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3 |
Kubernetes Commands |
A collection of commands to help you with Kubernetes. |
/kubernetes/commands |
- To check the version:
kubectl version
kubectl version --output=yaml
- To check info about the cluster
kubectl config view
- To run a Pod
kubectl run <pod name> --image <image name>
kubectl run myngix --image nginx
- To create a deployment
kubectl create deployment <name> --image <image name>
kubectl create deployment mynginx --image nginx
- To scale the deployment (increase replicas)
kubectl scale deployment <deployment name> --replicas <no of replicas>
kubectl scale deployment mynginx --replicas 2
- To check all running services, pods, etc.
kubectl get all
- To get the get details from the a particular namespace
kubectl get all -n <namespace name>
- To get the internal components running
kubectl get pods -A
kubectl get pods -A -owide
- To check all the running services
kubectl get services
- To check all the running pods
kubectl get pods
// with extra details
kubectl get pods -o wide
- To check all the running node.
kubectl get nodes
- To check all the replicaset
kubectl get replicaset
- To check all the namespaces
kubectl get namespaces
- To get all the API resources
kubectl api-resources
- To delete the deployment
kubectl delete deployment <deployment-name>
- To delete the pods
kubectl delete pod <pod-name>
- To delete evicted pods
kubectl delete pod --field-selector="status.phase==Failed"
- To get logs of a pod
kubectl logs <pod-name>
- To check logs or sh/bash of a container inside a pod. That if pods have multiple container an we have enter inside a container
kube exec -it <pod-name> -c <container-name> -- <bash command>
kube exec -it multi-container -c nginx-container -- curl localhost
kube exec -it multi-container -c nginx-container -- sh
kubectl logs multi-container -c nginx-container
- To get inside the pod
kubectl exec -it <pod name> -- sh
kubectl exec -it nginx -- sh
- Get a deep details/state chnages about a pod
kube describe pod <pod -name>
- To watch the pods (watch refresh every few seconds)
kubectl get pods -w
- To check the cluster are avilable
kube config get-contexts
- We can create namespace by
kubectl create namespace <name>
kubectl create namespace dev
- To do a dry nun and get the output as Yaml
kubectl create namespace test-name --dry-run=client -oyaml
- To edit the deployment (deployment file)
kubectl edit deployment <deployment name>
- To delete all the pods
kubectl delete pods --all
- Apply to a particular namespace
kubectl apply -f <config file name> --namespace=<namespace name>
- Get all the PersistentVolume
kubectl get pv
- Get all the PersistentVolumeClaim (tied to a namespace)
kubectl get pvc
- To chnage default/active namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<namespace name>
- To get the details of a particular namespace
kubectl get all -n <namespace name>