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Instructions for macOS users

Prerequisite steps

  • XCode >= Xcode 12
  • Install Homebrew. If you use some other package managers, you're on your own :)
brew update-reset && brew update
brew install --cask font-dejavu
brew install cmake python3 libepoxy freetype fontconfig harfbuzz opus opusfile qt6 libogg libpng toml11 eigen
brew install llvm
pip3 install --upgrade --break-system-packages cython numpy mako lz4 pillow pygments setuptools toml

You will also need nyan and its dependencies:

brew install flex make

Optionally, for documentation generation:

brew install doxygen

Clone the repository

git clone
cd openage


We advise against using the clang version that comes with macOS (Apple Clang) as it notoriously out of date and often causes compilation errors. Use homebrew's clang if you don't want any trouble. You can pass the path of homebrew clang to the openage configure script which will generate the CMake files for building:

# on Intel macOS, llvm is by default in /usr/local/Cellar/llvm/bin/
# on ARM macOS, llvm is by default in /opt/homebrew/Cellar/llvm/bin/
./configure --compiler="$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/clang" --download-nyan

Afterwards, trigger the build using make:

make -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)


make test runs the built-in tests.


make run or cd bin && ./run launches the game. Try ./run --help if you don't know what to do!

To create the documentation

make doc For more options and details, refer to [doc/][/doc/]