MONAI Deploy Informatics Gateway (MIG) handles the first and last step in a clinical data pipeline: the input and output (I/O).
MIG uses standard protocols like DICOM and FHIR. It stores studies and resources from the medical record system as payloads. It then notifies the rest of the MONAI Deploy system, specifically the MONAI Deploy Workflow Manager, that data is ready to be processed.
After inference completes, MIG receives notifications for exporting the results to the proper consumers, usually PACS or viewers for visualization, VNAs for storage, and EHRs (Electronic Healthcare Records).
A list of supported protocols and services are available on the MONAI Deploy Informatics Gateway Services page.
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Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache-2.0 license.
This software uses the Microsoft .NET 6.0 library, and the use of this software is subject to the Microsoft software license terms.
By downloading this software, you agree to the license terms and all licenses listed on the third-party licenses page.
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