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Build and run


Skywire requires a version of golang with go modules support.


# Clone.
$ git clone
$ cd skywire

# Build.
$ make build # installs all dependencies, build binaries and skywire apps

# Install skywire-visor, skywire-cli, hypervisor and app CLI execs.
$ make install

Configure Skywire Visor

The configuration file provides the configuration for skywire-visor. It is a text file in JSON format.

You can generate a default configuration file by running:

$ skywire-cli visor gen-config

Additional options are displayed when skywire-cli visor gen-config -h is run.

If you are trying to test features from the develop branch, you should use the -t flag when generating config files for either skywire-visor or hypervisor.

We will cover certain fields of the configuration file below.

stcp setup

With stcp, you can establish skywire transports to other skywire visors with the tcp protocol.

As visors are identified with public keys and not IP addresses, we need to directly define the associations between IP address and public keys. This is done via the configuration file for skywire-visor.

  "stcp": {
    "pk_table": {
      "024a2dd77de324d543561a6d9e62791723be26ddf6b9587060a10b9ba498e096f1": "",
      "0327396b1241a650163d5bc72a7970f6dfbcca3f3d67ab3b15be9fa5c8da532c08": ""
    "local_address": ""

In the above example, we have two other visors running on localhost (that we wish to connect to via stcp).

  • The field stcp.pk_table holds the associations of <public_key> to <ip_address>:<port>.
  • The field stcp.local_address should only be specified if you want the visor in question to listen for incoming stcp connection.

hypervisor setup

Every node can be controlled by one or more hypervisors. The hypervisor allows to control and configure multiple visors. In order to allow a hypervisor to access a visor, the address and PubKey of the hypervisor needs to be configured first on the visor. Here is an example configuration:


Run skywire-visor

skywire-visor hosts apps, proxies app's requests to remote visors and exposes communication API that apps can use to implement communication protocols. App binaries are spawned by the visor, communication between visor and app is performed via unix pipes provided on app startup.

Note that skywire-visor requires a valid configuration file in order to execute. If you want to run the VPN client application distributed with Skywire you need to run the following command with sudo

# Run skywire-visor. It takes one argument; the path of a configuration file (`skywire-config.json` if unspecified).
$ skywire-visor skywire-config.json

Run skywire-cli

The skywire-cli tool is used to control the skywire-visor. Refer to the help menu for usage:

$ skywire-cli -h

Run hypervisor

In order to run the hypervisor, generate a hypervisor config file with

$ hypervisor gen-config

Then you can start a hypervisor with:

$ hypervisor 

You can open up the hypervisor UI on localhost:8000.


Skywire node may be run on Windows, but this process requires some manual operations at the moment.

In order to run the skywire visor on Windows, you will need to manually build it. Do not forget the .exe extensions.

go build -o ./skywire-visor.exe ./cmd/skywire-visor

Apps may be built the same way:

go build -o ./apps/vpn-client.exe ./cmd/apps/vpn-client

Apps should be stated in the config without .exe extension, as usual.

Some log lines may seem strange due to the Windows encoding in terminal. To make life easier you may change encoding to UTF-8 executing:

CHCP 65001

Not Supported Features

  • dmsgpty
  • syslog

Trying to run these will result in failure.

Running VPN

Running VPN on Windows requires wintun driver to be installed. This may be achieved by installing the driver itself, or simply installing Wireguard which installs this driver too.

VPN client requires local system user rights to be run. This may be achieved by downloading PsExec: . Then you may run terminal with the local system rights like this:

PsExec.exe -i -s C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe

And then simply run skywire from the opened terminal.


After skywire-visor is up and running with default environment, default apps are run with the configuration specified in skywire-config.json. Refer to the following for usage of the apps:

Using the Skywire VPN

If you are interested in running the Skywire VPN as either a client or a server, please refer to the following guides:

App Programming API

Skywire supports building custom apps. In order for visor to run a custom app, app binary should be put into the correct directory. This directory is specified in the visor config as apps_path. Each app has a list of parameters:

  • app (required) - contains application name. This should be equal to the binary name stored in the apps_path directory to be correctly resolved by the visor;
  • auto_start (defaults to false) - boolean value, indicates if app should be run on the visor start;
  • port (required) - port app binds to. Port shouldn't clash with one of the reserved ports of standard Skywire apps (list of such ports is defined below);
  • args - array of additional arguments to be passed to the app binary. May be totally omitted.

Example part of visor config:

  "apps_path": "./apps",
  "apps": [
      "app": "custom_app",
      "auto_start": true,
      "port": 15,
      "args": ["-c", "./custom_app_config.json"]

This way, binary will be run by the visor like this:

$ ./apps/custom_app -c ./custom_app_config.json

Reserved App Ports

  • 0 - Router
  • 1 - Skychat
  • 3 - Skysocks

List may be updated.

App initialization

Besides list of additional arguments, visor passes 3 environmental variables to each running app. It goes as follows:

  • APP_KEY - used to authenticate app RPC calls (explained in details below);
  • APP_SERVER_ADDR - address of RPC server for app to communicate with the visor;
  • VISOR_PK - pub key of the visor running the app.

These values may be obtained and examined from the environment by any suitable means. For developers working with Go, there is a function app.ClientConfigFromEnv which does all the job (may be found here).

App-Visor communication

Visor has RPC gateway to communicate with the apps. Address and the authentication key are passed in the environmental variables as described above. App key is used a prefix to all RPC calls, so the server may distinguish apps and authenticate calls. So, if app needs to call Dial method for example, it should call APP_KEY.Dial, where APP_KEY is the actual key taken from the corresponding environmental variable.

Basically, apps on different visors communicate with each other through Skywire network. App performs an RPC call to its visor, visor communicates with the remote visor, then the remote visor passes data to its app. That's why visor's RPC gateway for the apps mostly contains methods for networking.


Full info on each call input and output may be found in the corresponding file. Here will be just a list of minor details. If you're coming from the language different than Go, you'll have to communicate with the RPC gateway directly. 2 important concepts are listener ID and connection ID. Server gives these in response for some of the app's calls. Each time connection is being created (as a result of Dial and Accept calls for example) server will return connection ID to the app. In order to communicate over this connection, its ID must be passed with the needed RPC call input. This is also true for the listener ID. Each time listener is created (result of Listen call), listener ID is being returned to the client. This ID may be used to Accept connections for example. For developers working with go, there is a client available which may be constructed by app.NewClient call. For details you may consult any of Skywire standard apps and client code. Each connection obtained from this client should be treated as a connection between the current app instance and the remote app.


In order for a local Skywire App to communicate with an App running on a remote Skywire visor, a transport to that remote Skywire visor needs to be established.

Transports can be established via the skywire-cli.

# Establish transport to `0276ad1c5e77d7945ad6343a3c36a8014f463653b3375b6e02ebeaa3a21d89e881`.
$ skywire-cli visor add-tp 0276ad1c5e77d7945ad6343a3c36a8014f463653b3375b6e02ebeaa3a21d89e881

# List established transports.
$ skywire-cli visor ls-tp

Currently there are 4 available transport types.

Creating a GitHub release

To maintain actual skywire-visor state on users' Skywire nodes we have a mechanism for updating skywire-visor binaries. Binaries for each version are uploaded to GitHub releases. We use goreleaser for creating them.

How to create a GitHub release

  1. Make sure that git and goreleaser are installed.
  2. Checkout to a commit you would like to create a release against.
  3. Make sure that git status is in clean state.
  4. Create a git tag with desired release version and release name: git tag -a 0.1.0 -m "First release", where 0.1.0 is release version and First release is release name.
  5. Push the created tag to the repository: git push origin 0.1.0, where 0.1.0 is release version.
  6. Issue a personal GitHub access token.
  7. Run GITHUB_TOKEN=your_token make github-release
  8. Check the created GitHub release.