We'd love for you to contribute to our source code and to make Momentum UI React even better than it is today! Below are the guidelines to follow.
- Questions, Issues or Ideas
- Requirements
- Development Environment
- Running the project locally
- Adding a new component
- Testing
- Code Guidelines
- Commit Guidelines
- Submitting a Code Review
- Run the start script which will build and watch the library, then serve it at localhost:4400
yarn start:react
from the root (momentum-ui) directoryyarn start
from the react (momentum-ui/react) directory
- You can access the playground
- cd into the react directory:
cd react/
- For a new component, create a directory in the "src/lib/" directory:
- Add a component file for your component:
- Add a "tests" directory and file for the snapshot tests:
- Add an "examples" directory and file for the documentation:
└── src
└── lib
└── <Component> # component directory
├── index.js # component file
├── examples # examples directory
| └── <Component>Default.js # default example component
└── tests # tests directory
├── index.spec.js # component unit test
└── __snapshots__ # snapshots directory (will be generated Jest)
└── index.spec.js.snap # snapshots file (will be generated by Jest)
All UI components of momentum-ui-react
are unit-tested using two approaches:
- Jest (Typically for snapshot testing)
- Jest is a JavaScript test runner maintained and recommended by Facebook. Jest is a batteries included unit testing framework and few of its benefits includes
being fast
,feature rich
, andintegrates perfectly with Babel
. Jest providePainless JavaScript Testing
. - Snapshot tests are a very useful tool whenever you want to make sure your UI does not change unexpectedly.
- A typical snapshot test case for a web app renders a UI component, takes a screenshot, then compares it to a reference image stored alongside the test. The test will fail if the two images do not match: either the change is unexpected, or the screenshot needs to be updated to the new version of the UI component.
- Snapshot testing covers most cases of Unit testing.
- Jest is a JavaScript test runner maintained and recommended by Facebook. Jest is a batteries included unit testing framework and few of its benefits includes
- Enzyme (Typically for Functional/DOM testing)
- Enzyme's API is meant to be intuitive and flexible by mimicking jQuery's API for DOM manipulation and traversal.
- Enzyme works well for functionality testing with shallow rendering of components.
- It features jQuery like API for quick DOM traversal.
- Use it when a runtime feature is to be tested that cannot be covered using snapshot testing, for example: Click behavior on a component.
- All properties used in components are invariably tested using inbuilt
React PropTypes
The document site related to component usage/example is documented using components within the examples directory in each component directory.
Any change/creation of additional components should include modified example file.
Momentum UI React
follows components and their compositions based architecture with focus on simplicity, flexibility and performance. -
Only statefull components are implemented as subclass of
. Others are simple stateless functions or PureComponents. -
Source is written is ES6 and processed through babel to generate minified ES6 modules (ready to
- Prefer ES6 classes over prototypes.
class Abc {
publicmethod() {}
render() {}
- Prefer arrow functions =>, over the function keyword except when defining classes or methods.
- Use PascalCase for classes and components, lowerCamelCase for variables and functions, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for constants, _singleLeadingUnderscore for private variables and functions.
- Prefer template strings over string concatenation.
let name = 'World!';
let concatenatedvalue_correct = \`Hello ${name} everyone!\`; // ✔
let concatenatedvalue_wrong = 'Hello ' + name + ' everyone'; // ✕
- Prefer promises over callbacks.
- Prefer array functions like map and forEach over for loops.
- Use const for declaring variables that will never be re-assigned, and let otherwise.
- Avoid var to declare variables.
- Use lowercase names for folder names and PascalCase for component folder names.
Please follow the coding style of the current code base. Momentum UI React uses eslint for ES6/JS and stylelint for scss/css, so if possible, enable linting in your editor to get realtime feedback. The linting rules can be run manually as below
npm run lint
All tasks are made available as npm
or yarn
scripts without any bloat that comes with usual task runners (like grunt
, gulp
, etc).
- There are few shared utility that are kept aside as
under 'src' but outsidecomponents
By contributing your code to the @momentum-ui/react
GitHub repository, you agree to license your contribution under the MIT license.