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3 |
Docker Commands |
A collection of Docker commands to help you get started with Docker. |
/docker/commands |
- To check Docker vesrion
docker version
- To check all the available images
docker images
- Pull/Download the image from the Docker registry to local machine.
docker pull <image name>
//Eg: docker pull nginx
- To run an container (It will 1st pull the image if not present in the local sytem)
NOTE: When we just provide the name of the image it will pull the latest one, i.e
. We can also specify the versionnginx:1.14
Additioanly we can use flags
--name <name>
- To give a name to the container.-p <Host port:container port>
- To forward the port.-d
- To run in detached mode-it
- For interactive envirnoment-e
- For environment variable
docker run <image-name>
//Eg: docker run nginx
- We can also pass a complete
--env-file <path-to-env-file>
Eg: --env-file ./.env
- To stop a running container
docker stop <container-ID/name>
- To resume a stopped container
docker start <container-ID/name>
- To check the running processes inside a container.
docker top <container-name/id>
- To check stats of running container.
docker stats <container-name/id>
- Check the config and info of a container.
docker inspect <container-name/id>
//Eg: docker inspect mynginx
- Check all the container running.
docker ps
docker container ls
To start and interactive session and attach terminal with the container.
- NOTE: every image does not support
so we should usesh
- NOTE: every image does not support
docker exec -it <container-ID/name> bash/sh
- To check which ports has been exposed and forwarded
docker port <image-name>
- To check all the containers (stopped, paused and running)
docker ps -a
- Check logs of a container
docker logs <container-ID/name>
- Delete all the stopped containers
docker container prune -f
- Delete all the containers (stopped, paused and running)
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
- Delete all the images
docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)
- Remove unused images
docker image prune -all
- Auto cleanup when the container exits
docker container run —rm <image-name>
- Check list of avilable networks.
docker network ls
- Inspect a network components, like which container are attached to that network.
docker network inspect <network-name>
- Run a container on a certian network/own careted network
docker run --network <network-name> <image-name>
docker inspect --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" <container-name>
- Remove an image
docker rmi <image name> -f
- Remove all the images at once
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
- To inspect an image layers and other info
docker inspect <image-name/id>
- Check the image layers formation
docker history <image-name/id>
- Create a our own image with an existing image.
docker image tag <image-name:tag> <new-image-name:tag>
docker image tag nginx pradumna/nginx:hello
docker image tag ubuntu:18.04 pradumna/ubuntu:example
Create bind mount
- Help to sync our local files with help of Docker container.
To sync our local machine changes with help of Docker volume (Bind mount)
- v
is use to define volume, also we give another-v
flag to override the changes so that it will not chnage in container.
docker run -v <path-to-folder-on-local-machine>:<path-to-folder-on-container> -p <host-port>:<container-port> -d --name docker-node docker-node
docker run -v <path-to-folder-on-local-machine>:<path-to-folder-on-container> -v <path-to-file/folder-on-container> -p <local-machine-port>:<container-port> -d --name docker-node docker-node
To make it read only so that when you add some files inside it, the container will not get created on your local machine use -v port:port:ro
- docker volume command for mounting the docker socket to the docker container for accessing the host's docker daemon for performing the continuous integration in jenkins while using docker as a agent..
docker run -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker-image:version bin/bash
- Run docker compose file.
Note: By default it finds for the file name
, to give file with other naming use-f <file-name.yaml>
docker compose up -d
docker compose down
- To rebuilt the new Image with thew new changes
docker compose up --build
- Override the existing of compose file
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f
- Initalize swarm
docker swarm init
- Check all the node available
docker node ls
- To add a node as a manager
docker node update --role manager <node-name>
- To create an overlay network
docker network create -d overlay backend
Create a service. Also we can add flags for further customization.
- to give a service name--replicas
- to define how many running instance of the same image.-p
- for port forwarding
docker service create -p 8080:80 --name vote --replicas 2 nginx
- To get all task containers running on different node
docker service ps <service-name/id>
- To scale up the service (i.e increasing the no of replicas)
docker service scale <service name>=<no to scale>
docker service scale mynginx=5
- To update the image in running service
docker service update --image <updated image> <service name>
docker service update --image mynginx:1.13.6 web
- To update the port
We can't directly update the port We have to add and remove the ports
docker service update --publish-rm 8080 --publish-add 808180 <service name>
docker service update --publish-rm 8080 --publish-add 808180 mynginx
- To deploy a stack file
docker stack deploy -c <file-name.yaml> <stackname>
- To remove running stack
docker stack rm <stack name>
- To check list of stacks running
docker stack ls
- To check which services are running inside a staacks
docker stack services <stack name>
- To check taks are running inside a stack
docker stack ps <stack name>
- Run the command with the container creation
doc run <image-name> <command>
// Eg: `doc run ubuntu:16.04 echo hey`
- Creating our Own image and container.
Step 1 - create Dockerfile
Step 2 - docker build -t myimage:1.0 <path-of-dockerfile> (-t for tag)
Step 3 - docker run myimage:1.0