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+title: "Community Highlights: 4th edition"
+description: "3D All the things!"
+date: 2020-02-28 00:00:00
+date_formatted: "February 28, 2020"
+author: Franck Nijhof
+author_twitter: frenck
+categories: Community
+og_image: /images/blog/2020-02-28-community-highlights/social.png
+For the 4th edition, I thought it fitted to devote the community highlights to 3D!
+_That is actually a lie, the [3rd edition](/blog/2020/02/19/community-highlights/)
+would have been much more fitting, but was hijacked by Paulus ;)
+At least it's my 3rd community highlight writeup, so that counts, right?_
+Ready for some highly inspiring and mind-blowing 3D creations?
+## 3D home navigation and control, using Unity
+Are you sure you ready? Because Harrie de Groot created a fully navigatable
+3D model of his home using Unity, accessible from within Home Assistant.
+You really **need** to watch the video below now...
+Well done, Harrie! That looks slick!
+More details on his creation can be found on the
+[Home Assistant Community Forum](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/3d-home-navigation-control-unity-home-assistant/174972).
+## 3D printed interactive floorplan
+If you have been around a bit, you might have come across a screenshot of
+someone with an interactive floorplan in Home Assistant. [Ryan Connolly](https://twitter.com/rynam0)
+took that idea straight into the real world by 3D printing his floorplan,
+wired it, and hooked it up Home Assistant.
+Talking about taking things into another dimension...
+### Getting started with your own 3D floorplan
+Ok, so the above two, rather impressive, listings might be a bit out of reach
+for the most of us. Still, with some help, you could still achieve some pretty
+nice looking 3D floorplans. [Aaron Godfrey](https://github.com/boralyl) wrote a
+couple of excellent blog posts on this.
+In his [first blog post](https://aarongodfrey.dev/home%20automation/floorplan-in-home-assistant/),
+Aaron shows you what his floorplan looks like
+He followed up with two blog posting on how to achieve this:
+- [Tips for creating a Floorplan in Sweet Home 3D](https://aarongodfrey.dev/home%20automation/tips_for_creating_a_3d_floorplan_using_sweethome3d/)
+- [Creating an Interactive 3D Floorplan in Home Assistant](https://aarongodfrey.dev/home%20automation/creating-a-3d-floorplan-in-home-assistant/)
+### Bonus tip: HomeByMe
+I've personally got recommended a tool for creating a 3D floorplan with a tool
+that is generally lesser-known, but actually pretty awesome! [HomeByMe](https://home.by.me/en/)
+This is a result of a 3D floorplan created with [HomeByMe](https://home.by.me/en/).
+It works fully in the browser and I enjoyed the experience using that.
+So credits where credits due: Thanks for recommending me this sweet little
+gem [Andrea Donno](https://www.twitter.com/andreadonno)!
+## Got a tip for the next edition?
+Have you seen (or made) something awesome, interesting, unique, amazing, inspirational, unusual or funny, using Home Assistant?
+[Click here to send us your Community Highlight suggestion](/suggest-community-highlight).
+Also, don't forget to share your creations with us via Social Media:
+- Twitter it! Be sure to mention [@home_assistant][twitter]
+- Share it on our [Facebook group][facebook-group]
+- Post it to our [subreddit][reddit]
+- Tag [@homeasssistant][instagram] on Instagram
+- Or via chat, drop us a line in the [#lounge at Discord][chat]
+See you next edition!
+[chat]: https://www.home-assistant.io/join-chat
+[facebook-group]: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HomeAssistant/
+[instagram]: https://www.instagram.com/homeassistant/
+[reddit]: https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant
+[twitter]: https://www.twitter.com/home_assistant
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