JCAPIv2 - the Ruby gem for the JumpCloud APIs
JumpCloud's V2 API. This set of endpoints allows JumpCloud customers to manage objects, groupings and mappings and interact with the JumpCloud Graph.
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 2.0
- Package version: 3.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build jcapiv2.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./jcapiv2-3.0.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./jcapiv2-3.0.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'jcapiv2', '~> 3.0.0'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'jcapiv2', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'jcapiv2'
api_instance = JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryApi.new
activedirectory_id = "activedirectory_id_example" # String |
agent_id = "agent_id_example" # String |
content_type = "application/json" # String |
accept = "application/json" # String |
opts = {
x_org_id: "" # String |
#Delete Active Directory Agent
api_instance.activedirectories_agents_delete(activedirectory_id, agent_id, content_type, accept, opts)
rescue JCAPIv2::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling ActiveDirectoryApi->activedirectories_agents_delete: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to https://console.jumpcloud.com/api/v2
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectories_agents_delete | DELETE /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/agents/{agent_id} | Delete Active Directory Agent |
JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectories_agents_get | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/agents/{agent_id} | Get Active Directory Agent |
JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectories_agents_list | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/agents | List Active Directory Agents |
JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectories_agents_post | POST /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/agents | Create a new Active Directory Agent |
JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectories_delete | DELETE /activedirectories/{id} | Delete an Active Directory |
JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectories_get | GET /activedirectories/{id} | Get an Active Directory |
JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectories_list | GET /activedirectories | List Active Directories |
JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectories_post | POST /activedirectories | Create a new Active Directory |
JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryApi | graph_active_directory_associations_list | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/associations | List the associations of an Active Directory instance |
JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryApi | graph_active_directory_associations_post | POST /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Active Directory instance |
JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryApi | graph_active_directory_traverse_user_group | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Active Directory instance |
JCAPIv2::AppleMDMApi | applemdms_delete | DELETE /applemdms/{apple_mdm_id} | Delete an Apple MDM |
JCAPIv2::AppleMDMApi | applemdms_list | GET /applemdms | List Apple MDMs |
JCAPIv2::AppleMDMApi | applemdms_post | POST /applemdms | Create Apple MDM |
JCAPIv2::AppleMDMApi | applemdms_put | PUT /applemdms/{apple_mdm_id} | Update an Apple MDM |
JCAPIv2::AppleMDMApi | enrollmentprofiles_get | GET /applemdms/{apple_mdm_id}/enrollmentprofiles/{enrollment_profile_id} | Get an Apple MDM Enrollment Profile |
JCAPIv2::AppleMDMApi | enrollmentprofiles_list | GET /applemdms/{apple_mdm_id}/enrollmentprofiles | List Apple MDM Enrollment Profiles |
JCAPIv2::ApplicationsApi | graph_application_associations_list | GET /applications/{application_id}/associations | List the associations of an Application |
JCAPIv2::ApplicationsApi | graph_application_associations_post | POST /applications/{application_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Application |
JCAPIv2::ApplicationsApi | graph_application_traverse_user | GET /applications/{application_id}/users | List the Users bound to an Application |
JCAPIv2::ApplicationsApi | graph_application_traverse_user_group | GET /applications/{application_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Application |
JCAPIv2::BulkJobRequestsApi | bulk_users_create | POST /bulk/users | Bulk Users Create |
JCAPIv2::BulkJobRequestsApi | bulk_users_create_results | GET /bulk/users/{job_id}/results | List Bulk Users Results |
JCAPIv2::BulkJobRequestsApi | bulk_users_update | PATCH /bulk/users | Bulk Users Update |
JCAPIv2::BulkJobRequestsApi | jobs_get | GET /jobs/{id} | Get Job (incomplete) |
JCAPIv2::BulkJobRequestsApi | jobs_results | GET /jobs/{id}/results | List Job Results |
JCAPIv2::CommandsApi | graph_command_associations_list | GET /commands/{command_id}/associations | List the associations of a Command |
JCAPIv2::CommandsApi | graph_command_associations_post | POST /commands/{command_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a Command |
JCAPIv2::CommandsApi | graph_command_traverse_system | GET /commands/{command_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a Command |
JCAPIv2::CommandsApi | graph_command_traverse_system_group | GET /commands/{command_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a Command |
JCAPIv2::DefaultApi | jc_enrollment_profiles_delete | DELETE /enrollmentprofiles/{enrollment_profile_id} | Delete Enrollment Profile |
JCAPIv2::DefaultApi | jc_enrollment_profiles_get | GET /enrollmentprofiles/{enrollment_profile_id} | Get Enrollment Profile |
JCAPIv2::DefaultApi | jc_enrollment_profiles_list | GET /enrollmentprofiles | List Enrollment Profiles |
JCAPIv2::DefaultApi | jc_enrollment_profiles_post | POST /enrollmentprofiles | Create new Enrollment Profile |
JCAPIv2::DefaultApi | jc_enrollment_profiles_put | PUT /enrollmentprofiles/{enrollment_profile_id} | Update Enrollment Profile |
JCAPIv2::DirectoriesApi | directories_list | GET /directories | List All Directories |
JCAPIv2::DuoApi | duo_account_delete | DELETE /duo/accounts/{id} | Delete a Duo Account |
JCAPIv2::DuoApi | duo_account_get | GET /duo/accounts/{id} | Get a Duo Acount |
JCAPIv2::DuoApi | duo_account_list | GET /duo/accounts | List Duo Acounts |
JCAPIv2::DuoApi | duo_account_post | POST /duo/accounts | Create Duo Account |
JCAPIv2::DuoApi | duo_application_delete | DELETE /duo/accounts/{account_id}/applications/{application_id} | Delete a Duo Application |
JCAPIv2::DuoApi | duo_application_get | GET /duo/accounts/{account_id}/applications/{application_id} | Get a Duo application |
JCAPIv2::DuoApi | duo_application_list | GET /duo/accounts/{account_id}/applications | List Duo Applications |
JCAPIv2::DuoApi | duo_application_post | POST /duo/accounts/{account_id}/applications | Create Duo Application |
JCAPIv2::DuoApi | duo_application_update | PUT /duo/accounts/{account_id}/applications/{application_id} | Update Duo Application |
JCAPIv2::FdeApi | systems_get_fde_key | GET /systems/{system_id}/fdekey | Get System FDE Key |
JCAPIv2::GSuiteApi | graph_g_suite_associations_list | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/associations | List the associations of a G Suite instance |
JCAPIv2::GSuiteApi | graph_g_suite_associations_post | POST /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a G Suite instance |
JCAPIv2::GSuiteApi | graph_g_suite_traverse_user | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/users | List the Users bound to a G Suite instance |
JCAPIv2::GSuiteApi | graph_g_suite_traverse_user_group | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a G Suite instance |
JCAPIv2::GSuiteApi | gsuites_get | GET /gsuites/{id} | Get G Suite |
JCAPIv2::GSuiteApi | gsuites_patch | PATCH /gsuites/{id} | Update existing G Suite |
JCAPIv2::GSuiteApi | translation_rules_g_suite_delete | DELETE /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/translationrules/{id} | Deletes a G Suite translation rule |
JCAPIv2::GSuiteApi | translation_rules_g_suite_get | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/translationrules/{id} | Gets a specific G Suite translation rule |
JCAPIv2::GSuiteApi | translation_rules_g_suite_list | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/translationrules | List all the G Suite Translation Rules |
JCAPIv2::GSuiteApi | translation_rules_g_suite_post | POST /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/translationrules | Create a new G Suite Translation Rule |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_active_directory_associations_list | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/associations | List the associations of an Active Directory instance |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_active_directory_associations_post | POST /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Active Directory instance |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_active_directory_traverse_user | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/users | List the Users bound to an Active Directory instance |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_active_directory_traverse_user_group | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Active Directory instance |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_application_associations_list | GET /applications/{application_id}/associations | List the associations of an Application |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_application_associations_post | POST /applications/{application_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Application |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_application_traverse_user | GET /applications/{application_id}/users | List the Users bound to an Application |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_application_traverse_user_group | GET /applications/{application_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Application |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_command_associations_list | GET /commands/{command_id}/associations | List the associations of a Command |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_command_associations_post | POST /commands/{command_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a Command |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_command_traverse_system | GET /commands/{command_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a Command |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_command_traverse_system_group | GET /commands/{command_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a Command |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_g_suite_associations_list | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/associations | List the associations of a G Suite instance |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_g_suite_associations_post | POST /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a G Suite instance |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_g_suite_traverse_user | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/users | List the Users bound to a G Suite instance |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_g_suite_traverse_user_group | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a G Suite instance |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_ldap_server_associations_list | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/associations | List the associations of a LDAP Server |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_ldap_server_associations_post | POST /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a LDAP Server |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_ldap_server_traverse_user | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/users | List the Users bound to a LDAP Server |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_ldap_server_traverse_user_group | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a LDAP Server |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_office365_associations_list | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/associations | List the associations of an Office 365 instance |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_office365_associations_post | POST /office365s/{office365_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Office 365 instance |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_office365_traverse_user | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/users | List the Users bound to an Office 365 instance |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_office365_traverse_user_group | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Office 365 instance |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_policy_associations_list | GET /policies/{policy_id}/associations | List the associations of a Policy |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_policy_associations_post | POST /policies/{policy_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a Policy |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_policy_traverse_system | GET /policies/{policy_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a Policy |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_policy_traverse_system_group | GET /policies/{policy_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a Policy |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_radius_server_associations_list | GET /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/associations | List the associations of a RADIUS Server |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_radius_server_associations_post | POST /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a RADIUS Server |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_radius_server_traverse_user | GET /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/users | List the Users bound to a RADIUS Server |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_radius_server_traverse_user_group | GET /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a RADIUS Server |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_associations_list | GET /systems/{system_id}/associations | List the associations of a System |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_associations_post | POST /systems/{system_id}/associations | Manage associations of a System |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_group_associations_list | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a System Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_group_associations_post | POST /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a System Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_group_member_of | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the System Group's parents |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_group_members_list | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a System Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_group_members_post | POST /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a System Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_group_membership | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/membership | List the System Group's membership |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_group_traverse_command | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/commands | List the Commands bound to a System Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_group_traverse_policy | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/policies | List the Policies bound to a System Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_group_traverse_user | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/users | List the Users bound to a System Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_group_traverse_user_group | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a System Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_member_of | GET /systems/{system_id}/memberof | List the parent Groups of a System |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_traverse_command | GET /systems/{system_id}/commands | List the Commands bound to a System |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_traverse_policy | GET /systems/{system_id}/policies | List the Policies bound to a System |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_traverse_user | GET /systems/{system_id}/users | List the Users bound to a System |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_system_traverse_user_group | GET /systems/{system_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a System |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_associations_list | GET /users/{user_id}/associations | List the associations of a User |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_associations_post | POST /users/{user_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a User |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_associations_list | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a User Group. |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_associations_post | POST /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a User Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_member_of | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the User Group's parents |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_members_list | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a User Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_members_post | POST /usergroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a User Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_membership | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/membership | List the User Group's membership |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_traverse_active_directory | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/activedirectories | List the Active Directories bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_traverse_application | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/applications | List the Applications bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_traverse_directory | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/directories | List the Directories bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_traverse_g_suite | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/gsuites | List the G Suite instances bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_traverse_ldap_server | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/ldapservers | List the LDAP Servers bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_traverse_office365 | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/office365s | List the Office 365 instances bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_traverse_radius_server | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/radiusservers | List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_traverse_system | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_group_traverse_system_group | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to User Groups |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_member_of | GET /users/{user_id}/memberof | List the parent Groups of a User |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_traverse_active_directory | GET /users/{user_id}/activedirectories | List the Active Directory instances bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_traverse_application | GET /users/{user_id}/applications | List the Applications bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_traverse_directory | GET /users/{user_id}/directories | List the Directories bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_traverse_g_suite | GET /users/{user_id}/gsuites | List the G Suite instances bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_traverse_ldap_server | GET /users/{user_id}/ldapservers | List the LDAP servers bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_traverse_office365 | GET /users/{user_id}/office365s | List the Office 365 instances bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_traverse_radius_server | GET /users/{user_id}/radiusservers | List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_traverse_system | GET /users/{user_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | graph_user_traverse_system_group | GET /users/{user_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::GraphApi | policystatuses_list | GET /systems/{system_id}/policystatuses | List the policy statuses for a system |
JCAPIv2::GroupsApi | groups_list | GET /groups | List All Groups |
JCAPIv2::KnowledgeApi | knowledge_salesforce_list | GET /knowledge/salesforce | List Knowledge Articles |
JCAPIv2::LDAPServersApi | graph_ldap_server_associations_list | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/associations | List the associations of a LDAP Server |
JCAPIv2::LDAPServersApi | graph_ldap_server_associations_post | POST /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a LDAP Server |
JCAPIv2::LDAPServersApi | graph_ldap_server_traverse_user | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/users | List the Users bound to a LDAP Server |
JCAPIv2::LDAPServersApi | graph_ldap_server_traverse_user_group | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a LDAP Server |
JCAPIv2::LDAPServersApi | ldapservers_get | GET /ldapservers/{id} | Get LDAP Server |
JCAPIv2::LDAPServersApi | ldapservers_list | GET /ldapservers | List LDAP Servers |
JCAPIv2::LDAPServersApi | ldapservers_patch | PATCH /ldapservers/{id} | Update existing LDAP server |
JCAPIv2::Office365Api | graph_office365_associations_list | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/associations | List the associations of an Office 365 instance |
JCAPIv2::Office365Api | graph_office365_associations_post | POST /office365s/{office365_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Office 365 instance |
JCAPIv2::Office365Api | graph_office365_traverse_user | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/users | List the Users bound to an Office 365 instance |
JCAPIv2::Office365Api | graph_office365_traverse_user_group | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Office 365 instance |
JCAPIv2::Office365Api | translation_rules_office365_delete | DELETE /office365s/{office365_id}/translationrules/{id} | Deletes a Office 365 translation rule |
JCAPIv2::Office365Api | translation_rules_office365_get | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/translationrules/{id} | Gets a specific Office 365 translation rule |
JCAPIv2::Office365Api | translation_rules_office365_list | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/translationrules | List all the Office 365 Translation Rules |
JCAPIv2::Office365Api | translation_rules_office365_post | POST /office365s/{office365_id}/translationrules | Create a new Office 365 Translation Rule |
JCAPIv2::OrganizationsApi | org_crypto_get | GET /organizations/{id}/crypto | Get Crypto Settings |
JCAPIv2::OrganizationsApi | org_crypto_put | PUT /organizations/{id}/crypto | Edit Crypto Settings |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | graph_policy_associations_list | GET /policies/{policy_id}/associations | List the associations of a Policy |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | graph_policy_associations_post | POST /policies/{policy_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a Policy |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | graph_policy_traverse_system | GET /policies/{policy_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a Policy |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | graph_policy_traverse_system_group | GET /policies/{policy_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a Policy |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | policies_delete | DELETE /policies/{id} | Deletes a Policy |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | policies_get | GET /policies/{id} | Gets a specific Policy. |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | policies_list | GET /policies | Lists all the Policies |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | policies_post | POST /policies | Create a new Policy |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | policies_put | PUT /policies/{id} | Update an existing Policy |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | policyresults_get | GET /policyresults/{id} | Get a specific Policy Result. |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | policyresults_list | GET /policies/{policy_id}/policyresults | Lists all the policy results of a policy. |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | policyresults_org_list | GET /policyresults | Lists all the policy results for an organization. |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | policystatuses_list | GET /policies/{policy_id}/policystatuses | Lists the latest policy results of a policy. |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | policystatuses_list_0 | GET /systems/{system_id}/policystatuses | List the policy statuses for a system |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | policytemplates_get | GET /policytemplates/{id} | Get a specific Policy Template |
JCAPIv2::PoliciesApi | policytemplates_list | GET /policytemplates | Lists all of the Policy Templates |
JCAPIv2::PolicytemplatesApi | policytemplates_get | GET /policytemplates/{id} | Get a specific Policy Template |
JCAPIv2::PolicytemplatesApi | policytemplates_list | GET /policytemplates | Lists all of the Policy Templates |
JCAPIv2::ProvidersApi | providers_list_administrators | GET /providers/{provider_id}/administrators | List Provider Administrators |
JCAPIv2::ProvidersApi | providers_post_admins | POST /providers/{provider_id}/administrators | Create a new Provider Administrator |
JCAPIv2::RADIUSServersApi | graph_radius_server_associations_list | GET /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/associations | List the associations of a RADIUS Server |
JCAPIv2::RADIUSServersApi | graph_radius_server_associations_post | POST /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a RADIUS Server |
JCAPIv2::RADIUSServersApi | graph_radius_server_traverse_user | GET /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/users | List the Users bound to a RADIUS Server |
JCAPIv2::RADIUSServersApi | graph_radius_server_traverse_user_group | GET /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a RADIUS Server |
JCAPIv2::SambaDomainsApi | ldapservers_samba_domains_delete | DELETE /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/sambadomains/{id} | Delete Samba Domain |
JCAPIv2::SambaDomainsApi | ldapservers_samba_domains_get | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/sambadomains/{id} | Get Samba Domain |
JCAPIv2::SambaDomainsApi | ldapservers_samba_domains_list | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/sambadomains | List Samba Domains |
JCAPIv2::SambaDomainsApi | ldapservers_samba_domains_post | POST /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/sambadomains | Create Samba Domain |
JCAPIv2::SambaDomainsApi | ldapservers_samba_domains_put | PUT /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/sambadomains/{id} | Update Samba Domain |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupAssociationsApi | graph_system_group_associations_list | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupAssociationsApi | graph_system_group_associations_post | POST /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupAssociationsApi | graph_system_group_traverse_command | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/commands | List the Commands bound to a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupAssociationsApi | graph_system_group_traverse_policy | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/policies | List the Policies bound to a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupAssociationsApi | graph_system_group_traverse_user | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/users | List the Users bound to a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupAssociationsApi | graph_system_group_traverse_user_group | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupMembersMembershipApi | graph_system_group_member_of | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the System Group's parents |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupMembersMembershipApi | graph_system_group_members_list | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupMembersMembershipApi | graph_system_group_members_post | POST /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupMembersMembershipApi | graph_system_group_membership | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/membership | List the System Group's membership |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | graph_system_group_associations_list | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | graph_system_group_associations_post | POST /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | graph_system_group_member_of | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the System Group's parents |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | graph_system_group_members_list | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | graph_system_group_members_post | POST /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | graph_system_group_membership | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/membership | List the System Group's membership |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | graph_system_group_traverse_policy | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/policies | List the Policies bound to a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | graph_system_group_traverse_user | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/users | List the Users bound to a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | graph_system_group_traverse_user_group | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | groups_system_delete | DELETE /systemgroups/{id} | Delete a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | groups_system_get | GET /systemgroups/{id} | View an individual System Group details |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | groups_system_list | GET /systemgroups | List all System Groups |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | groups_system_patch | PATCH /systemgroups/{id} | Partial update a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | groups_system_post | POST /systemgroups | Create a new System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemGroupsApi | groups_system_put | PUT /systemgroups/{id} | Update a System Group |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_apps | GET /systeminsights/apps | List System Insights Apps |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_battery | GET /systeminsights/battery | List System Insights Battery |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_bitlocker_info | GET /systeminsights/bitlocker_info | List System Insights Bitlocker Info |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_browser_plugins | GET /systeminsights/browser_plugins | List System Insights Browser Plugins |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_chrome_extensions | GET /systeminsights/chrome_extensions | List System Insights Chrome Extensions |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_crashes | GET /systeminsights/crashes | List System Insights Crashes |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_disk_encryption | GET /systeminsights/disk_encryption | List System Insights Disk Encryption |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_disk_info | GET /systeminsights/disk_info | List System Insights Disk Info |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_etc_hosts | GET /systeminsights/etc_hosts | List System Insights Etc Hosts |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_firefox_addons | GET /systeminsights/firefox_addons | List System Insights Firefox Addons |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_groups | GET /systeminsights/groups | List System Insights Groups |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_ie_extensions | GET /systeminsights/ie_extensions | List System Insights IE Extensions |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_interface_addresses | GET /systeminsights/interface_addresses | List System Insights Interface Addresses |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_kernel_info | GET /systeminsights/kernel_info | List System Insights Kernel Info |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_launchd | GET /systeminsights/launchd | List System Insights Launchd |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_logged_in_users | GET /systeminsights/logged_in_users | List System Insights Logged-In Users |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_logical_drives | GET /systeminsights/logical_drives | List System Insights Logical Drives |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_mounts | GET /systeminsights/mounts | List System Insights Mounts |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_os_version | GET /systeminsights/os_version | List System Insights OS Version |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_patches | GET /systeminsights/patches | List System Insights Patches |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_programs | GET /systeminsights/programs | List System Insights Programs |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_safari_extensions | GET /systeminsights/safari_extensions | List System Insights Safari Extensions |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_apps | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/apps | List System Insights System Apps |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_bitlocker_info | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/bitlocker_info | List System Insights System Bitlocker Info |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_browser_plugins | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/browser_plugins | List System Insights System Browser Plugins |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_chrome_extensions | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/chrome_extensions | List System Insights System Chrome Extensions |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_controls | GET /systeminsights/system_controls | List System Insights System Control |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_disk_encryption | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/disk_encryption | List System Insights System Disk Encryption |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_disk_info | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/disk_info | List System Insights System Disk Info |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_etc_hosts | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/etc_hosts | List System Insights System Etc Hosts |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_firefox_addons | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/firefox_addons | List System Insights System Firefox Addons |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_groups | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/groups | List System Insights System Groups |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_info | GET /systeminsights/system_info | List System Insights System Info |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_interface_addresses | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/interface_addresses | List System Insights System Interface Addresses |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_kernel_info | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/kernel_info | List System Insights System Kernel Info |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_logical_drives | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/logical_drives | List System Insights System Logical Drives |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_mounts | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/mounts | List System Insights System Mounts |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_os_version | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/os_version | List System Insights System OS Version |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_patches | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/patches | List System Insights System Patches |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_programs | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/programs | List System Insights System Programs |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_safari_extensions | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/safari_extensions | List System Insights System Safari Extensions |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_system_controls | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/system_controls | List System Insights System System Controls |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_system_info | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/system_info | List System Insights System System Info |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_uptime | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/uptime | List System Insights System Uptime |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_system_users | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/users | List System Insights System Users |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_uptime | GET /systeminsights/uptime | List System Insights Uptime |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_usb_devices | GET /systeminsights/usb_devices | List System Insights USB Devices |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_user_groups | GET /systeminsights/user_groups | List System Insights User Groups |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_users | GET /systeminsights/users | List System Insights Users |
JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApi | systeminsights_list_windows_crashes | GET /systeminsights/windows_crashes | List System Insights Windows Crashes |
JCAPIv2::SystemsApi | graph_system_associations_list | GET /systems/{system_id}/associations | List the associations of a System |
JCAPIv2::SystemsApi | graph_system_associations_post | POST /systems/{system_id}/associations | Manage associations of a System |
JCAPIv2::SystemsApi | graph_system_member_of | GET /systems/{system_id}/memberof | List the parent Groups of a System |
JCAPIv2::SystemsApi | graph_system_traverse_command | GET /systems/{system_id}/commands | List the Commands bound to a System |
JCAPIv2::SystemsApi | graph_system_traverse_policy | GET /systems/{system_id}/policies | List the Policies bound to a System |
JCAPIv2::SystemsApi | graph_system_traverse_user | GET /systems/{system_id}/users | List the Users bound to a System |
JCAPIv2::SystemsApi | graph_system_traverse_user_group | GET /systems/{system_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a System |
JCAPIv2::SystemsApi | systems_get_fde_key | GET /systems/{system_id}/fdekey | Get System FDE Key |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupAssociationsApi | graph_user_group_associations_list | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a User Group. |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupAssociationsApi | graph_user_group_associations_post | POST /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupAssociationsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_active_directory | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/activedirectories | List the Active Directories bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupAssociationsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_application | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/applications | List the Applications bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupAssociationsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_directory | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/directories | List the Directories bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupAssociationsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_g_suite | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/gsuites | List the G Suite instances bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupAssociationsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_ldap_server | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/ldapservers | List the LDAP Servers bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupAssociationsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_office365 | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/office365s | List the Office 365 instances bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupAssociationsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_radius_server | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/radiusservers | List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupAssociationsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_system | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupAssociationsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_system_group | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to User Groups |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupMembersMembershipApi | graph_user_group_member_of | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the User Group's parents |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupMembersMembershipApi | graph_user_group_members_list | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupMembersMembershipApi | graph_user_group_members_post | POST /usergroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupMembersMembershipApi | graph_user_group_membership | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/membership | List the User Group's membership |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_associations_list | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a User Group. |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_associations_post | POST /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_member_of | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the User Group's parents |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_members_list | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_members_post | POST /usergroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_membership | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/membership | List the User Group's membership |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_active_directory | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/activedirectories | List the Active Directories bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_application | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/applications | List the Applications bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_directory | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/directories | List the Directories bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_g_suite | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/gsuites | List the G Suite instances bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_ldap_server | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/ldapservers | List the LDAP Servers bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_office365 | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/office365s | List the Office 365 instances bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_radius_server | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/radiusservers | List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_system | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | graph_user_group_traverse_system_group | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to User Groups |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | groups_user_delete | DELETE /usergroups/{id} | Delete a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | groups_user_get | GET /usergroups/{id} | View an individual User Group details |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | groups_user_list | GET /usergroups | List all User Groups |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | groups_user_patch | PATCH /usergroups/{id} | Partial update a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | groups_user_post | POST /usergroups | Create a new User Group |
JCAPIv2::UserGroupsApi | groups_user_put | PUT /usergroups/{id} | Update a User Group |
JCAPIv2::UsersApi | graph_user_associations_list | GET /users/{user_id}/associations | List the associations of a User |
JCAPIv2::UsersApi | graph_user_associations_post | POST /users/{user_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a User |
JCAPIv2::UsersApi | graph_user_member_of | GET /users/{user_id}/memberof | List the parent Groups of a User |
JCAPIv2::UsersApi | graph_user_traverse_application | GET /users/{user_id}/applications | List the Applications bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::UsersApi | graph_user_traverse_directory | GET /users/{user_id}/directories | List the Directories bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::UsersApi | graph_user_traverse_g_suite | GET /users/{user_id}/gsuites | List the G Suite instances bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::UsersApi | graph_user_traverse_ldap_server | GET /users/{user_id}/ldapservers | List the LDAP servers bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::UsersApi | graph_user_traverse_office365 | GET /users/{user_id}/office365s | List the Office 365 instances bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::UsersApi | graph_user_traverse_radius_server | GET /users/{user_id}/radiusservers | List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::UsersApi | graph_user_traverse_system | GET /users/{user_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::UsersApi | graph_user_traverse_system_group | GET /users/{user_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a User |
JCAPIv2::UsersApi | users_send_emails | POST /users/{user_id}/emails | Send User Emails |
JCAPIv2::WorkdayImportApi | workdays_authorize | POST /workdays/{workday_id}/auth | Authorize Workday |
JCAPIv2::WorkdayImportApi | workdays_deauthorize | DELETE /workdays/{workday_id}/auth | Deauthorize Workday |
JCAPIv2::WorkdayImportApi | workdays_delete | DELETE /workdays/{id} | Delete Workday |
JCAPIv2::WorkdayImportApi | workdays_get | GET /workdays/{id} | Get Workday |
JCAPIv2::WorkdayImportApi | workdays_import | POST /workdays/{workday_id}/import | Workday Import |
JCAPIv2::WorkdayImportApi | workdays_importresults | GET /workdays/{id}/import/{job_id}/results | List Import Results |
JCAPIv2::WorkdayImportApi | workdays_list | GET /workdays | List Workdays |
JCAPIv2::WorkdayImportApi | workdays_post | POST /workdays | Create new Workday |
JCAPIv2::WorkdayImportApi | workdays_put | PUT /workdays/{id} | Update Workday |
JCAPIv2::WorkdayImportApi | workdays_settings | GET /workdays/settings | Get Workday Settings (incomplete) |
JCAPIv2::WorkdayImportApi | workdays_workers | GET /workdays/{workday_id}/workers | List Workday Workers |
- JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryAgentGetOutput
- JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryAgentInput
- JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryAgentListOutput
- JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryInput
- JCAPIv2::Administrator
- JCAPIv2::AppleMDM
- JCAPIv2::AppleMdmPatchInput
- JCAPIv2::AuthInfo
- JCAPIv2::AuthInput
- JCAPIv2::AuthInputObject
- JCAPIv2::AuthinputBasic
- JCAPIv2::AuthinputOauth
- JCAPIv2::Body
- JCAPIv2::Body1
- JCAPIv2::Body2
- JCAPIv2::Body3
- JCAPIv2::BulkUserCreate
- JCAPIv2::BulkUserUpdate
- JCAPIv2::Directory
- JCAPIv2::DuoAccount
- JCAPIv2::DuoApplication
- JCAPIv2::DuoApplicationReq
- JCAPIv2::DuoApplicationUpdateReq
- JCAPIv2::DuoRegistrationApplication
- JCAPIv2::DuoRegistrationApplicationReq
- JCAPIv2::Emailrequest
- JCAPIv2::EnrollmentProfile
- JCAPIv2::Error
- JCAPIv2::Errorresponse
- JCAPIv2::GSuiteBuiltinTranslation
- JCAPIv2::GSuiteTranslationRule
- JCAPIv2::GSuiteTranslationRuleRequest
- JCAPIv2::GraphConnection
- JCAPIv2::GraphManagementReq
- JCAPIv2::GraphObject
- JCAPIv2::GraphObjectWithPaths
- JCAPIv2::GraphType
- JCAPIv2::Group
- JCAPIv2::GroupType
- JCAPIv2::GsuiteOutput
- JCAPIv2::GsuitePatchInput
- JCAPIv2::InlineResponse200
- JCAPIv2::InlineResponse2001
- JCAPIv2::InlineResponse201
- JCAPIv2::InlineResponse400
- JCAPIv2::JcEnrollmentProfile
- JCAPIv2::JobDetails
- JCAPIv2::JobId
- JCAPIv2::JobWorkresult
- JCAPIv2::LdapServerAction
- JCAPIv2::LdapServerInput
- JCAPIv2::Mfa
- JCAPIv2::Mobileconfig
- JCAPIv2::OauthCodeInput
- JCAPIv2::Office365BuiltinTranslation
- JCAPIv2::Office365TranslationRule
- JCAPIv2::Office365TranslationRuleRequest
- JCAPIv2::OrgCryptoSettings
- JCAPIv2::OrgcryptosettingsSshKeys
- JCAPIv2::Policy
- JCAPIv2::PolicyRequest
- JCAPIv2::PolicyRequestTemplate
- JCAPIv2::PolicyResult
- JCAPIv2::PolicyTemplate
- JCAPIv2::PolicyTemplateConfigField
- JCAPIv2::PolicyTemplateConfigFieldTooltip
- JCAPIv2::PolicyTemplateConfigFieldTooltipVariables
- JCAPIv2::PolicyTemplateWithDetails
- JCAPIv2::PolicyValue
- JCAPIv2::PolicyWithDetails
- JCAPIv2::Provider
- JCAPIv2::ProviderAdminReq
- JCAPIv2::ProviderContact
- JCAPIv2::SalesforceKnowledgeListOutput
- JCAPIv2::SalesforceknowledgelistoutputInner
- JCAPIv2::SambaDomainInput
- JCAPIv2::Sshkeylist
- JCAPIv2::SystemGraphManagementReq
- JCAPIv2::SystemGraphManagementReqAttributes
- JCAPIv2::SystemGraphManagementReqAttributesSudo
- JCAPIv2::SystemGroup
- JCAPIv2::SystemGroupData
- JCAPIv2::SystemGroupGraphManagementReq
- JCAPIv2::SystemGroupMembersReq
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsApps
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsBattery
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsBitlockerInfo
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsBrowserPlugins
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsChromeExtensions
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsCrashes
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsDiskEncryption
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsDiskInfo
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsEtcHosts
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsFirefoxAddons
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsGroups
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsIeExtensions
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsInterfaceAddresses
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsKernelInfo
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsLaunchd
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsLoggedInUsers
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsLogicalDrvies
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsMounts
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsOsVersion
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsPatches
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsPrograms
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsSafariExtensions
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsSystemControls
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsSystemInfo
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsUptime
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsUsbDevices
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsUserGroups
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsUsers
- JCAPIv2::SystemInsightsWindowsCrashes
- JCAPIv2::Systemfdekey
- JCAPIv2::Systemuser
- JCAPIv2::Systemuserputpost
- JCAPIv2::SystemuserputpostAddresses
- JCAPIv2::SystemuserputpostPhoneNumbers
- JCAPIv2::UserGraphManagementReq
- JCAPIv2::UserGroup
- JCAPIv2::UserGroupAttributes
- JCAPIv2::UserGroupAttributesPosixGroups
- JCAPIv2::UserGroupGraphManagementReq
- JCAPIv2::UserGroupMembersReq
- JCAPIv2::UserGroupPost
- JCAPIv2::UserGroupPut
- JCAPIv2::WorkdayFields
- JCAPIv2::WorkdayInput
- JCAPIv2::WorkdayOutput
- JCAPIv2::WorkdayRequest
- JCAPIv2::WorkdayWorker
- JCAPIv2::WorkdayoutputAuth
- JCAPIv2::ActiveDirectoryOutput
- JCAPIv2::LdapServerOutput
- JCAPIv2::SambaDomainOutput
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-api-key
- Location: HTTP header