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168 lines (125 loc) · 4.05 KB

File metadata and controls

168 lines (125 loc) · 4.05 KB



Kommand is a wrapper around Command (yes, K quirky). It allows for easy command building with the kotlin DSL

object New : Kommand({
    val add by literal // shorthand for val add = ArgumentType.Literal("add")
    val remove by literal
    val set by literal

    val amount = ArgumentType.Integer("amount").min(0)

    syntax {
        sender.sendMessage("Usage: add|remove|set <amount>")

    subcommand("sub") {

        val delete by literal

        syntax(delete, amount) {
            player.level += !amount

    syntax(add, amount) {
        player.level += !amount

    syntax(remove, amount) {
        player.level = (player.level - !amount).coerceAtLeast(0)

    syntax(set, amount) {
        player.level = !amount
    }.condition { player?.level == 5 } // not realistic but demonstrates custom conditions

}, "hey")

You can register commands by using CommandObject.register() somewhere in your extension's initialize function. (#unregister works as well.)


Use reified generics to make listening to events a much more pleasent experience.

Manager.globalEvent.listenOnly<EntityTickEvent> {

Manager.extension.getExtension(extensionName)?.node?.listenOnly<EntityTickEvent> {

Manager.globalEvent.listen<EntityTickEvent> {
    expireCount = 50
    removeWhen { entity.isCustomNameVisible }
    filters += { entity.isGlowing }
    handler {
        entity.setGravity(5.0, .5)


Use an object to easily access MinecraftServer managers.

MinecraftServer.getSchedulerManager() // old
Manager.scheduler // new

Position spreading

Break down Points into seperate coordinates.

fun old(position: Pos) {
    val x = position.x()
    val y = position.y()
    val z = position.z()
    val yaw = position.yaw
    val pitch = position.pitch

fun new(position: Pos) {
    val (x, y, z, yaw, pitch) = position


Use KStom's item DSL to easily create items of any type!

// Reified generics for item meta
val item = item<WrittenBookMeta.Builder, WrittenBookMeta>(material = Material.WRITTEN_BOOK, amount = 5) {
    // Use setters for managing your item properties
    displayName = Component.text("Hey!")
    damage = 5
    unbreakable = true

    lore {

    title("My first book")
    pages(Component.text("This is the first page"))

    // Store data with kotlinx.serialization & the tag API. (Works on all taggable objects)
    this["complexData"] = ComplexClass(5, 4, 2, true, InterestingClass("hey", 'h'))
    this["complexListData"] = CollectionClass(5, 9, 3, listOf(4, 3))
}.withAmount(7).and {

Component Utilities

We have easy to use methods for using Kyori's Adventure API fast and readable

/** Using MiniMessage */
var component = "<gradient:dark_red:red>Rose".asMini()
/** Easily decorate */
component = component.italic().bold().strikethrough()
/** Easily undecorate */
component = component.noItalic()
component = component.undecorate(TextDecoration.STRIKETHROUGH)

and more


MinestomRunnables are an easy way to make tasks running in Minestom's Task Scheduler

private val runnable = object : MinestomRunnable(repeat = TaskSchedule.nextTick(), executionType = ExecutionType.SYNC) {
    val text = "This gets executed"
    override fun run() {
        println("$text every tick")
}.also {
    it.schedule() // <- registers it to Minestom's TickScheduler and starts it


Easily register BlockHandlers with

myBlockHandler.register() // <- this uses the namespace of myBlockHandler.getNamespaceId()
// or with a special namespace: