diff --git a/2drobot.gif b/2drobot.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88bfaf9
Binary files /dev/null and b/2drobot.gif differ
diff --git a/3drobot.gif b/3drobot.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f3974f
Binary files /dev/null and b/3drobot.gif differ
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6e57da0..bd0170c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control
# Code Library
-This repository contains the code library accompanying [_Modern Robotics:
-Mechanics, Planning, and Control_](http://modernrobotics.org) (Kevin Lynch
-and Frank Park, Cambridge University Press 2017). The
+This repository contains the code library accompanying [_Modern Robotics:
+Mechanics, Planning, and Control_](http://modernrobotics.org) (Kevin Lynch
+and Frank Park, Cambridge University Press 2017). The
[user manual](/doc/MRlib.pdf) is in the doc directory.
The functions are available in:
@@ -25,3 +25,19 @@ Some libraries built on ours:
* [tf_rbdl](https://github.com/junhyeokahn/tf_rbdl#tf_rbdl), which refactors the Python version using the package `tensorflow`.
Any contribution is welcomed but the maintenance team for this library here doesn't vouch for the reliability of those projects.
+### Plotting
+Currently limited to only MATLAB
+#### Basic Plotting
+Basic plotting/animation functionality for Modern Robotics Package (MatLab)
+2D example
+Fig.1 - Left: 2D robot, Right - Spatial Robot
+In order to run above examples, use the template in ```main_2drobot.m``` and ```main_3drobot.m```
+#### Multi Robot Plotting
diff --git a/plotting/.DS_Store b/plotting/.DS_Store
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbdd810
Binary files /dev/null and b/plotting/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/plotting/animateBaseExp.m b/plotting/animateBaseExp.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d4a58f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/animateBaseExp.m
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+function animateBaseExp(t, x, base, robotParam, Td, prob, heatMap, P)
+% Animate is used to animate a system with state x at the times in t.
+% t = [1xM] vector of times, Must be monotonic: t(k) < t(k+1)
+% x = [NxM] matrix of states, corresponding to times in t
+% P = animation parameter struct, with fields:
+% .plotFunc = @(t,x) = function handle to create a plot
+% t = a scalar time
+% x = [Nx1] state vector
+% .speed = scalar multiple of time, for playback speed
+% .figNum = (optional) figure number for plotting. Default = 1000.
+% .verbose = set to false to prevent printing details. Default = true;
+% Animation based on data in t and x.
+% Keyboard commands during simulation:
+% 'space' - toggle pause
+% 'r' - reset animation
+% 'uparrow' - go faster
+% 'downarrow' - go slower
+% 'rightarrow' - jump forward by 5 frames
+% 'leftarrow' - jump backward by 5 frames
+% 'esc' - quit animation
+if ~isfield(P,'figNum')
+ P.figNum=1000; %Default to figure 1000
+if ~isfield(P,'verbose')
+ P.verbose = true;
+if ~isfield(P,'frameRate')
+ P.targetFrameRate = 10;
+% Animation call-back variables:
+IS_PAUSED = false;
+VERBOSE = P.verbose;
+SPEED = P.speed;
+QUIT = false;
+START_TIME = t(1);
+% Set up the figure, and attach keyboard events.
+% fig = figure(P.figNum); clf(fig);
+% fig.Position = [400 400 1080 1080];
+ax = gcf;
+tic; %Start a timer
+timeBuffer(1:3) = toc;
+myVideo = VideoWriter('myVideoFile','Motion JPEG AVI'); %open video file
+myVideo.FrameRate = 10; %can adjust this, 5 - 10 works well for me
+% open(myVideo)
+filename = P.filename;
+init = 0;
+while SIM_TIME < t(end);
+ init = init + 1;
+ clf(ax)
+ % plot the heat map
+ surf(heatMap.xx, heatMap.yy, heatMap.z-0.5);
+ hold on
+ target = heatMap.desPoses;
+ plot3(target(1,:), target(2,:), 0.5*ones(1,size(target,2)), '.', 'Color', [0 0 0], 'MarkerSize', 20)
+ %Interpolate to get the new point:
+ xNow = interp1(t',x',SIM_TIME,'linear','extrap')';
+ % handle in the case of the base is fixed
+ if (size(base,2) == 1)
+ xBaseNow = base;
+ else
+ xBaseNow = interp1(t', base', SIM_TIME, 'linear', 'extrap')';
+ end
+ %Call the plot command
+ feval(P.plotFunc,SIM_TIME,xNow,xBaseNow);
+ drawnow;
+ pause(0.005);
+ if ~isempty(Td)
+ probNow = [probNow interp1(t',prob',SIM_TIME,'linear','extrap')'];
+ %Plot the desired trajectory
+ fkDesired = [fkDesired interp1(t',Td',SIM_TIME,'linear','extrap')'];
+ plot3(fkDesired(1,:), fkDesired(2,:), fkDesired(3,:), 'g.');
+ %Plot the current trajectory
+ fk = FKinSpace(robotParam.M, robotParam.Slist, xNow);
+ fkCurrentStore = [fkCurrentStore fk(1:3,4)];
+ for k = 1:numel(probNow)
+ plot3(fkCurrentStore(1,k), fkCurrentStore(2,k), fkCurrentStore(3,k), 'k.', 'MarkerSize', probNow(k));
+ end
+ end
+ %Set up targets for timing
+ dtReal = 0.2*(timeBuffer(1) - timeBuffer(3));
+ dtSim = 0;
+ else
+ dtSim = SPEED*dtReal;
+ end
+ SIM_TIME = SIM_TIME + dtSim;
+ %Record the frame rate:
+ timeBuffer(3) = timeBuffer(2);
+ timeBuffer(2) = timeBuffer(1);
+ timeBuffer(1) = toc;
+ frame = getframe(gcf); %get frame
+ im = frame2im(frame);
+ [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256);
+ if (init == 1)
+ imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif', 'Loopcount',inf);
+ else
+ imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','DelayTime',0, 'WriteMode','append');
+ end
+% writeVideo(myVideo, frame);
+ % Check exit conditions:
+ if QUIT
+ break
+ end
+% close(myVideo)
+% Graphics call-back functions %
+ function keyDownListener(~,event)
+ switch event.Key
+ case 'space'
+ fprintf('--> animation paused...');
+ else
+ fprintf(' resumed! \n');
+ end
+ end
+ case 'r'
+ disp('--> restarting animation');
+ end
+ case 'uparrow'
+ fprintf('--> speed set to %3.3f x real time\n',SPEED);
+ end
+ case 'downarrow'
+ fprintf('--> speed set to %3.3f x real time\n',SPEED);
+ end
+ case 'rightarrow'
+ timeSkip = 5*SPEED*dtReal;
+ SIM_TIME = SIM_TIME + timeSkip;
+ fprintf('--> skipping forward by %3.3f seconds\n',timeSkip);
+ end
+ case 'leftarrow'
+ timeSkip = 5*SPEED*dtReal;
+ SIM_TIME = SIM_TIME - timeSkip;
+ fprintf('--> skipping backward by %3.3f seconds\n',timeSkip);
+ end
+ case 'escape'
+ QUIT = true;
+ disp('--> animation aborted');
+ end
+ otherwise
+ end
+ end
+end %animate.m
diff --git a/plotting/animateExp.m b/plotting/animateExp.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baec98a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/animateExp.m
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+function animateExp(t,x, robotParam, P)
+% Animate is used to animate a system with state x at the times in t.
+% t = [1xM] vector of times, Must be monotonic: t(k) < t(k+1)
+% x = [NxM] matrix of states, corresponding to times in t
+% P = animation parameter struct, with fields:
+% .plotFunc = @(t,x) = function handle to create a plot
+% t = a scalar time
+% x = [Nx1] state vector
+% .speed = scalar multiple of time, for playback speed
+% .figNum = (optional) figure number for plotting. Default = 1000.
+% .verbose = set to false to prevent printing details. Default = true;
+% Animation based on data in t and x.
+% Keyboard commands during simulation:
+% 'space' - toggle pause
+% 'r' - reset animation
+% 'uparrow' - go faster
+% 'downarrow' - go slower
+% 'rightarrow' - jump forward by 5 frames
+% 'leftarrow' - jump backward by 5 frames
+% 'esc' - quit animation
+if ~isfield(P,'figNum')
+ P.figNum=1000; %Default to figure 1000
+if ~isfield(P,'verbose')
+ P.verbose = true;
+if ~isfield(P,'frameRate')
+ P.targetFrameRate = 10;
+% Animation call-back variables:
+IS_PAUSED = false;
+VERBOSE = P.verbose;
+SPEED = P.speed;
+QUIT = false;
+START_TIME = t(1);
+% Set up the figure, and attach keyboard events.
+fig = figure(P.figNum); clf(fig);
+fig.Position = [400 400 1080 1080];
+tic; %Start a timer
+timeBuffer(1:3) = toc;
+myVideo = VideoWriter('myVideoFile','Motion JPEG AVI'); %open video file
+myVideo.FrameRate = 10; %can adjust this, 5 - 10 works well for me
+% open(myVideo)
+filename = P.filename;
+init = 0;
+fkCurrentStore = []; fkDesired = []; probNow = [];
+while SIM_TIME < t(end)
+ init = init + 1;
+ clf(fig)
+ %Interpolate to get the new point:
+ xNow = interp1(t',x',SIM_TIME,'linear','extrap')';
+ %Call the plot command
+ feval(P.plotFunc,SIM_TIME,xNow);
+ drawnow;
+ pause(0.005);
+ %Plot the current trajectory
+ fk = FKinSpace(robotParam.M, robotParam.Slist, xNow);
+ fkCurrentStore = [fkCurrentStore fk(1:3,4)];
+ for k = 1:numel(probNow)
+ plot3(fkCurrentStore(1,k), fkCurrentStore(2,k), fkCurrentStore(3,k), 'k.', 'MarkerSize', probNow(k));
+ end
+ %Set up targets for timing
+ dtReal = 0.2*(timeBuffer(1) - timeBuffer(3));
+ dtSim = 0;
+ else
+ dtSim = SPEED*dtReal;
+ end
+ SIM_TIME = SIM_TIME + dtSim;
+ %Record the frame rate:
+ timeBuffer(3) = timeBuffer(2);
+ timeBuffer(2) = timeBuffer(1);
+ timeBuffer(1) = toc;
+ frame = getframe(gcf); %get frame
+ im = frame2im(frame);
+ [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256);
+ if (init == 1)
+ imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif', 'Loopcount',inf);
+ else
+ imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','DelayTime',0, 'WriteMode','append');
+ end
+ % Check exit conditions:
+ if QUIT
+ break
+ end
+% close(myVideo)
+% Graphics call-back functions %
+ function keyDownListener(~,event)
+ switch event.Key
+ case 'space'
+ fprintf('--> animation paused...');
+ else
+ fprintf(' resumed! \n');
+ end
+ end
+ case 'r'
+ disp('--> restarting animation');
+ end
+ case 'uparrow'
+ fprintf('--> speed set to %3.3f x real time\n',SPEED);
+ end
+ case 'downarrow'
+ fprintf('--> speed set to %3.3f x real time\n',SPEED);
+ end
+ case 'rightarrow'
+ timeSkip = 5*SPEED*dtReal;
+ SIM_TIME = SIM_TIME + timeSkip;
+ fprintf('--> skipping forward by %3.3f seconds\n',timeSkip);
+ end
+ case 'leftarrow'
+ timeSkip = 5*SPEED*dtReal;
+ SIM_TIME = SIM_TIME - timeSkip;
+ fprintf('--> skipping backward by %3.3f seconds\n',timeSkip);
+ end
+ case 'escape'
+ QUIT = true;
+ disp('--> animation aborted');
+ end
+ otherwise
+ end
+ end
+end %animate.m
diff --git a/plotting/animateMultiRobotExp.m b/plotting/animateMultiRobotExp.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e25939b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/animateMultiRobotExp.m
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+function animateMultiRobotExp(t, x, base, manipObject, P)
+% Animate is used to animate a system with state x at the times in t.
+% t = [1xM] vector of times, Must be monotonic: t(k) < t(k+1)
+% x = [NxM] matrix of states, corresponding to times in t
+% P = animation parameter struct, with fields:
+% .plotFunc = @(t,x) = function handle to create a plot
+% t = a scalar time
+% x = [Nx1] state vector
+% .speed = scalar multiple of time, for playback speed
+% .figNum = (optional) figure number for plotting. Default = 1000.
+% .verbose = set to false to prevent printing details. Default = true;
+% Animation based on data in t and x.
+% Keyboard commands during simulation:
+% 'space' - toggle pause
+% 'r' - reset animation
+% 'uparrow' - go faster
+% 'downarrow' - go slower
+% 'rightarrow' - jump forward by 5 frames
+% 'leftarrow' - jump backward by 5 frames
+% 'esc' - quit animation
+if ~isfield(P,'figNum')
+ P.figNum=1000; %Default to figure 1000
+if ~isfield(P,'verbose')
+ P.verbose = true;
+if ~isfield(P,'frameRate')
+ P.targetFrameRate = 10;
+% Animation call-back variables:
+IS_PAUSED = false;
+VERBOSE = P.verbose;
+SPEED = P.speed;
+QUIT = false;
+START_TIME = t(1);
+% Set up the figure, and attach keyboard events.
+fig = figure(P.figNum); clf(fig);
+fig.Position = [400 400 1080 1080];
+tic; %Start a timer
+timeBuffer(1:3) = toc;
+myVideo = VideoWriter('myVideoFile','Motion JPEG AVI'); %open video file
+myVideo.FrameRate = 10; %can adjust this, 5 - 10 works well for me
+% open(myVideo)
+filename = P.filename;
+init = 0;
+n_robots = numel(x);
+xNow = cell(1,2);
+xBaseNow = cell(1,2);
+while SIM_TIME < t(end);
+ init = init + 1;
+ clf(fig)
+ %Interpolate to get the new point:
+ for i = 1:n_robots
+ xNow{i} = interp1(t',x{i}',SIM_TIME,'linear','extrap')';
+ if (size(base{i},2) == 1)
+ xBaseNow{i} = base{i};
+ else
+ xBaseNow{i} = interp1(t',base{i}',SIM_TIME,'linear','extrap')';
+ end
+ end
+ % manipulation object
+ objectNow = interp1(t',manipObject',SIM_TIME,'linear','extrap')';
+ %Call the plot command
+ feval(P.plotFunc,SIM_TIME,xNow,xBaseNow,objectNow);
+ drawnow;
+ pause(0.005);
+ %Set up targets for timing
+ dtReal = 0.2*(timeBuffer(1) - timeBuffer(3));
+ dtSim = 0;
+ else
+ dtSim = SPEED*dtReal;
+ end
+ SIM_TIME = SIM_TIME + dtSim;
+ %Record the frame rate:
+ timeBuffer(3) = timeBuffer(2);
+ timeBuffer(2) = timeBuffer(1);
+ timeBuffer(1) = toc;
+ frame = getframe(gcf); %get frame
+ im = frame2im(frame);
+ [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256);
+ if (init == 1)
+ imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif', 'Loopcount',inf);
+ else
+ imwrite(imind,cm,filename,'gif','DelayTime',0, 'WriteMode','append');
+ end
+% writeVideo(myVideo, frame);
+ % Check exit conditions:
+ if QUIT
+ break
+ end
+% close(myVideo)
+% Graphics call-back functions %
+ function keyDownListener(~,event)
+ switch event.Key
+ case 'space'
+ fprintf('--> animation paused...');
+ else
+ fprintf(' resumed! \n');
+ end
+ end
+ case 'r'
+ disp('--> restarting animation');
+ end
+ case 'uparrow'
+ fprintf('--> speed set to %3.3f x real time\n',SPEED);
+ end
+ case 'downarrow'
+ fprintf('--> speed set to %3.3f x real time\n',SPEED);
+ end
+ case 'rightarrow'
+ timeSkip = 5*SPEED*dtReal;
+ SIM_TIME = SIM_TIME + timeSkip;
+ fprintf('--> skipping forward by %3.3f seconds\n',timeSkip);
+ end
+ case 'leftarrow'
+ timeSkip = 5*SPEED*dtReal;
+ SIM_TIME = SIM_TIME - timeSkip;
+ fprintf('--> skipping backward by %3.3f seconds\n',timeSkip);
+ end
+ case 'escape'
+ QUIT = true;
+ disp('--> animation aborted');
+ end
+ otherwise
+ end
+ end
+end %animate.m
diff --git a/plotting/animateRobot2D.m b/plotting/animateRobot2D.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6881f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/animateRobot2D.m
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+function animateRobot2D(x, q, param)
+ %% animation
+ n = 3;
+ W = [0 0 0;0 0 0;1 1 1];
+ param.W = W;
+ param.L = reshape(x(1:6), [], 3)';
+ param.L = [param.L zeros(3,1)];
+ param.L = param.L';
+ Base = eye(4);
+ param.Base = Base;
+ h = 0;
+ S = [];
+ for i = 1:n
+ Si = ScrewToAxis(param.L(:,i), param.W(:,i), h);
+ S = [S Si];
+ end
+ param.Slist = S;
+ param.M = [1 0 0 x(7);0 1 0 x(8);0 0 1 0;0 0 0 1];
+ param.ndofs = n;
+ param.view = 2;
+ draw2DRobot(q, param)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/animateRobotBase2D.m b/plotting/animateRobotBase2D.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9323b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/animateRobotBase2D.m
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+function animateRobotBase2D(q, base, Td, prob, heatMap, param)
+ %% animation
+ draw2DBaseRobot(q, base, Td, prob, heatMap, param)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/animateRobotRedundant2D.m b/plotting/animateRobotRedundant2D.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1dd1f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/animateRobotRedundant2D.m
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+function animateRobotRedundant2D(q, Td, prob, param)
+ %% animation
+ Base = eye(4);
+ Base(3,4) = 0;
+ param.Base = Base;
+ draw2DRobot(q, Td, prob, param)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/draw2DBaseRobot.m b/plotting/draw2DBaseRobot.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df0138e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/draw2DBaseRobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function draw2DBaseRobot(q, base, Td, prob, heatMap, param)
+param.view = 2;
+t = linspace(0,100,size(q,2));
+Anim.speed = 5.25;
+Anim.plotFunc = @(t,q, b)( drawExpBaseRobot(q, b, param) );
+Anim.verbose = true;
+Anim.filename = 'robot2DBaseRedundant.gif';
+animateBaseExp(t, q, base, param, Td, prob, heatMap, Anim);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/draw2DRobot.m b/plotting/draw2DRobot.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9698aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/draw2DRobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function draw2DRobot(q, param)
+t = linspace(0,100,size(q,2));
+Anim.speed = 5.25;
+Anim.plotFunc = @(t,q)( drawExpRobot(q, param) );
+Anim.verbose = true;
+Anim.filename = 'robot2DRedundant.gif';
+animateExp(t, q, param, Anim);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/draw7DofRobot.m b/plotting/draw7DofRobot.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44cf3af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/draw7DofRobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+function draw7DofRobot(q, Bases, W, L)
+close all;
+n = 7;
+W = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0;1 0 1 0 1 0 1];
+L = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0 0;0.3600 0.3600 0.3600 0.7800 0.7800 1.1800 1.4210];
+h = 0;
+S = [];
+for i = 1:n
+ Si = ScrewToAxis(L(:,i), W(:,i), h);
+ S = [S Si];
+b2 = eye(4);
+b2(2,4) = -0.3; b2(1,4) = 0.1;
+Base = eye(4);
+param.Base = Base;
+param.W = W;
+param.L = L;
+param.Slist = S;
+param.M = [1 0 0 0;0 1 0 0;0 0 1 1.421;0 0 0 1];
+param.view = 3;
+param.qmin = (2/3)*[-pi -pi -pi -pi -pi -pi -pi]';
+param.qmax = (2/3)*[pi pi pi pi pi pi pi]';
+% drawExpRobot(4*rand(7,1)-2, param)
+n = size(W,2);
+nData = 100;
+t = linspace(0,10,nData);
+q0 = 2*rand(7,1)-1;
+T0 = FKinSpace(param.M, param.Slist, q0);
+Tn = eye(4);
+Tn(1,4) = 0.1;
+Tn(2,4) = 0.05;
+Tn(3,4) = 0.9;
+cartTraj = CartesianTrajectory(T0, Tn , 10, nData, 3);
+q = [];
+fk_updated = zeros(3, nData);
+fk_actual = zeros(3, nData);
+for i = 1:nData
+ q_ = IKinSpace3D(param.Slist, param.M, cartTraj{i}, q0, 0.01, 0.01, param);
+ % q_ = projectJointSpace(q_, param);
+ fk_ = FKinSpace(param.M, param.Slist, q_);
+ fk_actual(:,i) = cartTraj{i}(1:3,4);
+ fk_updated(:,i) = fk_(1:3,4);
+ q = [q q_];
+Anim.filename = '7dof.gif';
+Anim.speed = 2;
+Anim.plotFunc = @(t,q)( drawExpRobot(q,param) );
+Anim.verbose = true;
+hold on
+plot3(fk_updated(1,:), fk_updated(2,:), fk_updated(3,:), 'r*')
+plot3(fk_actual(1,:), fk_actual(2,:), fk_actual(3,:), 'k*')
+for i = 1:7
+ plot(q(i,:))
+ hold on
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/drawDualRobot.m b/plotting/drawDualRobot.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91ee6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/drawDualRobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+function drawDualRobot(q, Bases)
+ close all;
+ n = 7;
+ param = KUKA_Model();
+ nData = 100;
+ t = linspace(0,10,nData);
+ q0 = 2*rand(7,1)-1;
+ T0 = FKinSpace(param.M, param.Slist, q0);
+ Tn = eye(4);
+ Tn(1,4) = 0.1;
+ Tn(2,4) = 0.05;
+ Tn(3,4) = 0.9;
+ cartTraj = CartesianTrajectory(T0, Tn , 10, nData, 3);
+ q = [];
+ fk_updated = zeros(3, nData);
+ fk_actual = zeros(3, nData);
+ for i = 1:nData
+ q_ = IKinSpace3D(param.Slist, param.M, cartTraj{i}, q0, 0.01, 0.01, param);
+ % q_ = projectJointSpace(q_, param);
+ fk_ = FKinSpace(param.M, param.Slist, q_);
+ fk_actual(:,i) = cartTraj{i}(1:3,4);
+ fk_updated(:,i) = fk_(1:3,4);
+ q = [q q_];
+ end
+ qDual = {q,q};
+ T1 = eye(4); T2 = eye(4);
+ T1(1,4) = 0.4;
+ T2(1,4) = -0.4;
+ baseDual = {T1, T2};
+ paramDual = {param, param};
+ Anim.filename = 'dual_dof.gif';
+ Anim.speed = 2;
+ Anim.plotFunc = @(t,q)( drawMultiRobots(qDual,baseDual, paramDual) );
+ Anim.verbose = true;
+ animateExp(t,q,Anim);
+ hold on
+ plot3(fk_updated(1,:), fk_updated(2,:), fk_updated(3,:), 'r*')
+ plot3(fk_actual(1,:), fk_actual(2,:), fk_actual(3,:), 'k*')
+ figure(2)
+ for i = 1:7
+ plot(q(i,:))
+ hold on
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/drawDualRobot2D.m b/plotting/drawDualRobot2D.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b30238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/drawDualRobot2D.m
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+function drawDualRobot2D()
+ close all;
+ n = 5;
+ param = Planer5DOF();
+ object.position = [-0.4;1.5];
+ object.orientation = 0;
+ [t, qDual, base, objectTrajectory] = dualRobotManipulationTrajectory(object);
+ baseDual = {zeros(6,1), zeros(6,1)};
+ baseDual{1}(1) = -0.4;
+ baseDual{2}(1) = 0.4;
+ baseDual{1}(4:6) = rotm2eul(base{1}(1:3,1:3));
+ baseDual{2}(4:6) = rotm2eul(base{2}(1:3,1:3));
+ param.view = 2;
+ paramDual = {param, param, object};
+ Anim.filename = 'dual_dof.gif';
+ Anim.speed = 2;
+ Anim.plotFunc = @(t,q,base,object)( drawMultiRobots(q, base, object, paramDual) );
+ Anim.verbose = true;
+ animateMultiRobotExp(t,qDual,baseDual,objectTrajectory,Anim);
+ % hold on
+ % plot3(fk_updated(1,:), fk_updated(2,:), fk_updated(3,:), 'r*')
+ % plot3(fk_actual(1,:), fk_actual(2,:), fk_actual(3,:), 'k*')
+ %
+ % figure(2)
+ % for i = 1:5
+ % plot(q(i,:))
+ % hold on
+ % end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/drawExpBaseRobot.m b/plotting/drawExpBaseRobot.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e442655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/drawExpBaseRobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+function drawExpBaseRobot(q, base, p)
+W = p.W;
+L = p.L;
+Base = eye(4);
+Base(1:3, 1:3) = eul2rotm(base(4:6)');
+Base(1:3, 4) = base(1:3);
+nDoF = size(W,2);
+% Colors:
+colorGround = [118,62,12]/255;
+colorStance = [200,60,60]/255;
+colorAxis = [0,0,0]/255;
+% Set up the figure
+hold off;
+% xBnd = [-1,1] * 2.0;
+% yBnd = [-1,1] * 2.0;
+% zBnd = [-1,1] * 2.0;
+xBnd = [-1,1] * 2.5;
+yBnd = [-1,1] * 2.5;
+zBnd = [-0.5,1] * 2.4;
+% Plot the ground:
+% plot(xBnd,[0,0],'LineWidth',6,'Color',colorGround);
+hold on;
+T0 = Base;
+x0 = T0(1:3,4);
+w0 = [0 0 1]';
+L = [L;ones(1,nDoF)];
+L = T0 * L;
+L = L(1:3, :);
+xE = L(:,1);
+plot3(T0(1,4), T0(2,4), T0(3,4),'b.','MarkerSize',100);
+% Plot the base
+A1 = x0;
+A2 = x0 - w0*0.1;
+plot3([A1(1) A2(1)], [A1(2) A2(2)], [A1(3) A2(3)], 'LineWidth',15,'Color',colorGround)
+axang = [w0' q(1)];
+rotm = axang2rotm(axang);
+rotmAxis = eye(3);
+% Plot the links:
+plot3([x0(1) xE(1)], [x0(2) xE(2)], [x0(3) xE(3)],'LineWidth',6,'Color',colorStance);
+x0 = xE;
+for i = 2:nDoF
+ w = W(:,i-1);
+ axang = [w' q(i-1)];
+ rotm = axang2rotm(axang);
+ rotmAxis = rotmAxis * rotm;
+ l = rotmAxis * (L(:,i)-L(:,i-1));
+ xE = x0 + l;
+ % xC = x0 + l/2;
+ % plot3(xC(1), xC(2), xC(3),'k.','MarkerSize',30);
+ % Plot the links:
+ plot3([x0(1) xE(1)], [x0(2) xE(2)], [x0(3) xE(3)],'LineWidth',10,'Color',colorStance);
+ % Format the axis:
+ axis([xBnd,yBnd,zBnd]);
+ % axis equal;
+ % axis off;
+ % Plot the joints:
+ plot3([x0(1) xE(1)], [x0(2) xE(2)], [x0(3) xE(3)],'k.','MarkerSize',60);
+ % Plot the joint axis
+ A1 = x0 + rotmAxis*w*0.1;
+ A2 = x0 - rotmAxis*w*0.1;
+ plot3([A1(1) A2(1)], [A1(2) A2(2)], [A1(3) A2(3)], 'LineWidth',3,'Color',colorAxis)
+ % update the parameters
+ x0 = xE;
+ % plot the manipulability ellipsoid
+ J = JacobianSpace(p.Slist, q);
+ fk = FKinSpace(p.M, p.Slist, q);
+ w = W(:,end);
+ axang = [w' q(end)];
+ rotm = axang2rotm(axang);
+ rotmAxis = rotmAxis * rotm;
+ % Plot the joint axis
+ A1 = x0 + rotmAxis*w*0.1;
+ A2 = x0 - rotmAxis*w*0.1;
+ plot3([A1(1) A2(1)], [A1(2) A2(2)], [A1(3) A2(3)], 'LineWidth',3,'Color',colorAxis)
+ % plot the tool length
+ l = rotmAxis * (T0(1:3,1:3)*p.M(1:3,4)+T0(1:3,4)-L(:,end));
+ xE = x0 + l;
+ % Plot the links:
+ plot3([x0(1) xE(1)], [x0(2) xE(2)], [x0(3) xE(3)],'LineWidth',10,'Color',colorStance);
+ plot3([x0(1) xE(1)], [x0(2) xE(2)], [x0(3) xE(3)],'k.','MarkerSize',40);
+ plot3([xE(1)], [xE(2)], [xE(3)],'s','MarkerSize',15, ...
+ 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 .6 .6]);
+ fk = FKinSpace(p.M, p.Slist, q);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/drawExpRobot.m b/plotting/drawExpRobot.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be051a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/drawExpRobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+function drawExpRobot(q, p)
+% drawRobot(q,p)
+% This function draws the robot with configuration q and parameters p
+% q = [5, 1] = column vector of a single robot configuration
+% p = parameter struct
+% close all
+W = p.W;
+L = p.L;
+Base = p.Base;
+Base(3,4) = 0;
+nDoF = p.ndofs;
+% Colors:
+colorGround = [118,62,12]/255;
+colorStance = [200,60,60]/255;
+colorAxis = [0,0,0]/255;
+% Set up the figure
+% hold off;
+% xBnd = [-1,1] * 2.0;
+% yBnd = [-1,1] * 2.0;
+% zBnd = [-1,1] * 2.0;
+xBnd = [-1,1] * 2.5;
+yBnd = [-1,1] * 2.5;
+zBnd = [0,1] * 2;
+% Plot the ground:
+% plot(xBnd,[0,0],'LineWidth',6,'Color',colorGround);
+hold on;
+T0 = Base;
+x0 = T0(1:3,4);
+w0 = [0 0 1]';
+L = [L;ones(1,nDoF)];
+L = Base * L;
+L = L(1:3, :);
+xE = L(:,1);
+plot3(0, 0, 0,'b.','MarkerSize',40);
+% Plot the base
+A1 = x0;
+A2 = x0 - w0*0.1;
+plot3([A1(1) A2(1)], [A1(2) A2(2)], [A1(3) A2(3)], 'LineWidth',8,'Color',colorGround)
+axang = [w0' q(1)];
+rotm = axang2rotm(axang);
+rotmAxis = eye(3);
+% Plot the links:
+plot3([x0(1) xE(1)], [x0(2) xE(2)], [x0(3) xE(3)],'LineWidth',6,'Color',colorStance);
+x0 = xE;
+for i = 2:nDoF
+ w = W(:,i-1);
+ axang = [w' q(i-1)];
+ rotm = axang2rotm(axang);
+ rotmAxis = rotmAxis * rotm;
+ l = rotmAxis * (L(:,i)-L(:,i-1));
+ xE = x0 + l;
+ % xC = x0 + l/2;
+ % plot3(xC(1), xC(2), xC(3),'k.','MarkerSize',30);
+ % Plot the links:
+ plot3([x0(1) xE(1)], [x0(2) xE(2)], [x0(3) xE(3)],'LineWidth',10,'Color',colorStance);
+ % Format the axis:
+ axis([xBnd,yBnd,zBnd]);
+ % axis equal;
+ % axis off;
+ % Plot the joints:
+ plot3([x0(1) xE(1)], [x0(2) xE(2)], [x0(3) xE(3)],'k.','MarkerSize',60);
+ % Plot the joint axis
+ A1 = x0 + rotmAxis*w*0.1;
+ A2 = x0 - rotmAxis*w*0.1;
+ plot3([A1(1) A2(1)], [A1(2) A2(2)], [A1(3) A2(3)], 'LineWidth',3,'Color',colorAxis)
+ % update the parameters
+ x0 = xE;
+ % plot the manipulability ellipsoid
+ J = JacobianSpace(p.Slist, q);
+ fk = FKinSpace(p.M, p.Slist, q);
+ w = W(:,end);
+ axang = [w' q(end)];
+ rotm = axang2rotm(axang);
+ rotmAxis = rotmAxis * rotm;
+ % Plot the joint axis
+ A1 = x0 + rotmAxis*w*0.1;
+ A2 = x0 - rotmAxis*w*0.1;
+ plot3([A1(1) A2(1)], [A1(2) A2(2)], [A1(3) A2(3)], 'LineWidth',3,'Color',colorAxis)
+ % plot the tool length
+ l = rotmAxis * (p.M(1:3,4)-L(:,end));
+ xE = x0 + l;
+ xE(3) = xE(3);
+ % Plot the links:
+ plot3([x0(1) xE(1)], [x0(2) xE(2)], [x0(3) xE(3)],'LineWidth',10,'Color',colorStance);
+ plot3([x0(1) xE(1)], [x0(2) xE(2)], [x0(3) xE(3)],'k.','MarkerSize',40);
+ plot3([xE(1)], [xE(2)], [xE(3)],'s','MarkerSize',15, ...
+ 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 .6 .6]);
+ fk = FKinSpace(p.M, p.Slist, q);
+ % plot the trajectory
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/drawManipulationObject.m b/plotting/drawManipulationObject.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6a6329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/drawManipulationObject.m
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+function drawManipulationObject(p)
+% drawRobot(q,p)
+% This function draws the robot with configuration q and parameters p
+% q = [5, 1] = column vector of a single robot configuration
+% p = parameter struct
+position = p(1:2);
+orientation = p(3);
+scale = 0.2;
+xHR = [-0.5 0.5 0.5 -0.5]/10 + scale;
+yHR = [0.5 0.5 -0.5 -0.5]/10;
+xHL = [-0.5 0.5 0.5 -0.5]/10 - scale;
+yHL = [0.5 0.5 -0.5 -0.5]/10;
+t = linspace(0,2*pi,50);
+xy = scale * [cos(t);sin(t)];
+R = rotz(orientation);
+xy = R(1:2,1:2) * xy + position;
+x = xy(1,:);
+y = xy(2,:);
+z = zeros(1,numel(t));
+xyHR = R(1:2,1:2) * [xHR;yHR] + position;
+xyHL = R(1:2,1:2) * [xHL;yHL] + position;
+% Colors:
+colorGround = [0,0,0]/255;
+xBnd = [-1,1] * 1.4;
+yBnd = [-0.25,1] * 2.5;
+zBnd = [-0.0,1] * 2.4;
+%% Plot the links:
+plot3(x, y,z,'LineWidth',6,'Color',colorGround);
+ax = gca;
+hold on
+% axis equal
+% axis off
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/drawMultiRobots.m b/plotting/drawMultiRobots.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c3d6c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/drawMultiRobots.m
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+function drawMultiRobots(q, base, manipulationObject, p)
+ n_robots = numel(q);
+ for i = 1:n_robots
+ drawExpBaseRobot(q{i},base{i},p{i})
+ end
+ drawManipulationObject(manipulationObject)
+ xHR = [-0.5 0.5 0.5 -0.5];
+ yHR = [0.25 0.25 -0.25 -0.25];
+ ax = gca;
+ patch(ax,xHR,yHR,'black')
+ axis off
diff --git a/plotting/kukaTestTrajectories.gif b/plotting/kukaTestTrajectories.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f3974f
Binary files /dev/null and b/plotting/kukaTestTrajectories.gif differ
diff --git a/plotting/main_2Drobot.m b/plotting/main_2Drobot.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e200af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/main_2Drobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+% robot definition
+xvec = [0. 0. 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.5 0];
+qStore = [0 0 0; pi/3 pi/4 0]';
+animateRobot2D(xvec, qStore, param)
diff --git a/plotting/main_3Drobot.m b/plotting/main_3Drobot.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..810ea90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/main_3Drobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% robot definition
+params = kukar820_model();
+qStore = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0; pi/3 pi/4 0 pi/6 0 pi/4 0]';
+t = linspace(0,10, size(qStore,2));
+Anim.filename = 'kukaTestTrajectories.gif';
+Anim.speed = 2;
+Anim.plotFunc = @(t,q)(drawExpRobot(q,params) );
+Anim.verbose = true;
+animateExp(t, qStore, params, Anim);
diff --git a/plotting/robot2DRedundant.gif b/plotting/robot2DRedundant.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52d001f
Binary files /dev/null and b/plotting/robot2DRedundant.gif differ
diff --git a/plotting/robotEXP.m b/plotting/robotEXP.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2241c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/robotEXP.m
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+function [M, Slist, W, L] = robotEXP(x)
+ %% manipulator twists
+ ndofs = numel(x)/2 - 1;
+ h = 0;
+ W = [];
+ Slist = [];
+ L = [];
+ for i = 1:ndofs
+ wi = [0;0;1]; qi = [x(2*i-1);x(2*i);0];
+ W = [W wi];
+ L = [L qi];
+ Si = ScrewToAxis(qi,wi, h);
+ Slist = [Slist Si];
+ end
+ M = eye(4);
+ M(1,4) = x(end-1);
+ M(2,4) = x(end);
diff --git a/plotting/robots/Planer3DOF.m b/plotting/robots/Planer3DOF.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ba4d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/robots/Planer3DOF.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+function param = Planer3DOF()
+ xvec = [0. 0. 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.5 0];
+ % robot definition
+ [M, Slist, W, L] = robotEXP(xvec);
+ param.M = M;
+ param.Slist = Slist;
+ param.W = W;
+ param.L = L;
+ param.Base = eye(4);
+ param.qmin = 1.5*[-(1/6)*pi -pi/2 -pi/2]';
+ param.qmax = 1.5*[(1/6)*pi pi/2 pi/2]';
+ param.ndofs = 3;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/robots/Planer5DOF.m b/plotting/robots/Planer5DOF.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48e7798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/robots/Planer5DOF.m
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+function param = Planer5DOF()
+ xvec = [0. 0. 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.5 0 2 0 2.5 0];
+ % robot definition
+ [M, Slist, W, L] = robotEXP(xvec);
+ param.M = M;
+ param.Slist = Slist;
+ param.W = W;
+ param.L = L;
+ param.ndofs = 5;
+ param.Base = eye(4);
+ param.qmin = 1.5*[-(1/6)*pi -pi/2 -pi/2 -pi/2 -pi/2]';
+ param.qmax = 1.5*[(1/6)*pi pi/2 pi/2 pi/2 pi/2]';
+ param.ndofs = 5;
+ param.view = 2;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/robots/Spatial7DOF.m b/plotting/robots/Spatial7DOF.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e38cad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/robots/Spatial7DOF.m
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+function param = Spatial7DOF()
+ W = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0;1 0 1 0 1 0 1];
+ L = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 0 0 0;0.3600 0.3600 0.3600 0.7800 0.7800 1.1800 1.4210];
+ h = 0;
+ S = [];
+ for i = 1:7
+ Si = ScrewToAxis(L(:,i), W(:,i), h);
+ S = [S Si];
+ end
+ Base = eye(4);
+ param.Base = Base;
+ param.W = W;
+ param.L = L;
+ param.Slist = S;
+ param.M = [1 0 0 0;0 1 0 0;0 0 1 1.421;0 0 0 1];
+ param.view = 3;
+ param.qmin = [-(3.9/4)*pi -(3/4)*pi -(3.9/4)*pi -(3/4)*pi -(3.9/4)*pi -(3/4)*pi -(3.9/4)*pi]';
+ param.qmax = [(3.9/4)*pi (3/4)*pi (3.9/4)*pi (3/4)*pi (3.9/4)*pi (3/4)*pi (3.9/4)*pi]';
+ param.ndofs = 7;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/robots/YUMI_Model.m b/plotting/robots/YUMI_Model.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df7e8bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/robots/YUMI_Model.m
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+function param = YUMI_Model()
+ n = 7;
+ W = [0 0 0 0 1 0 1; ...
+ 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0; ...
+ 1 0 1 0 0 0 0];
+ L = [0 0 0 40.5 40.5 305.5 341.5;...
+ 0 -30 0 0 0 0 0;...
+ 0 166 166 417.5 458 431 458]/1000;
+ h = 0;
+ S = [];
+ for i = 1:n
+ Si = ScrewToAxis(L(:,i), W(:,i), h);
+ S = [S Si];
+ end
+ Base = eye(4);
+ param.Base = Base;
+ param.W = W;
+ param.L = L;
+ param.Slist = S;
+ param.M = [0 0 1 341.5/1000;...
+ 0 1 0 0;...
+ -1 0 0 458/1000;...
+ 0 0 0 1];
+ param.view = 3;
+ param.qmin = deg2rad([-168.5 -143.5 -123.5 -290 -88 -229 -168.5]');
+ param.qmax = deg2rad([168.5 43.5 80 290 138 229 168.5]');
+ param.ndofs = 7;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotting/robots/kukar820_model.m b/plotting/robots/kukar820_model.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecad6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plotting/robots/kukar820_model.m
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+function param = kukar820_model()
+ n = 7;
+ W = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0; ...
+ 0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0; ...
+ 1 0 1 0 1 0 1];
+ L = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0;...
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;...
+ 0.3600 0.3600 0.3600 0.7800 0.7800 1.1800 1.4210];
+ h = 0;
+ S = [];
+ for i = 1:n
+ Si = ScrewToAxis(L(:,i), W(:,i), h);
+ S = [S Si];
+ end
+ b2 = eye(4);
+ b2(2,4) = -0.3; b2(1,4) = 0.1;
+ Base = eye(4);
+ param.Base = Base;
+ param.W = W;
+ param.L = L;
+ param.Slist = S;
+ param.M = [1 0 0 0;0 1 0 0;0 0 1 1.421;0 0 0 1];
+ param.view = 3;
+ param.qmin = (3/4)*[-pi -pi -pi -pi -pi -pi -pi]';
+ param.qmax = (3/4)*[pi pi pi pi pi pi pi]';
+ param.ndofs = 7;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/robot2DRedundant.gif b/robot2DRedundant.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5ea0b3
Binary files /dev/null and b/robot2DRedundant.gif differ