kube-builder is a utility image that includes several tools useful in Drone pipelines for building Docker images and deploying them to Kubernetes.
- curl
- wget
- openssh-client
- git
- zip
- unzip
- awscli
- rsync
- jq
- ca-certificates
- make
- build-essential
- gnupg
- lsb-release
- kubectl
- kustomize
- helm
- gh
- kube-linter
- Go
- rancher-projects
- Docker
- Docker Buildx
To use the kube-builder image in your Drone pipelines, simply specify supporttools/kube-builder
as the image name in your .drone.yml
Copy code
image: supporttools/kube-builder
- make build
- make push
- kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
This example pipeline runs a make command to build a Docker image, then pushes the image to a Docker registry, and finally deploys the Kubernetes manifest in deployment.yaml using kubectl apply.
You can also use the included tools directly in your pipeline commands:
Copy code
image: supporttools/kube-builder
- kubectl version --client
- kustomize build overlays/dev | kubectl apply -f -
- helm upgrade --install my-app chart/
This example pipeline uses kubectl to check the client version, kustomize to build a Kubernetes manifest from an overlay, and helm to upgrade or install a Helm chart.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you would like to contribute to kube-builder.
kube-builder is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.