To get your data showing on ScrapeOps and control scrapyd on your servers the steps are:
Install the scrapeOps extention for Scrapy using the command below.
pip install git+
In the file, you need to do the following steps:
Add in the ScrapeOps extension:
EXTENSIONS = { 'scrapeops_scrapy.extension.ScrapeOpsMonitor': 500, }
Disable the default Scrapy retry downloader middleware & add in the ScrapeOps one:
DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES = { 'scrapeops_scrapy.middleware.retry.RetryMiddleware': 550, 'scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.retry.RetryMiddleware': None, }
Set your ScrapeOps API key so your logs can be linked to your account:
You can see your api key on the settings page in ScrapeOps
If you want to run/stop/re-run/schedule any jobs using ScrapeOps this step is needed. If we cannot reach your server via port 80 & 443 the server will be listed as read only on the servers page.
The following steps should work to whitelist our IP on Linux/Unix based servers that have UFW firewall installed:
Step 1: Log into your server via SSH.
Step 2: Allow incoming connections from
sudo ufw allow from to any port 443,80 proto tcp
Step 3: Allow outgoing connections to
sudo ufw allow out to port 433,80
Step 4: Check firewall rules are implemented
sudo ufw status
Once this is done you should be able to run/re-run/stop/schedule jobs for this server from our site.