Clone this repository.
git clone [email protected]:ygneo/lifecubomed.git
Create a virtualenv for the project.
mkvirtualenv lifecubomed
Install required PyPI packages.
pip install -r pip-requirements.txt
If PIL is being installed wrong, no JPEG or PNG support can be avaliable. As a workaround, uninstall it, if pillow has been correctly installed:
pip uninstall PIL pip uninstall pillow pip install pillow
Edit settings.py
- Set the languages you want to have avaliable, and the default one, in LANGUAGES and DEFAULT_LANGUAGE settings.
- By default, sqlite3 db backend is used. You can change DATABASES setting to fit your needs.
- Set your TIME_ZONE and your LANGUAGE_CODE.
- If you're not going to use i18n and/or l10n, you can set USE_I8N and/ot USER_L10N to false.
- Set your media root absolute path, where the user-uploaded files will be saved.
- By default, STATIC_ROOT is set to 'static/' directory, relative to settings.py path. Change it if you need it.
- Change SECRET_KEY to something unique.
- Django CMS's templates will be loaded by default from 'templates/' directory, relative to settings.py path. Change TEMPLATES if you want something different.
- Only one sample CMS template is set in CMS_TEMPLATES setting. Add yours.
- Three sample django cms placeholders are configured. Feel free to change them.
- A default configuration for logging is made and ready to be modified in LOGGING setting.
Use local_settings.py.tpl as a template for your own local_settings.py file, which is git-ignored so you can have different settings per enviroment. It's recommended to configure the DATABASE connection in local_settings.py, since password won't be pushed to the repository. Start by copying the template:
cp local_settings.py.tpl local_settings.py
Optionaly, you can create fab_settings.py from fab_settings.py.tpl if you want to use fabric tasks (see section below).
cp fab_settings.py.tpl fab_settings.py
Create your configured database, and run manage commands to create tables and apply migrations
./manage.py syncdb ./manage.py migrate
Now you should be able to run the development server.
./manage.py runserver