Changes for UD v2.8
- Fixed validation issues with lang-spec relations and features.
- Commas are now dependent on the head of the element (subordinate clause, appos) that they introduce.
- DEPREL of det:def changed to det + Definite=Def added to FEATS
- Hyphens that follow compound:affix depend on the affix rather than the compound head (בין-משרדית).
- Attribute HebSource moved from FEATS to MISC; same for undocumented Xtra=Junk.
- HebExistential changed from True to Yes as with other boolean features in UD.
- fix instances where the case's form was different from the lemma, e.g. להם --> להם + הם instead of להם --> ל_ + הם
- Whereas the present tense existential markers were marked as HebExistential=True in the FEATS column (יש בו נגיעה לענייני החוק), past and future inflected instances were marked as VerbType=Cop (לא היה איש בדירתו)
- Whenever a verb is both marked as VerbType=cop, it is the head of its clause and it is followed by its subject, we changed the VerbType=Cop feature into HebExistential=True.
- change (CCONJ X advmod) to (ADV X advmod)
- For cases of אותו, אותה, אותן etc. in the sense of "the same", replace Case=Acc with Definite=Def and add אותו as lemma.
- change לראותם into לראות את הם --> modified in Victoria's code.
- change fixed to advmod where internal structure makes the 'fixed' token come before its head.
- Change iobj --> obl for DEPREL
- Change acl:inf --> acl for DEPREL
- Change det:quant --> det for DEPREL
- Change PART --> ADP for UPOSTAG and XPOSTAG
- Some occurrences of ze / zo are labeled as amod/PRON and we think they shouldn't. Such are the determiners that appear after the nominal.Change amod --> det when POS tag is PRON for UPOSTAG and XPOSTAG
- Replacing the feature prefix=yes with the relation compound:affix
- changing past/future copulars from aux to cop and their POS to AUX.
- Replacing hebrew specific labels with global ones for non-specific phenomena:
- Change conj:discourse --> parataxis for DEPREL
- Change obl:tmod --> advmod when POS tag is ADV for UPOSTAG and XPOSTAG
- Change advmod:inf --> acl for DEPREL
- Change aux:q --> mark:q for DEPREL
- Change advmod:phrase --> advmod for DEPREL
- advmod phrase --> fixed
- wherever the POS tag is INTJ, the label was changed from advmod to discourse
- Change predicative complemets from advcl to and advmod xcomp
- change dep to advmod when head is advmod:phrase
- making modal items as aux (and respectively dependent) and passing their label to their (former) predicate dependent.