(#3987) Align the stun radius of a Medusa with its damage radius
(#3988) Fix the initialisation of a state as part of a simple class
(#3990) Fix various issues with transports for AIs Specifically allows the AIs to properly understand the number of units that can be attached to a transport
(#3979) Improve campaign AI behavior Includes various fixes for campaign behavior, specifically to their use of transports
(#3989, #3993) Allow all direct fire weapons to retarget as usual Prevents units from 'being stuck' attacking a factory while an engineer is next to it. This type of issue shows up a lot more often in matchmaking. Change made with thanks to a conversation on the forums.
I'd also like to use this opportunity to note that we're making the game better for the community. If a change
appears to be the reverse of that then we're always open to discuss why you think that is the case.
(#3962) Add annotation to campaign related files
(#3983) Fix the Russian translation to 'Depth charges'
(#3991) Prevent loading of the mod Quality of Performance 2022
It was damaging some of the optimisation that were introduced the past few months. At the same time it
introduces a unit that is free and produces a lot of resources, but it is only available to the Cybran faction
(#3992) Adjust the spacing of tech 1 / tech 2 bombers / gunships
Jip (#3962, #3988, #3992, #3991, #3993, #3990) Uveso (#3983) Fluffy (#3987) speed2 (#3979, #3990)