The integer type is the only choice because of database performance, precision and so on. The database makes more effort to work with DECIMAL, FLOAT, and DOUBLE types, bear in mind they may lose precision as well.
Using floating point numbers to represent monetary amounts is almost a crime © Robert Martin
Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {
Big Integer is preferred because its size is enormous: 8 bytes which is 2^64-1 in MySQL and PostgreSQL.
If you know that you'll be storing a giant positive numbers, you can take a look at Unsigned Bit Integer. If you need to store negative ones as well, you can specify an additional column to represent a type debit
(positive) / credit
Schema::create('payments', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->enum('transaction_type', ['debit', 'credit']);
$table->enum('type', ['invoice', 'fee', 'order', 'admin']);
Cast your model's field to Money type within your Laravel application.
// app/Models/Product.php
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use PostScripton\Money\Casts\MoneyCast;
class Product extends Model
// ...
protected $casts = [
// other casts
'price' => MoneyCast::class,
👀 See here for full details.
$money = money('1000000'); // $ 100
$money = money_parse('100'); // $ 100
$newMoney = $money->clone() // clone it to work with independent object
->add(money('500000')) // $ 150
->subtract(money('600000')) // $ 90
->divide(1.5); // $ 60
$diff = $money->difference($newMoney); // new Money instance, $40 ($100 - $60)
$money->toString(); // "$ 100"
"Your balance is {$newMoney}"; // "Your balance is $ 60"
"The difference is " . $diff; // "The difference is $ 40"
👀 See here for full details.
$usd = money('1000000'); // $ 100
$date = Carbon::parse('2000-12-31');
$offline = $usd->offlineConvertTo('RUB', 75.79); // 7 579 ₽
$online = $usd->convertTo(currency('RUB')); // 7 139.5 ₽ (today is 2021-10-14)
$onlineHistorical = $usd->convertTo('RUB', $date); // ~2 816 ₽
👀 See here for full details.