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+ OpenTechSchool
+ Automated Testing - What
+ - write programs that test your programs
+ - no really, it makes sense (sometimes)
+ Automated Testing - Why
+ - everyone writes bugs
+ - manual testing becomes unfeasible quickly
+ - having good tests helps when making changes
+ Different Kinds of Automated Tests
+ - unit testing
+ - integration testing
+ - system testing
+ - acceptance testing
+ - very focused tests for a small unit of code
+ - usually a function or a class
+ - most languages have libraries for writing them
+ Structure of a Unit Test
+ - arrange
+ - act
+ - assert
+def add(a, b):
+ return a + b
+def test_add():
+ expected = 3 # arrange
+ result = add(1, 2) # act
+ assert result == expected # assert
+ Test-Driven Development (TDD)
+ - write the test before you write the code
+ - write only the code required to make the test pass
+ - refactor after each passing test (optional today)
+ Practising TDD with Code Katas
+ - kata: Japanese for form/pattern
+ - karate students repeat the same kata over and over to perfect their technique
+ - usually time-boxed to 15, 30, 60 minutes
+ - the point is to practise, not to solve the problem
+ - do not try to finish it
+ - when the time is up, delete your code and start over
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