From 6895c7ee020127c759c70858b6dec565e706d604 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SukkaW <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2025 22:46:13 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor: fetch directly

 Build/build-reject-ip-list.ts |  29 ++--
 Build/lib/cache-filesystem.ts | 256 +---------------------------------
 Build/lib/fetch-assets.ts     |  11 +-
 Build/lib/parse-filter.ts     | 223 +++++++++++++----------------
 4 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 398 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Build/build-reject-ip-list.ts b/Build/build-reject-ip-list.ts
index 00c7a3de7..ed659ce2c 100644
--- a/Build/build-reject-ip-list.ts
+++ b/Build/build-reject-ip-list.ts
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import { createReadlineInterfaceFromResponse, readFileIntoProcessedArray } from
 import { task } from './trace';
 import { SHARED_DESCRIPTION } from './constants/description';
 import { isProbablyIpv4, isProbablyIpv6 } from 'foxts/is-probably-ip';
-import { fsFetchCache, getFileContentHash } from './lib/cache-filesystem';
 import { processLine } from './lib/process-line';
 import { RulesetOutput } from './lib/create-file';
 import { SOURCE_DIR } from './constants/dir';
 import { $$fetch } from './lib/fetch-retry';
+import { fetchAssetsWithout304 } from './lib/fetch-assets';
 const getBogusNxDomainIPsPromise: Promise<[ipv4: string[], ipv6: string[]]> = $$fetch(BOGUS_NXDOMAIN_URL).then(async (resp) => {
@@ -37,26 +37,17 @@ const BOTNET_FILTER_MIRROR_URL = [
-const getBotNetFilterIPsPromise = fsFetchCache.applyWithHttp304AndMirrors<[ipv4: string[], ipv6: string[]]>(
-  getFileContentHash(__filename),
-  (text) => text.split('\n').reduce<[ipv4: string[], ipv6: string[]]>((acc, cur) => {
-    const ip = processLine(cur);
-    if (ip) {
-      if (isProbablyIpv4(ip)) {
-        acc[0].push(ip);
-      } else if (isProbablyIpv6(ip)) {
-        acc[1].push(ip);
-      }
+const getBotNetFilterIPsPromise: Promise<[ipv4: string[], ipv6: string[]]> = fetchAssetsWithout304(BOTNET_FILTER_URL, BOTNET_FILTER_MIRROR_URL).then(text => text.split('\n').reduce<[ipv4: string[], ipv6: string[]]>((acc, cur) => {
+  const ip = processLine(cur);
+  if (ip) {
+    if (isProbablyIpv4(ip)) {
+      acc[0].push(ip);
+    } else if (isProbablyIpv6(ip)) {
+      acc[1].push(ip);
-    return acc;
-  }, [[], []]),
-  {
-    serializer: JSON.stringify,
-    deserializer: JSON.parse
+  return acc;
+}, [[], []]));
 export const buildRejectIPList = task(require.main === module, __filename)(async (span) => {
   const [bogusNxDomainIPs, botNetIPs] = await Promise.all([
diff --git a/Build/lib/cache-filesystem.ts b/Build/lib/cache-filesystem.ts
index 87e2d457d..181879e88 100644
--- a/Build/lib/cache-filesystem.ts
+++ b/Build/lib/cache-filesystem.ts
@@ -4,20 +4,12 @@ import os from 'node:os';
 import path from 'node:path';
 import { mkdirSync } from 'node:fs';
 import picocolors from 'picocolors';
-import { mergeHeaders } from 'foxts/merge-headers';
-import { headersToObject } from 'foxts/headers-to-object';
-import { identity } from 'foxts/identity';
 import { fastStringArrayJoin } from 'foxts/fast-string-array-join';
 import { performance } from 'node:perf_hooks';
 import fs from 'node:fs';
 import { simpleStringHash } from 'foxts/simple-string-hash';
-import { defaultRequestInit, requestWithLog, ResponseError } from './fetch-retry';
-import type { UndiciResponseData } from './fetch-retry';
 // import type { UndiciResponseData } from './fetch-retry';
-import { Custom304NotModifiedError, CustomAbortError, CustomNoETagFallbackError, fetchAssetsWithout304, sleepWithAbort } from './fetch-assets';
-import type { IncomingHttpHeaders } from 'undici/types/header';
-import { Headers } from 'undici';
 import { CACHE_DIR } from '../constants/dir';
 export interface CacheOptions<S = string> {
@@ -69,20 +61,6 @@ export const TTL = {
   TWO_WEEKS: () => randomInt(10, 14) * ONE_DAY
-function ensureETag(headers: IncomingHttpHeaders | Headers) {
-  if (headers instanceof Headers && headers.has('etag')) {
-    return headers.get('etag');
-  }
-  if ('etag' in headers && typeof headers.etag === 'string' && headers.etag.length > 0) {
-    return headers.etag;
-  }
-  if ('ETag' in headers && typeof headers.ETag === 'string' && headers.ETag.length > 0) {
-    return headers.ETag;
-  }
-  return null;
 export class Cache<S = string> {
   private db: Database;
   /** Time before deletion */
@@ -199,238 +177,18 @@ export class Cache<S = string> {;
-  async applyWithHttp304<T>(
-    url: string,
-    extraCacheKey: string,
-    fn: (resp: UndiciResponseData) => Promise<T>,
-    opt: Omit<CacheApplyOption<T, S>, 'incrementTtlWhenHit'>
-    // requestInit?: RequestInit
-  ): Promise<T> {
-    if (opt.temporaryBypass) {
-      return fn(await requestWithLog(url));
-    }
-    const baseKey = url + '$' + extraCacheKey;
-    const etagKey = baseKey + '$etag';
-    const cachedKey = baseKey + '$cached';
-    const etag = this.get(etagKey);
-    const onMiss = async (resp: UndiciResponseData) => {
-      const serializer = 'serializer' in opt ? opt.serializer : identity as any;
-      const value = await fn(resp);
-      let serverETag = ensureETag(resp.headers);
-      if (serverETag) {
-        // FUCK
-        if (url.includes('')) {
-          serverETag = serverETag.replace('-gzip', '');
-        }
-        console.log(picocolors.yellow('[cache] miss'), url, { status: resp.statusCode, cachedETag: etag, serverETag });
-        this.set(etagKey, serverETag, TTL.ONE_WEEK_STATIC);
-        this.set(cachedKey, serializer(value), TTL.ONE_WEEK_STATIC);
-        return value;
-      }
-      this.del(etagKey);
-      console.log('[cache] no etag'), picocolors.gray(url));
-      if (opt.ttl) {
-        this.set(cachedKey, serializer(value), opt.ttl);
-      }
-      return value;
-    };
-    const cached = this.get(cachedKey);
-    if (cached == null) {
-      return onMiss(await requestWithLog(url));
-    }
-    const resp = await requestWithLog(
-      url,
-      {
-        ...defaultRequestInit,
-        headers: (typeof etag === 'string' && etag.length > 0)
-          ? headersToObject(mergeHeaders(defaultRequestInit.headers, { 'If-None-Match': etag }))
-          : defaultRequestInit.headers
-      }
-    );
-    // Only miss if previously a ETag was present and the server responded with a 304
-    if (!ensureETag(resp.headers) && resp.statusCode !== 304) {
-      return onMiss(resp);
-    }
-    console.log(`[cache] ${resp.statusCode === 304 ? 'http 304' : 'cache hit'}`), picocolors.gray(url));
-    this.updateTtl(cachedKey, TTL.ONE_WEEK_STATIC);
-    const deserializer = 'deserializer' in opt ? opt.deserializer : identity as any;
-    return deserializer(cached);
-  }
-  async applyWithHttp304AndMirrors<T>(
-    primaryUrl: string,
-    mirrorUrls: string[],
-    extraCacheKey: string,
-    fn: (resp: string) => Promise<T> | T,
-    opt: Omit<CacheApplyOption<T, S>, 'incrementTtlWhenHit'>
-  ): Promise<T> {
-    if (opt.temporaryBypass) {
-      return fn(await fetchAssetsWithout304(primaryUrl, mirrorUrls));
-    }
-    const baseKey = primaryUrl + '$' + extraCacheKey;
-    const getETagKey = (url: string) => baseKey + '$' + url + '$etag';
-    const cachedKey = baseKey + '$cached';
-    const controller = new AbortController();
-    const previouslyCached = this.get(cachedKey);
-    const createFetchFallbackPromise = async (url: string, index: number) => {
-      // Most assets can be downloaded within 250ms. To avoid wasting bandwidth, we will wait for 500ms before downloading from the fallback URL.
-      if (index >= 0) {
-        try {
-          await sleepWithAbort(50 + (index + 1) * 100, controller.signal);
-        } catch {
-          console.log(picocolors.gray('[fetch cancelled early]'), picocolors.gray(url));
-          throw new CustomAbortError();
-        }
-        if (controller.signal.aborted) {
-          console.log(picocolors.gray('[fetch cancelled]'), picocolors.gray(url));
-          throw new CustomAbortError();
-        }
-      }
-      const etag = this.get(getETagKey(url));
-      const res = await requestWithLog(
-        url,
-        {
-          signal: controller.signal,
-          ...defaultRequestInit,
-          headers: (typeof etag === 'string' && etag.length > 0 && typeof previouslyCached === 'string' && previouslyCached.length > 1)
-            ? headersToObject(mergeHeaders(defaultRequestInit.headers, { 'If-None-Match': etag }))
-            : defaultRequestInit.headers
-        }
-      );
-      const serverETag = ensureETag(res.headers);
-      if (serverETag) {
-        this.set(getETagKey(url), serverETag, TTL.ONE_WEEK_STATIC);
-      }
-      // If we do not have a cached value, we ignore 304
-      if (res.statusCode === 304 && typeof previouslyCached === 'string' && previouslyCached.length > 1) {
-        const err = new Custom304NotModifiedError(url, previouslyCached);
-        controller.abort(err);
-        throw err;
-      }
-      if (!serverETag && !this.get(getETagKey(primaryUrl)) && typeof previouslyCached === 'string') {
-        const err = new CustomNoETagFallbackError(previouslyCached);
-        controller.abort(err);
-        throw err;
-      }
-      // either no etag and not cached
-      // or has etag but not 304
-      const text = await res.body.text();
-      if (text.length < 2) {
-        throw new ResponseError(res, url, 'empty response');
-      }
-      controller.abort();
-      return text;
-    };
-    try {
-      const text = mirrorUrls.length === 0
-        ? await createFetchFallbackPromise(primaryUrl, -1)
-        : await Promise.any([
-          createFetchFallbackPromise(primaryUrl, -1),
-        ]);
-      console.log(picocolors.yellow('[cache] miss'), primaryUrl);
-      const serializer = 'serializer' in opt ? opt.serializer : identity as any;
-      const value = await fn(text);
-      this.set(cachedKey, serializer(value), opt.ttl ?? TTL.ONE_WEEK_STATIC);
-      return value;
-    } catch (e) {
-      const deserializer = 'deserializer' in opt ? opt.deserializer : identity as any;
-      const on304 = (error: Custom304NotModifiedError): NonNullable<T> => {
-        console.log('[cache] http 304'), picocolors.gray(primaryUrl));
-        this.updateTtl(cachedKey, TTL.ONE_WEEK_STATIC);
-        return deserializer(;
-      };
-      const onNoETagFallback = (error: CustomNoETagFallbackError): NonNullable<T> => {
-        console.log('[cache] hit'), picocolors.gray(primaryUrl));
-        return deserializer(;
-      };
-      const onSingleError = (error: object & {}) => {
-        if ('name' in error) {
-          if ( === 'Custom304NotModifiedError') {
-            return on304(error as Custom304NotModifiedError);
-          }
-          if ( === 'CustomNoETagFallbackError') {
-            return onNoETagFallback(error as CustomNoETagFallbackError);
-          }
-          if ( === 'CustomAbortError' || === 'AbortError') {
-            // noop
-          }
-        }
-        if ('digest' in error) {
-          if (error.digest === 'Custom304NotModifiedError') {
-            return on304(error as Custom304NotModifiedError);
-          }
-          if (error.digest === 'CustomNoETagFallbackError') {
-            return onNoETagFallback(error as CustomNoETagFallbackError);
-          }
-        }
-        return null;
-      };
-      if (e && typeof e === 'object') {
-        if ('errors' in e && Array.isArray(e.errors)) {
-          for (let i = 0, len = e.errors.length; i < len; i++) {
-            const error = e.errors[i];
-            const result = onSingleError(error);
-            if (result !== null) {
-              return result;
-            }
-            console.log('[fetch error 1]'), picocolors.gray(`[${primaryUrl}]`), error);
-          }
-        } else {
-          const result = onSingleError(e);
-          if (result !== null) {
-            return result;
-          }
-          console.log('[fetch error 2]'), picocolors.gray(`[${primaryUrl}]`), e);
-        }
-      }
-      console.log(`Download Rule for [${primaryUrl}] failed`, { e, name: (e as any).name });
-      throw e;
-    }
-  }
   destroy() {
+  deleteTable(tableName: string) {
+    this.db.exec(`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${tableName};`);
+  }
-export const fsFetchCache = new Cache({ cachePath: CACHE_DIR });
+// drop deprecated cache
+new Cache({ cachePath: CACHE_DIR }).deleteTable('cache');
 // process.on('exit', () => {
 //   fsFetchCache.destroy();
 // });
diff --git a/Build/lib/fetch-assets.ts b/Build/lib/fetch-assets.ts
index 085d9707d..558012af4 100644
--- a/Build/lib/fetch-assets.ts
+++ b/Build/lib/fetch-assets.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import picocolors from 'picocolors';
-import { defaultRequestInit, requestWithLog, ResponseError } from './fetch-retry';
+import { $$fetch, defaultRequestInit, ResponseError } from './fetch-retry';
 import { wait } from 'foxts/wait';
 // eslint-disable-next-line sukka/unicorn/custom-error-definition -- typescript is better
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export function sleepWithAbort(ms: number, signal: AbortSignal) {
-export async function fetchAssetsWithout304(url: string, fallbackUrls: string[] | readonly string[]) {
+export async function fetchAssetsWithout304(url: string, fallbackUrls: null | undefined | string[] | readonly string[]) {
   const controller = new AbortController();
   const createFetchFallbackPromise = async (url: string, index: number) => {
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ export async function fetchAssetsWithout304(url: string, fallbackUrls: string[]
       console.log(picocolors.gray('[fetch cancelled]'), picocolors.gray(url));
       throw new CustomAbortError();
-    const res = await requestWithLog(url, { signal: controller.signal, ...defaultRequestInit });
-    const text = await res.body.text();
+    const res = await $$fetch(url, { signal: controller.signal, ...defaultRequestInit });
+    const text = await res.text();
     if (text.length < 2) {
       throw new ResponseError(res, url, 'empty response w/o 304');
@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ export async function fetchAssetsWithout304(url: string, fallbackUrls: string[]
     return text;
+  if (!fallbackUrls || fallbackUrls.length === 0) {
+    return createFetchFallbackPromise(url, -1);
+  }
   return Promise.any([
     createFetchFallbackPromise(url, -1),
diff --git a/Build/lib/parse-filter.ts b/Build/lib/parse-filter.ts
index 3c28a946e..4f1f00554 100644
--- a/Build/lib/parse-filter.ts
+++ b/Build/lib/parse-filter.ts
@@ -4,16 +4,14 @@ import tldts from 'tldts-experimental';
 import picocolors from 'picocolors';
 import { normalizeDomain } from './normalize-domain';
-import { deserializeArray, fsFetchCache, serializeArray, getFileContentHash } from './cache-filesystem';
 import type { Span } from '../trace';
 import { createRetrieKeywordFilter as createKeywordFilter } from 'foxts/retrie';
 import { looseTldtsOpt } from '../constants/loose-tldts-opt';
-import { identity } from 'foxts/identity';
 import { DEBUG_DOMAIN_TO_FIND } from '../constants/reject-data-source';
 import { noop } from 'foxts/noop';
+import { fetchAssetsWithout304 } from './fetch-assets';
 let foundDebugDomain = false;
-const temporaryBypass = typeof DEBUG_DOMAIN_TO_FIND === 'string';
 const onBlackFound = DEBUG_DOMAIN_TO_FIND
   ? (line: string, meta: string) => {
@@ -58,32 +56,24 @@ function domainListLineCb(l: string, set: string[], includeAllSubDomain: boolean
 export function processDomainLists(
   span: Span,
-  domainListsUrl: string, mirrors: string[] | null, includeAllSubDomain = false,
-  ttl: number | null = null, extraCacheKey: (input: string) => string = identity
+  domainListsUrl: string, mirrors: string[] | null, includeAllSubDomain = false
 ) {
-  return span.traceChild(`process domainlist: ${domainListsUrl}`).traceAsyncFn((childSpan) => fsFetchCache.applyWithHttp304AndMirrors<string[]>(
-    domainListsUrl,
-    mirrors ?? [],
-    extraCacheKey(getFileContentHash(__filename)),
-    (text) => {
-      const domainSets: string[] = [];
-      const filterRules = text.split('\n');
-      childSpan.traceChild('parse domain list').traceSyncFn(() => {
-        for (let i = 0, len = filterRules.length; i < len; i++) {
-          domainListLineCb(filterRules[i], domainSets, includeAllSubDomain, domainListsUrl);
-        }
-      });
-      return domainSets;
-    },
-    {
-      ttl,
-      temporaryBypass,
-      serializer: serializeArray,
-      deserializer: deserializeArray
-    }
-  ));
+  return span.traceChildAsync(`process domainlist: ${domainListsUrl}`, async (span) => {
+    const text = await span.traceChildAsync(`process domainlist: ${domainListsUrl}`, () => fetchAssetsWithout304(
+      domainListsUrl,
+      mirrors
+    ));
+    const domainSets: string[] = [];
+    const filterRules = text.split('\n');
+    span.traceChildSync('parse domain list', () => {
+      for (let i = 0, len = filterRules.length; i < len; i++) {
+        domainListLineCb(filterRules[i], domainSets, includeAllSubDomain, domainListsUrl);
+      }
+    });
+    return domainSets;
+  });
 function hostsLineCb(l: string, set: string[], includeAllSubDomain: boolean, meta: string) {
@@ -108,33 +98,23 @@ function hostsLineCb(l: string, set: string[], includeAllSubDomain: boolean, met
 export function processHosts(
   span: Span,
-  hostsUrl: string, mirrors: string[] | null, includeAllSubDomain = false,
-  ttl: number | null = null, extraCacheKey: (input: string) => string = identity
+  hostsUrl: string, mirrors: string[] | null, includeAllSubDomain = false
 ) {
-  return span.traceChild(`processhosts: ${hostsUrl}`).traceAsyncFn((childSpan) => fsFetchCache.applyWithHttp304AndMirrors<string[]>(
-    hostsUrl,
-    mirrors ?? [],
-    extraCacheKey(getFileContentHash(__filename)),
-    (text) => {
-      const domainSets: string[] = [];
-      const filterRules = text.split('\n');
-      childSpan.traceChild('parse hosts').traceSyncFn(() => {
-        for (let i = 0, len = filterRules.length; i < len; i++) {
-          hostsLineCb(filterRules[i], domainSets, includeAllSubDomain, hostsUrl);
-        }
-      });
-      return domainSets;
-    },
-    {
-      ttl,
-      temporaryBypass,
-      serializer: serializeArray,
-      deserializer: deserializeArray
-    }
-  ));
+  return span.traceChildAsync(`process hosts: ${hostsUrl}`, async (span) => {
+    const text = await span.traceChild('download').traceAsyncFn(() => fetchAssetsWithout304(hostsUrl, mirrors));
+    const domainSets: string[] = [];
+    const filterRules = text.split('\n');
+    span.traceChild('parse hosts').traceSyncFn(() => {
+      for (let i = 0, len = filterRules.length; i < len; i++) {
+        hostsLineCb(filterRules[i], domainSets, includeAllSubDomain, hostsUrl);
+      }
+    });
+    return domainSets;
+  });
 const enum ParseType {
@@ -153,92 +133,83 @@ export async function processFilterRules(
   parentSpan: Span,
   filterRulesUrl: string,
   fallbackUrls?: string[] | null,
-  ttl: number | null = null,
+  _ttl: number | null = null,
   allowThirdParty = false
 ): Promise<{ white: string[], black: string[], foundDebugDomain: boolean }> {
-  const [white, black, warningMessages] = await parentSpan.traceChild(`process filter rules: ${filterRulesUrl}`).traceAsyncFn((span) => fsFetchCache.applyWithHttp304AndMirrors<Readonly<[white: string[], black: string[], warningMessages: string[]]>>(
-    filterRulesUrl,
-    fallbackUrls ?? [],
-    getFileContentHash(__filename),
-    (text) => {
-      const whitelistDomainSets = new Set<string>();
-      const blacklistDomainSets = new Set<string>();
+  const [white, black, warningMessages] = await parentSpan.traceChild(`process filter rules: ${filterRulesUrl}`).traceAsyncFn(async (span) => {
+    const text = await fetchAssetsWithout304(filterRulesUrl, fallbackUrls);
-      const warningMessages: string[] = [];
+    const whitelistDomainSets = new Set<string>();
+    const blacklistDomainSets = new Set<string>();
-      const MUTABLE_PARSE_LINE_RESULT: [string, ParseType] = ['', ParseType.NotParsed];
-      /**
+    const warningMessages: string[] = [];
+    const MUTABLE_PARSE_LINE_RESULT: [string, ParseType] = ['', ParseType.NotParsed];
+    /**
        * @param {string} line
-      const lineCb = (line: string) => {
-        const result = parse(line, MUTABLE_PARSE_LINE_RESULT, allowThirdParty);
-        const flag = result[1];
+    const lineCb = (line: string) => {
+      const result = parse(line, MUTABLE_PARSE_LINE_RESULT, allowThirdParty);
+      const flag = result[1];
-        if (flag === ParseType.NotParsed) {
-          throw new Error(`Didn't parse line: ${line}`);
-        }
-        if (flag === ParseType.Null) {
-          return;
-        }
+      if (flag === ParseType.NotParsed) {
+        throw new Error(`Didn't parse line: ${line}`);
+      }
+      if (flag === ParseType.Null) {
+        return;
+      }
-        const hostname = result[0];
+      const hostname = result[0];
-        if (flag === ParseType.WhiteIncludeSubdomain || flag === ParseType.WhiteAbsolute) {
-          onWhiteFound(hostname, filterRulesUrl);
-        } else {
-          onBlackFound(hostname, filterRulesUrl);
-        }
+      if (flag === ParseType.WhiteIncludeSubdomain || flag === ParseType.WhiteAbsolute) {
+        onWhiteFound(hostname, filterRulesUrl);
+      } else {
+        onBlackFound(hostname, filterRulesUrl);
+      }
-        switch (flag) {
-          case ParseType.WhiteIncludeSubdomain:
-            if (hostname[0] === '.') {
-              whitelistDomainSets.add(hostname);
-            } else {
-              whitelistDomainSets.add(`.${hostname}`);
-            }
-            break;
-          case ParseType.WhiteAbsolute:
+      switch (flag) {
+        case ParseType.WhiteIncludeSubdomain:
+          if (hostname[0] === '.') {
-            break;
-          case ParseType.BlackIncludeSubdomain:
-            if (hostname[0] === '.') {
-              blacklistDomainSets.add(hostname);
-            } else {
-              blacklistDomainSets.add(`.${hostname}`);
-            }
-            break;
-          case ParseType.BlackAbsolute:
+          } else {
+            whitelistDomainSets.add(`.${hostname}`);
+          }
+          break;
+        case ParseType.WhiteAbsolute:
+          whitelistDomainSets.add(hostname);
+          break;
+        case ParseType.BlackIncludeSubdomain:
+          if (hostname[0] === '.') {
-            break;
-          case ParseType.ErrorMessage:
-            warningMessages.push(hostname);
-            break;
-          default:
-            break;
-        }
-      };
+          } else {
+            blacklistDomainSets.add(`.${hostname}`);
+          }
+          break;
+        case ParseType.BlackAbsolute:
+          blacklistDomainSets.add(hostname);
+          break;
+        case ParseType.ErrorMessage:
+          warningMessages.push(hostname);
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+      }
+    };
-      const filterRules = text.split('\n');
+    const filterRules = text.split('\n');
-      span.traceChild('parse adguard filter').traceSyncFn(() => {
-        for (let i = 0, len = filterRules.length; i < len; i++) {
-          lineCb(filterRules[i]);
-        }
-      });
-      return [
-        Array.from(whitelistDomainSets),
-        Array.from(blacklistDomainSets),
-        warningMessages
-      ] as const;
-    },
-    {
-      ttl,
-      temporaryBypass,
-      serializer: JSON.stringify,
-      deserializer: JSON.parse
-    }
-  ));
+    span.traceChild('parse adguard filter').traceSyncFn(() => {
+      for (let i = 0, len = filterRules.length; i < len; i++) {
+        lineCb(filterRules[i]);
+      }
+    });
+    return [
+      Array.from(whitelistDomainSets),
+      Array.from(blacklistDomainSets),
+      warningMessages
+    ] as const;
+  });
   for (let i = 0, len = warningMessages.length; i < len; i++) {