diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 615523d..084c781 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@
Stackable aims to bridge the gap between the way designers articulate layout and the way developers express that layout in code.
- stack.stackable.add([
- logo,
- 30,
- "Example Views",
- 10,
- cells
- .outset(to: view)
- .margins(alignedWith: stack),
- UIStackView.stackable.hairlines(around: cells)
- .outset(to: view),
- 20...,
- "Copyright Rightpoint",
- ])
+ logo,
+ 30,
+ "Example Views",
+ 10,
+ cells
+ .outset(to: view)
+ .margins(alignedWith: stack),
+ UIStackView.stackable.hairlines(around: cells)
+ .outset(to: view),
+ 20...,
+ "Copyright Rightpoint",
@@ -41,20 +41,20 @@ pod 'RPStackable'
Add them using `stackView.stackable.add(_ stackables: [Stackable])`
- stack.stackable.add([
- imageView,
- label,
- button,
- ])
+ imageView,
+ label,
+ button,
Additionally, you can reference `UIViewController` directly to include its view.
- stack.stackable.add([
- viewController,
- button,
- ])
+ viewController,
+ button,
There is also support for:
@@ -63,37 +63,37 @@ There is also support for:
- `UIImage`
- stack.stackable.add([
- "String",
- NSAttributedString(string: "Attributed String"),
- UIImage(named: "example"),
- ])
+ "String",
+ NSAttributedString(string: "Attributed String"),
+ UIImage(named: "example"),
#### Alignment
Views can be expressively manipulated to adjust their alignment in a `UIStackView`.
- let stack = UIStackView()
- stack.axis = .vertical
- stack.stackable.add([
- imageView
- .inset(by: .init(top: 20, left: 20, bottom: 20, right: 20), //imageView padded on all sides 20px
+let stack = UIStackView()
+stack.axis = .vertical
+ imageView
+ .inset(by: .init(top: 20, left: 20, bottom: 20, right: 20), //imageView padded on all sides 20px
+ label
+ .inset(by: .init(top: 0, left: -20, bottom: 0, right: -20) //inset can also be negative to move outside of bounds of `stack`
+ .aligned(.right), // aligned right (transforms are composable)
- label
- .inset(by: .init(top: 0, left: -20, bottom: 0, right: -20) //inset can also be negative to move outside of bounds of `stack`
- .aligned(.right), // aligned right (transforms are composable)
- button
- .aligned(.centerX), // button aligned center horizontally
- hairline
- .outset(to: view), // hairline pinned to horizontal edges of `view`
- cells
- .outset(to: view) // cells horizontal edges pinned to horizontal edges of `view`
- .margins(alignedWith: view), // cell layout margins updated to line up with view.layoutMarginsGuide
- ])
+ button
+ .aligned(.centerX), // button aligned center horizontally
+ hairline
+ .outset(to: view), // hairline pinned to horizontal edges of `view`
+ cells
+ .outset(to: view) // cells horizontal edges pinned to horizontal edges of `view`
+ .margins(alignedWith: view), // cell layout margins updated to line up with view.layoutMarginsGuide
## Spaces
@@ -102,147 +102,147 @@ Spaces can be added using a number literal or `StackableSpaceItem`. Add them alo
#### Fixed Spaces
- stack.stackable.add([
- 20, //constant space
- viewA,
- 20, //custom spacing after `viewA`, will be removed if viewA is hidden.
- viewB,
- 12.5, //floating point works too!
- viewC,
- UIStackView.stackable.constantSpace(20), //Constant space, not dependent on visibility of `viewC`
- viewD,
- UIStackView.stackable.space(after: viewD, 20), //Explicit custom space dependent on visibility of viewD. Equivalent to just using `20` here.
- viewE,
- UIStackView.stackable.space(before: viewF, 20), //Custom space before viewF. Dependent on the visibility of `viewF`
- viewF,
- ])
+ 20, //constant space
+ viewA,
+ 20, //custom spacing after `viewA`, will be removed if viewA is hidden.
+ viewB,
+ 12.5, //floating point works too!
+ viewC,
+ UIStackView.stackable.constantSpace(20), //Constant space, not dependent on visibility of `viewC`
+ viewD,
+ UIStackView.stackable.space(after: viewD, 20), //Explicit custom space dependent on visibility of viewD. Equivalent to just using `20` here.
+ viewE,
+ UIStackView.stackable.space(before: viewF, 20), //Custom space before viewF. Dependent on the visibility of `viewF`
+ viewF,
#### Flexible Spaces
- stack.stackable.add([
- viewA,
- 20...30, // Flexible space, at least 20, at most 30, inclusive. Flexible spaces do not track view visibility.
- viewB,
- 20..., // Flexible space. At least 20, no maximum.
- viewC,
- ...15.5, // Flexible space. At least 0, at most 15.5, floating point works too!
- viewD,
- UIStackView.stackable.flexibleSpace, // flexible space, at least 0, no maximum. Equivalent to `0...`
- viewE,
- UIStackView.stackable.flexibleSpace(.atLeast(20)), // flexible space, at least 20, no maximum. equivalent to `20...`
- viewF,
- UIStackView.stackable.flexibleSpace(.atMost(20)), // flexible space. at least 0, at most 20, equivalent to `...20`
- viewG,
- UIStackView.stackable.flexibleSpace(.range(10...20)), // flexible space, at least 10, at most 20, equivalent to `10...20`
- ])
+ viewA,
+ 20...30, // Flexible space, at least 20, at most 30, inclusive. Flexible spaces do not track view visibility.
+ viewB,
+ 20..., // Flexible space. At least 20, no maximum.
+ viewC,
+ ...15.5, // Flexible space. At least 0, at most 15.5, floating point works too!
+ viewD,
+ UIStackView.stackable.flexibleSpace, // flexible space, at least 0, no maximum. Equivalent to `0...`
+ viewE,
+ UIStackView.stackable.flexibleSpace(.atLeast(20)), // flexible space, at least 20, no maximum. equivalent to `20...`
+ viewF,
+ UIStackView.stackable.flexibleSpace(.atMost(20)), // flexible space. at least 0, at most 20, equivalent to `...20`
+ viewG,
+ UIStackView.stackable.flexibleSpace(.range(10...20)), // flexible space, at least 10, at most 20, equivalent to `10...20`
#### Advanced Spaces
- let cells: [UIView] = ...
- stack.stackable.add([
- cells,
- UIStackView.stackable.space(afterGroup: cells, 20), // A space that is dependent on at least one view in `cells` to be visible.
- ])
+let cells: [UIView] = ...
+ cells,
+ UIStackView.stackable.space(afterGroup: cells, 20), // A space that is dependent on at least one view in `cells` to be visible.
## Hairlines
- stack.stackable.add([
- viewA,
- UIStackView.stackable.hairline, // Simple hairline, extended to edges of StackView.
- viewB,
- UIStackView.stackable.hairline(after: viewB), // hairline that mirrors visibility of `viewB`
- viewC,
- UIStackView.stackable.hairline(between: viewC, viewD), // hairline that is dependent on both `viewC` and `viewD` being visible.
- viewD,
- UIStackView.stackable.hairline(before: viewE), // hairline before `viewE`, mirrors visibility of `viewE`
- viewE,
- viewF,
- UIStackView.stackable.hairlines(around: viewF), // hairline added above and below viewF. Mirrors visibility of `viewF`
- ])
+ viewA,
+ UIStackView.stackable.hairline, // Simple hairline, extended to edges of StackView.
+ viewB,
+ UIStackView.stackable.hairline(after: viewB), // hairline that mirrors visibility of `viewB`
+ viewC,
+ UIStackView.stackable.hairline(between: viewC, viewD), // hairline that is dependent on both `viewC` and `viewD` being visible.
+ viewD,
+ UIStackView.stackable.hairline(before: viewE), // hairline before `viewE`, mirrors visibility of `viewE`
+ viewE,
+ viewF,
+ UIStackView.stackable.hairlines(around: viewF), // hairline added above and below viewF. Mirrors visibility of `viewF`
#### Hairlines and Groups
- let cells: [UIView] = ...
+let cells: [UIView] = ...
- stack.stackable.add([
- cellsA,
- UIStackView.stackable.hairlines(between: cellsA), // Hairlines between any visibile members of `cellsA`
- cellsB,
- UIStackView.stackable.hairlines(after: cellsB), // Hairlines after all visible members of `cellsB`
- cellsC,
- UIStackView.stackable.hairlines(around: cellsC), // Hairlines above and below all visible members of `cellsC`
- ])
+ cellsA,
+ UIStackView.stackable.hairlines(between: cellsA), // Hairlines between any visibile members of `cellsA`
+ cellsB,
+ UIStackView.stackable.hairlines(after: cellsB), // Hairlines after all visible members of `cellsB`
+ cellsC,
+ UIStackView.stackable.hairlines(around: cellsC), // Hairlines above and below all visible members of `cellsC`
#### Hairline Alignment
- stack.stackable.add([
- viewA,
- UIStackView.hairline
+ viewA,
+ UIStackView.hairline
.inset(by: .init(top: 0, left: 10, bottom: 0, right: 10) // hairline inset horizontally by 10
- viewB,
- UIStackView.hairline
+ viewB,
+ UIStackView.hairline
.inset(by: .init(top: 0, left: -10, bottom: 0, right: -10) // hairline outset horizontally by 10
- viewC,
- UIStackView.hairline
+ viewC,
+ UIStackView.hairline
.outset(to: view) // hairline constrained to edges of some ancestor (horizontal edges for a vertical stack)
- ])
#### Hairline Appearance
Hairline appearance can be customized on a per hairline or group basis:
- stack.stackable.add([
- viewA,
- UIStackView.hairline
+ viewA,
+ UIStackView.hairline
- cells,
- UIStackView.hairlines(around: cells)
- .color(.red)
- .thickness(10)
- ])
+ cells,
+ UIStackView.hairlines(around: cells)
+ .color(.red)
+ .thickness(10)
It can also be customized on a per `UIStackView` basis:
- let stack = UIStackView()
- stack.stackable.hairlineColor = .lightGray
- stack.stackable.hairlineThickness = 1
+let stack = UIStackView()
+stack.stackable.hairlineColor = .lightGray
+stack.stackable.hairlineThickness = 1
It can also be customized with a global default:
- UIStackView.stackable.hairlineColor = .lightGray
- UIStackView.stackable.hairlineThickness = 1
+UIStackView.stackable.hairlineColor = .lightGray
+UIStackView.stackable.hairlineThickness = 1
If more customiztion is required, you may provide a `HairlineProvider` to vend the `UIView` that should be used as a hairline:
- let stack = UIStackView()
- stack.stackable.hairlineProvider = { stackView in
+let stack = UIStackView()
+stack.stackable.hairlineProvider = { stackView in
let customHairline = UIView()
return customHairline
- }
- // global default provider
- UIStackView.stackable.hairlineProvider = { stackView in
+// global default provider
+UIStackView.stackable.hairlineProvider = { stackView in
let customHairline = UIView()
return customHairline
- }
## Example
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ pod 'RPStackable'
## Author
## License