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+arc: 2
+title: Aleo Virtual Machine (AVM)
+authors: Howard Wu (@howardwu)
+discussion: https://github.com/AleoHQ/ARCs/discussions/5
+topic: Protocol
+status: Draft
+created: 2020-02-07
+## Abstract
+The following is a list of opcodes supported by the Aleo Virtual Machine (AVM).
+| Name                              | Description                        |
+| --------------------------------- |:---------------------------------- |
+| [abs](#abs)                       | Absolute value operation           |
+| [abs.w](#abs.w)                   | Wrapping absolute value operation  |
+| [add](#add)                       | Addition operation                 |
+| [add.w](#add.w)                   | Wrapping add operation             |
+| [and](#and)                       | AND operation                      |
+| [assert.eq](#assert.eq)           | Assert equality                    |
+| [assert.neq](#assert.neq)         | Assert non-equality                |
+| [commit.bhp256](#commit.bhp256)   | 256-bit input BHP commitment       |
+| [commit.bhp512](#commit.bhp512)   | 512-bit input BHP commitment       |
+| [commit.bhp768](#commit.bhp768)   | 768-bit input BHP commitment       |
+| [commit.bhp1024](#commit.bhp1024) | 1024-bit input BHP commitment      |
+| [commit.ped64](#commit.ped64)     | 64-bit input Pedersen commitment   |
+| [commit.ped128](#commit.ped128)   | 128-bit input Pedersen commitment  |
+| [div](#div)                       | Division operation                 |
+| [div.w](#div.w)                   | Wrapping division operation        |
+| [double](#double)                 | Double operation                   |
+| [gt](#gt)                         | Greater than comparison            |
+| [gte](#gte)                       | Greater than or equal to comparison|
+| [hash.bhp256](#hash.bhp256)       | 256-bit input BHP hash             |
+| [hash.bhp512](#hash.bhp512)       | 512-bit input BHP hash             |
+| [hash.bhp768](#hash.bhp768)       | 768-bit input BHP hash             |
+| [hash.bhp1024](#hash.bhp1024)     | 1024-bit input BHP hash            |
+| [hash.ped64](#hash.ped64)         | 64-bit input Pedersen hash         |
+| [hash.ped128](#hash.ped128)       | 128-bit input Pedersen hash        |
+| [hash.psd2](#hash.psd2)           | Poseidon hash with input rate 2    |
+| [hash.psd4](#hash.psd4)           | Poseidon hash with input rate 4    |
+| [hash.psd8](#hash.psd8)           | Poseidon hash with input rate 8    |
+| [inv](#inv)                       | Multiplicative inverse operation   |
+| [is.eq](#is.eq)                   | Equality comparison                |
+| [is.neq](#is.neq)                 | Not equal comparison               |
+| [lt](#lt)                         | Less than comparison               |
+| [lte](#lte)                       | Less than or equal to comparison   |
+| [mod](#mod)                       | Arithmetic modulo operation        |
+| [mul](#mul)                       | Multiplication operation           |
+| [mul.w](#mul.w)                   | Wrapping multiplication operation  |
+| [nand](#nand)                     | `Boolean` NAND operation           |
+| [neg](#neg)                       | Additive inverse operation         |
+| [nor](#nor)                       | `Boolean` NOR operation            |
+| [not](#not)                       | NOT operation                      |
+| [or](#or)                         | OR Operation                       |
+| [pow](#pow)                       | Exponentiation operation           |
+| [pow.w](#pow.w)                   | Wrapping exponentiation operation  |
+| [rem](#rem)                       | Remainder operation                |
+| [rem.w](#rem.w)                   | Wrapping remainder operation       |
+| [shl](#shl)                       | Shift left operation               |
+| [shl.w](#shl.w)                   | Wrapping Shift left operation      |
+| [shr](#shr)                       | Shift right operation              |
+| [shr.w](#shr.w)                   | Wrapping Shift right operation     |
+| [sqrt](#sqrt)                     | Square root operation              |
+| [square](#square)                 | Square operation                   |
+| [sub](#sub)                       | Subtraction operation              |
+| [sub.w](#sub.w)                   | Wrapping Subtraction operation     |
+| [ternary](#ternary)               | Ternary select operation           |
+| [xor](#xor)                       | XOR operation                      |
+## Specification
+The following is the specification for each opcode in the Aleo Virtual Machine (AVM).
+### `abs`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes the absolute value of the input, checking for overflow, storing the result in the destination register.
+For integer types, a constraint is added to check for underflow. For cases where wrapping semantics are needed, see the [abs.w](#abs.w) instruction. This underflow happens when the input is the minimum value of a signed integer type. For example, `abs -128i8` would result in underflow, since `128` cannot be represented as an `i8`.
+#### Supported Types
+| Input  | Destination |
+| ------ |:----------- |
+| `I8`   | `I8`        |
+| `I16`  | `I16`       |
+| `I32`  | `I32`       |
+| `I64`  | `I64`       |
+| `I128` | `I128`      |
+<!-- | `U8`   | `U8`        |
+| `U16`  | `U16`       |
+| `U32`  | `U32`       |
+| `U64`  | `U64`       |
+| `U128` | `U128`      | -->
+### `abs.w`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Compute the absolute value of the input, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, and storing the result in the destination register.
+#### Supported Types
+| Input  | Destination |
+| ------ |:----------- |
+| `I8`   | `I8`        |
+| `I16`  | `I16`       |
+| `I32`  | `I32`       |
+| `I64`  | `I64`       |
+| `I128` | `I128`      |
+<!-- | `U8`   | `U8`        |
+| `U16`  | `U16`       |
+| `U32`  | `U32`       |
+| `U64`  | `U64`       |
+| `U128` | `U128`      | -->
+### `add`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Adds `first` with `second`, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+For integer types, a constraint is added to check for overflow. For cases where wrapping semantics are needed for integer types, see the [add.w](#add.w) instruction.
+#### Supported Types
+| First    | Second   | Destination |
+| -------- | -------- | ----------- |
+| `Field`  | `Field`  | `Field`     |
+| `Group`  | `Group`  | `Group`     |
+| `I8`     | `I8`     | `I8`        |
+| `I16`    | `I16`    | `I16`       |
+| `I32`    | `I32`    | `I32`       |
+| `I64`    | `I64`    | `I64`       |
+| `I128`   | `I128`   | `I128`      |
+| `U8`     | `U8`     | `U8`        |
+| `U16`    | `U16`    | `U16`       |
+| `U32`    | `U32`    | `U32`       |
+| `U64`    | `U64`    | `U64`       |
+| `U128`   | `U128`   | `U128`      |
+| `Scalar` | `Scalar` | `Scalar`    |
+### `add.w`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Adds `first` with `second`, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, and storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First  | Second | Destination |
+| ------ | ------ |:----------- |
+| `I8`   | `I8`   | `I8`        |
+| `I16`  | `I16`  | `I16`       |
+| `I32`  | `I32`  | `I32`       |
+| `I64`  | `I64`  | `I64`       |
+| `I128` | `I128` | `I128`      |
+| `U8`   | `U8`   | `U8`        |
+| `U16`  | `U16`  | `U16`       |
+| `U32`  | `U32`  | `U32`       |
+| `U64`  | `U64`  | `U64`       |
+| `U128` | `U128` | `U128`      |
+### `and`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Performs an AND operation on integer (bitwise) or boolean `first` and `second`,
+storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First     | Second    | Destination |
+| --------- | --------- |:----------- |
+| `Boolean` | `Boolean` | `Boolean`   |
+| `I8`      | `I8`      | `I8`        |
+| `I16`     | `I16`     | `I16`       |
+| `I32`     | `I32`     | `I32`       |
+| `I64`     | `I64`     | `I64`       |
+| `I128`    | `I128`    | `I128`      |
+| `U8`      | `U8`      | `U8`        |
+| `U16`     | `U16`     | `U16`       |
+| `U32`     | `U32`     | `U32`       |
+| `U64`     | `U64`     | `U64`       |
+| `U128`    | `U128`    | `U128`      |
+### `assert.eq`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Checks whether `first` and `second` are equal, halting if they are not equal.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Second      |
+| ----------- | ----------- |
+| `Address`   | `Address`   |
+| `Boolean`   | `Boolean`   |
+| `Field`     | `Field`     |
+| `Group`     | `Group`     |
+| `I8`        | `I8`        |
+| `I16`       | `I16`       |
+| `I32`       | `I32`       |
+| `I64`       | `I64`       |
+| `I128`      | `I128`      |
+| `U8`        | `U8`        |
+| `U16`       | `U16`       |
+| `U32`       | `U32`       |
+| `U64`       | `U64`       |
+| `U128`      | `U128`      |
+| `Scalar`    | `Scalar`    |
+| `Interface` | `Interface` |
+| `Record`    | `Record`    |
+### `assert.neq`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Checks whether `first` and `second` are not equal, halting if they are equal.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Second      |
+| ----------- | ----------- |
+| `Address`   | `Address`   |
+| `Boolean`   | `Boolean`   |
+| `Field`     | `Field`     |
+| `Group`     | `Group`     |
+| `I8`        | `I8`        |
+| `I16`       | `I16`       |
+| `I32`       | `I32`       |
+| `I64`       | `I64`       |
+| `I128`      | `I128`      |
+| `U8`        | `U8`        |
+| `U16`       | `U16`       |
+| `U32`       | `U32`       |
+| `U64`       | `U64`       |
+| `U128`      | `U128`      |
+| `Scalar`    | `Scalar`    |
+| `Interface` | `Interface` |
+| `Record`    | `Record`    |
+### `commit.bhp256`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes a BHP commitment on inputs of 256-bit chunks in `first`, and some randomness in `second`, storing the commitment in `destination`. Randomness should always be a `Scalar` value, and the produced commitment will always be a `Field` value.
+The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 129 bits.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Second    | Destination |
+| ----------- | --------- |:----------- |
+| `Address`   | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Boolean`   | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Field`     | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Group`     | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I128`      | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U128`      | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Scalar`    | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+### `commit.bhp512`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes a BHP commitment on inputs of 512-bit chunks in `first`, and some randomness in `second`, storing the commitment in `destination`. Randomness should always be a `Scalar` value, and the produced commitment will always be a `Field` value.
+The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 171 bits.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Second    | Destination |
+| ----------- | --------- |:----------- |
+| `Address`   | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Boolean`   | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Field`     | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Group`     | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I128`      | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U128`      | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Scalar`    | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+### `commit.bhp768`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes a BHP commitment on inputs of 768-bit chunks in `first`, and some randomness in `second`, storing the commitment in `destination`. Randomness should always be a `Scalar` value, and the produced commitment will always be a `Field` value.
+The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 129 bits.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Second    | Destination |
+| ----------- | --------- |:----------- |
+| `Address`   | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Boolean`   | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Field`     | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Group`     | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I128`      | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U128`      | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Scalar`    | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+### `commit.bhp1024`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes a BHP commitment on inputs of 1024-bit chunks in `first`, and some randomness in `second`, storing the commitment in `destination`. Randomness should always be a `Scalar` value, and the produced commitment will always be a `Field` value.
+The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 171 bits.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Second    | Destination |
+| ----------- | --------- |:----------- |
+| `Address`   | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Boolean`   | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Field`     | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Group`     | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `I128`      | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `U128`      | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Scalar`    | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Scalar`  | `Field`     |
+### `commit.ped64`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes a Pedersen commitment up to a 64-bit input in `first`, and some randomness in `second`, storing the commitment in `destination`. Randomness should always be a `Scalar` value, and the produced commitment will always be a `Group` value.
+The instruction will halt if the given `String` or `Interface` value exceeds the 64-bit limit.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Second    | Destination |
+| ----------- | --------- |:----------- |
+| `Boolean`   | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `I8`        | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `I16`       | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `I32`       | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `I64`       | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `U8`        | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `U16`       | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `U32`       | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `U64`       | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `String`    | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `Interface` | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+### `commit.ped128`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes a Pedersen commitment up to a 128-bit input in `first`, and some randomness in `second`, storing the commitment in `destination`. Randomness should always be a `Scalar` value, and the produced commitment will always be a `Group` value.
+The instruction will halt if the given `String` or `Interface` value exceeds the 128-bit limit.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Second    | Destination |
+| ----------- | --------- |:----------- |
+| `Boolean`   | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `I8`        | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `I16`       | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `I32`       | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `I64`       | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `I128`      | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `U8`        | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `U16`       | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `U32`       | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `U64`       | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `U128`      | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `String`    | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+| `Interface` | `Scalar`  | `Group`     |
+### `div`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Divides `first` by `second`, storing the outcome in `destination`. Halts on division by zero.
+For integer types, this operation performs truncated division. Furthermore, a constraint is added to check for underflow. This underflow happens when dividing the minimum value of a signed integer type by `-1`. For example, `div -128i8 -1i8` would result in underflow, since `128` cannot be represented as an `i8`.
+For cases where wrapping semantics are needed for integer types, see the [div.w](#div.w) instruction.
+#### Supported Types
+| First   | Second  | Destination |
+| ------- | ------- |:----------- |
+| `Field` | `Field` | `Field`     |
+| `I8`    | `I8`    | `I8`        |
+| `I16`   | `I16`   | `I16`       |
+| `I32`   | `I32`   | `I32`       |
+| `I64`   | `I64`   | `I64`       |
+| `I128`  | `I128`  | `I128`      |
+| `U8`    | `U8`    | `U8`        |
+| `U16`   | `U16`   | `U16`       |
+| `U32`   | `U32`   | `U32`       |
+| `U64`   | `U64`   | `U64`       |
+| `U128`  | `U128`  | `U128`      |
+### `div.w`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Divides `first` by `second`, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, and storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First  | Second | Destination |
+| ------ | ------ |:----------- |
+| `I8`   | `I8`   | `I8`        |
+| `I16`  | `I16`  | `I16`       |
+| `I32`  | `I32`  | `I32`       |
+| `I64`  | `I64`  | `I64`       |
+| `I128` | `I128` | `I128`      |
+| `U8`   | `U8`   | `U8`        |
+| `U16`  | `U16`  | `U16`       |
+| `U32`  | `U32`  | `U32`       |
+| `U64`  | `U64`  | `U64`       |
+| `U128` | `U128` | `U128`      |
+### `double`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Doubles the input, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| Input   | Destination |
+| ------- | ----------- |
+| `Field` | `Field`     |
+| `Group` | `Group`     |
+### `gt`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Checks if `first` is greater than `second`, storing the result in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First    | Second   | Destination |
+| -------- | -------- | ----------- |
+| `Field`  | `Field`  | `Boolean`   |
+| `I8`     | `I8`     | `Boolean`   |
+| `I16`    | `I16`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `I32`    | `I32`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `I64`    | `I64`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `I128`   | `I128`   | `Boolean`   |
+| `U8`     | `U8`     | `Boolean`   |
+| `U16`    | `U16`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `U32`    | `U32`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `U64`    | `U64`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `U128`   | `U128`   | `Boolean`   |
+| `Scalar` | `Scalar` | `Boolean`   |
+<!-- | `Address`| `Address`| `Boolean`   | -->
+### `gte`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Checks if `first` is greater than or equal to `second`, storing the result in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First    | Second   | Destination |
+| -------- | -------- | ----------- |
+| `Field`  | `Field`  | `Boolean`   |
+| `I8`     | `I8`     | `Boolean`   |
+| `I16`    | `I16`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `I32`    | `I32`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `I64`    | `I64`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `I128`   | `I128`   | `Boolean`   |
+| `U8`     | `U8`     | `Boolean`   |
+| `U16`    | `U16`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `U32`    | `U32`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `U64`    | `U64`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `U128`   | `U128`   | `Boolean`   |
+| `Scalar` | `Scalar` | `Boolean`   |
+<!-- | `Address`| `Address`| `Boolean`   | -->
+### `hash.bhp256`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes a BHP hash on inputs of 256-bit chunks in `first`, storing the hash in `destination`. The produced hash will always be a `Field` value.
+The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 129 bits.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Destination |
+| ----------- |:----------- |
+| `Address`   | `Field`     |
+| `Boolean`   | `Field`     |
+| `Field`     | `Field`     |
+| `Group`     | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Field`     |
+| `I128`      | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Field`     |
+| `U128`      | `Field`     |
+| `Scalar`    | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Field`     |
+### `hash.bhp512`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes a BHP hash on inputs of 512-bit chunks in `first`, storing the hash in `destination`. The produced hash will always be a `Field` value.
+The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 171 bits.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Destination |
+| ----------- |:----------- |
+| `Address`   | `Field`     |
+| `Boolean`   | `Field`     |
+| `Field`     | `Field`     |
+| `Group`     | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Field`     |
+| `I128`      | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Field`     |
+| `U128`      | `Field`     |
+| `Scalar`    | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Field`     |
+### `hash.bhp768`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes a BHP hash on inputs of 768-bit chunks in `first`, storing the hash in `destination`. The produced hash will always be a `Field` value.
+The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 129 bits.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Destination |
+| ----------- |:----------- |
+| `Address`   | `Field`     |
+| `Boolean`   | `Field`     |
+| `Field`     | `Field`     |
+| `Group`     | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Field`     |
+| `I128`      | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Field`     |
+| `U128`      | `Field`     |
+| `Scalar`    | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Field`     |
+### `hash.bhp1024`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes a BHP hash on inputs of 1024-bit chunks in `first`, storing the hash in `destination`. The produced hash will always be a `Field` value.
+The instruction will halt if the given input is smaller than 171 bits.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Destination |
+| ----------- |:----------- |
+| `Address`   | `Field`     |
+| `Boolean`   | `Field`     |
+| `Field`     | `Field`     |
+| `Group`     | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Field`     |
+| `I128`      | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Field`     |
+| `U128`      | `Field`     |
+| `Scalar`    | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Field`     |
+### `hash.ped64`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes a Pedersen hash up to a 64-bit input in `first`, storing the hash in `destination`. The produced hash will always be a `Field` value.
+The instruction will halt if the given `String` or `Interface` value exceeds the 64-bit limit.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Destination |
+| ----------- |:----------- |
+| `Boolean`   | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Field`     |
+### `hash.ped128`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes a Pedersen hash up to a 128-bit input in `first`, storing the hash in `destination`. The produced hash will always be a `Field` value.
+The instruction will halt if the given `String` or `Interface` value exceeds the 128-bit limit.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Destination |
+| ----------- |:----------- |
+| `Boolean`   | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Field`     |
+| `I128`      | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Field`     |
+| `U128`      | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Field`     |
+### `hash.psd2`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Calculates a Poseidon hash with an input rate of 2, from an input in `first`, storing the hash in `destination`. The produced hash will always be a `Field` value.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Destination |
+| ----------- |:----------- |
+| `Field`     | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Field`     |
+| `I128`      | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Field`     |
+| `U128`      | `Field`     |
+| `Scalar`    | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Field`     |
+### `hash.psd4`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Calculates a Poseidon hash with an input rate of 4, from an input in `first`, storing the hash in `destination`. The produced hash will always be a `Field` value.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Destination |
+| ----------- |:----------- |
+| `Field`     | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Field`     |
+| `I128`      | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Field`     |
+| `U128`      | `Field`     |
+| `Scalar`    | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Field`     |
+### `hash.psd8`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Calculates a Poseidon hash with an input rate of 8, from an input in `first`, storing the hash in `destination`. The produced hash will always be a `Field` value.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Destination |
+| ----------- |:----------- |
+| `Field`     | `Field`     |
+| `I8`        | `Field`     |
+| `I16`       | `Field`     |
+| `I32`       | `Field`     |
+| `I64`       | `Field`     |
+| `I128`      | `Field`     |
+| `U8`        | `Field`     |
+| `U16`       | `Field`     |
+| `U32`       | `Field`     |
+| `U64`       | `Field`     |
+| `U128`      | `Field`     |
+| `Scalar`    | `Field`     |
+| `String`    | `Field`     |
+| `Interface` | `Field`     |
+### `inv`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes the multiplicative inverse of the input, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| Input   | Destination |
+| ------- | ----------- |
+| `Field` | `Field`     |
+### `is.eq`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Compares `first` and `second`, storing the result in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Second      | Destination |
+| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
+| `Address`   | `Address`   | `Address`   |
+| `Boolean`   | `Boolean`   | `Boolean`   |
+| `Field`     | `Field`     | `Field`     |
+| `Group`     | `Group`     | `Group`     |
+| `I8`        | `I8`        | `I8`        |
+| `I16`       | `I16`       | `I16`       |
+| `I32`       | `I32`       | `I32`       |
+| `I64`       | `I64`       | `I64`       |
+| `I128`      | `I128`      | `I128`      |
+| `U8`        | `U8`        | `U8`        |
+| `U16`       | `U16`       | `U16`       |
+| `U32`       |  `U32`      | `U32`       |
+| `U64`       | `U64`       | `U64`       |
+| `U128`      | `U128`      | `U128`      |
+| `Scalar`    | `Scalar`    | `Scalar`    |
+| `Interface` | `Interface` | `Interface` |
+| `Record`    | `Record`    | `Record`    |
+### `is.neq`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Returns true if `first` is not equal to `second`, storing the result in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First       | Second      | Destination |
+| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
+| `Address`   | `Address`   | `Address`   |
+| `Boolean`   | `Boolean`   | `Boolean`   |
+| `Field`     | `Field`     | `Field`     |
+| `Group`     | `Group`     | `Group`     |
+| `I8`        | `I8`        | `I8`        |
+| `I16`       | `I16`       | `I16`       |
+| `I32`       | `I32`       | `I32`       |
+| `I64`       | `I64`       | `I64`       |
+| `I128`      | `I128`      | `I128`      |
+| `U8`        | `U8`        | `U8`        |
+| `U16`       | `U16`       | `U16`       |
+| `U32`       |  `U32`      | `U32`       |
+| `U64`       | `U64`       | `U64`       |
+| `U128`      | `U128`      | `U128`      |
+| `Scalar`    | `Scalar`    | `Scalar`    |
+| `Interface` | `Interface` | `Interface` |
+| `Record`    | `Record`    | `Record`    |
+### `lt`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Checks if `first` is less than `second`, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First    | Second   | Destination |
+| -------- | -------- | ----------- |
+| `Field`  | `Field`  | `Boolean`   |
+| `I8`     | `I8`     | `Boolean`   |
+| `I16`    | `I16`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `I32`    | `I32`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `I64`    | `I64`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `I128`   | `I128`   | `Boolean`   |
+| `U8`     | `U8`     | `Boolean`   |
+| `U16`    | `U16`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `U32`    | `U32`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `U64`    | `U64`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `U128`   | `U128`   | `Boolean`   |
+| `Scalar` | `Scalar` | `Boolean`   |
+<!-- | `Address`| `Address`| `Boolean`   | -->
+### `lte`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Checks if `first` is less than or equal to `second`, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First    | Second   | Destination |
+| -------- | -------- | ----------- |
+| `Field`  | `Field`  | `Boolean`   |
+| `I8`     | `I8`     | `Boolean`   |
+| `I16`    | `I16`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `I32`    | `I32`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `I64`    | `I64`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `I128`   | `I128`   | `Boolean`   |
+| `U8`     | `U8`     | `Boolean`   |
+| `U16`    | `U16`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `U32`    | `U32`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `U64`    | `U64`    | `Boolean`   |
+| `U128`   | `U128`   | `Boolean`   |
+| `Scalar` | `Scalar` | `Boolean`   |
+<!-- | `Address`| `Address`| `Boolean`   | -->
+### `mod`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Takes the modulus of `first` with respect to `second`, storing the outcome in `destination`. Halts if `second` is zero.
+The semantics of this operation are consistent with the mathematical definition of modulo operation.
+#### Supported Types
+| First    | Second   | Destination |
+| -------- | -------- | ----------- |
+| `U8`     | `U8`     | `U8`        |
+| `U16`    | `U16`    | `U16`       |
+| `U32`    | `U32`    | `U32`       |
+| `U64`    | `U64`    | `U64`       |
+| `U128`   | `U128`   | `U128`      |
+### `mul`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Multiplies `first` with `second`, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+For integer types, a constraint is added to check for overflow/underflow. For cases where wrapping semantics are needed for integer types, see the [mul.w](#mul.w) instruction.
+#### Supported Types
+| First    | Second   | Destination |
+| -------- | -------- | ----------- |
+| `Field`  | `Field`  | `Field`     |
+| `Group`  | `Scalar` | `Group`     |
+| `Scalar` | `Group`  | `Group`     |
+| `I8`     | `I8`     | `I8`        |
+| `I16`    | `I16`    | `I16`       |
+| `I32`    | `I32`    | `I32`       |
+| `I64`    | `I64`    | `I64`       |
+| `I128`   | `I128`   | `I128`      |
+| `U8`     | `U8`     | `U8`        |
+| `U16`    | `U16`    | `U16`       |
+| `U32`    | `U32`    | `U32`       |
+| `U64`    | `U64`    | `U64`       |
+| `U128`   | `U128`   | `U128`      |
+### `mul.w`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Multiplies `first` with `second`, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, and storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First  | Second | Destination |
+| ------ | ------ | ----------- |
+| `I8`   | `I8`   | `I8`        |
+| `I16`  | `I16`  | `I16`       |
+| `I32`  | `I32`  | `I32`       |
+| `I64`  | `I64`  | `I64`       |
+| `I128` | `I128` | `I128`      |
+| `U8`   | `U8`   | `U8`        |
+| `U16`  | `U16`  | `U16`       |
+| `U32`  | `U32`  | `U32`       |
+| `U64`  | `U64`  | `U64`       |
+| `U128` | `U128` | `U128`      |
+### `nand`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Returns false only if `first` and `second` are true, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First     | Second    | Destination |
+| --------- | --------- | ----------- |
+| `Boolean` | `Boolean` | `Boolean`   |
+### `neg`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Negates `first`, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+For signed integer types, calling `neg` on the minimum value is an invalid operation. For example, the input `-128i8` would not be valid since `128` cannot be represented as an `i8`.
+#### Supported Types
+| Input   | Destination |
+| ------- | ----------- |
+| `Field` | `Field`     |
+| `Group` | `Group`     |
+| `I8`    | `I8`        |
+| `I16`   | `I16`       |
+| `I32`   | `I32`       |
+| `I64`   | `I64`       |
+| `I128`  | `I128`      |
+### `nor`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Returns true when neither `first` nor `second` is true, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Type
+| First     | Second    | Destination |
+| --------- | --------- | ----------- |
+| `Boolean` | `Boolean` | `Boolean`   |
+### `not`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Perform a NOT operation on an integer (bitwise) or boolean input, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| Input     | Destination |
+| --------- | ----------- |
+| `Boolean` | `Boolean`   |
+| `I8`      | `I8`        |
+| `I16`     | `I16`       |
+| `I32`     | `I32`       |
+| `I64`     | `I64`       |
+| `I128`    | `I128`      |
+| `U8`      | `U8`        |
+| `U16`     | `U16`       |
+| `U32`     | `U32`       |
+| `U64`     | `U64`       |
+| `U128`    | `U128`      |
+### or
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Performs an OR operation on integer (bitwise) or boolean `first` and `second`, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First     | Second    | Destination |
+| --------- | --------- | ----------- |
+| `Boolean` | `Boolean` | `Boolean`   |
+| `I8`      | `I8`      | `I8`        |
+| `I16`     | `I16`     | `I16`       |
+| `I32`     | `I32`     | `I32`       |
+| `I64`     | `I64`     | `I64`       |
+| `I128`    | `I128`    | `I128`      |
+| `U8`      | `U8`      | `U8`        |
+| `U16`     | `U16`     | `U16`       |
+| `U32`     | `U32`     | `U32`       |
+| `U64`     | `U64`     | `U64`       |
+| `U128`    | `U128`    | `U128`      |
+### `pow`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Raises `first` to the power of `second`, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+For integer types, a constraint is added to check for overflow/underflow. For cases where wrapping semantics are needed for integer types, see the [pow.w](#pow.w) instruction.
+#### Supported Types
+`Magnitude` can be a `U8`, `U16`, or `U32`.
+| First   | Second      | Destination |
+| ------- | ----------- | ----------- |
+| `Field` | `Field`     | `Field`     |
+| `I8`    | `Magnitude` | `I8`        |
+| `I16`   | `Magnitude` | `I16`       |
+| `I32`   | `Magnitude` | `I32`       |
+| `I64`   | `Magnitude` | `I64`       |
+| `I128`  | `Magnitude` | `I128`      |
+| `U8`    | `Magnitude` | `U8`        |
+| `U16`   | `Magnitude` | `U16`       |
+| `U32`   | `Magnitude` | `U32`       |
+| `U64`   | `Magnitude` | `U64`       |
+| `U128`  | `Magnitude` | `U128`      |
+### `pow.w`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Raises `first` to the power of `second`, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+`Magnitude` can be a `U8`, `U16`, or `U32`.
+| First  | Second      | Destination |
+| ------ | ----------- | ----------- |
+| `I8`   | `Magnitude` | `I8`        |
+| `I16`  | `Magnitude` | `I16`       |
+| `I32`  | `Magnitude` | `I32`       |
+| `I64`  | `Magnitude` | `I64`       |
+| `I128` | `Magnitude` | `I128`      |
+| `U8`   | `Magnitude` | `U8`        |
+| `U16`  | `Magnitude` | `U16`       |
+| `U32`  | `Magnitude` | `U32`       |
+| `U64`  | `Magnitude` | `U64`       |
+| `U128` | `Magnitude` | `U128`      |
+### `rem`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes the truncated remainder of `first` divided by `second`, storing the outcome in `destination`. Halts on division by zero.
+A constraint is added to check for underflow.  This underflow happens when the associated division operation, [div](#div), underflows.
+For cases where wrapping semantics are needed for integer types, see the [rem.w](#rem.w) instruction.
+#### Supported Types
+| First    | Second   | Destination |
+| -------- | -------- | ----------- |
+| `I8`     | `I8`     | `I8`        |
+| `I16`    | `I16`    | `I16`       |
+| `I32`    | `I32`    | `I32`       |
+| `I64`    | `I64`    | `I64`       |
+| `I128`   | `I128`   | `I128`      |
+| `U8`     | `U8`     | `U8`        |
+| `U16`    | `U16`    | `U16`       |
+| `U32`    | `U32`    | `U32`       |
+| `U64`    | `U64`    | `U64`       |
+| `U128`   | `U128`   | `U128`      |
+### `rem.w`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes the truncated remainder of `first` divided by `second`, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, and storing the outcome in destination.
+#### Supported Types
+| First    | Second   | Destination |
+| -------- | -------- | ----------- |
+| `I8`     | `I8`     | `I8`        |
+| `I16`    | `I16`    | `I16`       |
+| `I32`    | `I32`    | `I32`       |
+| `I64`    | `I64`    | `I64`       |
+| `I128`   | `I128`   | `I128`      |
+| `U8`     | `U8`     | `U8`        |
+| `U16`    | `U16`    | `U16`       |
+| `U32`    | `U32`    | `U32`       |
+| `U64`    | `U64`    | `U64`       |
+| `U128`   | `U128`   | `U128`      |
+### `shl`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Shifts `first` left by `second` bits, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+`Magnitude` can be a `U8`, `U16`, or `U32`.
+| First  | Second      | Destination |
+| ------ | ----------- | ----------- |
+| `I8`   | `Magnitude` | `I8`        |
+| `I16`  | `Magnitude` | `I16`       |
+| `I32`  | `Magnitude` | `I32`       |
+| `I64`  | `Magnitude` | `I64`       |
+| `I128` | `Magnitude` | `I128`      |
+| `U8`   | `Magnitude` | `U8`        |
+| `U16`  | `Magnitude` | `U16`       |
+| `U32`  | `Magnitude` | `U32`       |
+| `U64`  | `Magnitude` | `U64`       |
+| `U128` | `Magnitude` | `U128`      |
+### `shl.w`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Shifts `first` left by `second` bits, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+`Magnitude` can be a `U8`, `U16`, or `U32`.
+| First  | Second      | Destination |
+| ------ | ----------- | ----------- |
+| `I8`   | `Magnitude` | `I8`        |
+| `I16`  | `Magnitude` | `I16`       |
+| `I32`  | `Magnitude` | `I32`       |
+| `I64`  | `Magnitude` | `I64`       |
+| `I128` | `Magnitude` | `I128`      |
+| `U8`   | `Magnitude` | `U8`        |
+| `U16`  | `Magnitude` | `U16`       |
+| `U32`  | `Magnitude` | `U32`       |
+| `U64`  | `Magnitude` | `U64`       |
+| `U128` | `Magnitude` | `U128`      |
+### `shr`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Shifts `first` right by `second` bits, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+`Magnitude` can be a `U8`, `U16`, or `U32`.
+| First  | Second      | Destination |
+| ------ | ----------- | ----------- |
+| `I8`   | `Magnitude` | `I8`        |
+| `I16`  | `Magnitude` | `I16`       |
+| `I32`  | `Magnitude` | `I32`       |
+| `I64`  | `Magnitude` | `I64`       |
+| `I128` | `Magnitude` | `I128`      |
+| `U8`   | `Magnitude` | `U8`        |
+| `U16`  | `Magnitude` | `U16`       |
+| `U32`  | `Magnitude` | `U32`       |
+| `U64`  | `Magnitude` | `U64`       |
+| `U128` | `Magnitude` | `U128`      |
+### `shr.w`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Shifts `first` right by `second` bits, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+`Magnitude` can be a `U8`, `U16`, or `U32`.
+| First  | Second      | Destination |
+| ------ | ----------- | ----------- |
+| `I8`   | `Magnitude` | `I8`        |
+| `I16`  | `Magnitude` | `I16`       |
+| `I32`  | `Magnitude` | `I32`       |
+| `I64`  | `Magnitude` | `I64`       |
+| `I128` | `Magnitude` | `I128`      |
+| `U8`   | `Magnitude` | `U8`        |
+| `U16`  | `Magnitude` | `U16`       |
+| `U32`  | `Magnitude` | `U32`       |
+| `U64`  | `Magnitude` | `U64`       |
+| `U128` | `Magnitude` | `U128`      |
+### `square`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Squares the input, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| Input   | Destination |
+| ------- | ----------- |
+| `Field` | `Field`     |
+### `sqrt`
+[Back to Top](#Instruction-Greensheet)
+#### Description
+Computes the square root of the input, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| Input   | Destination |
+| ------- | ----------- |
+| `Field` | `Field`     |
+### `sub`
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+#### Description
+Computes `first - second`, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First   | Second  | Destination |
+| ------- | ------- | ----------- |
+| `Field` | `Field` | `Field`     |
+| `Group` | `Group` | `Group`     |
+| `I8`    | `I8`    | `I8`        |
+| `I16`   | `I16`   | `I16`       |
+| `I32`   | `I32`   | `I32`       |
+| `I64`   | `I64`   | `I64`       |
+| `I128`  | `I128`  | `I128`      |
+| `U8`    | `U8`    | `U8`        |
+| `U16`   | `U16`   | `U16`       |
+| `U32`   | `U32`   | `U32`       |
+| `U64`   | `U64`   | `U64`       |
+| `U128`  | `U128`  | `U128`      |
+### `sub.w`
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+#### Description
+Computes `first - second`, wrapping around at the boundary of the type, and storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First  | Second | Destination |
+| ------ | ------ | ----------- |
+| `I8`   | `I8`   | `I8`        |
+| `I16`  | `I16`  | `I16`       |
+| `I32`  | `I32`  | `I32`       |
+| `I64`  | `I64`  | `I64`       |
+| `I128` | `I128` | `I128`      |
+| `U8`   | `U8`   | `U8`        |
+| `U16`  | `U16`  | `U16`       |
+| `U32`  | `U32`  | `U32`       |
+| `U64`  | `U64`  | `U64`       |
+| `U128` | `U128` | `U128`      |
+### `ternary`
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+#### Description
+Selects `first`, if `condition` is true, otherwise selects `second`, storing the result in `destination`.
+Example: `ternary r0 r1 r2 into r3`, where `r0` is the condition, `r1` is first, `r2` is second, and `r3` is the destination.
+#### Supported Types
+| Condition | First     | Second    | Destination |
+| --------- | --------- | --------- | ----------- |
+| `Boolean` | `Boolean` | `Boolean` | `Boolean`   |
+| `Boolean` | `Field`   | `Field`   | `Field`     |
+| `Boolean` | `Group`   | `Group`   | `Group`     |
+| `Boolean` | `I8`      | `I8`      | `I8`        |
+| `Boolean` | `I16`     | `I16`     | `I16`       |
+| `Boolean` | `I32`     | `I32`     | `I32`       |
+| `Boolean` | `I64`     | `I64`     | `I64`       |
+| `Boolean` | `I128`    | `I128`    | `I128`      |
+| `Boolean` | `U8`      | `U8`      | `U8`        |
+| `Boolean` | `U16`     | `U16`     | `U16`       |
+| `Boolean` | `U32`     | `U32`     | `U32`       |
+| `Boolean` | `U64`     | `U64`     | `U64`       |
+| `Boolean` | `U128`    | `U128`    | `U128`      |
+| `Boolean` | `Scalar`  | `Scalar`  | `Scalar`    |
+### `xor`
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+#### Description
+Performs a XOR operation on integer (bitwise) or boolean `first` and `second`, storing the outcome in `destination`.
+#### Supported Types
+| First     | Second    | Destination |
+| --------- | --------- | ----------- |
+| `Boolean` | `Boolean` | `Boolean`   |
+| `I8`      | `I8`      | `I8`        |
+| `I16`     | `I16`     | `I16`       |
+| `I32`     | `I32`     | `I32`       |
+| `I64`     | `I64`     | `I64`       |
+| `I128`    | `I128`    | `I128`      |
+| `U8`      | `U8`      | `U8`        |
+| `U16`     | `U16`     | `U16`       |
+| `U32`     | `U32`     | `U32`       |
+| `U64`     | `U64`     | `U64`       |
+| `U128`    | `U128`    | `U128`      |