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Making Your Own Blocks

Michael Palmos edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 9 revisions

Making your own blocks is designed to be straightforward but flexible. I'm hoping to merge most community blocks, so if you do something cool, make a pull request!


Before developing, we should fork the repository so we can make commits and then eventually do a pull request later if we want to.

Just hit the fork button at the top right, and then clone the forked repo.

$ git clone<user>/wired-notify.git
$ cd ./wired_notify

And let's try a build to make sure everything's ok. If this fails, either your rust install is outdated or configured, you're missing dependencies, or I've screwed something up.

$ cargo build


First of all, let's create the file for our block. For the purposes of this tutorial, I'm going to make a simplified NotificationBlock.

$ ls
src Cargo.toml
TODO: real ls
# Blocks go in /src/rendering/blocks/
$ touch ./src/rendering/blocks/

Each block should have a Properties struct which defines both config parameters and internal state. This struct must implement Debug, Deserialize, and Clone.

// /src/rendering/blocks/

use serde::Deserialize;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct NotificationBlockParameters {
    pub border_width: f64,
    pub background_color: Color,
    pub border_color: Color,