Refined Redstone mod for Minecraft
Once a version will be released as jar-file, you will be able to find all releases here
- Download the Repository
- Open the folder and run
gradlew genIntellijRuns
for IntelliJgradlew genEclipseRuns
for Eclipse- This should download and load all required files and configure the Project for your IDE
- If you should not be able to run the Project (which would open a new Minecraft windows with Forge and the mod installed), you might need to restart your Editor
To export the mod as a JAR you need to run gradlew build
in the root folder of the project.
The .jar can be found in /build/libs
- Expand the possible connections for refined redstone
- Requires a TileEntity "with a dynamic model" and `IModelData (According to @gigaherz on Discord)
- Implement the following blocks:
- Diode
- Filter
- Adder, Subtractor, etc
- Gates
- Variable power source
- AR Helmet that shows all kind of Data about Redstone circuits