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58 lines (48 loc) · 2.83 KB

File metadata and controls

58 lines (48 loc) · 2.83 KB


The code files for chapter 8 of B18275 have been added on a separate repository of its own.

DevOps for Go Tweeter

The tweeter command line tool will send a tweet via Twitter.


You can use tweeter to send a tweet or to output the message to STDOUT. If you want to send a tweet, you will need to set up a Twitter application.

Setup With a Twitter Application

To send a tweet, you will need to create or use an existing Twitter account, create a Twitter application, and generate API credentials. All of this can be done through the Twitter Developer Portal.

Setup Without a Twitter Application

Some people may not want to set up a Twitter account. If you would like to use tweeter without sending tweets, use the --dry-run argument. This will cause the tool to write the message to STDOUT rather than sending the message to Twitter.


  • --message Required the tweet message you would like to send
  • --apiKey the API key under Consumer Keys in the Twitter developer portal
  • --apiKeySecret the API key secret under Consumer Keys in the Twitter developer portal
  • --accessToken the access token under Authentication Tokens in the Twitter developer portal
  • --accessTokenSecret the access token secret under Authentications Tokens in the Twitter developer portal
  • --dryRun will skip authentication validation and sending the message to Twitter


$ go test ./...
?	[no test files]
ok	0.002s

Run Help

To see the command line arguments and descriptions, display the help.

$ go run . -h
Usage of /tmp/go-build3731631588/b001/exe/github-actions:
      --accessToken string         twitter access token
      --accessTokenSecret string   twitter access token secret
      --apiKey string              twitter api key
      --apiKeySecret string        twitter api key secret
      --dryRun                     if true, then a tweet will not be sent
      --message string             message you'd like to send to twitter
pflag: help requested
exit status 2

Run Without Sending a Tweet

The --dryRun argument will skip validation of the authentication arguments and output the message to STDOUT.

$ go run . --dryRun --message foo

Run Sending a Tweet

Without --dryRun specified, tweeter will send the --messsage argument as a Tweet.

$ go run . --message foo --apiKey 123 --apiKeySecret secret --accessToken token --accessTokenSecret secret