cd /tmp
git clone [email protected]:Slicer/DashboardScripts.git
cd DashboardScripts
This step is used to update the version of CMake used in the nightly dashboard scripts.
cd maintenance
CMAKE_VERSION=X.Y.Z make nightly-script-cmake-update
Since these machines have both SSH installed, the following steps will remotely execute the install scripts:
- Open bash terminal and execute the following statements:
cd maintenance
CMAKE_VERSION=X.Y.Z make remote-install-cmake
Connect to overload using VNC
Open a command line terminal as Administrator
Update and execute the following statement:
@powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted "$cmakeVersion='3.11.0'; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))"
The one-liner is provided by scikit-ci-addons