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EASIN Workflow


To create an update to the memberstate T0 layer provided by EASIN (MS_BELGIUM.shp) using the data aggregated by the memberstate in their aggregated dataset. The update is provided by stating, in the column Accepted, whether the squares provided by EASIN are correct (Y) or incorrect (N). New squares, those missing from the EASIN - Layer, should also be added with the value "New" in the Accepted column.

Since most of the squares in belgium would be "New", experts decided it would be easier to provide EASIN with a new layer, in a similar format, for EASIN to subsitute its layer with.

For the first batch of species the data was aggregated using the aggregator. Due to the dynamic nature of the external data we decided to use the SMARTIE-tool for the second batch and further batches. Unlike the aggregator the SMARTIE-tool does not match the data with the 10k GRID. Data from INBO and GBIF are still collected using the aggregator.

  • Matches SMARTIE_Final to the aggregated checklist to determine the euConcernStatus
  • Appends the SMARTIE_Final to the T0_Update
Input Output
aggregated dataset ./Output/T0_SourceData_dd_mm_yy.csv
------ Iteration.gsheet (=> Log)
  • Reruns Update Source

  • Subsets data from output of Update Source script

    • Only Listed species
    • Only records with at least Grid10k cellcode (added in aggregation process, no cellcode means record with incorrect spatial reference)
    • Only records from:
    Batch Tn Startdate Enddate
    1st 0 01/01/2000 31/01/2016
    2nd 0 01/01/2000 31/08/2017
    • Only records with correct validationstatus
    • Certain more common and recognisable species are non-propotionally not treated, under treatment or not treatable. Experts selected the following species to have all validation statuses included.
      • 1st batch
        • Threskiornis aethiopicus (Latham, 1790)
        • Oxyura jamaicensis (Gmelin, 1789)
        • Procyon lotor (Linnaeus, 1758)
        • Cabomba caroliniana A. Gray
        • Tamias sibiricus (Laxmann, 1769)
        • Nasua nasua (Linnaeus, 1766)
        • Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards, 1853
        • Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846)
        • Trachemys Agassiz, 1857
      • 2nd batch (to be reviewed by experts)
        • Alopochen aegyptiaca (Linnaeus, 1766)
        • Impatiens glandulifera Royle
        • Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier & Levier
        • Ondatra zibethicus (Linnaeus, 1766)
Input Output
invasive_occ ./Output/Data_dd_mm_yy_Subsetted_dd_mm_yy.csv
------- ./Output/Data_dd_mm_yy_Subsetted_dd_mm_yy.dbf

./Output/Data_dd_mm_yy_Subsetted_dd_mm_yy.csv SHOULD BE COPIED TO THIS AWS-PATH Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\Input\Data_dd_mm_yy_Subsetted_dd_mm_yy.csv

R: Dataexploration (Optional)

ARCGIS: SubsettedDataToGRID10k

  • Matches the subsetted data to the 10k GRID
Input Output
Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\Input\ Data_dd_mm_yy_Subsetted_dd_mm_yy.csv Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\EASIN_temp.gdb\ GRID10kData_Source_Export_se

*Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\EASIN_temp.gdb\GRID10kData_Source_Export_se SHOULD BE EXPORTED TO THIS LOCAL-PATH .Private/GRID10kData_Source_Export.txt


Replacement of the EASIN.accdb as described in issue #2 and under MS Access

Input Output
Input Output

Arcgis part I

The tools to use in the post-script analysis can be found in the T0_Toolbox.tbx on AWS/citrix. filepath: Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\T0_Toolbox.tbx

  • Stap 1 GRID10k Link
  • Stap 2 GRID10k Merge (2)
  • Stap 3 Dissolve
  • Stap 4 GRID10k EASIN and T0 Link (2)
  • Stap 5 MS_Belgium_Check (2)
  • Extra MS_Belgium_CorrectNames => Changes species names from the EASIN baselayer with correct names and Outputs EASIN.dbf & MS_BELGIUM_Joined2
  • Extra Project UTM Layers => Projects the UTM1x1 and GRID10k layers to ETRS_1989_LAEA.
    • Output: GRID10k_BEL_ETRS_1989_LAEA

Extra's should be run when new layers are provided by EASIN or when in a rare case other projections are needed.

Extra: MS Belgium CorrectNames

Matches the shape provided by EASIN with the names used for the GIS models


Input Output
\Client\G$\Mijn Drive\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN\Data\EASIN files\ MS_BELGIUM_BatchX.shp (a shape provided by EASIN containing the presence data for the xth batch of species as present in EASIN. Everytime a new shape is provided the new shape has to be added to the model. all actions preformed on the other shapes should also be performed on the new one.) Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\EASIN_temp.gdb\ MS_BELGIUM_Joined_2
\Client\G$\Mijn Drive\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN\Data\EASIN files\ Q_SPECIE.csv Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\AWS Output\ EASIN.dbf
Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\EASIN_temp.gdb\ GRID10k_BEL_ETRS_1989_LAEA .

Stap 1 GRID10k Link

Iterates through the species (%Value%) in the script output (default: GRID10kData_Source_dd_mm_yy_Export_dd_mm_yy.dbf) and links it with the GRID10k layer


Prior to iteration species names had to be simplified (substitute all; .,"" ,() ,..., etc... with _)

Input Output
Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\Input\ GRID10kData_Source_dd_mm_yy_Export_dd_mm_yy.dbf Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\EASIN_temp.gdb\ GRID10k_Linked_%Value%
Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\EASIN_temp.gdb\ GRID10k_BEL_ETRS_1989_LAEA Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\EASIN_temp.gdb\ STAT_GRID10k_Linked_%Value%
. Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\temp\ GRID10k_Linked_%Value%.shp

EXTRA: Empty GRID_Linked_ALL


Creates an empty feature class for outputs from Stap 1 to be appended in.

Input Output
Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\temp\ GRID10k_Linked_%Value%.shp (Any non - empty GRID10k_Linked shape) Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\EASIN_temp.gdb\ GRID_Linked_ALL

Stap 2 GRID10k Merge (2)


Merges the outputs of Stap 1 into a geodatabase file named GRID10k_Linked_ALL and a dbf file (GRID_ALL.dbf). This last file is used in the EASIN.accdb to link with the output from the Extra MS_Belgium_CorrectNamesmodel (EASIN.dbf).

Input Output
Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\temp\ GRID10k_Linked_%Value%.shp (Iterates through all GRID* polygon shapes in temp folder) Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\EASIN_temp.gdb\ GRID_Linked_ALL
Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\EASIN_temp.gdb\ GRID_Linked_ALL (Empty feature class as result from EXTRA: Empty GRID_Linked_ALL) Q:\Projects\PRJ_Faunabeheer\INBOPRJ-10217 - Monitoring exoten ikv EU- verordening IAS Coördinatie, voorbereiding, implementatie en opvolging\EASIN_GIS\AWS Output\ **GRID_ALL.dbf **

Stap 3 Grid10k dissolve

Creates a layer used for the datadriven pages in arcGIS using the output of Stap 2.


Input Output

MS Access

Using the outputs from Extra MS_Belgium_CorrectNames and Stap 2 GRID10k Merge (2)

The MS Access part of the analysis has been transformed into R - script named Replacement EASIN.accdb.rmd see issue #2

Input Output


Arcgis part II