diff --git a/.github/md-generator/generate_markdown.py b/.github/md-generator/generate_markdown.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6ee133b0ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/md-generator/generate_markdown.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+import os
+PIPE = "|"
+SLASH = "/"
+BREAK = "\n"
+# Show or hide and reorder brands as needed
+brands = ["telefonica", "o2", "vivo-new", "blau"]
+# Define the colors for the bar representation
+bar_colors = {
+ "unique": "59C2C9",
+ "all_equivalence": "0066FF",
+ "some_equivalence": "EAC344",
+ "missing": "D1D5E4"
+# List folders in icons directory
+def read_folder(folder):
+ if os.path.isdir(folder):
+ files = os.listdir(folder)
+ if ".DS_Store" in files:
+ files.remove(".DS_Store")
+ return files
+ return []
+def preprocess_filename(filename):
+ # Remove common style indicators from the filename and return
+ return filename.replace("-filled.svg", "").replace("-light.svg", "").replace("-regular.svg", "")
+# Function to recursively list all unique SVG filenames without their paths
+def list_concepts(folder):
+ concepts = set() # Use a set to avoid duplicates
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
+ # Filter and preprocess SVG filenames before adding to the set
+ for file in files:
+ if file.endswith('.svg') and not file.startswith('.'):
+ processed_file = preprocess_filename(file)
+ concepts.add(processed_file)
+ return list(concepts) # Convert set to list before returning
+# List all .svg files in the directory, including subdirectories.
+def list_svg_files(folder):
+ svg_files = []
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
+ svg_files.extend(os.path.join(root, file) for file in files if file.endswith('.svg') and not file.startswith('.'))
+ return svg_files
+concepts = list_concepts("./icons")
+total_concepts = len(concepts)
+# SVG List
+svg_files = list_svg_files("./icons")
+# Total number of icons
+total_icons = len(svg_files)
+def process_icon_sets(folders, all_concepts):
+ """Process each icon set to compute various metrics, update all_concepts with unique processed names."""
+ data = {}
+ for folder in folders:
+ files = list_svg_files(folder)
+ icons = {os.path.basename(file): file for file in files}
+ # no_processed_names are icons with -regular, -light, -filled
+ no_processed_names = {(os.path.basename(file)): file for file in files}
+ # processed_names are icons without -regular, -light, -filled
+ processed_names = {preprocess_filename(os.path.basename(file)): file for file in files}
+ data[folder] = {
+ "total": len(files),
+ "icons": set(icons.keys()),
+ "no_processed_names": set(no_processed_names.keys()),
+ "processed_names": set(processed_names.keys()),
+ "unique": set(),
+ "all_equivalence": set(),
+ "some_equivalence": set(),
+ "missing": set()
+ }
+ all_concepts.update(data[folder]["no_processed_names"])
+ for folder in folders:
+ current_no_processed_names = data[folder]["no_processed_names"]
+ data[folder]["unique"] = current_no_processed_names - set.union(*(data[f]["no_processed_names"] for f in folders if f != folder))
+ data[folder]["all_equivalence"] = set.intersection(*(data[f]["no_processed_names"] for f in folders))
+ for other_folder in folders:
+ if other_folder != folder:
+ data[folder]["some_equivalence"].update(current_no_processed_names & data[other_folder]["no_processed_names"])
+ data[folder]["some_equivalence"] -= data[folder]["all_equivalence"]
+ data[folder]["missing"] = all_concepts - (data[folder]["unique"] | data[folder]["all_equivalence"] | data[folder]["some_equivalence"])
+ return data
+# Generate a color-coded bar representation for each icon set based on percentage data.
+def generate_bar_representation(data, folders, bar_width=400, bar_height=8):
+ bar_output = []
+ for folder, metrics in data.items():
+ folder_data = data[folder]
+ # Total per brand
+ total_brand_icons = folder_data['total']
+ all_equivalence_count = len(folder_data['all_equivalence'])
+ some_equivalence_count = len(folder_data['some_equivalence'])
+ unique_count = len(folder_data['unique'])
+ missing_count = len(folder_data['missing'])
+ all_equivalence_percent = (all_equivalence_count * 100) / total_icons
+ some_equivalence_percent = (some_equivalence_count * 100) / total_icons
+ unique_percent = (unique_count * 100) / total_icons
+ missing_percent = (missing_count * 100) / total_icons
+ all_equivalence_width = round(int((all_equivalence_percent / 100) * bar_width))
+ if 0 < all_equivalence_percent < 1:
+ all_equivalence_width = 1
+ some_equivalence_width = round(int((some_equivalence_percent / 100) * bar_width))
+ if 0 < some_equivalence_percent < 1:
+ some_equivalence_width = 1
+ unique_width = round(int((unique_percent / 100) * bar_width))
+ if 0 < unique_percent < 1:
+ unique_width = 1
+ missing_width = bar_width - (unique_width + all_equivalence_width + some_equivalence_width)
+ if 0 < missing_percent < 1:
+ missing_width = 1
+ bar_parts = []
+ if all_equivalence_width > 0:
+ bar_parts.append(f"")
+ if some_equivalence_width > 0:
+ bar_parts.append(f"")
+ if unique_width > 0:
+ bar_parts.append(f"")
+ if missing_width > 0:
+ bar_parts.append(f"")
+ bar_representation = f"{os.path.basename(folder).title()} " + "\n" + "".join(bar_parts) + "\n"
+ bar_output.append(bar_representation)
+ return bar_output
+def generate_markdown_table(data, folders):
+ global total_concepts
+ """Generate markdown table representation of the data."""
+ markdown = f"| ICON SET | CONCEPTS ({total_concepts}) | TOTAL ({total_icons}) | ALL EQUIVALENCE | SOME EQUIVALENCE | UNIQUE | MISSING |\n"
+ markdown += "| :--------- | --------: | -----: | ----------: | -------------------: | -------------------: | ------------: |\n"
+ for folder in folders:
+ folder_name = os.path.basename(folder).title()
+ folder_data = data[folder]
+ total_brand_icons = folder_data['total']
+ all_equivalence_count = len(folder_data['all_equivalence'])
+ all_equivalence_percent = f"{all_equivalence_count} ({all_equivalence_count * 100 / (total_icons):.1f}%) ![All Equivalence](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/{bar_colors['all_equivalence']}/000&text=+)" if total_icons > 0 else "0 (0%)"
+ some_equivalence_count = len(folder_data['some_equivalence'])
+ some_equivalence_percent = f"{some_equivalence_count} ({some_equivalence_count * 100 / total_icons:.1f}%) ![Some Equivalence](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/{bar_colors['some_equivalence']}/000&text=+)" if total_icons > 0 else "0 (0%)"
+ unique_count = len(folder_data['unique'])
+ unique_percent = f"{unique_count} ({unique_count * 100 / total_icons:.1f}%) ![Unique](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/{bar_colors['unique']}/000&text=+)" if total_icons > 0 else "0 (0%)"
+ # missing_count = len(folder_data['missing'])
+ # missing_percent = f"{missing_count}" #({missing_count * 100 / total_icons:.1f}%)" if total_icons > 0 else "0 (0%)"
+ # missing_percent = f"{missing_count} ({missing_count * 100 / total_icons:.1f}%) ![Missing](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/{bar_colors['missing']}/000&text=+)"
+ missing_count = total_icons - total_brand_icons
+ # print(missing_count)
+ missing_percent = f"{total_icons - total_brand_icons} ({(missing_count * 100) / total_icons:.1f}%) ![Missing](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/{bar_colors['missing']}/000&text=+)"
+ markdown += f"| {folder_name} | {len(folder_data['processed_names'])} | {folder_data['total']} | {all_equivalence_percent} | {some_equivalence_percent} | {unique_percent} | {missing_percent} |\n"
+ # markdown += f"| | **{total_concepts}** | **{total_icons}** | | | | |\n"
+ markdown += "\n"
+ # markdown += f"
Total concepts | {total_concepts} |
Total icons | {total_icons} |
+ return markdown
+def generate_icon_table(path): # Renombrar la función para que coincida con el nombre del módulo
+ brands = [folder for folder in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, folder))]
+ root = os.path.basename(path)
+ dictionary = {}
+ file_content = BREAK + "| ---BRANDS--- | icon name |" + \
+ BREAK + "| ---HEADER-BREAK--- |" + ":--- |" + BREAK
+ for brand in brands:
+ brand_folder = path + SLASH + brand
+ styles = read_folder(brand_folder)
+ for style in styles:
+ style_folder = brand_folder + SLASH + style
+ icons = read_folder(style_folder)
+ for icon in icons:
+ icon_name = os.path.splitext(icon)[0]
+ file_path = root + SLASH + brand + SLASH + \
+ style + SLASH + icon_name + SVG_EXTENSION
+ if icon_name in dictionary:
+ if style not in dictionary[icon_name]:
+ dictionary[icon_name][style] = {brand: file_path}
+ else:
+ dictionary[icon_name][style][brand] = file_path
+ else:
+ dictionary[icon_name] = {
+ style: {brand: file_path}
+ }
+ brands.remove("telefonica")
+ brands = ["telefonica"] + sorted(brands, reverse=True)
+ separator = " " + PIPE + " "
+ file_content = file_content.replace("---BRANDS---", separator.join(brands))
+ file_content = file_content.replace("---HEADER-BREAK---", separator.join(
+ [":---:"] * (len(brands)))) # add (len(brands) + 2) to add svg & pdf download
+ for icon_name in sorted(dictionary.keys()):
+ icon = dictionary[icon_name]
+ for style in sorted(icon.keys()):
+ icon_images = []
+ for brand in brands:
+ icon_image = "![" + icon_name + \
+ "](" + icon[style][brand] + \
+ ") " if brand in icon[style] else " "
+ icon_images.append(icon_image)
+ row = PIPE + PIPE.join(icon_images) + PIPE + \
+ ""+ "`" + icon_name + "`" + "" + \
+ "[" + "![" + icon_name + "]" + \
+ "(.github/resources/anchor.svg)" + \
+ "]" + "(" + "#" + icon_name + ")" + PIPE
+ file_content += row + BREAK
+ return file_content # Devolver el contenido de la tabla de iconos
+def main(root_folder):
+ folders = [os.path.join(root_folder, brand) for brand in brands]
+ all_concepts = set()
+ icon_data = process_icon_sets(folders, all_concepts)
+ bars = generate_bar_representation(icon_data, all_concepts)
+ markdown_content = ""
+ # Add documentation
+ documentation = "![Mistica Icons](.github/resources/mistica-icons-light.svg#gh-light-mode-only)" + BREAK + "![Mistica Icons](.github/resources/mistica-icons-dark.svg#gh-dark-mode-only)" + BREAK + BREAK + "Mística Icons is a multibrand icon system that contains all icons that is working in [Mistica Design System](https://github.com/Telefonica/mistica) now. " + BREAK + BREAK + "Mistica support [Brand Factory icons](https://brandfactory.telefonica.com/document/1086#/nuestra-identidad/iconos). This set of icons are a big list of different icons and style that Brand Team worked to be used through Telefonica applications." + BREAK + BREAK + "If you have any question, please you can ask directly in the app of Microsoft Teams, in [Mistica Team](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3ad2e3607a32ec411b8bf492f43cd0fe0c%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=e265fe99-929f-45d1-8154-699649674a40&tenantId=9744600e-3e04-492e-baa1-25ec245c6f10). " + \
+ BREAK + BREAK + "## Documentation" + BREAK + BREAK + "### Develop" + BREAK + BREAK + "#### iOS and Android" + BREAK + BREAK + "You can get .pdf or .svg files from this repo." + BREAK + BREAK + "#### Web" + BREAK + BREAK + \
+ "Visit [Mistica Storybook](https://mistica-web.vercel.app/?path=/story/icons-catalog--catalog) to get all the detail about using Mistica Icons Library" + BREAK + BREAK + "### Design" + BREAK + BREAK + "Use Mística icons library in Figma!" + BREAK + BREAK
+ markdown_content += documentation + BREAK
+ markdown_content += "## Equivalence status\n\n"
+ for bar in bars:
+ markdown_content += bar + "\n"
+ markdown_content += " " + BREAK
+ # Add equivalence status table
+ markdown_table = generate_markdown_table(icon_data, folders)
+ markdown_content += markdown_table + "\n"
+ legend = (
+ "**Concepts**: Counts the different names of icons in the set excluding any variations in style or weight. "
+ + BREAK +
+ "**Total**: The total number of icons found in a brand set. Counting light, regular and filled weights. "
+ + BREAK +
+ "**All Equivalence**: Icons that are present in all sets. "
+ + BREAK +
+ "**Some Equivalence**: Icons that are present in some sets. "
+ + BREAK +
+ "**Unique**: Icons that only exists in this set. "
+ + BREAK +
+ "**Missing**: Missing icons with respect to other sets."
+ )
+ markdown_content += legend + "\n"
+ markdown_content += "## Icon equivalence\n\n"
+ icon_table_output = generate_icon_table(root_folder)
+ markdown_content += icon_table_output + "\n"
+ with open("./README.md", "w") as file:
+ file.write(markdown_content)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ root_folder = "icons"
+ main(root_folder)
diff --git a/.github/md-generator/md-generator.py b/.github/md-generator/md-generator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e35247b5a6..00000000000
--- a/.github/md-generator/md-generator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-# !/usr/bin/python
-import os
-import sys
-PIPE = "|"
-SLASH = "/"
-BREAK = "\n"
-BAR_FILLED = "![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)"
-BAR_EMPTY = "![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)"
-BAR_FILLED_S = "![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)"
-BAR_EMPTY_S = "![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)"
-def read_folder(folder):
- if os.path.isdir(folder):
- files = os.listdir(folder)
- if ".DS_Store" in files:
- files.remove(".DS_Store")
- return files
- return []
-# List of all icons per brand
-icons_telefonica = set()
-icons_o2 = set()
-icons_blau = set()
-icons_vivo = set()
-# Adding icons to each list
-def add_icons_from_folder(folder_name, icon_set):
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(f'icons/{folder_name}/'):
- for file in files:
- if file.endswith(".svg"):
- icon_set.add(file)
-add_icons_from_folder('telefonica', icons_telefonica)
-add_icons_from_folder('o2', icons_o2)
-add_icons_from_folder('blau', icons_blau)
-add_icons_from_folder('vivo-new', icons_vivo)
-# Length of brand lists
-len_icons_telefonica = len(icons_telefonica)
-len_icons_o2 = len(icons_o2)
-len_icons_blau = len(icons_blau)
-len_icons_vivo = len(icons_vivo)
-# Union of all icons (no repeated!)
-total_icons = sorted(set.union(icons_telefonica, icons_o2, icons_blau, icons_vivo))
-# Total icons in integer format
-len_total_icons = len(total_icons)
-# Intersections lists in integer format
-telefonica_intersection = icons_telefonica & (icons_blau | icons_o2 | icons_vivo)
-o2_intersection = icons_o2 & (icons_blau | icons_telefonica | icons_vivo)
-blau_intersection = icons_blau & (icons_telefonica | icons_o2 | icons_vivo)
-vivo_intersection = icons_vivo & (icons_telefonica | icons_o2 | icons_blau)
-# —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
-# —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
-# Calculate the length of the intersection of each set with the union of the other two sets
-telefonica_local_equivalence = len(icons_telefonica & (icons_o2 | icons_blau | icons_vivo))
-o2_local_equivalence = len(icons_o2 & (icons_telefonica | icons_blau | icons_vivo))
-blau_local_equivalence = len(icons_blau & (icons_telefonica | icons_o2 | icons_vivo))
-vivo_local_equivalence = len(icons_vivo & (icons_telefonica | icons_o2 | icons_blau))
-# Calculate the local percentage for each set
-telefonica_local_percentage = int(100 * telefonica_local_equivalence / len(icons_telefonica))
-o2_local_percentage = int(100 * o2_local_equivalence / len(icons_o2))
-blau_local_percentage = int(100 * blau_local_equivalence / len(icons_blau))
-vivo_local_percentage = int(100 * vivo_local_equivalence / len(icons_vivo))
-# Define a helper function to calculate the local bar
-def calculate_local_bar(local_percentage):
- # Calculate the number of filled and empty bars needed
- num_filled_bars = int(local_percentage / 10) * 2
- num_empty_bars = abs(int(local_percentage / 10) - 10) * 2
- # Construct and return the local bar
- return num_filled_bars * BAR_FILLED + num_empty_bars * BAR_EMPTY
-# Calculate the local bar for each set
-telefonica_local_bar = calculate_local_bar(telefonica_local_percentage)
-o2_local_bar = calculate_local_bar(o2_local_percentage)
-blau_local_bar = calculate_local_bar(blau_local_percentage)
-vivo_local_bar = calculate_local_bar(vivo_local_percentage)
-# Composition of LOCAL (X / Y) for markdown
-# Define a helper function to calculate the local comparison string
-def calculate_local_comparison(local_equivalence, total_icons):
- return f" ({local_equivalence} / {len(total_icons)})"
-# Calculate the local comparison string for each set
-comp_local_telefonica = calculate_local_comparison(telefonica_local_equivalence, icons_telefonica)
-comp_local_o2 = calculate_local_comparison(o2_local_equivalence, icons_o2)
-comp_local_blau = calculate_local_comparison(blau_local_equivalence, icons_blau)
-comp_local_vivo = calculate_local_comparison(vivo_local_equivalence, icons_vivo)
-# Composition of LOCAL BAR + (X / Y) for markdown
-# Define a helper function to calculate the local comparison string
-def calculate_local_string(name, local_bar, local_percentage, local_comparison):
- return f"{name} set {BREAK}{local_bar} {local_percentage}%{local_comparison} `local` "
-# Calculate the local string for each set
-telefonica_local = calculate_local_string("Telefónica", telefonica_local_bar, telefonica_local_percentage, comp_local_telefonica)
-o2_local = calculate_local_string("O₂", o2_local_bar, o2_local_percentage, comp_local_o2)
-blau_local = calculate_local_string("Blau", blau_local_bar, blau_local_percentage, comp_local_blau)
-vivo_local = calculate_local_string("Vivo", vivo_local_bar, vivo_local_percentage, comp_local_vivo)
-# —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
-# —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
-# [Global] Percentage of number of icons with the total of icons
-# Define a helper function to calculate the global percentage
-def calculate_global_percentage(name, num_icons, total_icons):
- return int((100 * num_icons) / total_icons)
-# Calculate the global percentage for each set
-telefonica_global_percentage = calculate_global_percentage("Telefónica", len_icons_telefonica, len_total_icons)
-o2_global_percentage = calculate_global_percentage("O₂", len_icons_o2, len_total_icons)
-blau_global_percentage = calculate_global_percentage("Blau", len_icons_blau, len_total_icons)
-vivo_global_percentage = calculate_global_percentage("Vivo", len_icons_vivo, len_total_icons)
-# Composition of GLOBAL (X / Y) for markdown
-comp_global_telefonica, comp_global_o2, comp_global_blau, comp_global_vivo = [f" ({len_icons} / {len_total_icons})" for len_icons in [len_icons_telefonica, len_icons_o2, len_icons_blau, len_icons_vivo]]
-def generate_bars_and_percentage(len_icons, len_total_icons):
- percentage = int((100 * len_icons) / len_total_icons)
- bar = (int(percentage / 10) * 2) * BAR_FILLED_S + \
- BAR_EMPTY_S * (abs(int(percentage / 10) - 10) * 2)
- composition = " " + \
- "(" + str(len_icons) + " / " + str(len(total_icons)) + ")"
- return bar, percentage, composition
-telefonica_global_bar, telefonica_global_percentage, comp_global_telefonica = generate_bars_and_percentage(len_icons_telefonica, len_total_icons)
-o2_global_bar, o2_global_percentage, comp_global_o2 = generate_bars_and_percentage(len_icons_o2, len_total_icons)
-blau_global_bar, blau_global_percentage, comp_global_blau = generate_bars_and_percentage(len_icons_blau, len_total_icons)
-vivo_global_bar, vivo_global_percentage, comp_global_vivo = generate_bars_and_percentage(len_icons_vivo, len_total_icons)
-# Composition of GLOBAL BAR + (X / Y) for markdown
-def create_bar_string(percentage, comp_string):
- bar = (int(percentage / 10) * 2) * BAR_FILLED_S + \
- BAR_EMPTY_S * (abs(int(percentage / 10) - 10) * 2)
- return f"{bar} {percentage}%{comp_string} `global` "
-telefonica_global = create_bar_string(telefonica_global_percentage, comp_global_telefonica)
-o2_global = create_bar_string(o2_global_percentage, comp_global_o2)
-blau_global = create_bar_string(blau_global_percentage, comp_global_blau)
-vivo_global = create_bar_string(vivo_global_percentage, comp_global_vivo)
-# —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
-# —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- path = sys.argv[1]
- brands = [folder for folder in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, folder))]
- root = os.path.basename(path)
- dictionary = {}
- file_content = "![Mistica Icons](.github/resources/mistica-icons-light.svg#gh-light-mode-only)" + BREAK + "![Mistica Icons](.github/resources/mistica-icons-dark.svg#gh-dark-mode-only)" + BREAK + BREAK + "## What is this? " + BREAK + BREAK + "Mística Icons is a multibrand icon system that contains all icons that is working in [Mistica Design System](https://github.com/Telefonica/mistica) now. " + BREAK + BREAK + "Mistica support [Brand Factory icons](https://brandfactory.telefonica.com/document/1086#/nuestra-identidad/iconos). This set of icons are a big list of different icons and style that Brand Team worked to be used through Telefonica applications." + BREAK + BREAK + "If you have any question, please you can ask directly in the app of Microsoft Teams, in [Mistica Team](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3ad2e3607a32ec411b8bf492f43cd0fe0c%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=e265fe99-929f-45d1-8154-699649674a40&tenantId=9744600e-3e04-492e-baa1-25ec245c6f10). " + \
- BREAK + BREAK + "## Documentation" + BREAK + BREAK + "### Develop" + BREAK + BREAK + "#### iOS and Android" + BREAK + BREAK + "You can get .pdf or .svg files from this repo." + BREAK + BREAK + "#### Web" + BREAK + BREAK + \
- "Visit [Mistica Storybook](https://mistica-web.vercel.app/?path=/story/icons-catalog--catalog) to get all the detail about using Mistica Icons Library" + BREAK + BREAK + "### Design" + BREAK + BREAK + "Use Mística icons library in Figma!" + BREAK + BREAK + \
- "## Icon equivalence status" + BREAK + BREAK + "**Local** = Icon equivalence in this set " + BREAK + "**Global** = Icon set equivalence with total icons" + BREAK + BREAK + "---telefonica_local_BAR---" + BREAK + "---telefonica_global_BAR---" + BREAK + BREAK + "---o2_local_BAR---" + BREAK + "---o2_global_BAR---" + BREAK + BREAK + "---blau_local_BAR---" + BREAK + "---blau_global_BAR---" + BREAK + BREAK + "---vivo_local_BAR---" + BREAK + "---vivo_global_BAR---" + BREAK + BREAK + \
- "## Icons" + BREAK + BREAK + "| ---BRANDS--- | icon name |" + \
- BREAK + "| ---HEADER-BREAK--- |" + ":--- |" + BREAK
- for brand in brands:
- brand_folder = path + SLASH + brand
- styles = read_folder(brand_folder)
- for style in styles:
- style_folder = brand_folder + SLASH + style
- icons = read_folder(style_folder)
- for icon in icons:
- icon_name = os.path.splitext(icon)[0]
- file_path = root + SLASH + brand + SLASH + \
- style + SLASH + icon_name + SVG_EXTENSION
- # file_path_pdf = root + SLASH + brand + SLASH + style + SLASH + icon_name + PDF_EXTENSION
- if icon_name in dictionary:
- if style not in dictionary[icon_name]:
- dictionary[icon_name][style] = {brand: file_path}
- else:
- dictionary[icon_name][style][brand] = file_path
- else:
- dictionary[icon_name] = {
- style: {brand: file_path}
- }
- brands.remove("telefonica")
- brands = ["telefonica"] + sorted(brands, reverse=True)
- separator = " " + PIPE + " "
- file_content = file_content.replace(
- "---telefonica_global_BAR---", (telefonica_global))
- file_content = file_content.replace(
- "---telefonica_local_BAR---", (telefonica_local))
- file_content = file_content.replace("---o2_global_BAR---", (o2_global))
- file_content = file_content.replace(
- "---o2_local_BAR---", (o2_local))
- file_content = file_content.replace(
- "---blau_global_BAR---", (blau_global))
- file_content = file_content.replace(
- "---blau_local_BAR---", (blau_local))
- file_content = file_content.replace(
- "---vivo_global_BAR---", (vivo_global))
- file_content = file_content.replace(
- "---vivo_local_BAR---", (vivo_local))
- file_content = file_content.replace("---BRANDS---", separator.join(brands))
- file_content = file_content.replace("---HEADER-BREAK---", separator.join(
- [":---:"] * (len(brands)))) # add (len(brands) + 2) to add svg & pdf download
- for icon_name in sorted(dictionary.keys()):
- icon = dictionary[icon_name]
- for style in sorted(icon.keys()):
- icon_images = []
- for brand in brands:
- icon_image = "![" + icon_name + \
- "](" + icon[style][brand] + \
- ") " if brand in icon[style] else " "
- icon_images.append(icon_image)
- # row = "| telefonica | O2 | my_icon_light |
- row = PIPE + PIPE.join(icon_images) + PIPE + \
- ""+ "`" + icon_name + "`" + "" + \
- "[" + "![" + icon_name + "]" + \
- "(.github/resources/anchor.svg)" + \
- "]" + "(" + "#" + icon_name + ")" + PIPE
- # + "[]" + "(" + file_path + ")" + "[]" + "(" + file_path_pdf + ")" + PIPE + "[]" + "(" + file_path + ")" + "[]" + "(" + file_path_pdf + ")"
- file_content += row + BREAK
- output_file_path = "./README.md"
- print(output_file_path)
- print(file_content)
- file = open(output_file_path, "w+")
- file.write(file_content)
- file.close()
diff --git a/.github/resources/empty-s.png b/.github/resources/empty-s.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 55c613e7770..00000000000
Binary files a/.github/resources/empty-s.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/.github/resources/empty.png b/.github/resources/empty.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a28a289a62..00000000000
Binary files a/.github/resources/empty.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/.github/resources/filled-s.png b/.github/resources/filled-s.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca56991178..00000000000
Binary files a/.github/resources/filled-s.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/.github/resources/filled.png b/.github/resources/filled.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 957c2e3d41c..00000000000
Binary files a/.github/resources/filled.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/.github/workflows/auto-generator.yml b/.github/workflows/auto-generator.yml
index 2d3461cc073..f1284eeb226 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/auto-generator.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/auto-generator.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ on:
- - ".github/md-generator/md-generator.py"
+ - ".github/md-generator/generate_markdown.py"
+ - ".github/md-generator/generate_icon_table.py"
+ - ".github/md-generator/generate_graph.py"
- ".github/workflows/auto-generator.yml"
- "icons/"
@@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Get branch name
uses: rlespinasse/github-slug-action@v3.x
- - run: sudo python3 .github/md-generator/md-generator.py icons
+ - run: sudo python3 .github/md-generator/generate_markdown.py icons
- name: Commit & Push in ${{ env.GITHUB_REF_SLUG_URL }}
run: |
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 54f81a05026..631479de5ac 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -52,4 +52,5 @@ vivo-filled.json
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1e4d2e6a75b..4db67f23d1b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
![Mistica Icons](.github/resources/mistica-icons-light.svg#gh-light-mode-only)
![Mistica Icons](.github/resources/mistica-icons-dark.svg#gh-dark-mode-only)
-## What is this?
Mística Icons is a multibrand icon system that contains all icons that is working in [Mistica Design System](https://github.com/Telefonica/mistica) now.
Mistica support [Brand Factory icons](https://brandfactory.telefonica.com/document/1086#/nuestra-identidad/iconos). This set of icons are a big list of different icons and style that Brand Team worked to be used through Telefonica applications.
@@ -25,28 +23,38 @@ Visit [Mistica Storybook](https://mistica-web.vercel.app/?path=/story/icons-cata
Use Mística icons library in Figma!
-## Icon equivalence status
-**Local** = Icon equivalence in this set
-**Global** = Icon set equivalence with total icons
+## Equivalence status
-Telefónica set
-![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png) 38% (454 / 1193) `local`
-![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png) 69% (1193 / 1709) `global`
-O₂ set
-![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png) 49% (446 / 894) `local`
-![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png) 52% (894 / 1709) `global`
-Blau set
-![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png) 91% (56 / 61) `local`
-![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png) 3% (61 / 1709) `global`
+| :--------- | --------: | -----: | ----------: | -------------------: | -------------------: | ------------: |
+| Telefonica | 420 | 1193 | 3 (0.1%) ![All Equivalence](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/0066FF/000&text=+) | 451 (20.1%) ![Some Equivalence](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/EAC344/000&text=+) | 739 (32.9%) ![Unique](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/59C2C9/000&text=+) | 1054 (46.9%) ![Missing](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/D1D5E4/000&text=+) |
+| O2 | 302 | 894 | 3 (0.1%) ![All Equivalence](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/0066FF/000&text=+) | 443 (19.7%) ![Some Equivalence](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/EAC344/000&text=+) | 448 (19.9%) ![Unique](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/59C2C9/000&text=+) | 1353 (60.2%) ![Missing](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/D1D5E4/000&text=+) |
+| Vivo-New | 52 | 99 | 3 (0.1%) ![All Equivalence](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/0066FF/000&text=+) | 42 (1.9%) ![Some Equivalence](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/EAC344/000&text=+) | 54 (2.4%) ![Unique](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/59C2C9/000&text=+) | 2148 (95.6%) ![Missing](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/D1D5E4/000&text=+) |
+| Blau | 57 | 61 | 3 (0.1%) ![All Equivalence](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/0066FF/000&text=+) | 53 (2.4%) ![Some Equivalence](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/EAC344/000&text=+) | 5 (0.2%) ![Unique](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/59C2C9/000&text=+) | 2186 (97.3%) ![Missing](https://dummyimage.com/4x12/D1D5E4/000&text=+) |
-Vivo set
-![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_filled](.github/resources/filled.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty.png) 45% (45 / 99) `local`
-![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png)![bar_empty](.github/resources/empty-s.png) 5% (99 / 1709) `global`
-## Icons
+**Concepts**: Counts the different names of icons in the set excluding any variations in style or weight.
+**Total**: The total number of icons found in a brand set. Counting light, regular and filled weights.
+**All Equivalence**: Icons that are present in all sets.
+**Some Equivalence**: Icons that are present in some sets.
+**Unique**: Icons that only exists in this set.
+**Missing**: Missing icons with respect to other sets.
+## Icon equivalence
| telefonica | vivo-new | o2 | blau | icon name |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |:--- |
@@ -1759,3 +1767,4 @@ Vivo set
| | |![world-device-filled](icons/o2/filled/world-device-filled.svg) | |`world-device-filled`[![world-device-filled](.github/resources/anchor.svg)](#world-device-filled)|
| | |![world-device-light](icons/o2/light/world-device-light.svg) | |`world-device-light`[![world-device-light](.github/resources/anchor.svg)](#world-device-light)|
| | |![world-device-regular](icons/o2/regular/world-device-regular.svg) | |`world-device-regular`[![world-device-regular](.github/resources/anchor.svg)](#world-device-regular)|