Thank you for reporting!
For issues:
- Try the latest version, it may have fixed the issue already.
- Provide the Forge version you experienced the issue with. Do not say "latest" for this, provide the actual version number.
- Provide the mod version you experienced the issue with. Do not say "latest" for this, provide the actual version number.
- For any issue, providing your client and/or server logs can be helpful in geting the issue solved quickly. These are usually named something like latest.log, debug.log, fml-client-latest.log, or fml-server-latest.log and can be found in the logs folder. If you have one of these, please paste it to Ubuntu Pastebin or Pastebin and link it here. If you have latest.log and debug.log, please provide both.
- If you crashed, please paste the crash log to Ubuntu Pastebin or Pastebin and link it here.