Contributors: Gabriela Cohen Freue, W. Evan Durno, Jasleen Grewal, and Keegan Korthauer
By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to
- Filter gene expression data to remove uninformative features.
- Further subset variables using a fixed information criteria, and know when it may not be required/possible to do so.
- Understand the concept of held-out test set, training set, and validation set.
- Select a suitable classifier (based on size of training dataset) and train a model with the input training data.
- Get predicted labels for a validation set, from the trained classifier model.
- Understand the utility of cross validation in selecting an optimal model
- Be able to identify at what part of the supervised learning process CV should be used. - Explain how cross validation is different from bootstrapping.
- Assess the best selected model’s performance on the held out test set.
- Recognize why we can’t go back and reselect models after assessment on the held out test set.
- Be able to distinguish between the following scenarios for using supervised machine learning, and enumerate metrics for assessing performance in each case:
- 2 class classification problem
- Multi-class classification problem
- Be able to define accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, F1-score, Kappa score.
- Replicate analysis in either MLInterface, GLMnet, CMA, or Caret (take home exercise, optional).
In this Seminar we go over packages and codes for performing supervised learning and evaluation in R. In supervised learning, one is given a training data set with a known response, or such as a class, and a set of covariates or variables. The goal is to use this set to generate a model that predicts values for a response given covariates in a new dataset. A supervised learning process can be decomposed into the following steps:
Step 1: Data preprocessing. Before getting started with feature selection and training our model, we must make sure we have adjusted the data to account for any batch effects (technical sources of variation like measuring samples in groups) or biases from outliers (individuals that look distinctly “different” from the rest of our sample).
Step 2: Select Features. Before training a model, in many applications, it is usually important to perform a pre-filtering step in which one retains only the most informative features (e.g. genes) as candidate “biomarkers”. The amount of features retained to select and train a model is up to the analyst and the methods used in the next steps. For example,running some methods may be unfeasible or have an outrageously slow runtime with a large number of features.
Step 3: Select and train a classifier. Once the set of candidate markers have been selected, the next step is to select and train a model to predict the labels of a test data. We will also tune parameters for each classifier using cross-validation.
Step 4: Test. Finally, a model is chosen and used to predict labels of a test data. From there we evaluate the model’s performance.
There are many packages for performing supervised learning in R, each of
which may implement one or more algorithms. There have also been at
least two major efforts to unify these libraries under a common
framework to make them easier to use: MLInterfaces
and CMA
. Although
these may be useful and save you a lot of time in your analysis, it is
important that you understand what these packages are doing and what
they are not doing. Thus, I will not use these packages in this
Seminar but I encourage you to reproduce the analysis using at least one
of them! (I recommend CMA
Install the following packages from Bioconductor: CMA
and GEOquery
and from CRAN: ROCR
, car
, e1071
(for SVM), and glmnet
along with
their dependencies.
install(c('e1071','glmnet','mlbench','gbm', 'car','dimRed'))
This seminar is based on a dataset that comes from a paper by Smeets et al. 2010, who studied Affymetrix expression profiles from primary breast tumors. Smeets group was interested in whether tumors which had spread to lymph nodes (LN positive, generally a bad sign) have different gene expression profiles than LN negative tumors. If so, a gene expression signature can be use to predict tumor class.
Their data set contains 24236 genes on 116 samples. The status of the lymph node is known for each sample, with 59 LN positive and 57 LN negative. Samples were divided into two parts: 96 samples (48 LN positive and 48 LN negative) were used as a “training” set and 20 samples (11 LN positive and 9 LN negative) were used as a “test” set. There is also a quantitative measure, “LnRatio”, the fraction of affected lymph nodes, presumably reflecting “how bad” the LnStatus is. Thus, we can use this dataset to illustrate classification and regularization methods! This seminar will focus on the first task, i.e., classification. In the past, Paul selected this dataset to illustrate the challenges of supervised learning tasks!
In the paper, the authors trained a support vector machine classifier to distinguish between LN positive and LN negative tumors (i.e., classification), and evaluated the results using ROC curves. After some optimization, they got an area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0.66 on the training set and 0.65 on the test data. This is better than chance, but still not very convincing results about the relevance of the derived molecular signature (random chance would give an AUC of 0.5; perfect classification would give an AUC of 1.0).
First, let’s retrieve our datasets from GEO with getGEO
package. Warning: this may take several minutes! So to avoid
re-downloading in the future, save it as an RData object.
# Returns a list of expressionsets
datgeo <- getGEO('GSE23177', GSEMatrix = TRUE, AnnotGPL = TRUE)
dat <- datgeo[[1]] #Note that dat is an ExpressionSet
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 24236 features, 116 samples
## element names: exprs
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
## sampleNames: GSM570498 GSM570499 ... GSM570613 (116 total)
## varLabels: title geo_accession ... patient type:ch1 (50 total)
## varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData
## featureNames: 1007_s_at 1053_at ... 91952_at (24236 total)
## fvarLabels: ID Gene title ... GO:Component ID (21 total)
## fvarMetadata: Column Description labelDescription
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
## pubMedIds: 21116709
## Annotation: GPL570
Now we’ll do some data wrangling to pull out the metadata variables we are interested in, and recode some of them.
str(pData(dat), max.level = 0)
## 'data.frame': 116 obs. of 50 variables:
# extract only those variables of interest
pData(dat) <- pData(dat) %>%
rename(sample_id = geo_accession,
LnStatus = characteristics_ch1.2,
LnRatio = characteristics_ch1.3,
Set = characteristics_ch1) %>%
select(sample_id, LnStatus, LnRatio, Set) %>%
mutate(LnStatus = factor(gsub("ln: ", "", LnStatus))) %>%
mutate(LnRatio = as.numeric(gsub("lnratio: ", "", LnRatio))) %>%
mutate(Set = ifelse(Set == "patient type: training set", "training", "test"))
## 'data.frame': 116 obs. of 4 variables:
## $ sample_id: chr "GSM570498" "GSM570499" "GSM570500" "GSM570501" ...
## $ LnStatus : Factor w/ 2 levels "neg","pos": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...
## $ LnRatio : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 ...
## $ Set : chr "test" "test" "test" "test" ...
#Note: LNRatio will not be used in this Seminar. However, you can use it to try some of the regularization techniques learned in class
Great! Next, let’s split the ExpressionSet
object into two different
parts - one for the training and one for the test set.
# split the ExpressionSet into training and test sets.
## test training
## 20 96 <- dat[, dat$Set == "training"] <- dat[ , dat$Set == "test"]
Now, we can do some exploratory analysis of the data before trying some classification methods.
# understand your data for classification
## neg pos
## 48 48
## neg pos
## 9 11
# understand the continuous response
## $neg
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0 0 0 0 0 0
## $pos
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.0400 0.0700 0.1100 0.1935 0.2275 0.9600
## $neg
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0 0 0 0 0 0
## $pos
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 0.0500 0.1800 0.5000 0.4573 0.6100 0.9400
# look at the expression of 3 randomly picked genes in both training and test sets
rangenes <- sample(1:nrow(dat), size = 3)
# function to create tidy data table of expression and metadata
toLonger <- function(expset) {
stopifnot(class(expset) == "ExpressionSet")
expressionMatrix <- longExpressionMatrix <- exprs(expset) %>% %>%
rownames_to_column("gene") %>%
pivot_longer(cols = !gene,
values_to = "expression",
names_to = "sample_id") %>%
left_join(pData(expset), by = "sample_id")
toLonger(dat[rangenes,]) %>%
ggplot(aes(y = expression, x = LnStatus)) +
facet_wrap(Set ~ gene) +
geom_jitter(width = 0.2, alpha = 0.5)
The prediction of a discrete response is usually refer to as
classification. A response taking values over a finite set of labels
is essentially the same thing as a factor. We will use the dataset from
Smeets et al. to find the best-trained classifier and use it to
predict the LnStatus
of the 20 samples in the test set, i.e., classify
those as “lymph node positive” or “negative”.
We should check to ensure there are no missing values in our data.
## [1] 0
## [1] 0
Here we see there are no missing values in our dataset, so we don’t have to worry about that.
Other pre-processing operations that can be done are:
- centering, scaling, normalizing
- imputing missing data
- transforming individual features (like boolean measurements)
When you are working with expression data, you may also need to use some normalization methods to ensure your variables are comparable across all your samples. For example, when working with count data, it is advised to log transformed and normalize (e.g. quantile or library size normalization) your data, so that your samples have similar distributions.
We will now use cross-validation to find the best set of features to predict our response. Thus, I will divide the training set into 6 folds (the authors used 10 folds). We also want the proportion of positive and negative examples in each split to be approximately the same as for the full data set (i.e., stratified 6-fold CV with 8 positive and 8 negative samples within each fold). For each round of cross-validation, we use one fold as the test data and the rest of the data as training to select features and train different classifier.
Although it makes sense to proceed as described above, many methods are available and many constants within methods need to be selected in these steps. Thus, cross-validation is usually required to evaluate how well different trained models work and select the best model to proceed. Note that although you may only want to select among different choices available in Step 2, the cross-validation needs to start in Step
- Why? The results of the cross-validation will be over-optimistic and biased if the samples in the test sets of the cross-validation (i.e., left-out folds) were used to select the most promising features in Step 1!! For example, if the performance of a complex model is (artificially) good, you may not penalize regression coefficients enough in Step 2, and may yield to a poor performance in Step 3.
This is why, as a general rule, we never evaluate a model on the same data we used to train that model.
In many studies, in the absence of a test set, cross-validation is used to estimate performance. In those cases, nested cross-validation is required! The inner cross-validation will be used to select features and tune parameters, the outer cross-validation will be used to test each selected model.
In this seminar, we are working with a dataset that has both a training and a test set. Thus, we will not do a nested cross-validation. However, keep it in mind for your project or future work, especially if you have a small number of samples/subjects!
This is not the only way to create splits of the training data to run a cross-validation. Note that if the samples can not be evenly divided into the nfolds you specified, then you need to complete the matrices below with NAs and call for entries different from NA at those folds.
nfold <- 6
splitData <- function(, nfold, seed = NA){
tabTrain <- table($LnStatus)
indlist <- sapply(names(tabTrain), function(z) which($LnStatus == z), simplify = FALSE)
#Each row contains 8 pos and 8 negative samples for 6 folds
res <- list()
res$fold.pos <- matrix(sample(indlist[["pos"]]),nrow=nfold)
res$fold.neg <- matrix(sample(indlist[["neg"]]),nrow=nfold)
result <- splitData(, nfold, seed = 1234)
fold.pos <- result$fold.pos
fold.neg <- result$fold.neg
Note: with CMA
you can use the command GenerateLearningsets
split the training data into folds. However, it does not show you how
the data was split. Thus, you either use CMA for all or you write your
own script. Below is how we would generate the splits above using CMA:
splits <- GenerateLearningsets(y =$LnStatus, method="CV", fold=6, strat= TRUE)
To illustrate how to select a model, I will use the top-50 genes
selected by limma
(within each fold). Note that this number is very
arbitrary and other options may make more sense like using a p-value
threshold or testing different options with this CV. For this example,
I’m using only the top-50 genes as methods like LDA and Logit can not be
run on more features than samples. However, other methods like KNN or
SVM will do well with more features.
In this example, I will compare 7 different models: KNN for k={1,5,10,15}, LDA, Logit, SVM. Feel free to add other methods to the list!
#Define here the constants that you will not evaluate. For example, I will use the top-50 limma genes
ngenes <- 50
nmethod <- 7 #number of methods you plan to compare.
#Define an output object here to store results
pr.err <- matrix(-1, nfold,nmethod, dimnames=list(paste0("Fold",1:nfold),c("1NN","5NN","10NN", "15NN","LDA","Logit","SVM")))
for(i in 1:nfold){
#Test Fold for the i-th step
#I will create a factor of classes for the test set of the i_th fold
#The rest of the samples are the training set for the i-th step
#Step 1: feature selection (do you remember limma?).
# Note that a different set of genes will be selected for each fold! you can then compare how consistent these sets were.
desMat <- model.matrix(~ trainclass.fold, limma.dat) #design matrix
trainFit <- lmFit(limma.dat, desMat)
eBtrainFit <- eBayes(trainFit)
# top-50 limma genes
top.fold <- topTable(eBtrainFit, coef = which(colnames(coef(trainFit)) != "(Intercept)"),
n = ngenes,"P")
#Retain the top-50 limma genes from the train and test sets
trainDat.fold <- trainDat.fold[rownames(top.fold),]
testDat.fold <- testDat.fold[rownames(top.fold),]
#STEP 2: select a classifier
#Set a counter for the method tested
l <- 0
#kNN classifiers
for(kk in c(1,5,10,15)) {
#every time you get inside this loop, the l counter gets redefined (i.e., 1, 2, etc for method 1, method 2, etc)
l <- l+1
#knn needs samples in rows
yhat.knn <- knn(train=t(trainDat.fold), test=t(testDat.fold), cl=trainclass.fold,
k = kk)
#Store the prediction error for each kk within this fold
pr.err[i,l]<- mean(testclass.fold != yhat.knn)
} #end of kNN loop
#LDA method. Note that you can change the prior parameter to reflect a different proportion of case and control samples. The default is to use the class proportions from the training set.
m.lda <- lda(x=t(trainDat.fold), group=trainclass.fold, prior=c(.5, .5))
yhat.lda <- predict(m.lda, newdata=t(testDat.fold))$class
pr.err[i,"LDA"] <-mean(testclass.fold != yhat.lda)
glm.dat <- data.frame(t(trainDat.fold), group=trainclass.fold)
# 50 factors still will cause optimization warnings
# Try without warning suppression to see
# To further reduce parameters, regularized regression can be used
# To use regularized regression uncomment lines followed by "uncomment for regularized regression"
suppressWarnings( m.log <- glm(group ~ ., data=glm.dat,family=binomial) )
# uncomment for regularized regression
# m.log <- glmnet( t(trainDat.fold) , trainclass.fold ,family="binomial")
pr.log <- predict(m.log,newdata=data.frame(t(testDat.fold)),type="response")
# uncomment for regularized regression
# pr.log <- predict(m.log,newdata=data.frame(t(testDat.fold)),type="response",newx=t(testDat.fold)) <- rep(0,length(testclass.fold))[pr.log > 1/2] <- "pos"[pr.log <= 1/2] <- "neg" <- factor(
pr.err[i,"Logit"] <- mean( != testclass.fold )
m.svm <- svm(x=t(trainDat.fold), y=trainclass.fold, cost=1, type="C-classification",
pr.svm <- predict(m.svm,newdata=t(testDat.fold))
pr.err[i,"SVM"] <- mean( pr.svm != testclass.fold )
} #end of CV loop
Now you can get the average prediction error for all methods. Note that the prediction errors are high! not too much hope for the real test run!
cv.err <- colMeans(pr.err)
# mean - 1 sd (sd of the 6 error rates)
ls <- cv.err - apply(pr.err, 2, sd)
# mean + 1 sd (sd of the 6 error rates)
us <- cv.err + apply(pr.err, 2, sd)
# plot the results
plot(1:nmethod, cv.err, ylim=c(0, 1), xlim=c(1, (nmethod+.5)),type='n',
axes=FALSE, xlab='Classifier', ylab='Error rate',main="6-fold CV Error")
for(j in 1:ncol(pr.err))
points(jitter(rep(j, 6), factor=2), jitter(pr.err[,j]), cex=0.8, pch='X', col='gray')
for(i in 1:nmethod)
lines(c(i, i), c(ls[i], us[i]), lwd=2, col='gray')
points(1:nmethod, ls, pch=19, col='red')
points(1:nmethod, us, pch=19, col='green')
points(1:nmethod, cv.err, pch=19, cex=1.5, col='black')
axis(2, ylab='Error rate')
axis(1, 1:nmethod, colnames(pr.err))
According to these results, LDA and 10NN may be the better classifier to try in the test data. However, remember that this CV results depend on the first split of the data we did. Thus, we need to repeat this CV
Exercise 1 (not marked): perform 100 runs of this CV before
selecting a model to test! We can do this by running different random
splits using the splitData
function we created without a seed, and
selecting the best average error across each run of CV. Add at least one
rule to select data for use in the underlying models, such as a P value
threshold for genes selected in limma rather than just the top 50 genes
by P value, or a different cost for the SVM model.
# your code here
Exercise 2 (not marked): Use AUC as a criteria to select a model based on the training data! Tip: extract the predicted probabilities from each method and use the calculateAUC function defined below:
calculateAUC <- function(predictions,labels){
tmp_predictions <- ROCR::prediction(
perf <- performance(tmp_predictions, measure = "auc")
# Example: Calculate the AUC for our SVM predictions
## [1] 0.5625
# your code here
If you have never heard of AUC, please work through the rest of this seminar, and the Additional metrics for evaluation section in particular, before completing these two tasks.
Now that we decided on which method we are going to use to classify samples in the test set, we need to train the model using the FULL training set and then classify samples of the test set. I will use the 10NN model.
yhat.knn <- knn(train=t(exprs(, test=t(exprs(,$LnStatus,
k = 10)
#Store the prediction error for each kk within this fold
pr.errTest<- mean($LnStatus != yhat.knn)
## [1] 0.45
What does the prediction error mean?
In this instance, we have evaluated how often the prediction matched the
actual lymph node status, against the total number of cases. This is the
accuracy metric.
Not good! In real practice, you should not keep trying until we get a
good result! In fact, you must use cross-validation on the training
dataset to evaluate different parameters and classifiers, and only
evaluate the generalizability of the best model on the test set.
However, in this seminar, I encourage you to try different options as
an exercise and to see how much the results can change.
Many steps of the CV defined above can be easily done with CMA. For example, Step 1 in the loop above can also be done using ‘CMA’ with the function ‘GeneSelection’, which selects the most informative features (e.g., gene) to build a classifier within each of the splits generated by ‘GenerateLearningsets’. Some learning algorithms do better if you only give them “useful” features.
featureScores<-GeneSelection(X=t(exprs(,$LnStatus, learningsets=splits, method="limma")
## GeneSelection: iteration 1
## GeneSelection: iteration 2
## GeneSelection: iteration 3
## GeneSelection: iteration 4
## GeneSelection: iteration 5
## GeneSelection: iteration 6
#Compare list of selected genes using:
## top 10 genes for iteration 1
## index importance
## 1 9265 28.21333
## 2 1702 27.11136
## 3 20571 25.15147
## 4 10254 24.12519
## 5 23504 20.09023
## 6 23567 19.72051
## 7 11052 18.46525
## 8 6936 18.45985
## 9 18958 18.14084
## 10 19526 17.92896
#We can aggregate the results across the 6 splits.
for(i in 1:nfold) seliter<-c(seliter, toplist(featureScores, iter=i, top = 10, show=FALSE)$index)
(sort(table(seliter), dec=T)) # summarize
## seliter
## 9265 1702 10254 6936 19932 23567 808 6938 14544 18958 21592 21919 23504
## 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
## 1478 2690 4580 5553 7183 10171 11052 13581 14249 14378 17804 18127 18918
## 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
## 19410 19526 19697 19821 20571 21064 21679 22343 22524
## 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# Choose the 20 probes which are chosen most commonly in the 6 splits
bestprobes<-as.numeric(names(sort(table(seliter), dec=T)))[1:20]
# examine the feature data for the best probes
fData(dat)[bestprobes, c("ID", "Gene symbol", "Gene title", "Chromosome location")]
## ID Gene symbol
## 212384_at 212384_at ATP6V1G2-DDX39B///SNORD84///DDX39B
## 1569472_s_at 1569472_s_at TTC3P1///TTC3
## 213593_s_at 213593_s_at TRA2A
## 208661_s_at 208661_s_at TTC3P1///TTC3
## 230609_at 230609_at CLINT1
## 243751_at 243751_at CHD2
## 1556088_at 1556088_at RPAIN
## 208663_s_at 208663_s_at TTC3P1///TTC3
## 222439_s_at 222439_s_at THRAP3
## 228510_at 228510_at ATAT1
## 236196_at 236196_at ZNF326
## 237746_at 237746_at
## 243495_s_at 243495_s_at ZNF652
## 1563475_s_at 1563475_s_at ETFBKMT
## 201440_at 201440_at DDX23
## 203537_at 203537_at PRPSAP2
## 204841_s_at 204841_s_at EEA1
## 208921_s_at 208921_s_at SRI
## 213472_at 213472_at HNRNPH1
## 215220_s_at 215220_s_at TPR
## Gene title
## 212384_at ATP6V1G2-DDX39B readthrough (NMD candidate)///small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 84///DEAD-box helicase 39B
## 1569472_s_at tetratricopeptide repeat domain 3 pseudogene 1///tetratricopeptide repeat domain 3
## 213593_s_at transformer 2 alpha homolog
## 208661_s_at tetratricopeptide repeat domain 3 pseudogene 1///tetratricopeptide repeat domain 3
## 230609_at clathrin interactor 1
## 243751_at chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 2
## 1556088_at RPA interacting protein
## 208663_s_at tetratricopeptide repeat domain 3 pseudogene 1///tetratricopeptide repeat domain 3
## 222439_s_at thyroid hormone receptor associated protein 3
## 228510_at alpha tubulin acetyltransferase 1
## 236196_at zinc finger protein 326
## 237746_at
## 243495_s_at zinc finger protein 652
## 1563475_s_at electron transfer flavoprotein beta subunit lysine methyltransferase
## 201440_at DEAD-box helicase 23
## 203537_at phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase associated protein 2
## 204841_s_at early endosome antigen 1
## 208921_s_at sorcin
## 213472_at heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1 (H)
## 215220_s_at translocated promoter region, nuclear basket protein
## Chromosome location
## 212384_at 6p///6p21.33///6p21.3
## 1569472_s_at Xq13.3///21q22.2
## 213593_s_at 7p15.3
## 208661_s_at Xq13.3///21q22.2
## 230609_at 5q33.3
## 243751_at 15q26
## 1556088_at 17p13.2
## 208663_s_at Xq13.3///21q22.2
## 222439_s_at 1p34.3
## 228510_at 6p21.33
## 236196_at 1p22.2
## 237746_at
## 243495_s_at 17q21.32
## 1563475_s_at 12p11.21
## 201440_at 12q13.12
## 203537_at 17p11.2-p12
## 204841_s_at 12q22
## 208921_s_at 7q21.1
## 213472_at 5q35.3
## 215220_s_at 1q25
This looks promising since I get TTC3 and at least a couple of other genes that show up on Table 3 of the paper.
Similarly, you can use CMA to train and test a classifier within each CV fold (learningsets). However, there are things you can not do within CMA or that CMA is not doing right. For example, CMA can not do a full nested cross-validation. Additionally, it is not trivial to train the selected in the full dataset and then test it in the test set. CMA is more designed for CV. Thus, it is good to know how to do this things by hand as well.
Paul solved this problem in the following way: he made a learningsets
object that has just one “split” defined by the samples in the training
m<-matrix(which(dat$Set == "training"), 1)
full.learningset<-new("learningsets", learnmatrix=m, method="my own", ntrain=96, iter=1)
fullFeatureScores<-GeneSelection(X=t(exprs(dat)), learningsets= full.learningset, y=dat$LnStatus, method="t.test")
## GeneSelection: iteration 1
testclassif<-classification(X=t(exprs(dat)), y=dat$LnStatus, learningsets= full.learningset, genesel=fullFeatureScores, nbgene = 100, classifier =pknnCMA, k=5)
## iteration 1
## number of missclassifications: 11
## missclassification rate: 0.55
## sensitivity: 0.545
## specificity: 0.333
## predicted
## true 0 1
## 0 3 6
## 1 5 6
Note: his optimized classifier did terribly as well.
You won’t always have a binary learning problem, where you are
classifying a sample into 1 of 2 classes. Sometimes we might want to
train a classifier a classifier with more than two classes.
Here we will use the caret and mlbench packages for classification
on a multi-class problem.
We will be using the Soybean dataset, where our prediction is for the
different problems associated with soybean crops. Our dataset has 683
samples, and 35 features being measured for each sample.
Our categories are 19.
cv_folds <- trainControl(method="cv", number=5)
## [1] diaporthe-stem-canker charcoal-rot
## [3] rhizoctonia-root-rot phytophthora-rot
## [5] brown-stem-rot powdery-mildew
## [7] downy-mildew brown-spot
## [9] bacterial-blight bacterial-pustule
## [11] purple-seed-stain anthracnose
## [13] phyllosticta-leaf-spot alternarialeaf-spot
## [15] frog-eye-leaf-spot diaporthe-pod-&-stem-blight
## [17] cyst-nematode 2-4-d-injury
## [19] herbicide-injury
## 19 Levels: 2-4-d-injury alternarialeaf-spot anthracnose ... rhizoctonia-root-rot
## Class date plant.stand precip temp
## brown-spot : 92 5 :149 0 :354 0 : 74 0 : 80
## alternarialeaf-spot: 91 4 :131 1 :293 1 :112 1 :374
## frog-eye-leaf-spot : 91 3 :118 NA's: 36 2 :459 2 :199
## phytophthora-rot : 88 2 : 93 NA's: 38 NA's: 30
## anthracnose : 44 6 : 90
## brown-stem-rot : 44 (Other):101
## (Other) :233 NA's : 1
## hail crop.hist area.dam sever seed.tmt germ plant.growth
## 0 :435 0 : 65 0 :123 0 :195 0 :305 0 :165 0 :441
## 1 :127 1 :165 1 :227 1 :322 1 :222 1 :213 1 :226
## NA's:121 2 :219 2 :145 2 : 45 2 : 35 2 :193 NA's: 16
## 3 :218 3 :187 NA's:121 NA's:121 NA's:112
## NA's: 16 NA's: 1
## leaves leaf.halo leaf.marg leaf.size leaf.shread leaf.malf leaf.mild
## 0: 77 0 :221 0 :357 0 : 51 0 :487 0 :554 0 :535
## 1:606 1 : 36 1 : 21 1 :327 1 : 96 1 : 45 1 : 20
## 2 :342 2 :221 2 :221 NA's:100 NA's: 84 2 : 20
## NA's: 84 NA's: 84 NA's: 84 NA's:108
## stem lodging stem.cankers canker.lesion fruiting.bodies ext.decay
## 0 :296 0 :520 0 :379 0 :320 0 :473 0 :497
## 1 :371 1 : 42 1 : 39 1 : 83 1 :104 1 :135
## NA's: 16 NA's:121 2 : 36 2 :177 NA's:106 2 : 13
## 3 :191 3 : 65 NA's: 38
## NA's: 38 NA's: 38
## mycelium int.discolor sclerotia fruit.pods fruit.spots seed
## 0 :639 0 :581 0 :625 0 :407 0 :345 0 :476
## 1 : 6 1 : 44 1 : 20 1 :130 1 : 75 1 :115
## NA's: 38 2 : 20 NA's: 38 2 : 14 2 : 57 NA's: 92
## NA's: 38 3 : 48 4 :100
## NA's: 84 NA's:106
## mold.growth seed.discolor seed.size shriveling roots
## 0 :524 0 :513 0 :532 0 :539 0 :551
## 1 : 67 1 : 64 1 : 59 1 : 38 1 : 86
## NA's: 92 NA's:106 NA's: 92 NA's:106 2 : 15
## NA's: 31
Let us pre-process our data.
#Remove rows (samples) with missing values
soybean_x = Soybean[rowSums( == 0,]
#Then remove columns (features) with missing values
soybean_x = soybean_x[,colSums( == 0]
## [1] 562 36
We are left with 562 samples and 35 attributes. The first column,
, describes the categories. We will refactor this column since we
have removed certain columns (and possibly some of the 19 classes)
soybean_x$Class = (as.factor(as.character(soybean_x$Class)))
## [1] diaporthe-stem-canker charcoal-rot rhizoctonia-root-rot
## [4] phytophthora-rot brown-stem-rot powdery-mildew
## [7] downy-mildew brown-spot bacterial-blight
## [10] bacterial-pustule purple-seed-stain anthracnose
## [13] phyllosticta-leaf-spot alternarialeaf-spot frog-eye-leaf-spot
## 15 Levels: alternarialeaf-spot anthracnose ... rhizoctonia-root-rot
Now we have 15 classes!
In this instance, we don’t have an external test set for evaluation, so
we will be assessing the performance on a held-out test set. First, we
create the held-out test set.
Note that we are holding out this test set from our training data, and
then performing data-splitting for validation within our training
subset. In practise, like we did earlier, you would want to loop this
multiple times with holding out a test set and training on the remainder
dataset (using cross validation or bootstrapping to estimate your model
accuracy on the test set).
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(soybean_x$Class, p = .8, list = FALSE, times = 1)
soyTrain <- soybean_x[ trainIndex,]
soyTest <- soybean_x[-trainIndex,]
Cross validation results
We set up our cross-validation folds. Note we can also choose the option
‘cv’ or ‘LOOCV’ instead of ‘repeatedcv’.
With ‘repeatedcv’, we don’t have to manually set up the multiple loops
we did when we were using CMA.
#Prepare resampling method for Cross-Validation folds
cv_control = trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=5, repeats=10, classProbs=FALSE) #summaryFunction=mnLogLoss)
modelSvm_cv <- train(Class~., data=soyTrain, method="svmRadial", metric="Accuracy", trControl=cv_control, trace=FALSE)
# display results
## Support Vector Machines with Radial Basis Function Kernel
## 452 samples
## 35 predictor
## 15 classes: 'alternarialeaf-spot', 'anthracnose', 'bacterial-blight', 'bacterial-pustule', 'brown-spot', 'brown-stem-rot', 'charcoal-rot', 'diaporthe-stem-canker', 'downy-mildew', 'frog-eye-leaf-spot', 'phyllosticta-leaf-spot', 'phytophthora-rot', 'powdery-mildew', 'purple-seed-stain', 'rhizoctonia-root-rot'
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold, repeated 10 times)
## Summary of sample sizes: 361, 362, 362, 361, 362, 361, ...
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
## C Accuracy Kappa
## 0.25 0.6945666 0.6501528
## 0.50 0.8793964 0.8645924
## 1.00 0.9167649 0.9068591
## Tuning parameter 'sigma' was held constant at a value of 0.06506239
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final values used for the model were sigma = 0.06506239 and C = 1.
y_pred_cv = predict(modelSvm_cv, soyTest[,-1])
We can also use bootstrap re-sampling instead of cross-validation folds. This means we take random samples from the dataset (with re-selection), against which to evaluate our model. This gives us an idea about the variance of the model itself.
Bootstrapping is different from cross validation in that the latter splits the entire dataset into folds without re-selection.It is a robust method to estimate the accuracy of our model.
Bootstrapped results
This part will take some time.
#Prepare resampling method for Bootstrapping
cv_boot = trainControl(method="boot", number=20, classProbs=FALSE)
modelSvm_boot <- train(Class~., data=soyTrain, method="svmRadial",
metric="Accuracy", trControl=cv_boot, trace=FALSE)
# display results
## Support Vector Machines with Radial Basis Function Kernel
## 452 samples
## 35 predictor
## 15 classes: 'alternarialeaf-spot', 'anthracnose', 'bacterial-blight', 'bacterial-pustule', 'brown-spot', 'brown-stem-rot', 'charcoal-rot', 'diaporthe-stem-canker', 'downy-mildew', 'frog-eye-leaf-spot', 'phyllosticta-leaf-spot', 'phytophthora-rot', 'powdery-mildew', 'purple-seed-stain', 'rhizoctonia-root-rot'
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Bootstrapped (20 reps)
## Summary of sample sizes: 452, 452, 452, 452, 452, 452, ...
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
## C Accuracy Kappa
## 0.25 0.7421922 0.7060114
## 0.50 0.8776802 0.8617766
## 1.00 0.9005277 0.8878170
## Tuning parameter 'sigma' was held constant at a value of 0.06506239
## Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final values used for the model were sigma = 0.06506239 and C = 1.
y_pred_boot = predict(modelSvm_boot, soyTest[,-1])
Fitting other models
This part will take a while. You can consider other algorithmic approaches for classifiers too, as follows:
# trace = FALSE or vocal = FALSE silences these functions depending on the method. it's stupid but blame the train function
# train the GBM model
modelGbm <- train(Class~., data=soyTrain, method="gbm", metric="Accuracy",
trControl=cv_boot, verbose = FALSE, preProcess = "zv")
# train the SVM model
modelSvm <- train(Class~., data=soyTrain, method="svmRadial",
metric="Accuracy", trControl=cv_boot, trace=FALSE)
# collect resamples
results <- resamples(list(GBM=modelGbm, SVM=modelSvm))
# summarize the distributions
## Call:
## summary.resamples(object = results)
## Models: GBM, SVM
## Number of resamples: 20
## Accuracy
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
## GBM 0.8544304 0.8829909 0.8957016 0.8955062 0.9142414 0.9512195 0
## SVM 0.8711656 0.8876165 0.8960235 0.9005277 0.9125946 0.9393939 0
## Kappa
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
## GBM 0.8373613 0.8676825 0.8819169 0.8822562 0.9031518 0.9450126 0
## SVM 0.8549330 0.8716083 0.8827638 0.8878170 0.9021221 0.9331632 0
# boxplots of results
You can finetune the parameters for different models in Caret using tuneGrid.
We can also consider other metrics to assess the performance of a model. This becomes particularly important when, for example, your your test set is imbalanced. In that scenario, evaluating the accuracy of a model might not be the best indication that your classifier works well. In fact, it may be biased by the over-represented class in your test set.
Overall accuracy is a misleading statistic in case of unbalanced datasets. The kappa statistic overcomes this by taking the expected error into account.
Receiver-Operator Characteristic (ROC) Curves can be used to
characterize the performance of our model in a binary classification
For binary classification, we might also be interested in precision and
recall, i.e. a metric of our True Positive and True Negative rates.
binary_preds = as.integer(y_pred_cv)-1
binary_true = as.integer(soyTest$Class)-1
precision <- sum(binary_preds & binary_true) / sum(binary_preds)
recall <- sum(binary_preds & binary_true) / sum(binary_true)
Precision tells us how often, when we predict a class ‘y’, do we get it
Recall tells us how often, out of all our ‘y’ instances, do we predict
them correctly.
## [1] 0.1528998
## [1] 0.1389776
In case of multi-class classification, another metric that comes in handy is the F1-score. This is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. A high F1-score will tell you that you are quite precise and sensitive in your prediction of all classes.
Fmeasure <- 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
## [1] 0.1456067
In the models we fit for our multiclass problem, what was the Kappa statistic on our test set? What was the Accuracy?
Which model selection appraoch worked better, the bootstrapped SVM or the repeated 5-CV approach? How do we assess this (on the test set, or from the cross-validation results?)
How good do you think a classifier will have to be to be clinically relevant? What level of specificity or sensitivity do you think is “good enough”? The author’s data set has half lymph-node positive and half negative. The incidence of lymph-node-positive breast cancer is about 33% at the time of diagnosis (according to []). How does that affect your opinion about the classifier?
1: Varma S, Simon R: Bias in error estimation when using cross-validation for model selection. BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7:91.
2: Statnikov A, Aliferis CF, Tsamardinos I, Hardin D, Levy S: A comprehensive evaluation of multicategory classification methods for microarray gene expression cancer diagnosis. Bioinformatics 2005, 21:631-643.