Last update: 15 March, 2024
This seminar was developed by Yongjin Park and modified by Keegan Korthauer
Testing the over-representation of gene sets for your list of top significant genes:
Rank-based Gene Set Enrichment Analysis based on your list of gene-level scores:
Please make sure you are able to load the following libraries before starting the seminar
library(tidyverse) # our good friend
library(data.table) # very handy with large tables
library(R.utils) # need this to handle gzipped data
# Please make sure you have biomaRt installed but don't load it yet
# biomaRt creates namespace conflicts with dplyr. So we just want load
# it when required
# library(biomaRt) # annotate gene information
# The following libraries can be installed using Bioconductor:
library(msigdbr) # curated source of gene sets and functions
library(goseq) # tool for GO term enrichment analysis
library(fgsea) # tool for gene set enrichment analysis
## `goseq` and `fgseq` can be installed by bioconductor package manager:
## if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
## install.packages("BiocManager")
## BiocManager::install("goseq")
## BiocManager::install("fgsea")
theme_set(theme_bw()) # classic theme ggplot
Remark on a technical issue (Ubuntu/Debian Linux only): You may not be
able to install everything from the scratch depending on your
machine/platform. If you’re using Ubuntu/Debian
Linux, you might want
to install some dependent R
packages via apt-get
# for example, to install R package "BiasedUrn" from cran
sudo apt install r-cran-biasedurn
# for example, to install R package "geneLenDataBase" from Bioconductor
sudo apt install r-bioc-genelendatabase
Remark on a technical issue: You need C++
compiler installed in your
machine if you want to use fgsea
with best performance.
Part 1: When we want to draw lines between the significant and the insignificant
Part 2: When we want to use gene-level scores to rank all genes
Let’s use the same data used in
This code is just repeating some code from seminar-05
for convenience,
where we’ll fit the model with additive factors for genotype and
developmental stage. We’ll pull out the test for every gene for the
genotype (NrlKO vs WT) coefficient which we’ll use to illustrate several
gene set analyses throughout the seminar. We’ll also save the results of
testing for any effect of developmental stage in the same model, and
save the results (to be loaded for the deliverable).
deg.genotype.file <- "data/DEG_genotype.rds"
deg.stage.file <- "data/DEG_stage.rds"
run.if.needed(deg.genotype.file, {
eset.file <- "data/GSE4051.rds"
eset <- GEOquery::getGEO("GSE4051", getGPL = FALSE)[[1]]
saveRDS(eset, file=eset.file)
eset <- readRDS(eset.file) <-
Biobase::pData(eset) %>%
mutate(sample_id = geo_accession) %>%
mutate(dev_stage = case_when(
grepl("E16", title) ~ "E16",
grepl("P2", title) ~ "P02",
grepl("P6", title) ~ "P06",
grepl("P10", title) ~ "P10",
grepl("4 weeks", title) ~ "P28"
)) %>%
mutate(genotype = case_when(
grepl("Nrl-ko", title) ~ "NrlKO",
grepl("wt", title) ~ "WT"
)) %>%
dplyr::select(sample_id, genotype, dev_stage)
expr.mat <- Biobase::exprs(eset)
design.mat <- model.matrix( ~ genotype + dev_stage,
DEG.stat.dt <- limma::lmFit(expr.mat, design.mat) %>%
limma::eBayes() %>%
limma::topTable(coef = c("dev_stageP02", "dev_stageP06", "dev_stageP10", "dev_stageP28"), number = Inf) %>%
(function(x) { x %>% mutate(probe = rownames(x)) }) %>%
saveRDS(DEG.stat.dt, deg.stage.file)
DEG.genotype.stat.dt <- limma::lmFit(expr.mat, design.mat) %>%
limma::eBayes() %>%
limma::topTable(coef = "genotypeWT", number = Inf, = "p") %>%
(function(x) { x %>% mutate(probe = rownames(x)) }) %>%
saveRDS(DEG.genotype.stat.dt , deg.genotype.file)
DEG.stat.dt <- readRDS(deg.genotype.file)
As a result, we have:
## logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
## <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: 5.2108065 8.733103 21.61189 4.201389e-22 1.894868e-17 37.11469
## 2: 3.9872758 9.323796 13.21908 2.524904e-15 5.693784e-11 24.07843
## 3: 0.8600933 8.268122 12.68818 8.501048e-15 1.178200e-10 22.98888
## 4: -1.0064831 8.260647 -12.59935 1.044943e-14 1.178200e-10 22.80284
## 5: 2.0794336 9.495435 12.47262 1.404916e-14 1.267262e-10 22.53556
## 6: 1.8772642 9.173111 12.38915 1.709168e-14 1.284753e-10 22.35830
## probe
## <char>
## 1: 1450946_at
## 2: 1426288_at
## 3: 1442070_at
## 4: 1418108_at
## 5: 1422679_s_at
## 6: 1455140_at
Sometimes, feature annotation information is not included in publicly
available data. In that case, you must manually map these to gene
symbols or ENSEMBL IDs commonly used in pathway annotation databases. We
will use biomaRt
package to construct this map. <- "data/mouse_human_map.rds"
Although running biomaRt
(or a similar kind) is essential in many
researches (especially in cross-species analysis), we will not cover the
details in this seminar. However, you are welcomed to explore the source
code as much as you like
We share .rds
file for a quick data access.
run.if.needed(, {
## Will use biomaRt that can access ENSEMBL database
## and make query to retrive what you need
## Loading biomaRt library can mess up dplyr namespace
## not sure about the current version of R and the package
## 0. Make an access point to mouse and human databases
human.db <- biomaRt::useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
host = "")
mouse.db <- biomaRt::useMart("ensembl", dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl",
host = "")
## 1. Link mouse and human databases
## This may take sometime depending on your internet speed <-
attributes = c("affy_mouse430_2","mgi_symbol"),
filters = "affy_mouse430_2",
values = unique(DEG.stat.dt$`probe`),
mart = mouse.db,
attributesL = c("hgnc_symbol","ensembl_gene_id"),
martL = human.db,
uniqueRows = TRUE,
bmHeader=FALSE) %>% %>%
## 2. Take some attributes for human genes
## Read some human gene-specific information
## This will also take a while...
human.prop <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id",
filters = "ensembl_gene_id",
values = unique($`ensembl_gene_id`),
mart = human.db,
useCache=FALSE) %>% %>%
## 3. Match them up
.map <- %>%
left_join(human.prop) %>% %>%
unique() %>%
dplyr::rename(probe = affy_mouse430_2) %>% # Change the var. name
dplyr::rename(chr = chromosome_name) %>% # shorten the chr name
dplyr::rename(gene_symbol = hgnc_symbol) %>% # Will use human gene symbol
}) <-
readRDS( # read RDS
It looks like this: %>%
head() %>%
probe | mgi_symbol | gene_symbol | ensembl_gene_id | chr | transcription_start_site | transcript_length |
1426088_at | mt-Nd5 | MT-ND5 | ENSG00000198786 | MT | 12337 | 1812 |
1417629_at | Prodh | ENSG00000277196 | KI270734.1 | 161852 | 2405 | |
1417629_at | Prodh | ENSG00000277196 | KI270734.1 | 161750 | 1990 | |
1452434_s_at | Dgcr6 | ENSG00000278817 | KI270734.1 | 131494 | 1213 | |
1428753_a_at | Dgcr6 | ENSG00000278817 | KI270734.1 | 131494 | 1213 | |
1417253_at | Frg1 | ENSG00000273748 | GL000219.1 | 83311 | 372 |
We could have multiple transcripts within a gene, so let’s take the longest one:
n0 <- nrow( # save how many rows before filtering <-[order($transcript_length, decreasing = TRUE),
head(.SD, 1),
by = .(probe, gene_symbol, chr)]
The same map, but a shorter list: 336,181 to 33,950. %>%
head() %>%
probe | gene_symbol | chr | mgi_symbol | ensembl_gene_id | transcription_start_site | transcript_length |
1444083_at | TTN | 2 | Ttn | ENSG00000155657 | 178807423 | 109224 |
1427446_s_at | TTN | 2 | Ttn | ENSG00000155657 | 178807423 | 109224 |
1444638_at | TTN | 2 | Ttn | ENSG00000155657 | 178807423 | 109224 |
1427445_a_at | TTN | 2 | Ttn | ENSG00000155657 | 178807423 | 109224 |
1431928_at | TTN | 2 | Ttn | ENSG00000155657 | 178807423 | 109224 |
1443001_at | TTN | 2 | Ttn | ENSG00000155657 | 178807423 | 109224 |
When we match the probe names with the mouse and human gene symbols, we can directly use this DEG table for downstream enrichment analysis of gene sets annotated by human gene symbols.
DEG.stat.dt %>%
left_join( %>%
dplyr::select(probe, gene_symbol, P.Value, adj.P.Val) %>%
na.omit() %>%
head(10) %>%
mutate(P.Value = num.sci(P.Value)) %>%
mutate(adj.P.Val = num.sci(adj.P.Val)) %>%
probe | gene_symbol | P.Value | adj.P.Val |
1450946_at | NRL | 4.2e-22 | 1.9e-17 |
1426288_at | LRP4 | 2.5e-15 | 5.7e-11 |
1418108_at | RTKN2 | 1.0e-14 | 1.2e-10 |
1422679_s_at | CTR9 | 1.4e-14 | 1.3e-10 |
1455140_at | PITPNM3 | 1.7e-14 | 1.3e-10 |
1423631_at | NR2E3 | 3.7e-14 | 2.0e-10 |
1428733_at | GNGT2 | 4.0e-14 | 2.0e-10 |
1449526_a_at | GDPD3 | 5.7e-14 | 2.6e-10 |
1453299_a_at | PNP | 5.2e-13 | 2.1e-09 |
1419740_at | PDE6B | 5.7e-13 | 2.1e-09 |
# num.sci is a convenient function defined in the seminar's Rmd file to convert long numbers into scientific notation.
Why human gene names for the mouse study? We would like to do some exploration to link the genes found in this study to human genes that have been found to harbour genetic variation that is associated with certain phenotypes (including disease) - notably, Genome-wide Association studies. Note that gene ontologies and pathways are also well-annotated for mouse, so this step is not required (i.e. we could instead perform gene set analysis on the mouse genes, and indeed this type of analysis is very common).
Why do some Affymetrix probes correspond to multiple human genes? The mapping from probe to mouse gene is not necessarily 1:1, and neither is the mapping from a mouse gene to a human gene.
Here, we will use the Molecular Signature Database (MSigDB) database and GWAS catalogue, but there are many ways you can obtain gene sets. Traditionally, Gene Ontology (GO) terms have been used as a go-to database for gene sets. However, the enrichment of GO terms might be slightly different from what we want to achieve in a set-based analysis. Unlike pathway annotations and GWAS catalogue, GO terms have hierarchical relationships (or directed acyclic graph) with one another, which we would need to consider in calibrating the null distribution.
MSigDB provides a comprehensive list of gene sets and pathways manually curated by experts or derived from previous experimental results, including GO terms. We do not need to download them one by one since someone made a convenient package to retrieve a current version of MSigDB into R. You can download the raw text files from the website, too.
Note: We will interchangeably use a pathway and a gene set since we do not deal with gene-gene interactions within a pathway.
There are many species:
species_name | species_common_name |
Anolis carolinensis | Carolina anole, green anole |
Bos taurus | bovine, cattle, cow, dairy cow, domestic cattle, domestic cow, ox, oxen |
Caenorhabditis elegans | NA |
Canis lupus familiaris | dog, dogs |
Danio rerio | leopard danio, zebra danio, zebra fish, zebrafish |
Drosophila melanogaster | fruit fly |
Equus caballus | domestic horse, equine, horse |
Felis catus | cat, cats, domestic cat |
Gallus gallus | bantam, chicken, chickens, Gallus domesticus |
Homo sapiens | human |
Macaca mulatta | rhesus macaque, rhesus macaques, Rhesus monkey, rhesus monkeys |
Monodelphis domestica | gray short-tailed opossum |
Mus musculus | house mouse, mouse |
Ornithorhynchus anatinus | duck-billed platypus, duckbill platypus, platypus |
Pan troglodytes | chimpanzee |
Rattus norvegicus | brown rat, Norway rat, rat, rats |
Saccharomyces cerevisiae | baker’s yeast, brewer’s yeast, S. cerevisiae |
Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h- | NA |
Sus scrofa | pig, pigs, swine, wild boar |
Xenopus tropicalis | tropical clawed frog, western clawed frog |
There are many collections available:
gs_cat | gs_subcat | num_genesets |
C1 | 299 | |
C2 | CGP | 3384 |
C2 | CP | 29 |
C2 | CP:BIOCARTA | 292 |
C2 | CP:KEGG | 186 |
C2 | CP:PID | 196 |
C2 | CP:REACTOME | 1615 |
C3 | MIR:MIRDB | 2377 |
C3 | MIR:MIR_Legacy | 221 |
C3 | TFT:GTRD | 518 |
C3 | TFT:TFT_Legacy | 610 |
C4 | CGN | 427 |
C4 | CM | 431 |
C5 | GO:BP | 7658 |
C5 | GO:CC | 1006 |
C5 | GO:MF | 1738 |
C5 | HPO | 5071 |
C6 | 189 | |
C7 | IMMUNESIGDB | 4872 |
C7 | VAX | 347 |
C8 | 700 | |
H | 50 |
We will focus on the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways named by human gene symbols:
KEGG.human.db <- msigdbr::msigdbr(species = "human",
category = "C2",
subcategory = "CP:KEGG")
We can download public data mapping SNPs to associated diseases/phenotypes in large human cohort studies from the NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog. The GWAS catalog file is already processed and stored in this repository for your convenience, but you’re welcome to try out the code below which generates this file.
gwas.tidy.file <- "data/gwas_catalog_tidy.tsv.gz"
## make it tidy by taking only what we need
run.if.needed(gwas.tidy.file, {
## It make take some time
gwas.file <- "data/gwas_catalog_v1.0-associations_e105_r2022-02-02.tsv.gz"
run.if.needed(gwas.file, {
url <- ""
.file <- str_remove(gwas.file, ".gz$")
download.file(url, destfile = .file, timeout = 600) # this step can take several minutes
.dt <-
fread(gwas.file, sep="\t", quote="") %>%
## remove redundant associations
.dt <- .dt[order(.dt$PVALUE_MLOG, decreasing = TRUE),
head(.SD, 1),
## remove traits with too few associations
.count <- .dt[, .(.N), by = .(`DISEASE/TRAIT`)]
.dt <- left_join(.count[`N` >= 100, ], .dt)[nchar(`MAPPED_GENE`)> 0,]
## simply split gene lists and unlist
.dt <- .dt[,
.(gene_symbol = unlist(strsplit(`MAPPED_GENE`, split="[ ,.-]+"))),
.dt[, p.value := 10^(-PVALUE_MLOG)]
fwrite(.dt, file=gwas.tidy.file)
file.remove(gwas.file) # remove large file
gwas.db <- fread(gwas.tidy.file) # fread to read gzipped txt file
gwas.db[, gs_name := `DISEASE/TRAIT`] # will use gs_name for a gene set name
# The := annotation is specific to data.table, in this case we will create a column called 'gs_name' which will reference to the column "DISEASE/TRAIT"
- Note:
, andby=.()
operations are usually much faster than thetidyverse
, andgroup_by()
. The GWAS catalog is pretty big; the number of rows after pruning can increase to 298,633 gene-level associations.
For instance, we can take GWAS genes associated with Alzheimer’s disease-related disorders:
gwas.db[str_detect(`DISEASE/TRAIT`, "[Aa]lzheimer") & !] %>%
head() %>%
mutate(p.value = num.sci(p.value)) %>%
dplyr::select(`gs_name`, `gene_symbol`, `p.value`, `PVALUE_MLOG`) %>%
gs_name | gene_symbol | p.value | PVALUE_MLOG |
Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk score (upper quantile vs lower quantile) | APOC1 | 0e+00 | 672.6990 |
Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk score (upper quantile vs lower quantile) | APOC1P1 | 0e+00 | 672.6990 |
Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk score (upper quantile vs lower quantile) | BCAM | 7e-192 | 191.1549 |
Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk score (upper quantile vs lower quantile) | TOMM40 | 3e-156 | 155.5229 |
Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk score (upper quantile vs lower quantile) | APOE | 3e-156 | 155.5229 |
Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk score (upper quantile vs lower quantile) | BCL3 | 3e-117 | 116.5229 |
- Note:
: -log10(p-value).
Lets do a quick recap before moving on the interesting part; what have we done so far?
Standardized gene nomenclature in results from
and matched probes to human gene symbols. -
Loaded MSigDB information for human KEGG pathways.
Obtained known GWAS information about genes associated with disease/phenotype.
How do they look like? For instance, let’s take a look at some pathways
CUTOFF <- 1e-2 # q-value cutoff
.dt <-
KEGG.human.db %>%
filter(`gs_name` %in% .gs) %>%
left_join( %>%
left_join(DEG.stat.dt) %>%
group_by(gs_name) %>% # for each gene set
arrange(adj.P.Val) %>% # sort genes by p-value
mutate(g = 1:n()) %>% # add gene order index
ungroup() %>%
ggplot(.dt, aes(g, -log10(adj.P.Val), colour=`gs_name`)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(CUTOFF), colour = "red", lty = 2) +
geom_point() + xlab("genes sorted by p-value in each pathway") +
scale_y_continuous("adjusted p-value",
labels = function(x) num.sci(10^(-x)))
- Which ones are significant?
What are the counts? Let’s match gene counts with the black/white ball
analogy used in R
’s phyper
manual page.
: the number of genes in the pathway (white balls) overlapping with the genes in the DEG list (balls drawn)m
: the number of genes in this pathay (white balls)n
: the number of genes not in this pathway (black balls)k
: the number of genes in the DEG list (balls drawn)
Under the null hypothesis:
We may observe
Therefore, we can calculate the p-value:
In R
’s phyper
, it’s as simple as:
phyper(q, m, n, k, lower.tail = FALSE)
#' @param gene.dt gene-level statitsics with `gene_symbol` and `adj.P.Val`
#' @param geneset.dt gene set membership with `gene_symbol` and `gs_name`
run.hyper.test <- function(gene.dt, geneset.dt, cutoff = CUTOFF) {
.genes <- unique(gene.dt[, .(gene_symbol, adj.P.Val)]) %>%
.sets <-
.sets <- .sets[gene_symbol %in% .genes$gene_symbol,
.(gene_symbol, gs_name)]
.dt <- left_join(.sets, .genes, by = "gene_symbol", relationship = "many-to-many") %>%
## Total number of genes
ntot <- length(unique(.dt$gene_symbol))
## Total number of significant DEGs
nsig <- nrow(unique(.dt[adj.P.Val < cutoff, .(gene_symbol)]))
## Gene set size
gs.size <- .dt[,
.(m = length(unique(gene_symbol))),
by = .(gs_name)]
## Gene set overlap size
overlap.size <- .dt[adj.P.Val < cutoff,
.(q = length(unique(gene_symbol))),
by = .(gs_name)]
left_join(gs.size, overlap.size, by = "gs_name") %>%
mutate(`q` = if_else(`q`), 0, as.numeric(`q`))) %>%
mutate(n = `ntot` - `m`) %>%
mutate(k = `nsig`) %>%
mutate(p.val = phyper(`q`, `m`, `n`, `k`, lower.tail=FALSE)) %>%
arrange(p.val) %>%
deg.dt <- DEG.stat.dt[, .(probe, adj.P.Val)] %>%
left_join(, by = "probe") %>%
hyper.kegg.dt <- run.hyper.test(deg.dt,
gs_name | m | q | n | k | p.val |
KEGG_CELL_ADHESION_MOLECULES_CAMS | 115 | 17 | 4355 | 287 | 0.0003221 |
KEGG_TIGHT_JUNCTION | 120 | 16 | 4350 | 287 | 0.0015023 |
KEGG_GAP_JUNCTION | 82 | 12 | 4388 | 287 | 0.0019258 |
KEGG_GNRH_SIGNALING_PATHWAY | 94 | 13 | 4376 | 287 | 0.0024039 |
KEGG_TYPE_II_DIABETES_MELLITUS | 47 | 8 | 4423 | 287 | 0.0025532 |
KEGG_FRUCTOSE_AND_MANNOSE_METABOLISM | 34 | 6 | 4436 | 287 | 0.0049997 |
KEGG_COLORECTAL_CANCER | 62 | 9 | 4408 | 287 | 0.0055388 |
KEGG_MELANOGENESIS | 96 | 12 | 4374 | 287 | 0.0077607 |
hyper.gwas.dt <- run.hyper.test(deg.dt,
gs_name | m | q | n | k | p.val |
Educational attainment | 2506 | 263 | 11439 | 896 | 0 |
Personality traits or cognitive traits (multivariate analysis) | 359 | 59 | 13586 | 896 | 0 |
Refractive error | 439 | 67 | 13506 | 896 | 0 |
Educational attainment (MTAG) | 959 | 114 | 12986 | 896 | 0 |
Body mass index | 2251 | 214 | 11694 | 896 | 0 |
Smoking initiation | 1469 | 151 | 12476 | 896 | 0 |
Schizophrenia | 1197 | 129 | 12748 | 896 | 0 |
Total PHF-tau (SNP x SNP interaction) | 1482 | 152 | 12463 | 896 | 0 |
Educational attainment (years of education) | 1006 | 113 | 12939 | 896 | 0 |
Self-reported math ability (MTAG) | 550 | 72 | 13395 | 896 | 0 |
For the DEGs associated with Nrl knockout, some of them make sense! For example, keratan sulfate seems to be important for the cornea, and Refractive error is a type of vision problem that makes it hard to see clearly. What are your interpretations? But, let’s take further precautions.
We decided to use a hypergeometric test, we implicitly take the assumption of a uniform sampling of balls in urns without replacement. Well, the “without replacement” part makes sense because we don’t draw a DEG more than once in our analysis. However, the “uniform sampling” part may not hold in practice considering that some balls can be bigger than the other. Those bigger balls can be colored differently.
In the gene set terminology, we need to ask the following questions:
Are all the genes equally distributed in the gene sets?
Did our DEG analysis tend to hit genes and pathways “uniformly?”
Let’s use all the canonical pathways in the MSig database to demonstrate a potential bias.
C2.human.db <- msigdbr::msigdbr(species = "human", category = "C2")
Mesh up with our DEG list:
gene.level.stat <-
DEG.stat.dt %>%
left_join(, by = "probe") %>%
left_join(C2.human.db, by = "gene_symbol", relationship = "many-to-many") %>%
dplyr::select(gene_symbol, gs_name, P.Value, transcript_length) %>%
filter(! %>% %>%
.dt[, .(transcript_length = max(transcript_length),
P.Value = min(P.Value), = length(unique(gs_name))),
by = .(gene_symbol)]
Let’s visualize them in regular intervals.
gene.level.stat[, := round(*10]
.dt <- gene.level.stat[,
.(mean.length = mean(transcript_length),
sd.length = sd(transcript_length),
mean.pval = mean(-log10(P.Value)),
sd.pval = mean(-log10(P.Value))),
by = .(]
What do you think?
.aes <- aes(, mean.pval,
ymin=pmax(mean.pval - sd.pval, 0),
ymax=mean.pval + sd.pval)
p1 <-
ggplot(gene.level.stat, aes(, -log10(P.Value))) +
geom_linerange(.aes, data = .dt, linewidth=.5) +
geom_point(.aes, data=.dt, pch=21, fill = "white", size = 2) +
geom_smooth(method="lm", colour="blue") +
xlab("Number of participating sets per gene")
.aes <- aes(, mean.length,
ymin=pmax(mean.length - sd.length, 0),
ymax=mean.length + sd.length)
p2 <-
ggplot(gene.level.stat, aes(, transcript_length)) +
geom_linerange(.aes, data = .dt, linewidth=.5) +
geom_point(.aes, data=.dt, pch=21, fill = "white", size = 2) +
geom_smooth(se=FALSE, method="lm", colour="red") +
xlab("Number of participating sets per gene")
p1 | p2
Anecdotally, long genes tend to participate in multiple functions as a result of an evolutionary process. They can be more recent, a constituent of multiple gene duplicates relating to the brain or mammalian-specific functions, such as neurons and energy consumption.
You might want to read this paper: Gene Size Matters: An Analysis of Gene Length in the Human Genome
We will use
method–Gene ontology analysis for RNA-seq: accounting for selection
Even though the method was initially developed for GO term enrichment
analysis, it can handle any other types of gene sets.
Prepare our DEG list for the goseq
deg.vec <- DEG.stat.dt %>%
left_join( %>%
filter(! %>%
arrange(P.Value) %>% %>%
(function(.dt) { .dt[, head(.SD,1), by = .(ensembl_gene_id)] }) %>%
mutate(v = as.integer(adj.P.Val < CUTOFF)) %>%
(function(.dt) { v <- .dt$v; names(v) <- .dt$ensembl_gene_id; v })
It will look like this:
## ENSG00000129535 ENSG00000134569 ENSG00000182010 ENSG00000198730 ENSG00000091622
## 1 1 1 1 1
## ENSG00000278570
## 1
or this:
## ENSG00000164972 ENSG00000176896 ENSG00000110324 ENSG00000181773 ENSG00000185475
## 0 0 0 0 0
## ENSG00000111667
## 0
The goseq
method addresses a potential gene-level bias by estimating
gene-level weights (a null distribution of gene lengths) in our DEG
study. The following is an excerpt from the goseq
“We first need to obtain a weighting for each gene, depending on its length, given by the PWF. As you may have noticed when running supportedGenomes or supportedGeneIDs, length data is available in the local database for our gene ID,”ensGene” and our genome, “hg19”. We will let goseq automatically fetch this data from its databases.”
pwf <- goseq::nullp(deg.vec,"hg19","ensGene")
Using this null PWF object, we can simply run tests for all the GO
terms. As the name suggests, we do not need to prepare anything else for
GO enrichment analysis. To save some time, the results are provided for
you, but you’re free to run them yourself by commenting out the
goseq.results <- goseq::goseq(pwf,"hg19","ensGene")
What do you think?
head(goseq.results, 10) %>%
mutate(over_represented_pvalue = num.sci(over_represented_pvalue)) %>%
category | over_represented_pvalue | under_represented_pvalue | numDEInCat | numInCat | term | ontology | |
10783 | GO:0043005 | 1.9e-15 | 1 | 157 | 1250 | neuron projection | CC |
10778 | GO:0042995 | 9.9e-13 | 1 | 226 | 2221 | cell projection | CC |
18284 | GO:0120025 | 6.3e-12 | 1 | 214 | 2115 | plasma membrane bounded cell projection | CC |
553 | GO:0001750 | 1.4e-11 | 1 | 26 | 87 | photoreceptor outer segment | CC |
11579 | GO:0045202 | 1.7e-11 | 1 | 154 | 1385 | synapse | CC |
3681 | GO:0007399 | 2.2e-11 | 1 | 235 | 2387 | nervous system development | BP |
17177 | GO:0097060 | 2.4e-11 | 1 | 63 | 378 | synaptic membrane | CC |
3742 | GO:0007602 | 2.0e-10 | 1 | 17 | 44 | phototransduction | BP |
4458 | GO:0009583 | 2.9e-10 | 1 | 20 | 61 | detection of light stimulus | BP |
12911 | GO:0048812 | 3.2e-10 | 1 | 85 | 615 | neuron projection morphogenesis | BP |
How about other custom gene sets, e.g., KEGG pathways or all the canonical pathways? Let’s take a look at the following excerpt in the manual page.
goseq(pwf, genome, id, gene2cat = NULL,
test.cats=c("GO:CC", "GO:BP", "GO:MF"),
method = "Wallenius", repcnt = 2000, use_genes_without_cat=FALSE)
pwf: An object containing gene names, DE calls, the probability
weighting function. Usually generated by nullp.
genome: A string identifying the genome that ‘genes’ refer to. For a
list of supported organisms run supportedGenomes.
id: A string identifying the gene identifier used by ‘genes’.
For a list of supported gene IDs run supportedGeneIDs.
gene2cat: A data frame with two columns containing the mapping between
genes and the categories of interest.
We can build a custom gene2cat
canonical.gene2cat <- C2.human.db %>%
dplyr::select(ensembl_gene, gs_name) %>%
distinct() %>%
canonical.goseq.results <- goseq::goseq(pwf, "hg19", gene2cat = canonical.gene2cat)
head(canonical.goseq.results, 10) %>%
mutate(over_represented_pvalue = num.sci(over_represented_pvalue)) %>%
category | over_represented_pvalue | under_represented_pvalue | numDEInCat | numInCat | |
1262 | GOBERT_OLIGODENDROCYTE_DIFFERENTIATION_DN | 1.1e-10 | 1.0000000 | 125 | 1054 |
2087 | LEE_TARGETS_OF_PTCH1_AND_SUFU_DN | 5.8e-09 | 1.0000000 | 22 | 82 |
483 | BLALOCK_ALZHEIMERS_DISEASE_DN | 1.1e-08 | 1.0000000 | 118 | 1186 |
3953 | REACTOME_NEURONAL_SYSTEM | 7.7e-08 | 1.0000000 | 54 | 382 |
2964 | PID_RHODOPSIN_PATHWAY | 1.0e-07 | 1.0000000 | 10 | 21 |
2841 | PID_CONE_PATHWAY | 3.4e-07 | 1.0000000 | 9 | 19 |
5302 | VERHAAK_GLIOBLASTOMA_PRONEURAL | 4.4e-07 | 0.9999999 | 31 | 171 |
142 | BENPORATH_ES_WITH_H3K27ME3 | 6.8e-07 | 0.9999998 | 103 | 1005 |
2315 | MARTORIATI_MDM4_TARGETS_NEUROEPITHELIUM_DN | 7.0e-07 | 0.9999998 | 28 | 157 |
Do you see any pathways or GO categories here that look like they could be retina-related?
Let’s take a step back. What is the premise of (discrete) gene set analysis? In our DEG analysis, we discovered 1520 probes/genes (of a total of 45101 probes) significantly different after Nrl knockout. It can be tricky to determine when to draw the line between the significant and the insignificant genes.
ggplot(DEG.stat.dt, aes(1:nrow(DEG.stat.dt), -log10(adj.P.Val))) +
geom_point(stroke=0) +
xlab("probes") +
geom_hline(yintercept = 1, lty = 2, colour="red") +
geom_hline(yintercept = 2, lty = 2, colour="green") +
geom_hline(yintercept = 4, lty = 2, colour="blue") +
scale_y_continuous("adjusted p-value",
breaks = c(1, 2, 4),
labels=function(x) num.sci(10^(-x)))
The original Gene Set Enrichment Analysis method is not so scalable and
gunky in permutation steps. To calibrate low P-values, e.g., 1e-6, you
would literally need to sample a million permutations for all the gene
sets (with some exaggeration). The authors of fgsea
come up with smart
computation tricks and approximate p-value calculation quite accurately.
You can check out this preprint:
takes a list of lists of genes. We can construct them by looping
through gene sets, i.e., for
, but that’s not R
’s way and would be
pretty slow. Here is a helper function to do that for us. <- function(.dt) {
.dt <- %>% unique()
.list <-
.dt[, .(gene = .(gene_symbol)), by = .(gs_name)] %>%
.names <- .list$gs_name
.ret <- .list$gene
names(.ret) <- .names
For instance, we can convert KEGG pathway tibble
in this way: <- KEGG.human.db %>% dplyr::select(gene_symbol, gs_name) %>%
In case you were wondering about the shape, it looks like this:[1:2]
## [1] "ABCA1" "ABCA10" "ABCA12" "ABCA13" "ABCA2" "ABCA3" "ABCA4" "ABCA5"
## [9] "ABCA6" "ABCA7" "ABCA8" "ABCA9" "ABCB1" "ABCB10" "ABCB11" "ABCB4"
## [17] "ABCB5" "ABCB6" "ABCB7" "ABCB8" "ABCB9" "ABCC1" "ABCC10" "ABCC11"
## [25] "ABCC12" "ABCC2" "ABCC3" "ABCC4" "ABCC5" "ABCC6" "ABCC8" "ABCC9"
## [33] "ABCD1" "ABCD2" "ABCD3" "ABCD4" "ABCG1" "ABCG2" "ABCG4" "ABCG5"
## [41] "ABCG8" "CFTR" "TAP1" "TAP2"
## [1] "AKT1" "AKT2" "AKT3" "ARAF" "BAD" "BRAF"
## [7] "CCNA1" "CCND1" "CEBPA" "CHUK" "EIF4EBP1" "FLT3"
## [13] "GRB2" "HRAS" "IKBKB" "IKBKG" "JUP" "KIT"
## [19] "KRAS" "LEF1" "MAP2K1" "MAP2K2" "MAPK1" "MAPK3"
## [25] "MTOR" "MYC" "NFKB1" "NRAS" "PIK3CA" "PIK3CB"
## [31] "PIK3CD" "PIK3CG" "PIK3R1" "PIK3R2" "PIK3R3" "PIK3R5"
## [37] "PIM1" "PIM2" "PML" "PPARD" "RAF1" "RARA"
## [43] "RELA" "RPS6KB1" "RPS6KB2" "RUNX1" "RUNX1T1" "SOS1"
## [49] "SOS2" "SPI1" "STAT3" "STAT5A" "STAT5B" "TCF7"
## [55] "TCF7L1" "TCF7L2" "ZBTB16"
We will also need a named vector of gene-level scores. Here, we use
as our gene-level score:
deg.scores <- DEG.stat.dt %>%
left_join( %>%
filter(! %>%
arrange(P.Value) %>% %>%
# Here .SD is a reference to the data itself. So in this case we are
# taking the most significant result from every gene symbol
(function(.dt) { .dt[, head(.SD,1), by = .(gene_symbol)] }) %>%
# Convert the adjusted pvalue to a score
mutate(v = -log10(P.Value)) %>%
# Reduce the data frame to a named vector of scores
(function(.dt) { v <- .dt$v; names(v) <- .dt$gene_symbol; v })
Now we have all the ingredients.
kegg.fgsea <- fgsea::fgsea(pathways =, stats = deg.scores, scoreType = "pos")
Show top 3 genes for each pathway:
# Here, we are "pasting" the first three genes in the leadingEdge column
topGenes := paste0(head(unlist(`leadingEdge`), 3), collapse=", "),
by = .(pathway)]
Do we see the same results?
kegg.fgsea %>%
arrange(pval) %>%
head(10) %>%
dplyr::select(-leadingEdge) %>%
pathway | pval | padj | log2err | ES | NES | size | topGenes |
KEGG_CELL_ADHESION_MOLECULES_CAMS | 0.0018316 | 0.1919105 | 0.4550599 | 0.5413632 | 1.326870 | 115 | CADM1, NFASC, ALCAM |
KEGG_COLORECTAL_CANCER | 0.0029784 | 0.1919105 | 0.4317077 | 0.5802687 | 1.387844 | 62 | MAPK8, MAPK10, MLH1 |
KEGG_GNRH_SIGNALING_PATHWAY | 0.0036443 | 0.1919105 | 0.4317077 | 0.5399541 | 1.319543 | 94 | MAPK8, CACNA1D, PRKCB |
KEGG_ERBB_SIGNALING_PATHWAY | 0.0041271 | 0.1919105 | 0.4070179 | 0.5455817 | 1.327122 | 85 | MAPK8, PRKCB, MAPK10 |
KEGG_CHEMOKINE_SIGNALING_PATHWAY | 0.0063579 | 0.2365149 | 0.4070179 | 0.4941380 | 1.226311 | 168 | GNGT2, GNB1, PRKCB |
KEGG_NOD_LIKE_RECEPTOR_SIGNALING_PATHWAY | 0.0135259 | 0.3375660 | 0.3807304 | 0.5754011 | 1.356947 | 48 | MAPK8, IL18, MAPK10 |
KEGG_TYPE_II_DIABETES_MELLITUS | 0.0141238 | 0.3375660 | 0.3807304 | 0.5736458 | 1.353223 | 47 | SOCS3, MAPK8, CACNA1D |
KEGG_PANCREATIC_CANCER | 0.0157707 | 0.3375660 | 0.3524879 | 0.5373447 | 1.294574 | 69 | MAPK8, MAPK10, CDC42 |
KEGG_GAP_JUNCTION | 0.0178734 | 0.3375660 | 0.3524879 | 0.5257324 | 1.277044 | 82 | PDGFD, ADRB1, PRKCB |
KEGG_MELANOGENESIS | 0.0205769 | 0.3375660 | 0.3524879 | 0.5067796 | 1.239426 | 96 | PRKCB, WNT5A, ADCY2 |
Note that NOD-like receptors have been implicated in diabetic retinopathy.
We can do the same thing for the GWAS catalog. <- gwas.db %>% dplyr::select(gene_symbol, gs_name) %>%
gwas.fgsea <- fgsea::fgsea(pathways =, stats = deg.scores, scoreType = "pos")
topGenes := paste0(head(unlist(`leadingEdge`), 3), collapse=", "),
by = .(pathway)]
gwas.fgsea %>%
arrange(pval) %>%
head(10) %>%
dplyr::select(-leadingEdge) %>%
pathway | pval | padj | log2err | ES | NES | size | topGenes |
Educational attainment | 0 | 0 | 1.2709130 | 0.4886054 | 1.261758 | 2506 | NRL, PITPNM3, TIA1 |
Height | 0 | 0 | 1.0768682 | 0.4457961 | 1.154075 | 6732 | NRL, LRP4, RTKN2 |
Smoking initiation | 0 | 0 | 0.9214260 | 0.4779175 | 1.229387 | 1469 | RPGRIP1, SYT1, DSCAML1 |
Refractive error | 0 | 0 | 0.8986712 | 0.5491901 | 1.391270 | 439 | GNGT2, FRMPD2, RPGRIP1 |
Educational attainment (MTAG) | 0 | 0 | 0.8986712 | 0.4980063 | 1.275362 | 959 | NRL, CADM1, SYT1 |
Schizophrenia | 0 | 0 | 0.8870750 | 0.4879411 | 1.252594 | 1197 | LRP4, RTKN2, RP1 |
Highest math class taken (MTAG) | 0 | 0 | 0.8753251 | 0.5055728 | 1.291978 | 783 | SYT1, RBPMS2, TFAP2B |
Total PHF-tau (SNP x SNP interaction) | 0 | 0 | 0.8513391 | 0.4721885 | 1.214577 | 1482 | RTKN2, PDGFD, CADM1 |
Body mass index | 0 | 0 | 0.8266573 | 0.4559753 | 1.176171 | 2251 | LRP4, GDPD3, CADM1 |
Educational attainment (years of education) | 0 | 0 | 0.8266573 | 0.4846598 | 1.242088 | 1006 | NRL, SYT1, RBPMS2 |
Run the discrete version of gene set analysis for the genes significantly associated with the effect of developmental stage (DEG results provided for your convenience). Show your results as the top 10 KEGG pathways or GWAS disease/traits.
First, we’ll prepare input: the provided code will fetch DEGs which are associated with the interaction effect.
# No need to modify anything in this code chunk
# Loading precomputed limma DEG results for any effect of developmental stage
DEG.devstage.stat.dt <- readRDS(deg.stage.file)
## dev_stageP02 dev_stageP06 dev_stageP10 dev_stageP28 AveExpr F
## <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: 0.3015231 0.2410171 0.8318539 3.630115 6.569338 244.7975
## 2: 0.6957130 3.5253342 5.1916076 5.531931 10.022867 188.2215
## 3: 0.4523816 2.1246120 3.5165781 4.915756 9.123810 154.4611
## 4: 0.2214733 0.2072266 1.0298582 3.068254 8.066600 141.1507
## 5: 0.1712964 1.6956530 2.6238306 4.127897 8.797719 130.4764
## 6: 1.5396237 3.4399395 4.8976296 5.506886 9.200480 119.2817
## P.Value adj.P.Val probe
## <num> <num> <char>
## 1: 1.985517e-25 8.954881e-21 1440645_at
## 2: 1.781377e-23 4.017094e-19 1421084_at
## 3: 5.056248e-22 7.601394e-18 1451590_at
## 4: 2.295758e-21 2.588524e-17 1428680_at
## 5: 8.536872e-21 7.700429e-17 1435392_at
## 6: 3.786634e-20 2.846349e-16 1450215_at
# join the results with the variable ``
deg.stage.dt <- DEG.devstage.stat.dt[, .(probe, adj.P.Val)] %>%
left_join(, by = "probe") %>%
- (1 pt) Run hypergeometric tests for
we created above using therun.hyper.test
function we defined earlier. Print the first 10 rows of the results for each.
## your code here
Next we’ll run a goseq
analysis. First, we need to create the null
distribution; this code is provided for you.
## creation of the null dist (no need to modify anything here for the deliverable)
deg.stage.vec <- DEG.devstage.stat.dt %>%
left_join( %>%
filter(! %>%
arrange(P.Value) %>% %>%
(function(.dt) { .dt[, head(.SD,1), by = .(ensembl_gene_id)] }) %>%
mutate(v = as.integer(adj.P.Val < CUTOFF)) %>%
(function(.dt) { v <- .dt$v; names(v) <- .dt$ensembl_gene_id; v })
pwf_stage <- goseq::nullp(deg.stage.vec,"hg19","ensGene")
- (1 pt) Run
analysis using the object with the null distribution created above. Print out the first 10 rows of the results.
## your code here
- Run
for the same DEGs testing the effect of developmental stage (0.5 pt). What will be your choice of gene-level scores?
For reproducibility, please set the parameter nproc = 1
from fgsea()
function and don’t change the seed in the following chunk:
Hint: Remember to use list of lists (lol) for one of the inputs.
## your code here
- Discussion: Can we handle gene-level bias in
or other GSEA methods? Justify your answer and suggest possible improvement/correction ideas (0.5 pt).