Name | Getter | Setter | Type | Description | Notes |
errors | getErrors() | setErrors($value) | \SquareConnect\Model\Error[] | The set of Errors encountered. | [optional] |
deleted_object_ids | getDeletedObjectIds() | setDeletedObjectIds($value) | string[] | The IDs of all CatalogObjects deleted by this request. Multiple IDs may be returned when associated objects are also deleted, for example a CatalogItemVariation will be deleted (and its ID included in this field) when its parent CatalogItem is deleted. | [optional] |
deleted_at | getDeletedAt() | setDeletedAt($value) | string | The database timestamp of this deletion in RFC 3339 format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | [optional] |
Note: All properties are protected and only accessed via getters and setters.