Name | Description |
File name | coredata/swift4.stencil |
Configuration example | coredata: |
Language | Swift 4 |
Author | Grant J. Butler |
- When you need to generate Swift 4 code.
Note: the template will only generate code for entities that have set the Codegen
property to "Manual/None". This is to avoid conflicts with Xcode, which will automatically generate code for the other options.
You can customize some elements of this template by overriding the following parameters when invoking swiftgen
. See the dedicated documentation.
Parameter Name | Default Value | Description |
extraImports |
N/A | With this you can provide additional modules to import, for example if you have properties with types from external modules. |
generateObjcName |
N/A | If set, the generated types will have an @objc(...) annotation with their class name. |
publicAccess |
N/A | If set, the generated types will be marked as public . Otherwise, they'll be declared internal . |
This template also make use of UserInfo keys that you can set on your Data Model's entities, attributes, relationships and fetched properties:
Scope | UserInfo Key | Description |
Attribute | RawType |
The name of the RawRepresentable type to associate to this attribute's type. The type in question is expected to be declared in your code (SwiftGen won't generate it) or in an external module (see theextraImports parameter).The type must be RawRepresentable (e.g. enum Foo: String or struct Foo: OptionSet ) and its RawValue must match the attribute's type in your Data Model. |
Attribute | unwrapOptional |
For use together with the rawType user info key. If set, this will adapt the generated attribute code slightly so that it is no longer an optional attribute, and will throw a fatalError when unwrapping fails. |
internal class MainEntity: NSManagedObject {
internal class var entityName: String {
return "MainEntity"
internal class func entity(in managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext) -> NSEntityDescription? {
return NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: entityName, in: managedObjectContext)
@nonobjc internal class func makeFetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<MainEntity> {
return NSFetchRequest<MainEntity>(entityName: entityName)
@NSManaged internal var attributedString: NSAttributedString?
@NSManaged internal var binaryData: Data?
@NSManaged internal var boolean: Bool
@NSManaged internal var date: Date?
@NSManaged internal var float: Float
@NSManaged internal var int64: Int64
internal var integerEnum: IntegerEnum {
get {
let key = "integerEnum"
willAccessValue(forKey: key)
defer { didAccessValue(forKey: key) }
guard let value = primitiveValue(forKey: key) as? IntegerEnum.RawValue,
let result = IntegerEnum(rawValue: value) else {
fatalError("Could not convert value for key '\(key)' to type 'IntegerEnum'")
return result
set {
let key = "integerEnum"
willChangeValue(forKey: key)
defer { didChangeValue(forKey: key) }
setPrimitiveValue(newValue.rawValue, forKey: key)
@NSManaged internal var manyToMany: Set<SecondaryEntity>
// MARK: Relationship ManyToMany
extension MainEntity {
@NSManaged public func addToManyToMany(_ value: SecondaryEntity)
@NSManaged public func removeFromManyToMany(_ value: SecondaryEntity)
@NSManaged public func addToManyToMany(_ values: Set<SecondaryEntity>)
@NSManaged public func removeFromManyToMany(_ values: Set<SecondaryEntity>)
// Fetch all the instances of MainEntity
let request = MainEntity.makeFetchRequest()
let mainItems = try myContext.execute(request)
// Type-safe relationships: `relatedItem` will be a `SecondaryEntity?` in this case
let relatedItem = myMainItem.manyToMany.first