there are drawbacks to this implementation when doing a `pack` command. For restore I'm not sure if adding a new propert to the assets file can affect the performance.
+# Rationale and alternatives
+## Option 3 - Separate variables for max project version.
+### .CSPROJ file
+### assets file
+"frameworks": {
+ "net6.0": {
+ "targetAlias": "net6.0",
+ "projectReferences": {
+ "C:\\Users\\mruizmares\\source\\repos\\ConsoleApp1\\MyReferencedPackage\\MyReferencedPackage.csproj": {
+ "projectPath": "C:\\Users\\mruizmares\\source\\repos\\ConsoleApp1\\MyReferencedPackage\\MyReferencedPackage.csproj",
+ "MaxProjectVersion": "3.0.2"
+ "IsMaxProjectVersionInclusive": "true"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### nuspec file
+ ConsoleApp1
+ 1.2.4
+ ConsoleApp1
+ Package Description
+### nupkg
+ id: ConsoleApp1
+ version: 1.2.4
+ authors: ConsoleApp1
+ description: Package Description
+ net6.0:
+ MyReferencedPackage: '>= 1.0.0 && <= 3.0.2'
+ Newtonsoft.Json: '>= 9.0.0 && < 13.0.2'
+ - File: _rels/.rels
+ - File: [Content_Types].xml
+ - File: ConsoleApp1.nuspec
+ - File: lib/net6.0/ConsoleApp1.dll
+ - File: lib/net6.0/ConsoleApp1.runtimeconfig.json
+ - File: package/services/metadata/core-properties/a638a18cb3b1449185ce67e16a13ebaf.psmdcp
+# Unresolved Questions
+# Future Possibilities
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