Config file (template)
- operationName: "GetProduct",
- aadAuthInfo: required when using authentication method AppCert or AppSecret
- tenantId: required
- clientId: required
- certificateThumbprint: required when using authentication method AppCert
- certificateStore: optional when using authentication method AppCert (default My)
- certificateLocation: optional when using authentication method AppCert (default CurrentUser)
- productId: productId or bigId required
- bigId: productId or bigId required
Config file (template)
- operationName: "UploadUwpPackage",
- aadAuthInfo: required when using authentication method AppCert or AppSecret
- tenantId: required
- clientId: required
- certificateThumbprint: required when using authentication method AppCert
- certificateStore: optional when using authentication method AppCert (default My)
- certificateLocation: optional when using authentication method AppCert (default CurrentUser)
- productId: productId or bigId required
- bigId: productId or bigId required
- branchFriendlyName: flightName or branchFriendlyName required
- flightName: flightName or branchFriendlyName required
- marketGroupName: optional - if not set, it will use default as the market group (case sensitive)
- packageFilePath: required - path to the package file
- minutesToWaitForProcessing: optional (default 30) - it will check the package processing status every minute for this long, until it succeeds or fails
- availabilityDate: optional - if informed it will configure custom availability date for your UWP market groups Learn more
- isEnabled: optional (default false) - it will enable/disable custom availability date
- effectiveDate: optional - if informed it will set the package availability date (date format example: "2021-10-24T21:00:00.000Z")
- mandatoryDate: optional - if informed it will configure custom mandatory date for your UWP market groups Learn more
- isEnabled: optional (default false) - it will enable/disable custom mandatory date
- effectiveDate: optional - if informed it will set the mandatory date (date format example: "2021-10-24T21:00:00.000Z")
- gradualRollout: optional - if informed it will configure gradual rollout for your UWP packages Learn more
- isEnabled: optional (default false) - it will enable/disable gradual rollout
- percentage: optional - rollout to start with
- isSeekEnabled: optional - enable/disable always provide the newest packages when customers manually check for updates
- uploadConfig: optional - httpClient configuration to be used to upload the files
- httpTimeoutMs: (default and recommended: 5000)
- httpUploadTimeoutMs: (default and recommended: 300000)
- maxParallelism: (default and recommended: 24)
- defaultConnectionLimit: (default and recommended: -1)
- expect100Continue: (default and recommended: false)
- useNagleAlgorithm: (default and recommended: false)
Config file (template)
- operationName: "UploadXvcPackage",
- aadAuthInfo: required when using authentication method AppCert or AppSecret
- tenantId: required
- clientId: required
- certificateThumbprint: required when using authentication method AppCert
- certificateStore: optional when using authentication method AppCert (default My)
- certificateLocation: optional when using authentication method AppCert (default CurrentUser)
- productId: productId or bigId required
- bigId: productId or bigId required
- branchFriendlyName: flightName or branchFriendlyName required
- flightName: flightName or branchFriendlyName required
- marketGroupName: optional - if not set, it will use default as the market group (case sensitive)
- packageFilePath: required - path to the package file
- gameAssets: required - paths to the game assets
- ekbFilePath: required - path to the EKB file
- subValFilePath: required - path to the SubVal File
- symbolsFilePath: optional - path to the Symbols File
- discLayoutFilePath: optional - path to the Disc Layout File
- minutesToWaitForProcessing: optional (default 30) - it will check the package processing status every minute for this long, until it succeeds or fails
- availabilityDate: optional - if informed it will configure custom availability date for your XVC/MSIXVC packages Learn more
- isEnabled: optional (default false) - it will enable/disable custom availability date
- effectiveDate: optional - if informed it will set the package availability date (date format example: "2021-10-24T21:00:00.000Z")
- uploadConfig: optional - httpClient configuration to be used to upload the files
- httpTimeoutMs: (default and recommended: 5000)
- httpUploadTimeoutMs: (default and recommended: 300000)
- maxParallelism: (default and recommended: 24)
- defaultConnectionLimit: (default and recommended: -1)
- expect100Continue: (default and recommended: false)
- useNagleAlgorithm: (default and recommended: false)
Config file (template)
- operationName: "RemovePackages",
- aadAuthInfo: required when using authentication method AppCert or AppSecret
- tenantId: required
- clientId: required
- certificateThumbprint: required when using authentication method AppCert
- certificateStore: optional when using authentication method AppCert (default My)
- certificateLocation: optional when using authentication method AppCert (default CurrentUser)
- productId: productId or bigId required
- bigId: productId or bigId required
- branchFriendlyName: flightName or branchFriendlyName required
- flightName: flightName or branchFriendlyName required
- marketGroupName: optional - if not set, it will remove all packages from all market groups (case sensitive)
Config file (template)
- operationName: "ImportPackages",
- aadAuthInfo: required when using authentication method AppCert or AppSecret
- tenantId: required
- clientId: required
- certificateThumbprint: required when using authentication method AppCert
- certificateStore: optional when using authentication method AppCert (default My)
- certificateLocation: optional when using authentication method AppCert (default CurrentUser)
- productId: productId or bigId required
- bigId: productId or bigId required
- branchFriendlyName: flightName or branchFriendlyName required
- flightName: flightName or branchFriendlyName required
- destinationBranchFriendlyName: destinationFlightName or destinationBranchFriendlyName required
- destinationFlightName: destinationFlightName or destinationBranchFriendlyName required
- overwrite: optional - it will replace the packages in the destination branch/flight
- marketGroupName: optional - if not set, it will import all market groups packages (case sensitive)
- availabilityDate: optional - if informed it will configure custom availability date for your UWP market groups and your XVC/MSIXVC packages in the destination branch/flight Learn more
- isEnabled: optional (default false) - it will enable/disable custom availability date
- effectiveDate: optional - if informed it will set the package availability date (date format example: "2021-10-24T21:00:00.000Z")
- mandatoryDate: optional - if informed it will configure custom mandatory date for your UWP market groups in the destination branch/flight Learn more
- isEnabled: optional (default false) - it will enable/disable custom mandatory date
- effectiveDate: optional - if informed it will set the mandatory date (date format example: "2021-10-24T21:00:00.000Z")
- gradualRollout: optional - if informed it will configure gradual rollout for your UWP packages in the destination branch/flight Learn more
- isEnabled: optional (default false) - it will enable/disable gradual rollout
- percentage: optional - rollout to start with
- isSeekEnabled: optional - enable/disable always provide the newest packages when customers manually check for updates
If you want to deploy to RETAIL, you need to use the parameter --Retail in the command line
Config file (template)
- operationName: "PublishPackages",
- aadAuthInfo: required when using authentication method AppCert or AppSecret
- tenantId: required
- clientId: required
- certificateThumbprint: required when using authentication method AppCert
- certificateStore: optional when using authentication method AppCert (default My)
- certificateLocation: optional when using authentication method AppCert (default CurrentUser)
- productId: productId or bigId required
- bigId: productId or bigId required
- flightName: flightName or (branchFriendlyName and destinationSandboxName) required
- branchFriendlyName: flightName or (branchFriendlyName and destinationSandboxName) required
- destinationSandboxName: flightName or (branchFriendlyName and destinationSandboxName) required
- minutesToWaitForPublishing: optional (default 0 is fire and forget) - it will check the package processing status every minute for this long, until it succeeds or fails
- publishConfiguration: optional - configuration of the publish submission Learn more
- releaseTime: optional - publish release time, it will publish as soon as it passes certification if it is not set (date format example: "2021-10-24T21:00:00.000Z")
- IsManualPublish: optional - will enable/disable manual publish
- CertificationNotes: optional - Certification notes