- use latest version of swc (c56495d)
- packages/sui-react-head: Wrap the Meta component to invert the parameters received in the orig (2d7acb7)
- packages/sui-react-head: fix server side style tags (3dce422)
- packages/sui-react-head: remove console (eead7d6)
- packages/sui-react-head: use style tag in head (ebd9767)
- packages/sui-react-head: fix HeadProps type validation (97c8cc7)
- packages/sui-react-head: Fix wrong symbol inside package.json (ed840e1)
- packages/sui-react-head: Add alternate as well (60c0577)
- packages/sui-react-head: Avoid preload and prefetch link tags to create duplicated keys (62e6619)
- Root: Use single @s-ui/test across packages (1d8b926)
- packages/sui-react-head: Migeate sui-react-head to TypeScript (9af26ce)
- sui-react-head: use new jsx React (8e4e461)
- sui-react-head: prepare for react 17 react-head (3c5a0cc)
- sui-react-head: add content as fallback (05915e4)
- sui-react-head: remove console.log (a931439)
- sui-react-head: use new main (49fa507)