⚖️ yt-downloader
🏷 youtube, youtube-dl, youtube-dl-gui, youtube-downloader
📒 Youtube subscription downloader for offline viewing
⚖️ youtube-dl-kb
🏷 cheatsheet, knowledge-base, youtube-dl
📒 My cheatsheet for YouTube-DL
⚖️ youtube-davinci
🏷 davinci, ffmpeg, youtube
📒 How to download and encode a YouTube video to be able to use it in Davinci Resolve on macOS
⚖️ yarn-justify
🏷 lockfile, npm, package-json, package-management, yarn, yarn-lock
📒 A CLI tool for checking and reporting justification of inclusion of NodeJS packages based on Yarn lock file
⚖️ yarn-frozen-lockfile
🏷 lockfile, node, npm, yarn, yarn-lock, yarnrc
📒 A note to self about always checking for an unexpected .yarnrc up the path.
⚖️ xperience-by-kentico-kentico-migration-tool
📒 A customizable tool that migrates older Kentico solutions to the latest version of Xperience by Kentico.
⚖️ wsb-kb
🏷 cheatsheet, kb, knowledge-base, windows-sandbox, wsb, wsb-launcher
📒 My knowledge base about the Windows Sandbox
⚖️ wsb-busdog
🏷 busdog, windows-sandbox, wsb
📒 My resarch into running BusDog in WSB
⚖️ workers-formdata
🏷 cloudflare, cloudflare-workers, formdata, multipart
📒 FormData support for Cloudflare Workers
⚖️ wokwi-nmea-checksum
🏷 nmea, wokwi
📒 Simulating my NMEA checksum sketch using the Wokwi Arduino simulator
⚖️ wiringbits.github.io
📒 The wiringbits website and blog
⚖️ wip
📒 A list of things I plan on looking into.
⚖️ windows-startup-path
🏷 windows
📒 Information about Windows startup paths
⚖️ windows-sandbox-script
🏷 windows-sandbox, wsb
📒 Windows Sandbox exploration
⚖️ windows-safari
🏷 debugger, ios, safari-dev-tools, windows-safari
📒 Connecting to the Safari developer tools console from Windows
⚖️ windows-compare-directories
🏷 compare-files, powershell, windows
📒 A PowerShell script for comparing file system trees
⚖️ windows-binary-compare
🏷 binary-compare, fc, windows
📒 Windows Binary Compare using fc
⚖️ win-iso-url
🏷 iso
📒 A script for obtaining a Windows ISO download URL from the Microsoft site
⚖️ week-planner
🏷 week-planner
📒 A one-off utility for graphical week planning
⚖️ webusb-op-1
🏷 midi, op-1, op1, webusb
📒 Seeing if WebUSB can be used to control the OP-1
⚖️ websaver
📒 Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/websaver
⚖️ webrtc-share-sheet-custom-scheme
🏷 ice, idea, ios-16, macos-ventura, sdp, sharelink, swift, swiftui, webrtc
📒 An idea for using ShareLink and Share Sheet with AirDrop to facilitate WebRTC connection
⚖️ webrtc-qr-signaling-channel
🏷 data-channel, peer-connection, qr-code, qrcode, signaling-server, webrtc
📒 A WebRTC data channel establishment with QR codes used for signaling channel.
⚖️ webrtc-data-channel-demo
🏷 data-channel, data-channels, ice, webrtc, webrtc-demos
📒 WebRTC Data Channel demo
⚖️ webrtc-bridge
🏷 hotp, ice, nat, otp, sdp, totp, web-server, webrtc, webrtc-data-channel
📒 An idea for serving sites from a home server through a WebRTC based frame site
⚖️ webrtc-airdrop
🏷 airdrop, data-channel, signaling-channel, webrtc
📒 AirDrop based WebRTC signaling channel
⚖️ webpack-sourcemap
🏷 sourcemap, webpack
📒 A repro for an issue with WebPack sourcemaps
⚖️ webgl-op-1
🏷 op-1, op1, teenage-engineering, webgl
📒 A 3D model of Teenage Engineering OP-1 displayed in the browser using WebGL
⚖️ webgl-modeling-idea
🏷 webgl
📒 An idea I have for WebGL-based modeling
⚖️ webgl-exploration
🏷 webgl
📒 WebGL exploration
⚖️ webgl-api-exploration
🏷 javascript, webgl
📒 The WebGL API
⚖️ web-remember-credentials
🏷 remember-password
📒 Notes on how to make the "remember user name and password" prompt appear in the browser
⚖️ web-midi
🏷 akai, apc-mini, launchpad, midi, op-1, op1, web-midi, web-usb
📒 OP-1 working with web MIDI
⚖️ web-gps-tracker
🏷 geolocation, geolocation-api, gps, gps-location, gps-tracker
📒 A web-based GPS tracker demo displaying GPS location records as they come
⚖️ web-design
🏷 web-design
📒 My notes on web design techniques and trends
⚖️ web-certificates
🏷 certificate, https, mkcert, node, openssl, ssl, tls
📒 Information on how to use HTTPS with localhost / local host names
⚖️ wc-editor
🏷 editor, web-components
📒 An editor web component which reports the specific changes of its value
⚖️ wc-base
🏷 custom-elements, esm, javascript, web-components
📒 JavaScript web component / custom element base class which automatically imports the component's stylesheet and defines it in the custom element browser registry.
⚖️ watchFile-demo
📒 null
⚖️ vso-shortlink
🏷 javascript-bookmarklet, shortlink, vso
📒 A JavaScript bookmarklet for VSO shortlink generation without having to deep dive in the VSO UI
⚖️ vscode-zip-file-system
🏷 archive, filesystem, vscode, vscode-extension, zip, zipfile
📒 Provides a context menu option to mount ZIP archives as a virtual file system in the VS Code Explorer pane.
⚖️ vscode-week-number
🏷 markdown, vscode, vscode-extension, vscode-plugin, week-calendar
📒 A VS Code extension showing the number of the current week in the IDE status bar
⚖️ vscode-video
🏷 audio-preview, video-preview, vscode, vscode-extension
📒 Previews video files in VS Code using the custom editors proposed API
⚖️ vscode-settings
🏷 dotfiles, vscode
📒 My preferred VS Code settings
⚖️ vscode-markdown-todo
🏷 markdown, todo, todoapp, todolist, todolist-application, vscode, vscode-extension, vscode-plugin
📒 A VS Code extension for displaying all MarkDown todos in one Explorer pane.
⚖️ vscode-markdown-table-of-contents
🏷 markdown
📒 VS Code extension for MarkDown table of contents
⚖️ vscode-markdown-table-format
🏷 intellisense, markdown, table, vscode, vscode-extension, vscode-plugin
📒 Formats tables in MarkDown documents when using the Format Document editor context menu option in VS Code.
⚖️ vscode-markdown-link-suggestions
🏷 intellisense, link-checker, markdown, vscode, vscode-extension, vscode-plugin
📒 Suggests workspace files and MarkDown file headers in MarkDown links
⚖️ vscode-markdown-jira-links
🏷 jira, markdown, vscode, vscode-extension
📒 VS Code extension to highlight Jira links in MarkDown
⚖️ vscode-markdown-formatter
🏷 markdown, vscode
📒 Auto word-break your MarkDown prose lines to fit the configured ruler limits
⚖️ vscode-markdown-email-link
🏷 email, markdown, regex-pattern, vscode, vscode-extension, vscode-plugin
📒 VS Code extension to highlight email addresses in MarkDown
⚖️ vscode-local-workspace-extensions
📒 null
⚖️ vscode-kb
🏷 vscode, vscode-extension
📒 VS Code and VS Code extension API knowledge base
⚖️ vscode-extensions
🏷 vscode, vscode-extension
📒 A list of VS Code extensions that I made
⚖️ vscode-extension-playground
🏷 vscode, vscode-extension
📒 Barebones setup for developing local workspace extensions for VS Code
⚖️ vscode-esm-url
🏷 esm, esmodules, export, import, url, vscode, vscode-extension
📒 VS Code extension adding support for ?search and #fragment in ESM module specifiers
⚖️ vscode-email-viewer
🏷 email, email-parsing, eml, eml-files, preview, vscode, vscode-extension, vscode-preview
📒 Preview email message files (EML) in VS Code
⚖️ vscode-compound-debug-split-terminal
🏷 terminal, vscode
📒 VS Code launch tasks from a compound debugger configuration in individual but split terminals in the Integrated Terminal pane
⚖️ vscode-box-drawing
🏷 ascii, ascii-art, box-drawing, markdown, unicode, vscode, vscode-extension, vscode-plugin
📒 A VS Code extension for simplifying box drawing with Unicode and ASCII
⚖️ vscode-bare-extension
🏷 vscode, vscode-extension
📒 Finding the minimal possible VS Code extension
⚖️ vscode
📒 Visual Studio Code
⚖️ vrm-api
🏷 api, victron
📒 Victron API sample scripts written in Node
⚖️ videor
🏷 html-video
📒 Videor is an online web application for making short videos
⚖️ vercel-geo-ip
🏷 geoip, vercel
📒 Sample of how to use Vercel geo IP
⚖️ ux-median-bar-graph
🏷 bar-graphs, graph, median, ui, ui-components, ux
📒 A median bar graph implementation
⚖️ ux-experiment-locking-suggestion-list
🏷 ux
📒 UX idea
⚖️ usbtemp
📒 null
⚖️ upptime.js.org
📒 ⬆️📝 Documentation and landing page for Upptime
⚖️ upptime
📒 ⬆️ Free uptime monitor and status page powered by GitHub
⚖️ upload-indicator-copy
📒 null
⚖️ typescript-jsdoc-import-file
🏷 import, jsdoc, typescript, url
📒 TypeScript JSDoc import
⚖️ typescript-in-browser
🏷 browser, javascript, tsc, typescript
📒 Using the TypeScript API in the browser
⚖️ twitch-not-interested
🏷 twitch
📒 Twitch "Not Interested" automated
⚖️ tsx-xaml-render-props
🏷 jsx, react, render-prop, render-props, tsx, vdom, xaml
📒 XAML-like prop-children in JSX/TSX for React
⚖️ tsserver-esm-url
🏷 esm, esmodules, export, import, language-service, modules, tsserver, typescript
📒 TS Server plugin adding partial support for URL in ESM relative file paths (?search and #fragment support)
⚖️ track-maker
🏷 3d-print, 3d-printing, cad, cam, gcode, openscad, stl
📒 A highly specialized tool for designing tracks for 3D printing channels that hold LED strips for creating wall mounted neon-like logos.
⚖️ tomashubelbauer
🏷 tomashubelbauer
📒 My GitHub profile page repository
⚖️ todo-comments-github-issues-demo
🏷 github-actions, github-issues, to-do
📒 A repository demonstrating the use of the tomashubelbauer/github-actions-code-to-do-github-issues-backup GitHub Action
⚖️ todo-comments-github-issues
🏷 github-actions, github-issues, to-do
📒 A GitHub Actions action to sync code to-do comments to GitHub issues
⚖️ todo
🏷 todo, todo-comment
📒 A utility to print to-do comments in the current directory recursively.
⚖️ timestamper
🏷 subtitles, timestamps
📒 An application for timestamping audio and video streams for lyrics videos, subtitles etc.
⚖️ til
🏷 til, today-i-learned
📒 A collection of today-i-learned commits that I made since the start of this repository.
⚖️ three-op-1
🏷 op-1, op1, teenage-engineering, threejs, webgl
📒 An OP-1 model in ThreeJS
⚖️ temperx232
📒 null
⚖️ swiftui-text-view
🏷 spm, swift, swift-package, swift-package-manager, swiftui, textview, uitextview
📒 UITextView wrapped for use with SwiftUI
⚖️ swift-ui
🏷 code-ui, swift
📒 Researching, demonstrating and documenting how to make Swift views in code
⚖️ swift-save-to-files
🏷 ios, ios-app, swift, xcode
📒 An experiment to see if shared documents with the Files app are accessible past development provisioning profile expiration
⚖️ swift-headphones-button
🏷 headphone-button, swift
📒 Headphone button handler in Swift
⚖️ swift-adaptive-storage
🏷 filemanager, ios, macos, swift
📒 A nascent Swift FileManager wrapper library with some extra smarts.
⚖️ sw-js-to-ts-transpiler-demo
🏷 javascript, service-worker, transpiler, typescript
📒 A demo repository for the Service Worker JavaScript to TypeScript Transpiler script
⚖️ sw-js-to-ts-transpiler
🏷 javascript, service-worker, transpiler, typescript
📒 A service worker script for transpiling TypeScript to JavaScript on-the-fly
⚖️ svg-timeseries
🏷 svg, timeseries
📒 A SVG time series plot SVG string rendering utility function
⚖️ svg-screencast
🏷 screencast, screenshot, svg
📒 SVG screencast - animated SVG files from screenshots using CSS animations
⚖️ svg-editor
🏷 svg, svg-editor
📒 SVG Editor
⚖️ svg-arc-angle
🏷 animation, svg
📒 An SVG animation showing a stroke in the shape of an rising arc.
⚖️ svg-3d
🏷 3d, 3d-animation, animation, css, perspective, projection, smil, svg
📒 3D SVG projection and animation
⚖️ sus-downloader
🏷 apple-software-update-service, macos, sus, swscan
📒 A downloader from the Apple SoftwareUpdate Service (SUS) also known as SWSCAN
⚖️ supabase-to-zod
📒 Generate Zod schemas (v3) from Typescript types generated by the Supabase CLI.
⚖️ supabase-studio-filter-non-empty-array
🏷 postgres, supabase, supabase-studio
📒 A note on how to filter non-empty array in Supabase Studio
⚖️ supabase-auth
🏷 supabase, supabase-auth
📒 A demonstration of Supabase Auth
⚖️ sreality-video-download
📒 null
⚖️ sreality-puppeteer-scraper
🏷 node, nodejs, puppeteer, scraper, sreality, sreality-cz
📒 Scrapes SReality.cs using Puppeteer and reports new and updated posts for a given search.
⚖️ sreality
🏷 scraper, sreality
📒 A toy, not very powerfull nor feature-complete SReality scraper
⚖️ sqlite-javascript
🏷 javascript, sqlite, sqlite-database
📒 SQLite database file parser in pure JavaScript
⚖️ spotify-slack-status
🏷 slack, slack-app, slack-status, spotify
📒 A script for setting the currently playing Spotify song as your Slack status
⚖️ spotify-artists
🏷 spotify, spotify-for-artists
📒 Scrapes Spotify for Artists and sends an email digest
⚖️ speedtest
🏷 fast, netflix, ookla, speed-test, speedtest
📒 Speed test solution based on scraping Netflix and Ookla speed tests
⚖️ solvespace
📒 Parametric 2d/3d CAD
⚖️ solar
🏷 mppt, solar, solar-battery, solar-charger, solar-power, solar-system
📒 Notes about my solar experiments
⚖️ smooth-polyline
🏷 polyline
📒 Rendering thick smooth polylines
⚖️ shoot
🏷 node, npm, npx, puppeteer, screenshot
📒 A Node tool for capturing web page screenshots using Puppeteer
⚖️ shapefile
🏷 shapefile
📒 Information about the Shapefile format
⚖️ sencor-scg-2052wh-cap
🏷 coffee-grinder, openscad, scg-2052wh, sencor
📒 Sencor SCG 2052WH coffee grinder replacement lid for when the interlocking flaps on the original part break off
⚖️ selfie
🏷 getdisplaymedia, html2canvas, screenshot, self-screenshot, selfie
📒 A library for capturing web page self screenshots
⚖️ screenshot-shortcuts
🏷 macos, printscreen, screen-recording, screencast, screenshot, shortcut, windows
📒 Screenshot shortcuts
⚖️ screencast-card
🏷 notes, screen-recording, screencast, web-app
📒 A utility web app for displaying notes / tips / comments during an A/V-less screencast or screen recording. Intended to be used as a boomark or a pinned tab.
⚖️ scrape-github-invoices
🏷 github, invoices, puppeteer, scraper, scraping, scraping-websites
📒 Download invoices from the GitHub billing page to your Downloads automatically using Puppeteer.
⚖️ safari-pointer-events
🏷 ios-safari, mouse-events, pointer-events, safari, touch-events
📒 Safari mouse/pointer/touch events demonstration and canceling
⚖️ safari-offline
🏷 offline-app, offline-first, service-worker
📒 An example of a fully ofline web app running in iOS Safari
⚖️ rust-wasm-canvas
🏷 canvas, rust, wasm
📒 Demonstrating drawing to canvas with Rust
⚖️ rust-wasm
🏷 rust, wasm, webassembly
📒 Experiments with Rust and WebAssembly
⚖️ roslyn-log-keyword
🏷 charp, dotnet, net, roslyn
📒 Adding a log keyword to C# using Roslyn
⚖️ rgb-to-rgba
🏷 javascript, js, rgb, rgba, typedarray, uint8array, uint8clampedarray
📒 JavaScript code for converting RGBA to RGB in Uint8ClampedArray
⚖️ remix
🏷 remix
📒 Looking into Remix
⚖️ remarkable
🏷 remarkable
📒 My links for reMarkable
⚖️ regex-card-statement
🏷 bank-api, bank-statement, payment-card, regex
📒 Regex for parsing Czech card statement lines
⚖️ regex
🏷 regex, regexp
📒 Online JavaScript regex designer with nice code editor and syntax highlighting
⚖️ react-redux-typescript-connect-decorator-demo
🏷 demo, react, react-redux, react-redux-boilerplate, react-redux-demo, redux, typescript
📒 React+Redux+TypeScript+connect decorator demo
⚖️ react-icon
🏷 props, props-type, react, react-typescript
📒 An example of using TypeScript with TSX to achieve cool props typing
⚖️ react
🏷 knowledge-base, react
📒 Tips and tricks for using React
⚖️ rbc-week-empty-area
🏷 react, react-big-calendar
📒 React Big Calendar week empty area
⚖️ rbc-week-am-pm
🏷 rbc, react-big-calendar
📒 A demonstration of how to make RBC time gutter labels formatted in either 12 or 24 hour format
⚖️ rbc-timezone-gutter
🏷 rbc, react-big-calendar, timezone-conversion, timezones
📒 An example of implementing a custom time gutter for RBC showing time zone conversions
⚖️ rbc-resizable-event-wrapper
🏷 react, react-big-calendar
📒 React Big Calendar event wrapper
⚖️ rbc-range-change
🏷 rbc, react-big-calendar
📒 A demonstration of a weird behavior of the RBC onRangeChange callback
⚖️ rbc-month-view-slot-grouping-by-type
🏷 rbc, react-big-calendar
📒 An experiment in making RBC month view collapse items into represenatives per kind
⚖️ rbc-dnd-auto-select
🏷 rbc, react-big-calendar
📒 An experiment in making RBC event slots auto-select on hover
⚖️ rbc-components
🏷 rbc, react-big-calendar
📒 A tool for exploring the possible values of the RBC components prop.
⚖️ raspi-mouse-jiggler
🏷 mouse-jiggler, raspberry-pi, raspberry-pi-pico
📒 Raspberry Pi Pico mouse jiggler
⚖️ qr-channel
🏷 data-channel, ice, javascript, peer-connection, qr-channel, qr-code, qrcode, sdp, webrtc, webrtc-datachannel, webrtc-demo
📒 WebRTC data channel peer connection establishment using QR codes for trickle ICE exchange.
⚖️ puppeteer-moje-o2-scraper
🏷 invoices, moje-o2, o2, puppeteer, scraper
📒 A scraper for MojeO2 invoices
⚖️ puppeteer-deterministic-screenshot
🏷 deterministic, jpg, png, puppeteer, reproducible-builds, screenshot
📒 Pondering about whether Puppeteer screenshots are deterministic
⚖️ puppeteer-deterministic-pdf
🏷 pdf, puppeteer
📒 Making PDFs generated using Puppeteer deterministic by zeroing their date and time stamps
⚖️ puppeteer-bazos-cz-scraper
🏷 bazos, bazos-cz, node, nodejs, puppeteer, scraper
📒 Bazos.cz scraper built using Puppeteer used for obtaining search results as JSON.
⚖️ ps-remoting
🏷 powershell, remoting
📒 PowerShell remoting with Windows Sandbox
⚖️ ps-remote
🏷 powershell
📒 Connecting to a network computer using PowerShell
⚖️ ps-ntlite
🏷 ntlite, powershell, ps
📒 PowerShell NTLite installer
⚖️ ps-inno
🏷 inno, inno-extract, inno-setup, innoextract, powershell, ps
📒 PowerShell InnoExtract installer
⚖️ ps-7zip
🏷 7-zip, 7zip, powershell, ps
📒 PowerShell 7ZIP downloader
⚖️ proser
🏷 editor, markdown, wysiwyg
📒 An idea for VS Code MarkDown WYSIWYG editor
⚖️ powershell-wallpaper
🏷 powershell
📒 Controlling the desktop wallpaper using PowerShell
⚖️ powershell-scheduled-tasks
🏷 powershell
📒 Creating and updating scheduled tasks using PowerShell
⚖️ powershell-explorer-file-extensions
🏷 powershell
📒 Show/hide file extensions in Explorer using PowerShell
⚖️ postgrest-openapi-zapier-fieldschema
🏷 fieldschema, openapi, postgrest, zapier
📒 Postgrest OpenAPI to Zapier FieldSchema mapper
⚖️ podman
🏷 containers, docker, podman
📒 My explorations of the Podman container tool, an alternative to Docker.
⚖️ pnpm-config-defaults
📒 null
⚖️ playwright-web-push-notification
📒 null
⚖️ playwright-test-only
📒 null
⚖️ playwright-pdf
🏷 firefox, pdf, playwright, puppeteer, scraping
📒 Using Playwright Firefox to scrape PDFs
⚖️ playwright-github-actions
🏷 github-actions, playwright, puppeteer
📒 Demonstrates using Playwright to control Firefox to take a screenshot of Hacker News in GitHub Actions
⚖️ playwright-firefox-mp4
🏷 firefox, html-video, playwright
📒 Playwright Firefox MP4 video
⚖️ playwright-1
📒 Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
⚖️ planck-habit
📒 null
⚖️ pipe-mount
📒 null
⚖️ pi-pico-rest-cpu-temp
🏷 deno, deno-function, micropython, pi-pico, pi-pico-w, raspberry-pi, supabase
📒 A Pi Pico script for collecting CPU temperature reading in Supabase using a Deno function
⚖️ phone-organizer
🏷 3d-model, 3d-print, stl
📒 Phone organizer 3D model
⚖️ pglite-test
🏷 pglite, postgres
📒 null
⚖️ pdf-scrape
🏷 pdf, pdf-js, pdf-scraping, pdfjs
📒 Demonstrating PDF text and image extraction with correct bounds
📒 Basic PDF parser for parsing out text and image bounding rectangles
⚖️ paper-roll-holder
📒 null
⚖️ paper
🏷 framework, javascript, library, paper, ui, ux, wc, web-components
📒 JavaScript UI library
⚖️ osm-vector-map
🏷 gis, open-street-map, osm, vector-map
📒 Rendering vector tiles generated from OSM data by OpenMapTiles
⚖️ osm-raster-map
🏷 map, maps, open-street-map, osm, raster-tiles
📒 A raster tile map renderer using the Mapy.cz/OSM/Wikimedia map tile servers
⚖️ openscad-quarter-circle-torus
🏷 circle, csg, geometry, openscad, openscad-module, torus
📒 A set of OpenSCAD modules for generating geometries of quarter-profile circles and tori including their inverted variants
⚖️ openscad-aesthetic-cube
🏷 openscad, openscad-module
📒 A cube with configurable features (faces, edges and corners).
⚖️ open-source-encore-2023-05-30-jekyll
🏷 config-yml, jekyll, open-source, open-source-encore, ruby
📒 An account of my contribution to the Jekyll project documentation to clarify the Exclude and Include configuration options' behavior.
⚖️ open-source-encore-2023-05-28-websaver
🏷 mac-os, macos, objective-c, open-source, open-source-encore, screen-saver, xcode
📒 My attempts at improving the user-friendliness of WebSaver and getting it to work for my needs.
⚖️ open-source-encore-2023-05-28-liquid-js
🏷 github-pages, jekyll, liquid, liquid-js, open-source, open-source-encore
📒 My contribution to LiquidJS and the improvement to its full build experience on macOS.
⚖️ open-source-encore-2023-05-28-jekyll-readme-index
🏷 github, github-pages, jekyll, open-source, readme, ruby
📒 My contribution to the jekyll-readme-index Jekyll plugin that ships with GitHub Pages out of the box.
⚖️ open-source-encore-2023-05-25-liquid-js
🏷 github-pages, jekyll, liquid, liquidjs, open-source, open-source-encore
📒 A post about my contributions to LiquidJS and a little bit about how I built my site, hubelbauer.net
⚖️ open-source-encore-2023-05-23-vs-code
🏷 open-source, vs-code, vscode
📒 A post about my investigation into how to add a VS Code feature I've so desired it already had for a long time.
⚖️ open-source-encore-2023-05-22
🏷 open-source, open-source-encore, playwright
📒 Open Source Encore post about my Playwright test runner forbidOnly mode error message improvement contribution
⚖️ op1-svg
🏷 op-1, op1, teenage-engineering
📒 OP-1 designed in SVG. That's it.
⚖️ onewheel-web-bluetooth
🏷 onewheel, web-ble, web-bluetooth, web-bluetooth-api
📒 Onewheel Web Bluetooth
⚖️ onewheel-charger
🏷 charger, onewheel, onewheel-charger, onewheel-pint, onewheel-xr
📒 Onewheel Pint and +XR charger specs and connector pinouts
⚖️ onewheel
🏷 onewheel
📒 A collection of links relating to the Onewheel
⚖️ ocr
🏷 ocr, sharp, tesseract
📒 2:43 @ 05:58 (Prague) / 20:58 (Ludwig)
⚖️ obs
🏷 obs, open-broadcaster-software
📒 Information about OBS (open broadcaster software) and plugin development for it
⚖️ objc-ui
🏷 code-ui, objective-c, swift
📒 Building out a UI using code in ObjectiveC
⚖️ o2
🏷 o2-arena, o2-universum
📒 Notifies about new O2 Arena and O2 Universum events in Prague
⚖️ node-wsb
🏷 node, wsb
📒 Run a PowerShell script in Windows Sandbox from Node
⚖️ node-worker
🏷 node, worker, worker-threads
📒 Demonstration of Node workers
⚖️ node-win-pid
🏷 pid, windows
📒 Get PID by name
⚖️ node-vm
🏷 node, virtual-machine, vm
📒 Using Node VM
⚖️ node-test-runner-mock-fetch
📒 null
⚖️ node-stdio
🏷 node-streams, stdio
📒 Node Streams communicating with a child process using stdio
⚖️ node-puppeteer-apng
🏷 animated-gif, animated-png, apng, javascript, node, node-library, node-module, png, puppeteer, screencast
📒 A JavaScript library for recording screencasts of URLs or Puppeteer sessions to APNG
⚖️ node-phoenix
🏷 hot-reloading, node, self-restart
📒 Self-restart Node processes on source code changes
⚖️ node-localhost-https
🏷 certificate, https, mkcert, ssl, tls, trust-store
📒 A library for issuing certificates for secure localhost development.
⚖️ node-keychain
🏷 keychain, macos, password, secret
📒 A Node script for setting and getting a secret via macOS KeyChain
⚖️ node-immortal
🏷 hmr, hot-reload, node
📒 Node Immortal is a Node library for keeping your application alive during development and local testing
⚖️ node-http2
🏷 http2, node, server-push
📒 Node HTTP2 + Server Push example
⚖️ node-forever
🏷 hmr, hot-reload, node
📒 A Node script for keeping a single instance process alive even after the terminal has been closed
⚖️ node-extract-zip
🏷 deflate, esm, node, zip
📒 A pure Node function for extracting single-file ZIP archives
⚖️ node-esm-loader-repro
📒 null
⚖️ node-debug-loop
🏷 node
📒 Node debug loop
⚖️ node-console
🏷 console, node
📒 Overriding console.log in Node
⚖️ node-cdp-ws
🏷 cdp, debugger, electron, websocket
📒 Pure Node websocket client
⚖️ node-apng
🏷 animated-gif, animated-png, animation, apng, javascript, javascript-library, mng, node, npm, png
📒 A JavaScript library for producing an APNG file from a series of PNG image data buffers
⚖️ nim-media-manager
🏷 media-library, media-manager, nim
📒 Nim exercise - a media manager program
⚖️ nginx-sites-available
🏷 nginx, sites-available
📒 NGinx static website setup
⚖️ nginx-multiple-domains
🏷 domains, nginx
📒 Information on routing multiple domains to the same server with NGinx
⚖️ nginx-lets-encrypt
🏷 lets-encrypt, nginx
📒 NGinx Let's Encrypt information
⚖️ nextra-mermaid
📒 null
⚖️ next.js
📒 The React Framework
⚖️ next-url-import-react-component
🏷 esm, nextjs, url-import
📒 NextJS URL imports
⚖️ next-13-ssg
📒 null
⚖️ net-tree
🏷 graph, javascript, js, package, tree
📒 A JavaScript library for displaying graphs as trees
⚖️ net-http-listener-mjpeg-stream
🏷 mjpeg
📒 Streaming MJPEG to a browser
⚖️ net-core-web-socket-server
🏷 net-core, web-sockets
📒 A demonstration of how to build a simple web socket server in .NET Core
⚖️ navit
🏷 navit
📒 Parsing the Navit file format in JavaScript
⚖️ mx
🏷 dns, dns-record, dns-records, email, mail, mail-exchange, mail-exchanger, mx, mx-record, mx-records
📒 Information on how to query DNS records of a domain on Windows and Linux
⚖️ moment-tz-conversion
🏷 moment, timezone, timezone-conversion
📒 Moment time zone conversion demonstration
⚖️ modern-office-git-diff
🏷 docx, git, git-hooks, git-pre-commit, microsoft-office, office, pptx, xlsx
📒 An experiment in tracking and diffing versions of modern Microsoft Office files in Git.
⚖️ mime-multipart
🏷 mime, multipart
📒 JavaScript MIME Multipart Parser
⚖️ mic-holder
🏷 3d-model, stl
📒 A Rode NT-USB microphone holder 3D model
⚖️ mermaid
📒 Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown
⚖️ markright-vscode
🏷 markright
📒 MarkRight VS Code extension
⚖️ markright-blender
🏷 blender, markright
📒 Controlling Blender using MarkRight
⚖️ markright
🏷 lab-notebook, literate-programming, markdown, markright, notebook, notebooks
📒 Didactic literate programming
⚖️ markdown-webp
🏷 apng, gif, html-video, markdown, mng, mp4, svg, webp
📒 A query in WebP support in browsers and MarkDown previews on GitHub and in VS Code
⚖️ markdown-mermaid-sequence
📒 null
⚖️ markdown-lsp
🏷 lsp, markdown
📒 A language server for MarkDown.
⚖️ mapsforge
🏷 mapsforge
📒 MapsForge JavaScript parser
⚖️ macos-screen-recording-detect
📒 null
⚖️ macos-login-item-shell-script-no-terminal
📒 null
⚖️ macos-date-time
🏷 am-pm, clock, date-and-time, date-time, g11n, i14n, l10n, mac-os, meridian
📒 My findings about macOS date and time settings
⚖️ lyrics
🏷 electron, lrc, lyrics, spotify
📒 An Electron-based application for displaying the currently playing Spotify song synchronized lyrics
⚖️ lsp-plugin
🏷 language-server-protocol, lsp, vscode
📒 A prototyping repository for the TS Server plugin adding partial support for URL in ESM statements
⚖️ live-cards
📒 null
⚖️ list-sections-groups
🏷 css, figma
📒 Implementing a design idea I had
⚖️ liquidjs
📒 A simple, expressive, safe and Shopify compatible template engine in pure JavaScript.
⚖️ linode-nginx
🏷 linode, nginx
📒 Setting up NGinx on Linode
⚖️ leveret
🏷 bun, bun-js, canvas, napi-rs, web-browser
📒 A TypeScript+Bun+canvas
-based "web browser"! My submission to the first-ever Browser Jam organized by @awesomekling
⚖️ keytar-vscode-extension
🏷 dpapi, keychain, keytar, vscode, vscode-extension
📒 Keytar in VS Code extension experiment
⚖️ kaloricke-tabulky-api
🏷 api, javascript, kaloricke-tabulky, kaloricketabulky, node
📒 KalorickeTabulky.cz Node/browser JavaScript API
⚖️ k40
🏷 co2-laser, k40, laser-cutter
📒 K40 laser cutter information
⚖️ jsx-tsx-cheatsheet
🏷 jsx, react, react-dom, tsx
📒 JSX/TSX cheatsheet
⚖️ jsx-service-worker
📒 null
⚖️ json-to-json_build_object
🏷 json, json-build-array, json-build-object, postgres, sql
📒 A handy tool for converting JSON to json_build_object calls in Postgres SQL
⚖️ js-time-zone-research
🏷 javascript, js, timezones
📒 My research into dealing with instants in web apps with worldwide user base.
⚖️ js-spread-args
🏷 javascript, spread-operator
📒 Finding out what is the approximate maximal count of rest parameters acceptable by String.fromCharCode
⚖️ js-qr-scanner-library-comparison
🏷 benchmark, comparison, qr, qr-code, qr-codes, qrcode, qrcode-reader, qrcode-scanner
📒 A comparison of JavaScript QR scanner libraries
⚖️ js-protobuf
🏷 javascript, protobuf
📒 A JavaScript protobuf wire payload parser
⚖️ js-milestone
🏷 algorithm, calculation, calculator, javascript, leaderboard, leaderboards, milestone, milestones
📒 A milestone calculation JavaScript algorithm
⚖️ js-markdown-parser
🏷 javascript, js, markdown, parser
📒 A MarkDown parser written in JavaScript
⚖️ js-markdown
🏷 ast, dom, javascript, markdown, parser, serializer
📒 Javascript Markdown AST/DOM parser and serializer
⚖️ js-keyboard-event-init-which
🏷 keyboard-events
📒 Exploring more ugly parts of JavaScript
⚖️ js-infinite-scroll
🏷 infinite-lists, infinite-scroll, infinite-scroll-plugin, infinitescroll, javascript
📒 Bidirectional infinite scroll with configurable amount of maximum displayed and newly added items
⚖️ js-headset-button
🏷 headphone-button, headphones-button, headset, javascript, trrs-jack, web-audio, webaudio-api
📒 Detecting headphones button press in JavaScript using the Web Audio API
⚖️ js-features
🏷 caniuse, features, javascript, js, support
📒 A list of JavaScript features I want to track the support of
⚖️ js-deferred
🏷 async, async-await, defer, deferred, deferred-promise, javascript, promise
📒 Deferred promise implementation for those times when you do actually need it which is not that rare
⚖️ js-array-groups
🏷 array, javascript
📒 JavaScript Split Array Into Groups of the Same Size
⚖️ jira-annotate
🏷 jira
📒 A web app for associating extra information with Jira tickets for personal reference.
⚖️ jekyll-readme-index
📒 A Jekyll plugin to render a project's README as the site's index.
⚖️ jekyll
📒 🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby
⚖️ jam001
📒 null
⚖️ isds-backup
🏷 datova-schranka, isds, puppeteer
📒 Downloads ISDS messages and attachments by using Puppeteer and the Mobilni klic ISDS application to sign in using a QR code and crawl all the boxes and their messages backing up new ones and downloading their attachments.
⚖️ ios-photos-metadata
🏷 exif, ios, jpeg, jpg, photos-app, png, png-metadata
📒 Research into how (if at all) the iOS Photos app processes / strips image metadata.
⚖️ ios-keyboard-padding
🏷 ios, spm, swift, swiftui
📒 A keyboard aware padding view modifier for SwiftUI.
⚖️ ios-app-web-control
🏷 ios, ios-app, swift, webrtc, webview
📒 A demonstration of using WebRTC to achieve communication between an iOS application and a web page
⚖️ instagram-backup
🏷 instagram, instagram-api
📒 Describing how to do Instagram backup using their API
🏷 instagram, scraper
📒 Scrapes Instagram stats and emails the report.
⚖️ insta360
🏷 insta360, insta360-one-x
📒 Researching the Insta360 One X protocol for communicating with the app
⚖️ indexed-db
🏷 indexed-db, local-storage, todo, todo-app, todo-list
📒 An IndexedDB exploration repository
⚖️ image-editor-poc-react-image-crop
📒 null
⚖️ image-editor-poc-cropperjs
📒 null
⚖️ image-editor-poc
📒 A proof of concept for a basic image editor to display following an image upload.
⚖️ hyperv
🏷 hyper-v, sandbox, virtual-machine, vm
📒 Hyper-V PowerShell script for running a script in a temporary VM
⚖️ hubelbauer.net
🏷 blog, hubelbauer, personal-website, tomas-hubelbauer
📒 My personal website
⚖️ html-video-scrubber
🏷 html-video, scrubbar, scrubber
📒 An alternative approach to a video player scrubbar implementation
⚖️ html-video-frame-extractor
🏷 extractor, frame, html, screencast, screenshot, video
📒 HTML video frame extractor
⚖️ html-video
🏷 html, video
📒 An application for generating videos from HTML+JS scenes
⚖️ html-responsive-table
🏷 html, responsive-table
📒 An experimental HTML responsive table component
⚖️ html-live-text
🏷 html, loader, loading-animation, loading-indicator, ui, ux, ux-experiment
📒 A demo of an idea for a UI textual element indicating it is reloading using a masking animation.
⚖️ html-input-joystick
🏷 html, input, input-range, joystick
📒 HTML input which behaves like a console controller joystick
⚖️ html-details-hash
🏷 details, html
📒 Seeing if HTML details will open when an element it contains is targeted using a #hash link
⚖️ html-data-view-box
🏷 dataview, hex-editor, hex-viewer, html
📒 An HTML component for displaying contents of a DataView with virtualized scrolling behavior
⚖️ hnpopup
📒 HN Pop-up lets you quickly glance at a user's profile without leaving the page you're on. You can quickly see a user's bio, karma and account age
⚖️ hn-tailwind
🏷 hacker-news, tailwind
📒 Hacker News redesigned using Tailwind for practice
⚖️ he3-webcam
🏷 he3
📒 A webcam page for with with He3 as a face camera
⚖️ handoff
📒 null
⚖️ globus
🏷 globus, pdf-scraping, puppeteer, puppeteer-firefox
📒 Scrapes the Globus PDF catalogue using Puppeteer
⚖️ globe-perf
🏷 g11n, globalization, globe, i18n, internalization, l10n, localization
📒 Performance measurements of the Globe library compared to Intl and Moment
⚖️ globe-design
🏷 date-and-time, date-time, globe
📒 Microsoft Globe library refactoring design document
⚖️ github-token-edit-another-repo
🏷 github-actions, github-api, github-token
📒 An experiment to see if the GitHub Actions integration PAT can edit repository metadata
⚖️ github-tarball
🏷 github, tar, tarball
📒 Example of extracting a GitHub tarball with Node
⚖️ github-serverless-app
🏷 github, oauth, serverless
📒 A GitHub based application with no server component
⚖️ github-rulers
🏷 browser-extension, chrome-extension, edge-extension, firefox-addon, firefox-extension, github, web-extension
📒 A browser extension and stylesheet to display 0, 80 and 120 character lines in the GitHub code editor
⚖️ github-releases
🏷 github, github-api, github-releases
📒 Monitors GitHub Releases of projects I star on GitHub and sends a single daily digest email
⚖️ github-pages-status
🏷 github, github-pages
📒 A scraper for one's GitHub repos and their associated GitHub Pages with health checks
⚖️ github-pages-osm-pbf
🏷 100mbps, open-street-map, osm, prague, prague-geodata
📒 Attempting to compress the OSM data to 100 MB and seeing what fits
⚖️ github-pages-local-storage
🏷 github-pages, local-storage
📒 An ES module library for separating localStorage on GitHub Pages not by origin but by path name.
⚖️ github-pages-integration-pat
🏷 github, github-actions
📒 Collecting information about the GitHub Actions integrated PAT.
⚖️ github-pages-dotgithub-readme
📒 null
⚖️ github-pages-custom-domain
🏷 custom-domain, github-pages
📒 A quick and concise guide on how to set up GitHub Pages with a custom domain
⚖️ github-pages
🏷 bash, github, github-api, github-pages
📒 GitHub Pages API deployment progress watcher script
⚖️ github-linguist
🏷 linguist, linguistics, markdown, savant
📒 A .gitattributes file which makes MarkDown files appear in the Linguist language stats bar
⚖️ github-issues-git-notes-demo
🏷 git-notes, github-actions, github-issues
📒 A script for storing GitHub Issues in Git notes.
⚖️ github-issues-git-notes
🏷 git-notes, github-actions, github-issues
📒 A GitHub Actions action to sync GitHub Issues to Git notes
⚖️ github-clear-artifacts
📒 null
⚖️ github-api
🏷 github, github-api
📒 GitHub API Node library featuring streamed items of paged responses and awaited rate limit resets
⚖️ github-actions-wsl
🏷 github, github-actions, wsl
📒 Seeing if it is possible to use WSL in Windows based GitHub Actions agents
⚖️ github-actions-snap
🏷 github-actions, snap, ubuntu-snap
📒 Investigating why installing Snap Ubuntu packages in GitHub Actions doesn't work
⚖️ github-actions-push-api
🏷 github-actions, github-api
📒 An example of using the GitHub API in a GitHub Actions workflow to create and modify repository files
⚖️ github-actions-commit
🏷 github, github-actions
📒 GitHub Actions commit context object data
⚖️ github-actions-bash
🏷 bash, github-actions
📒 Documenting GitHub Actions Bash compatibility issues
⚖️ github-actions-badge
🏷 badge, cd, ci, continuous-delivery, continuous-deployment, continuous-integration, github-actions, status-badge
📒 MarkDown snippets for GitHub Actions status badges
⚖️ github-actions-auto-gitmodules
📒 null
⚖️ github-actions
🏷 cd, ci, ci-cd, github, github-actions
📒 Infromation and tips regarding GitHub Actions
⚖️ github-action-auto-git-modules
📒 A GitHub Action for automatically syncing changes to .gitmodules with the rest of the Git repository
⚖️ github
🏷 github, knowledge-base
📒 Random trivia about GitHub I figured to keep
⚖️ git-worktree
📒 null
⚖️ git-submodule-track-branch-sub
📒 A submodule used in https://github.com/TomasHubelbauer/git-submodule-track-branch
⚖️ git-submodule-track-branch
📒 null
⚖️ git-submodule
🏷 git, gitmodules, submodule
📒 Investigating if a Git submodule can be added by hand
⚖️ git-filter-branch
🏷 filter-branch, git
📒 Git filter-branch command demonstration
⚖️ git-file-transport
📒 null
⚖️ git-erase
🏷 git
📒 Demonstrating wiping files from Git history
⚖️ git-dot-ds_store-global-ignore
🏷 dsstore, git, git-ignore, macos
📒 Information on how to hide the infamous .DS_Store macOS file using the global Git ignore configuration option.
⚖️ git-demo-submodule
🏷 git, git-modules, submodules
📒 A demo submodule used by my other repos.
⚖️ git-config
🏷 dotfiles, git, git-config, git-configuration
📒 My preferred Git configuration
⚖️ git
🏷 git, kb, knowledge-base, tips-and-tricks
📒 Tips and tricks for using Git
⚖️ garmin-img
🏷 garmin
📒 A JavaScript parser and renderer of the Garmin maps
⚖️ fragment
🏷 angular, dom, javascript-library, javascritpt, react, ui, ui-components, vdom, vue
📒 A JavaScript library for building UIs
⚖️ flirc-led-strip-party
🏷 flirc, ir, led, led-strip
📒 Using Flirc to control an IR LED strip
⚖️ flex-equidistant-children
🏷 css, flex
📒 An example of how to use flex to space things apart with the same distance
⚖️ firefox-youtube-buddy
📒 null
⚖️ firefox-permanent-unsigned-extension
📒 null
⚖️ firefox-hn-hide-domain
📒 null
⚖️ firefox-cors
🏷 cors, file-protocol, firefox
📒 Notes of working around CORS with Firefox localhost file: protocol
⚖️ firefox
🏷 firefox, mozilla, mozilla-firefox, pocket
📒 Tips and tricks related to Mozilla Firefox
⚖️ firebase-firebase-js-sdk-6928
📒 null
⚖️ filelist-weakmap-demo
📒 null
⚖️ ffmpeg-stream-input-image-set
🏷 ffmpeg, streaming-video
📒 An example of how to stream images to FFMPEG stdin to avoid storing them all on disk first
⚖️ ffmpeg-resize-image
🏷 ffmpeg
📒 A snippet showing how to resize an image using FFMPEG
⚖️ ffmpeg-iphone-screen-record
🏷 ffmpeg, idevicescreenshot, iphone, screenshot
📒 FFMPEG iPhone screen recording using screenshots
⚖️ ffmpeg-crop-image
🏷 ffmpeg
📒 A snippet showing how to crop an image using FFMPEG
⚖️ fetch-range-request
🏷 fetch, range-request
📒 A demonstration of using fetch to do a range request and seeing if GitHub Pages support them
⚖️ fetch-localhost
📒 null
⚖️ fetch-download-progress
🏷 download-progress, fetch
📒 Demonstrating the use of reader to display a progress of fetch download
⚖️ fatcow-icons
🏷 fatcow, fatcow-icons, hubelbauer-net, icon-pack, icon-set, icons
📒 FatCow icons v3.9.2 (I was given a permission to host these on GitHub by FatCow support.)
⚖️ fastmail
🏷 api-token, email, fastmail, fastmail-api, sieve
📒 My exploration of the Fastmail API
⚖️ eufy-doorbell-snapshotter
📒 null
⚖️ esm2cjs
🏷 cjs, commonjs, esm
📒 A CLI utility for converting ESM to CJS
⚖️ esm-uzip-js
🏷 es-modules, esm, photopea, uzip, uzipjs, zip
📒 ESM package of the UZIP.js module by Photopea
⚖️ esm-svg-timeseries
🏷 esm, svg, timeseries
📒 An ESM library module for rendering timeseries data using SVG in JavaScript.
⚖️ esm-obj
🏷 3d, es-module, es-modules, esm, javascript, js, mesh, model, obj, wavefront, wavefront-obj
📒 A JavaScript ESM Wavefront OBJ 3D model file format parser library module
⚖️ esm-module-scope
🏷 esm
📒 ESM modules with the ability to identify callers
⚖️ esm-matrix
🏷 esm, matrices, matrix
📒 JavaScript matrix calculations provided as ESM modules
⚖️ esm-list-zip
🏷 es-modules, esm, zip
📒 An ESM package for extracting the list of entries from a ZIP archive by URL using range requests for minimal bandwidth use.
⚖️ esm-import-map
🏷 es, es-modules, esm, import-maps
📒 An experiment with ES import maps.
⚖️ esm-github-api
🏷 esm, network-imports, node, url-imports
📒 A set of utility functions for calling the GitHub API from Node.
⚖️ esm-dynamic-module
🏷 esm
📒 Experiment with ESM dynamic modules
⚖️ esm-delay
🏷 delay, esm, javascript
📒 ESM-compatible delay function implementation
⚖️ esm-defer
🏷 defer, esm, javascript
📒 ESM-compatible defer function implementation
⚖️ esm-dataview-getvarint
🏷 javascript, library, protobuf, sqlite, varint
📒 ESM (and non-ESM) JavaScript varint library
⚖️ eml-html
🏷 email, eml
📒 Information about HTML support in EML
⚖️ eml-attachments
🏷 attachment, email, eml, inline-attachment
📒 Information on inline attachments in EML
⚖️ eml
🏷 email, email-template, email-template-generator, eml
📒 A Node package for generating EML using HTML snippets and EML helpers
⚖️ electron-xvfb
🏷 elecron, xvfb
📒 Running Electron in XVFB
⚖️ electron-self-screenshot
🏷 electron, screenshot, selfie
📒 An example of how to make a screenshot of the Electron window viewport
⚖️ electron-lingering-shadow-repro
📒 null
⚖️ electron-inspect-require
🏷 debugger, electron
📒 Trying to figure out how to control an Electron application using the Electron API through the debugger
⚖️ electron
📒 Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
⚖️ ef-sqlite
🏷 ef, ef-core, entity-framework, entity-framework-core, migrations, sqlite
📒 Reproducing an issue with migrations and table rebuilds I had in EF Core SQLite
⚖️ ef-sql
🏷 ef, ef-core, entity-framework, entity-framework-core, orm, sql
📒 Printing the SQL generated by EF Core
⚖️ ef-seed-ids
🏷 ef-code-first, ef-core, entity-framework, entity-framework-core
📒 A repro showing EF to auto-generating a successive ID after seeding the DB with hardcoded IDs.
⚖️ ef-relationship
🏷 ef, ef-core, entity-framework, entity-framework-core, orm
📒 Exploration into the EF conventions about principal-dependent navigation properties
⚖️ ef-logging
🏷 ef, entity-framework, entity-framework-core, logging
📒 Information on how to set up logging in EF Core
⚖️ ef-json-provider
🏷 ef, ef-core, json
📒 EF provider operating on JSON files
⚖️ ef-include-clear
🏷 change-tracker, ef, ef-core, entity-framework, entity-framework-core
📒 Exploring the behavior of calling the clear method of a materialized collection in EF Core
⚖️ ef-implicit-transaction
🏷 database-transactions, ef, ef-core, entity-framework, entity-framework-core
📒 Exploring the implicit transaction behavior of EF Core
⚖️ ef-fk
🏷 dotnet, dotnet-core, ef, entity-framework, entity-framework-core, foreign-key, net
📒 Understanding EF Core foreign key model
⚖️ ef-ephemeral-localdb
🏷 ef, ef-core, local-db, sql-server
📒 A script for creating ephemeral LocalDB instances for testing in scripts
⚖️ ef-cosmos-union-type
🏷 ef, ef-core, entity-framework, entity-framework-core, union-types
📒 Representing union types in EF Core when using the Cosmos DB provider
⚖️ ef-cosmos-embedded-null
🏷 cosmos-db, dotnet, dotnet-core, ef, entity-framework, entity-framework-core, net
📒 Looking into Cosmos behavior with EF where an embedded navigation property is null
⚖️ ef-cosmos-embedded-inheritance
🏷 cosmos, cosmos-db, ef, ef-core, embedded-entities, entity-framework, entity-framework-core, inheritance
📒 Testing out inheritance of embedded entities in EF Core with the Cosmos provider
⚖️ ef-clear
🏷 batch-delete, dotnet, dotnet-core, ef, entity-framework, entity-framework-core, net, sql
📒 Figuring out options for using the Clear method without having to materialize an EF collection
⚖️ ef-array-column
🏷 efcore, entity-framework, entity-framework-core
📒 A note on EF Core columns which are arrays of primitive types - not supported.
⚖️ edge
🏷 edge, tab-discarding
📒 Information on how to disable tab discarding in Edge
⚖️ drawer-divider
🏷 3d-model, 3d-printing, stl
📒 A 3D model for a drawer divider
⚖️ drawer-box
🏷 3d-model, 3d-print, stl
📒 A 3D model of a plastic drawer box
⚖️ dotnet-unhandled-exception
🏷 async-main, dotnet, unhandled-exceptions
📒 Looking into unhandled exceptions and async main in .NET Core
⚖️ dotnet-scripts
🏷 csx, dotnet, dotnet-core, dotnet-script, net
📒 Info about the very useful dotnet script tool
⚖️ dot-matrix-tester
🏷 arduino, dot-matrix, wokwi
📒 My Arduino Wokwi sketch for a tester of dot matrix displays
⚖️ dom-local-storage-perf
🏷 dom, local-storage
📒 DOM local storage performance experiment
⚖️ DefinitelyTyped
📒 The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
⚖️ day-planner
🏷 day-planner
📒 A one-off utility for graphical day planning
⚖️ day
🏷 files-app, ios, ios-app, ios-swift, todo-list, todolist
📒 An app for reading and writing a text file with persistence in the Files app
⚖️ data-uri
🏷 base64, data-uri
📒 A web app for converting text and files to data URIs
⚖️ dapper-sqlite
🏷 dapper, sqlite
📒 Looking into using Dapper with SQLite
⚖️ dagre
🏷 adg, dagre, dotviz, graph
📒 A web app for playing around with Dagre charts
⚖️ css-wrap
🏷 css, wrap
📒 Displaying advanced CSS wrap options
⚖️ css-shadow-arrow-popup
🏷 arrow, arrow-popup, css, popup
📒 Popups with an arrow and drop shadow using pure CSS
⚖️ css-scroll-indicator
🏷 css, drop-shadow, scroll
📒 A CSS sample of displaying scroll guiding shadows
⚖️ css-post-grid-design
🏷 css
📒 My practice redesign of the Stein landing page I liked
⚖️ css-message-bubble
🏷 css
📒 A CSS only solution for message bubbles with timestamps either after or below depending on length
⚖️ css-merry-go-round
🏷 css, layout, merry-go-round
📒 CSS solution for a "merry-go-round" style sliding showcase
⚖️ css-gradual-box-shadow
🏷 box-shadow, css
📒 A gradual box shadow technique not achieveable using pure CSS
⚖️ css-fading-box-shadow
🏷 box-shadow, css
📒 A CSS hack for fading box shadow effect not achieveable using pure CSS
⚖️ csfd-digest
🏷 cinema, csfd, puppeteer, scraper, screening, screenings
📒 Scrapes CSFD.cz for cinema schedules and allows annotating movies with interest level. Notifies about new movies found since the last time.
⚖️ crypto-qr
🏷 qr, webcrypto
📒 Web crypto example using QR for exchange
⚖️ cra-test-puppeteer
🏷 cra, create-react-app, puppeteer
📒 Testing CRA (Create React App) with Puppeteer
⚖️ cra-sourcemap
🏷 cra, create-react-app, source-map, source-maps, sourcemap, sourcemaps
📒 Demonstrating a problem with CRA source maps pointing to wrong locations
⚖️ cra-rbc
🏷 cra, create-react-app, rbc, react-big-calendar
📒 Testing RBC (React Big Calendar) with CRA (Create React App)
⚖️ cra-location-search-router
🏷 cra, create-react-app, location-search
📒 A router for CRA which uses location.search
⚖️ cra-location-hash-router
🏷 cra, create-react-app, location-hash
📒 A router for CRA which uses location.hash
⚖️ cra-hosts
🏷 cra, hosts, hsts, http, https
📒 Binding CRA to various host names and subdomains
⚖️ cosmos-net-sdk
🏷 cosmos-db, dotnet, dotnet-core, net, sdk
📒 Info about the Cosmos .NET SDK
⚖️ cosmos-ef-udf
🏷 cosmos-db, dotnet, dotnet-core, ef, entity-framework, net, udf, user-defined-functions
📒 Research on user defined functions in CosmosDB when using EF
⚖️ cosmos
🏷 cosmos-db, cosmosdb
📒 Exploring Cosmos DB
⚖️ corebluetooth-peripheral-webbluetooth-central
📒 null
⚖️ cool-people-online
📒 null
⚖️ contenteditable-wrap
🏷 contenteditable
📒 The contenteditable attribute element caret preservation
⚖️ contenteditable-focus
🏷 contenteditable, focus
📒 Researching a contenteditable focus issue
⚖️ contenteditable
🏷 contenteditable
📒 Making contenteditable less useless
⚖️ config-lsp
📒 Finally a LSP for your config files: gitconfig, fstab, aliases, hosts, wireguard, ssh_config, sshd_config, and more to come!
⚖️ code-extension-screencast
🏷 screenshot, vscode, vscode-extension
📒 Demonstrates how to programatically capture a screencast of the VS Code extension host
⚖️ cloudflare-worker
🏷 cloudflare, cloudflare-kv, cloudflare-worker, cloudflare-workers, serverless, worker
📒 Information on setting up and basic usage of Cloudflare Workers
⚖️ cli
📒 Supabase CLI
⚖️ cinestar
🏷 cinema, cinestar
📒 CineStar cinema monitor and premiere reporter
⚖️ chrome
🏷 chrome, google-chrome, tab-discarding
📒 A note on how to disable tab discarding in Google Chrome
⚖️ cf-workers-deploy
🏷 cloudflare, cloudflare-kv, cloudflare-worker, cloudflare-workers, cloudflare-workers-kv, wrangler
📒 A Node package for deploying a script to CloudFlare Workers without the use of Wrangler
⚖️ canvas-chromatic-aberration
🏷 canvas, chromatic-abberation, html
📒 The chromatic abberation effect implemented in HTML canvas
⚖️ cannon-three
🏷 cannon-js, threejs
📒 My notes on using Cannon with Three.
⚖️ cameras
🏷 camera
📒 My notes on a choice of camera to buy.
⚖️ camera-stand
🏷 3d-print, 3d-printing
📒 A 3D model for a camera holder / stand that slots into the gaps in a VESA monitor mount
⚖️ cable-case
🏷 3d-model, 3d-print, stl
📒 A 3D model for a case to wind cables in.
⚖️ bun-vm-typescript
📒 null
⚖️ bun-throw-after-return
📒 null
⚖️ bun-runtime-plugin-onResolve-sync-async-import
📒 null
⚖️ bun-runtime-plugin-onResolve-custom-protocol
📒 null
⚖️ bun-reverse-proxy
🏷 bun, javascript, proxy-server, reverse-proxy, reverse-proxy-server, typescript
📒 Bun reverse proxy
⚖️ bun-react
📒 A sample of using TypeScript and React in a Bun server.
⚖️ bun-passthrough-server
📒 null
⚖️ bun-function-constructor-typescript
📒 null
⚖️ bun-firefox-history
📒 null
⚖️ bun-firefox-desktop
📒 null
⚖️ bun-eval-typescript
📒 null
⚖️ bun-domparser
📒 null
⚖️ bt-channel
🏷 sdp, web-bluetooth, webrtc
📒 Thinking about using Web Bluetooth for WebRTC SDP exchange
⚖️ brother-p-touch-d600
🏷 brother, brother-ptouch, d600, label-marker, p-touch, printer
📒 Brother P-touch D600 label maker USB communication with P-touch Editor
⚖️ blender-vscode
🏷 blender, vscode
📒 Notes for using Blender with VS Code
⚖️ blender-script
🏷 blender, blender-python, blender-python-api, blender-python-scripts
📒 A demo on running Blender with a Python script for generating and rendering a scene.
⚖️ blender-merge-faces
🏷 3d, 3d-modeling, 3d-modelling, blender, merge-faces
📒 My research into merging faces in Blender
⚖️ blender-light-box
🏷 blender, light-box
📒 Blender light box model
⚖️ blender-gargantua
🏷 blender, blender-gargantua, gargantua, gargantua-black-hole, interstellar
📒 Blender recreation of the Gargantua black hole from Interstellar
⚖️ blender-edge-at-face-intersection
🏷 3d, 3d-modeling, 3d-modelling, blender, edge-loops, intersection-edge, loop-cut
📒 My research info how to cut at face intersection in Blender
⚖️ blender-api
🏷 blender
📒 Interesting bits of the Blender API
⚖️ blender
🏷 blender
📒 My notes and stuff related to Blender 2.8+.
⚖️ binary-numbers
🏷 binary, binary-numbers, javascript
📒 JavaScript functions and demonstrations regarding binary numbers
⚖️ batch-wallpaper
🏷 batch, desktop-background, desktop-wallpaper, powershell, wsb
📒 A demonstration of setting desktop wallpaper and background color using Batch
⚖️ babel-sourcemap
🏷 babel, babel-sourcemap, sourcemap
📒 Reproducing a Babel bug where string literals get mapped incorrectly when used as React children
⚖️ azure-pipelines-powershell-core
🏷 azure-pipelines, powershell, powershell-core
📒 An experiment in determining if pwsh runs PowerShell Core on Windows in Azure Pipelines.
⚖️ async-await.net
🏷 async-await
📒 The website of async-await.net
⚖️ ast-localizer
🏷 ast, cra, create-react-app, i18n, internationalization, localization, translation
📒 An experiment in replacing UI-shown string literals with method calls for looking up localized versions
⚖️ asp-pdf
🏷 asp, asp-net, asp-net-core, pdf
📒 An example of printing a PDF using a .NET Core port of PDFSharp and using Chrome
⚖️ asp-conditional-validations
🏷 asp, asp-net, asp-net-core, fluent-validations, form-validation, validation, validations, validator
📒 Shared conditional validations approach for ASP .NET Core
⚖️ arduino-qr
🏷 arduino, arduino-qr, dot-matrix, led-matrix, ledcontrol, max7219, qr, qr-code
📒 Arduino LED dot-matrix display QR code
⚖️ arduino-nmea
🏷 arduino, arduino-library, arduino-sketch, checksum, nmea, nmea-library, nmea-parser
📒 An algorithm for the NMEA checksum calculation for Arduino
⚖️ arduino-mouse-jiggler
🏷 arduino, cursor, cursor-jiggler, cursor-movement, mouse, mouse-jiggler, mouse-movement
📒 Arduino mouse jiggler for preventing a computer from locking in cases where it is not preventable in software (group policy).
⚖️ arduino-am2303
📒 null
⚖️ apps-and-services
📒 null
⚖️ apple-notes-database
🏷 apple-notes, apple-script
📒 null
⚖️ appium
🏷 appium
📒 My notes about Appium
⚖️ app-ffmpeg
📒 null
⚖️ aoc-2023-elixir
🏷 advent-of-code, advent-of-code-2023, aoc, elixir
📒 My Elixir Advent of Code 2023 puzzle solutions.
⚖️ analog-panel-meter
📒 null
⚖️ albert
🏷 albert, ocr, pdf
📒 Trying to lay out and cluster prices and product images in a supermarket PDF
⚖️ akai-apc-mini
🏷 akai, apc-mini, launchpad, midi, usb
📒 Akai APCmini launchpad USB/MIDI communication protocol
⚖️ agendum
🏷 agenda, javascript, task-list, to-do-list
📒 A to-do list
⚖️ ado-bookmarklet
🏷 ado, azure-devops
📒 ADO bookmarklet
⚖️ action-lgtm-reaction
📒 GitHub Action to send LGTM reaction
⚖️ acter
🏷 javascript, react
📒 My idea about a UI framework
⚖️ 3mf-zip-uncompressed
🏷 3mf, diff, git, store, zip
📒 An experiment in seeing how no-compression ZIP file will diff in Git
⚖️ 3mf-zip-dir
🏷 3mf
📒 A script for extracting 3MF files into 3MF directories
⚖️ 150.community
📒 null