diff --git a/osr/walker/objects/rsobjects.simba b/osr/walker/objects/rsobjects.simba index e575ad4c..95e4a719 100644 --- a/osr/walker/objects/rsobjects.simba +++ b/osr/walker/objects/rsobjects.simba @@ -130,21 +130,21 @@ begin with Self.GEExchange do begin SetupEx([2, 1, 1], [[8050, 2482], [8050, 2498]]); - Setup(['Gra', 'ange']); + SetupUpText(['Gra', 'ange']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2971242, 23, 0.05, 1.10); end; with Self.GEBank do begin SetupEx([1, 2, 2], [[8043, 2489], [8059, 2489]]); - Setup(['ank Gra']); + SetupUpText(['ank Gra']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2971242, 23, 0.05, 1.10); end; with Self.BankWood1 do begin Setup(7, [[1341, 2087], [1341, 2091], [1341, 2095], [7173, 2979], [7177, 2979], [7181, 2979], [7185, 2979], [7433, 3031], [7437, 3031], [7441, 3031], [7445, 3031], [7449, 3031]]); - Setup(['ank b', 'k booth']); + SetupUpText(['ank b', 'k booth']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3099996, 17, 0.12, 0.59); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4086642, 5, 0.08, 0.55); Finder.ClusterDistance := 15; @@ -155,14 +155,14 @@ begin with Self.BankWood2 do begin Setup(7, [[2381, 2059], [2381, 2063], [2381, 2067], [6277, 2471], [6281, 2471], [6289, 2471], [6301, 2471], [6305, 2471], [6309, 2471]]); - Setup(['ank b', 'k booth']); + SetupUpText(['ank b', 'k booth']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(998986, 12, 0.13, 2.87); end; with Self.BankWood3 do begin Setup(7, [[385, 1423], [389, 1423], [7981, 2651], [7985, 2651], [8137, 2671], [8137, 2679], [8137, 2687], [8137, 2695], [8137, 2703], [8397, 2771], [8401, 2771], [8405, 2771], [8409, 2771], [8413, 2771], [8417, 2771]]); - Setup(['ank b', 'k booth']); + SetupUpText(['ank b', 'k booth']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3099996, 17, 0.12, 0.59); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4086642, 5, 0.08, 0.55); end; @@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ begin with Self.BankWoodStone1 do begin Setup(7, [[6761, 2275], [7777, 2475], [7785, 2475], [7773, 2483], [7773, 2491], [6621, 2679], [6629, 2679], [6633, 2679], [6637, 2679], [5733, 2759], [5733, 2763], [5733, 2771], [5733, 2775], [5853, 3123], [5865, 3123], [5869, 3123], [6017, 3303], [6017, 3315], [6017, 3327], [7757, 3467], [7757, 3475], [7757, 3479], [8465, 3771], [8465, 3775], [8465, 3779], [8465, 3783], [8465, 3791], [5849, 4071], [5849, 4079], [5849, 4083]]); - Setup(['ank b', 'k booth']); + SetupUpText(['ank b', 'k booth']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2256265, 18, 0.05, 2.33); end; with Self.BankUnspecified do begin Setup(7, [[1133, 1123], [1149, 1123], [1133, 1131], [1149, 1147], [1133, 1163], [1133, 1171], [1149, 1171], [4372, 1260], [4376, 1260], [4380, 1260], [2577, 1295], [2593, 1295], [2609, 1295], [2625, 1295], [1885, 1463], [1937, 1463], [1885, 1475], [1937, 1475], [1885, 1487], [1937, 1487], [1473, 1495], [1481, 1495], [1489, 1495], [1497, 1495], [1505, 1495], [1513, 1495], [1885, 1499], [1937, 1499], [1481, 1511], [1513, 1511], [1885, 1511], [1937, 1511], [9582, 1819], [9582, 1823], [9582, 1827], [3879, 2104], [3887, 2104], [3875, 2128], [3879, 2128], [3887, 2128], [4039, 2304], [4039, 2308], [4039, 2312], [9445, 2515], [9445, 2519], [9445, 2523], [9445, 2527], [9445, 2531], [9445, 2535], [10141, 2587], [10145, 2587], [10157, 2587], [5745, 2759], [5745, 2787], [9805, 2975], [9809, 2975], [9813, 2975], [9821, 2975], [9989, 3619], [9997, 3619], [10001, 3619], [7873, 3951], [7881, 3951], [6238, 4704], [6246, 4704], [6250, 4704], [6254, 4704], [9097, 4871], [9097, 4875], [9097, 4883], [9097, 4891], [10443, 5336]]); - Setup(['ank b', 'k booth']); + SetupUpText(['ank b', 'k booth']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(1985634, 16, 0.05, 0.50), CTS2(5135991, 18, 0.38, 1.01), 30]; Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(2902103, 15, 0.04, 0.40), CTS2(4281697, 17, 0.08, 0.11), 5]; Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(11576730, 32, 0.27, 0.29), CTS2(5202024, 20, 0.14, 0.39), 50]; @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ begin with Self.BankChestWood1 do begin Setup(4, [[2090, 2000], [5541, 2155], [1761, 2559], [1445, 2775], [7137, 3327], [8013, 5107],[3794, 1701], [3790, 1701], [3777, 1704], [3773, 1704]]); - Setup(['ank c', 'ches']); + SetupUpText(['ank c', 'ches']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2578283, 10, 0.05, 0.78); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(1985634, 16, 0.05, 0.50), CTS2(5135991, 18, 0.38, 1.01), 30]; Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(2902103, 15, 0.04, 0.40), CTS2(4281697, 17, 0.08, 0.11), 5]; @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ begin with Self.BankChestWood2 do begin Setup(4, [[405, 1491], [10022, 3986], [10022, 3990], [10022, 3994], [10022, 3998], [10022, 4002]]); - Setup(['ank c', 'ches']); + SetupUpText(['ank c', 'ches']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(1985634, 16, 0.05, 0.50), CTS2(5135991, 18, 0.38, 1.01), 30]; Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(2902103, 15, 0.04, 0.40), CTS2(4281697, 17, 0.08, 0.11), 5]; end; @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ begin with Self.BankChestWoodStone1 do begin Setup(4, [[10440, 1560], [6383, 627], [10098, 1671], [7189, 2979], [7453, 3031], [8921, 3367], [8917, 3371], [6037, 3795], [5169, 4115]]); - Setup(['ank c', 'chest']); + SetupUpText(['ank c', 'chest']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(998986, 12, 0.13, 2.87); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2832199, 14, 0.07, 0.10); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5855839, 20, 0.15, 0.09); @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ begin with Self.BankChestUnspecified do begin Setup(4, [[4685, 412], [5081, 572], [1297, 951], [1373, 963], [1397, 1035], [1309, 1055], [9678, 1059], [689, 1159], [4379, 3121], [1283, 3874], [8629, 3967], [6254, 4708]]); - Setup(['ank c', 'chest']); + SetupUpText(['ank c', 'chest']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(1985634, 16, 0.05, 0.50), CTS2(5135991, 18, 0.38, 1.01), 30]; Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(2902103, 15, 0.04, 0.40), CTS2(4281697, 17, 0.08, 0.11), 5]; Finder.Colors += CTS2(1776423, 2, 9.45, 2.65); @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ begin with Self.TzhaarBank do begin Setup(4, [[5082, 572], [4685, 412]]); - Setup(['Bank', 'chest']); + SetupUpText(['Bank', 'chest']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2171990, 13, 0.08, 0.75); Finder.ClusterDistance := 15; Finder.Erode := 2; @@ -233,28 +233,28 @@ begin with Self.LumbridgeCastleBank do begin Setup(7, [[10444, 5338], [10448, 5338]]); - Setup(['Bank b', 'k booth']); + SetupUpText(['Bank b', 'k booth']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2714764, 26, 0.08, 1.81); end; with Self.PiscariliusBank do begin Setup(6, [[2571, 1295], [2587, 1295], [2605, 1295], [2621, 1295]]); - Setup(['ank b', 'k booth']); + SetupUpText(['ank b', 'k booth']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3824230, 15, 0.09, 0.37); end; with Self.LunarBank do begin Setup(7, [[4372, 1260], [4376, 1260], [4380, 1260]]); - Setup(['ank b', 'k booth']); + SetupUpText(['ank b', 'k booth']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3824749, 15, 0.06, 1.00); end; with Self.Gravestone do begin Setup(2, 4, []); //Tiles should be set on death! - Setup(['Grave']); + SetupUpText(['Grave']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6252136, 18, 0.21, 0.08); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(7011068, 15, 0.02, 0.10), CTS2(6252136, 18, 0.21, 0.08), 30]; end; @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ begin with Self.POHPortal do begin SetupEx([2, 4, 7], [[7198, 3552], [2351, 2376], [6414, 3733], [2349, 2377], [8754, 4444], [6074, 1932], [5568, 4058]]); - Setup(['Portal']); + SetupUpText(['Portal']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6316135, 8, 0.28, 0.12); Finder.Colors += CTS2(9379961, 30, 0.16, 1.76); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(9379961, 30, 0.16, 1.76), CTS2(5987170, 16, 0.18, 0.06), 40]; @@ -270,27 +270,27 @@ begin with Self.OakLarderBuilt do begin - Setup(['Larder']); + SetupUpText(['Larder']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(6916239, 10, 0.33, 1.18), CTS2(4154749, 9, 0.13, 0.65), 150]; end; with Self.OakLarderSpace do begin - Setup(['2 more']); + SetupUpText(['2 more']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(10529472, 16, 0.25, 0.95), CTS2(8884636, 16, 0.16, 0.18), 80]; end; with Self.EdgevilleFurnace do begin Setup(11, [[7834, 2450]]); - Setup(['Furnace']); + SetupUpText(['Furnace']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(4019574, 5, 0.14, 0.25), CTS2(7501954, 8, 0.89, 0.54), 30]; end; with Self.PrifddinasFurnace do begin Setup(8, [[4002, 2337]]); - Setup(['Furnace']); + SetupUpText(['Furnace']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1776416, 1, 0.01, 0.01); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3169475, 32, 0.13, 1.26); end; @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ begin with Self.FaladorFurnace do begin Setup(3, 7, [[7300, 2970]]); - Setup(['Furnace']); + SetupUpText(['Furnace']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6448237, 30, 0.11, 0.13); //furnace Finder.Colors += CTS2(2703532, 13, 0.10, 0.84); //fire end; @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ begin with Self.NeitiznotFurnace do begin Setup(2, 6, [[3812, 1690]]); - Setup(['Clay forge']); + SetupUpText(['Clay forge']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6319989, 12, 0.07, 0.10); //furnace Finder.Colors += CTS2(5594035, 8, 0.09, 3.08); //fire end; @@ -314,14 +314,14 @@ begin with Self.MountKaruulmFurnace do begin Setup(4, 7, [[698, 1227]]); - Setup(['Volcanic Furnace']); + SetupUpText(['Volcanic Furnace']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5594035, 8, 0.09, 3.08); //Blue fire end; with Self.PortPhasmatysFurnace do begin Setup(3, 7, [[10148, 2531]]); - Setup(['Furnace']); + SetupUpText(['Furnace']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6448237, 30, 0.11, 0.13); //furnace Finder.Colors += CTS2(11130738, 29, 0.52, 1.44); //fire end; @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ begin with Self.ShiloVillageFurnace do begin Setup(3, 7, [[6819, 4577]]); - Setup(['Furnace']); + SetupUpText(['Furnace']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6448237, 30, 0.11, 0.13); //furnace Finder.Colors += CTS2(11130738, 29, 0.52, 1.44); //fire end; @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ begin with Self.Anvil do begin Setup(2, [[6383, 243], [6383, 255], [7641, 639], [8153, 695], [7357, 1691], [4025, 1714], [4013, 1750], [1777, 1803], [7065, 2155], [1641, 2167], [4003, 2324], [3995, 2328], [4007, 2332], [6241, 2467], [6249, 2467], [6245, 2479], [8305, 2703], [8305, 2711], [8145, 2743], [8145, 2751], [8145, 2763], [5949, 2767], [5941, 2775], [5933, 2783], [8377, 2831], [8385, 2831], [5389, 3119], [5397, 3127], [10409, 3167], [10409, 3175], [6001, 3783], [5993, 3791], [6001, 3791], [8833, 3827], [1207, 3854], [1187, 3858], [7389, 3871], [6553, 4043], [5845, 4123], [5857, 4123], [5845, 4135], [6178, 4680], [6186, 4680], [9029, 4763], [9017, 5111], [4619, 5303]]); - Setup(['Anvil']); + SetupUpText(['Anvil']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4539981, 18, 0.13, 0.22); end; @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ begin begin //Fossil Island Misc Objects Setup(4, [[9486, 703], [9366, 1075]]); - Setup(['Bank', 'Chest']); + SetupUpText(['Bank', 'Chest']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1449290, 9, 0.28, 5.71); Finder.Colors += CTS2(529505, 11, 0.22, 1.47); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5335150, 23, 0.16, 0.58); @@ -354,14 +354,14 @@ begin with Self.FossilIslandHardwoodTreePatch do begin Setup(12, [[9256, 955], [9232, 963]]); - //Setup(['Tea']); + //SetupUpText(['Tea']); //Finder.Colors += CTS2(5214845, 18, 0.03, 0.43); end; with Self.FossilIslandHoleShortcutNorth do begin Setup(7, [[9251, 984]]); - Setup(['Hol', 'ole']); + SetupUpText(['Hol', 'ole']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3750207, 12, 0.01, 0.30); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1912652, 7, 0.48, 4.86); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1781559, 6, 1.62, 5.59); @@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ begin with Self.FossilIslandHoleShortcutSouth do begin Setup(7, [[9261, 1030]]); - Setup(['Hol', 'ole']); + SetupUpText(['Hol', 'ole']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3750207, 12, 0.01, 0.30); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1912652, 7, 0.48, 4.86); end; @@ -378,55 +378,55 @@ begin with Self.NMZChest do begin Setup(4, [[5830, 3970]]); - Setup(['Rewards', 'chest']); + SetupUpText(['Rewards', 'chest']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2832463, 22, 0.11, 0.19); end; with Self.NMZCoffer do begin Setup(4, [[5821, 3990]]); - Setup(['Dominic''s', 'coffer']); + SetupUpText(['Dominic''s', 'coffer']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2179683, 26, 0.34, 2.00); end; with Self.NMZPotion do begin Setup(4, [[5814, 3978]]); - Setup(['Potion', 'Empty', 'vial']); + SetupUpText(['Potion', 'Empty', 'vial']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5452355, 26, 1.93, 0.99); end; with Self.NMZAbsorptionBarrel do begin Setup(6, [[5793, 3978]]); - Setup(['potion']); //they are too hard to properly hover + SetupUpText(['potion']); //they are too hard to properly hover Finder.Colors += CTS2(2245493, 23, 0.30, 2.04); end; with Self.NMZOverloadBarrel do begin Setup(6, [[5793, 3982]]); - Setup(['potion']); + SetupUpText(['potion']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2245493, 23, 0.30, 2.04); end; with Self.NMZSuperMagicBarrel do begin Setup(6, [[5793, 3986]]); - Setup(['potion']); + SetupUpText(['potion']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2245493, 23, 0.30, 2.04); end; with Self.NMZSuperRangingBarrel do begin Setup(6, [[5793, 3990]]); - Setup(['potion']); + SetupUpText(['potion']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2245493, 23, 0.30, 2.04); end; with Self.NMZRecurrentDamage do begin - Setup(['Recurrent', 'damage']); + SetupUpText(['Recurrent', 'damage']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4874445, 16, 0.08, 1.00); Finder.MinShortSide := 17; Finder.MaxLongSide := 40; @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ begin with Self.NMZPowerSurge do begin - Setup(['Power', 'surge']); + SetupUpText(['Power', 'surge']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3915203, 15, 0.05, 1.18); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2927283, 6, 0.11, 1.33); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ begin with Self.NMZZapper do begin - Setup(['Zapper']); + SetupUpText(['Zapper']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(10825655, 9, 0.25, 1.67); Finder.MinShortSide := 17; Finder.MaxLongSide := 40; @@ -452,27 +452,27 @@ begin with Self.PestControlNovicePlank do begin SetupEx([1, 0.6, 0], [[6211, 4756]]); - Setup(['Cross', 'Gangplank']); + SetupUpText(['Cross', 'Gangplank']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5009031, 14, 0.04, 0.38); end; with Self.PestControlIntermidiatePlank do begin SetupEx([1, 0.6, 0], [[6150, 4736]]); - Setup(['Cross', 'Gangplank']); + SetupUpText(['Cross', 'Gangplank']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5009031, 14, 0.04, 0.38); end; with Self.PestControlVeteranPlank do begin SetupEx([1, 0.6, 0], [[6126, 4700]]); - Setup(['Cross', 'Gangplank']); + SetupUpText(['Cross', 'Gangplank']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5009031, 14, 0.04, 0.38); end; with Self.MysteriousRuins do begin - Setup(['Mysterious']); + SetupUpText(['Mysterious']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(5721426, 16, 2.63, 0.35), CTS2(4607558, 9, 0.52, 0.19), 30]; end; @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ begin begin //Air, Mind, Water, Earth, Fire, Body, Cosmic, Chaos, Lunar, Nature, Law Setup(3, 4,[[9831, 182], [9599, 153], [9320, 173], [9086, 153], [8795, 166], [8548, 158], [7022, 184], [7539, 149], [4616, 1484], [8055, 154], [8311, 188]]); - Setup(['Craft']); + SetupUpText(['Craft']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6383470, 14, 0.37, 0.30); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2763823, 8, 0.75, 0.54); end; @@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ begin with Self.RCPortal do begin Setup(2, 3, [[9819, 205], [9627, 209], [9363, 190], [9074, 203], [8752, 118], [8538, 185], [7023, 102],[8055, 182], [8312, 248]]); - Setup(['Portal']); + SetupUpText(['Portal']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(10405581, 15, 0.18, 1.80);//Goldish color found throughout Finder.Colors += CTS2(14076102, 13, 0.29, 0.61);//Water Finder.Colors += CTS2(3034817, 5, 0.60, 3.57);//Fire @@ -498,14 +498,14 @@ begin with Self.AbyssRift do begin Setup(1, 1, [[10138, 4899], [10125, 4912], [10152, 4872], [10077, 4901], [10069, 4882], [10106, 4917], [10066, 4853], [10128, 4838], [10092, 4837], [10145, 4847], [10149, 4855], [10062, 4866], [10148, 4887]]); - Setup(['Exit-through']); + SetupUpText(['Exit-through']); Filter.Finder := False; end; with Self.EternalFire do begin Setup(2, [[7816, 2720], [10388, 932]]); - Setup(['Cook', 'Fire']); + SetupUpText(['Cook', 'Fire']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3120597, 18, 0.20, 1.45); Finder.MinShortSide := 10; end; @@ -513,54 +513,54 @@ begin with Self.BurningFire do begin Setup(1, []); - Setup([]); + SetupUpText([]); end; with Self.WintertodtBank do begin Setup(4, [[1956, 684]]); - Setup(['Bank', 'chest']); + SetupUpText(['Bank', 'chest']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(3289384, 4, 0.51, 0.37), CTS2(13025214, 17, 0.13, 0.11), 20]; end; with Self.WintertodtGate do begin SetupEx([10, 4, 30], [[1912, 596]]); - Setup(['Doors', 'Dinh']); + SetupUpText(['Doors', 'Dinh']); end; with Self.WintertodtRootNW do begin Setup(2, 4, [[1878, 352]]); - Setup(['Chop Bruma', 'roots']); + SetupUpText(['Chop Bruma', 'roots']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4015160, 13, 1.23, 0.63); end; with Self.WintertodtRootNE do begin Setup(2, 4, [[1946, 352]]); - Setup(['Chop Bruma', 'roots']); + SetupUpText(['Chop Bruma', 'roots']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4015160, 13, 1.23, 0.63); end; with Self.WintertodtRootSW do begin Setup(2, 4, [[1874, 508]]); - Setup(['Chop Bruma', 'roots']); + SetupUpText(['Chop Bruma', 'roots']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4015160, 13, 1.23, 0.63); end; with Self.WintertodtRootSE do begin Setup(2, 4, [[1952, 508]]); - Setup(['Chop Bruma', 'roots']); + SetupUpText(['Chop Bruma', 'roots']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4015160, 13, 1.23, 0.63); end; with Self.WintertodtBrazierNW do begin Setup(2.5, 4, [[1876, 395]]); - Setup(['Brazier', 'brazier']); + SetupUpText(['Brazier', 'brazier']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6051923, 23, 0.33, 0.16); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5562530, 23, 0.17, 1.21); end; @@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ begin with Self.WintertodtBrazierNE do begin Setup(2.5, 4, [[1950, 395]]); - Setup(['Brazier', 'brazier']); + SetupUpText(['Brazier', 'brazier']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6051923, 23, 0.33, 0.16); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5562530, 23, 0.17, 1.21); end; @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ begin with Self.WintertodtBrazierSW do begin Setup(2.5, 4, [[1876, 467]]); - Setup(['Brazier', 'brazier']); + SetupUpText(['Brazier', 'brazier']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6051923, 23, 0.33, 0.16); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5562530, 23, 0.17, 1.21); end; @@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ begin with Self.WintertodtBrazierSE do begin Setup(2.5, 4, [[1950, 467]]); - Setup(['Brazier', 'brazier']); + SetupUpText(['Brazier', 'brazier']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6051923, 23, 0.33, 0.16); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5562530, 23, 0.17, 1.21); end; @@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ begin with Self.ClayRock do begin Setup(3, [[6552, 224], [6548, 228], [6456, 260], [6456, 264], [6448, 268], [6130, 1612], [6114, 1620], [6130, 1620], [6138, 1632], [258, 1820], [226, 1828], [222, 1832], [262, 1832], [4742, 1864], [4750, 1868], [1802, 1872], [1798, 1876], [2494, 2492], [2498, 2496], [2494, 2500], [2514, 2508], [2518, 2512], [8126, 2940], [8114, 2960], [8110, 2964], [7146, 3308], [7142, 3312], [7166, 3312], [7154, 3316], [7162, 3316], [7166, 3320], [7342, 3488], [7338, 3492], [9078, 3780], [9070, 3784], [9062, 3788], [9086, 3788], [9058, 3792], [9074, 3796], [1100, 3803], [1028, 3811], [8994, 3828], [9002, 3828], [1004, 3831], [8994, 3836], [5914, 3876], [5922, 3892], [8094, 4784], [4480, 5260], [4488, 5272], [4492, 5276], [8898, 5324], [8906, 5356], [8910, 5360]]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6134971, 8, 0.04, 1.38); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ begin with Self.TinRock do begin Setup(3, [[6468, 204], [6552, 204], [6464, 212], [6544, 248], [6544, 256], [6544, 372], [6556, 376], [6548, 380], [6560, 380], [4014, 1535], [4018, 1543], [4022, 1547], [2410, 1592], [2462, 1592], [2406, 1600], [2422, 1604], [2426, 1608], [2426, 1612], [4734, 1880], [4730, 1892], [2530, 2488], [2534, 2492], [2490, 2512], [2490, 2516], [7710, 2764], [7714, 2768], [7718, 2772], [7714, 2776], [8118, 2940], [8118, 2944], [8126, 2944], [8118, 2948], [8098, 2972], [8550, 2976], [8086, 2984], [8546, 2984], [8086, 2988], [8522, 2988], [8522, 2992], [8518, 2996], [7026, 3000], [8518, 3000], [7018, 3008], [7026, 3008], [7014, 3012], [7014, 3016], [7010, 3020], [8602, 3184], [7330, 3500], [7338, 3508], [5310, 3516], [6018, 3776], [996, 3811], [1116, 3811], [1104, 3831], [5914, 3848], [5914, 3856], [8286, 3856], [8294, 3856], [5918, 3860], [8282, 3860], [8290, 3864], [5922, 3880], [5922, 3884], [5914, 3888], [5942, 3888], [8602, 4348], [8610, 4348], [8610, 4356], [8606, 4364], [4536, 5244], [4572, 5280], [4524, 5292]]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7500669, 21, 0.13, 0.12); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ begin [8550, 2996], [8553, 3000], [8534, 3004], [8541, 3004], [8546, 3004] ]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4878743, 10, 0.06, 0.38); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ begin with Self.IronRock do begin Setup(3, [[6552, 188], [6464, 196], [6468, 200], [6548, 212], [6492, 392], [6484, 396], [6480, 400], [6516, 416], [6512, 424], [6464, 544], [6472, 548], [6468, 552], [6432, 596], [6436, 600], [6420, 612], [6416, 616], [6452, 616], [6420, 620], [6448, 620], [6456, 620], [7622, 684], [8170, 712], [8094, 740], [8102, 740], [8098, 744], [8094, 748], [8102, 748], [4926, 889], [4930, 893], [4926, 897], [9427, 992], [9427, 996], [9423, 1004], [9447, 1004], [9451, 1008], [9451, 1012], [9443, 1016], [498, 1196], [498, 1200], [510, 1200], [494, 1204], [514, 1204], [510, 1208], [9467, 1264], [9471, 1268], [9467, 1272], [1294, 1340], [1290, 1344], [1294, 1348], [1298, 1360], [7698, 1364], [7698, 1368], [7746, 1372], [7758, 1376], [7790, 1376], [7798, 1376], [7754, 1380], [7790, 1380], [7794, 1384], [7798, 1388], [2442, 1596], [2450, 1596], [2446, 1600], [2450, 1604], [2454, 1608], [6286, 1664], [6286, 1668], [6306, 1668], [6294, 1672], [6286, 1680], [6302, 1680], [6294, 1684], [6290, 1696], [4742, 1888], [4750, 1888], [1798, 1892], [4746, 1892], [1798, 1896], [1802, 1900], [7810, 2168], [7814, 2172], [2494, 2484], [2526, 2484], [2478, 2496], [2478, 2500], [2534, 2504], [2518, 2520], [8546, 2968], [8538, 2972], [8094, 2976], [8534, 2976], [8094, 2984], [7010, 3024], [7010, 3032], [7006, 3036], [6182, 3112], [6178, 3116], [6246, 3120], [6254, 3124], [6250, 3128], [6158, 3132], [6166, 3132], [6242, 3132], [6162, 3136], [6234, 3136], [8574, 3204], [8570, 3208], [8606, 3208], [8574, 3212], [8606, 3212], [8614, 3240], [8610, 3244], [8602, 3308], [8606, 3312], [7270, 3480], [7270, 3488], [7266, 3492], [5750, 3496], [5814, 3500], [7278, 3500], [5802, 3504], [5726, 3508], [5814, 3508], [5762, 3512], [5802, 3512], [7322, 3512], [5802, 3516], [5814, 3516], [7318, 3516], [5758, 3520], [5718, 3524], [5754, 3528], [5750, 3532], [9002, 3764], [9006, 3772], [9002, 3776], [5894, 3844], [5898, 3848], [5898, 3852], [5902, 3880], [5906, 3884], [5906, 3888], [5946, 3896], [5930, 3904], [6786, 4300], [10459, 4319], [10451, 4327], [10459, 4331], [10455, 4343], [8534, 4380], [8530, 4388], [8542, 4388], [8090, 4964], [8078, 4968], [4516, 5236], [4512, 5244], [4516, 5260], [4532, 5268], [4568, 5268], [4528, 5272], [4536, 5272], [4536, 5276], [8910, 5328], [8914, 5332], [8894, 5336], [8906, 5344], [8922, 5352]]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2240329, 11, 0.12, 0.60); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2437710, 12, 0.10, 0.53); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; @@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ begin with Self.SilverRock do begin Setup(3, [[4754, 445], [4746, 453], [4754, 457], [4938, 841], [4946, 845], [4974, 857], [4970, 861], [4962, 865], [2418, 1596], [2418, 1600], [6138, 1636], [6134, 1640], [6142, 1640], [2478, 2504], [2534, 2508], [8102, 2968], [8102, 2984], [8098, 2988], [8606, 3192], [8606, 3196], [8574, 3232], [8570, 3244], [8566, 3248], [7162, 3284], [7150, 3288], [7166, 3288], [7158, 3296], [7150, 3300], [7158, 3308], [10443, 4315], [10451, 4319], [10443, 4323], [8054, 4956], [4516, 5276], [4548, 5288], [4556, 5296]]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(11053233, 13, 0.15, 0.19); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ begin with Self.CoalRock do begin Setup(3, [[6484, 300], [6484, 304], [6492, 308], [6544, 392], [6540, 396], [6528, 400], [6528, 436], [6552, 444], [6484, 448], [6492, 452], [6500, 460], [6508, 488], [6540, 500], [6492, 504], [6524, 504], [6508, 512], [6552, 512], [6480, 520], [6536, 520], [6524, 524], [6504, 528], [6456, 532], [6476, 532], [6544, 532], [6440, 536], [6492, 536], [6516, 536], [6500, 540], [6532, 540], [6448, 544], [6484, 544], [6552, 544], [6492, 548], [6444, 552], [6512, 552], [6536, 556], [6456, 560], [6484, 560], [6520, 560], [6476, 564], [6504, 564], [6540, 564], [6484, 568], [6492, 568], [6532, 568], [6496, 572], [6400, 596], [6444, 604], [6464, 608], [6396, 612], [6432, 612], [6476, 612], [6480, 616], [6512, 616], [6500, 620], [6436, 624], [6412, 628], [6496, 628], [6400, 632], [6432, 632], [6448, 632], [6428, 636], [6408, 640], [6472, 640], [6412, 644], [6444, 644], [7618, 648], [7630, 656], [7602, 664], [7622, 664], [8154, 676], [8162, 676], [8158, 680], [8094, 684], [8102, 684], [8154, 684], [8162, 684], [8098, 688], [8094, 692], [8102, 692], [8166, 716], [4922, 873], [4902, 877], [4914, 877], [9555, 992], [9563, 992], [9447, 996], [9599, 996], [9427, 1000], [9511, 1004], [9419, 1008], [9611, 1008], [9643, 1008], [9483, 1012], [9555, 1012], [1102, 1016], [1118, 1016], [9431, 1016], [9479, 1016], [9503, 1016], [9539, 1016], [9623, 1016], [9447, 1020], [9503, 1024], [9519, 1024], [9467, 1028], [9507, 1028], [9651, 1028], [9463, 1032], [9503, 1032], [9523, 1032], [9463, 1036], [9519, 1036], [1118, 1048], [9503, 1048], [1122, 1052], [1110, 1056], [1126, 1056], [1146, 1056], [1114, 1060], [1122, 1060], [1190, 1060], [1106, 1064], [1126, 1064], [1162, 1064], [1114, 1068], [1126, 1072], [1122, 1076], [1178, 1080], [1174, 1084], [1134, 1088], [1190, 1112], [1106, 1116], [1170, 1128], [1194, 1128], [1198, 1132], [1166, 1144], [1118, 1148], [1102, 1156], [1170, 1156], [1118, 1160], [1098, 1172], [1166, 1180], [1106, 1188], [1158, 1196], [522, 1200], [1154, 1208], [506, 1212], [518, 1216], [1106, 1216], [1142, 1216], [510, 1220], [1114, 1220], [1118, 1228], [1146, 1228], [1102, 1236], [1110, 1236], [1102, 1240], [1302, 1332], [1310, 1336], [1310, 1340], [1310, 1344], [1294, 1352], [7722, 1352], [7758, 1352], [1306, 1356], [7718, 1356], [7766, 1356], [7710, 1380], [7714, 1384], [7718, 1388], [7750, 1392], [7702, 1396], [7746, 1396], [7766, 1404], [7762, 1408], [7754, 1412], [7786, 1428], [7782, 1432], [4026, 1447], [4030, 1451], [7730, 1452], [7742, 1452], [7738, 1456], [4118, 1459], [4114, 1463], [3938, 1523], [3930, 1527], [3942, 1527], [3926, 1535], [3926, 1539], [3930, 1543], [6118, 1616], [6138, 1620], [6114, 1624], [6134, 1624], [6122, 1632], [6130, 1632], [6126, 1640], [1814, 1872], [1810, 1876], [1806, 1880], [1806, 1884], [7462, 2056], [7478, 2056], [7466, 2060], [7482, 2060], [7446, 2064], [7454, 2064], [7462, 2064], [7438, 2068], [7450, 2072], [7486, 2072], [7438, 2076], [7458, 2080], [7434, 2084], [7458, 2084], [7434, 2088], [7478, 2088], [7434, 2092], [7478, 2092], [7486, 2092], [7442, 2096], [7474, 2096], [7486, 2096], [7462, 2100], [7482, 2100], [7442, 2104], [7454, 2104], [7466, 2104], [7810, 2180], [7806, 2184], [7806, 2188], [5710, 2508], [5726, 2508], [5714, 2512], [5738, 2516], [5698, 2520], [5746, 2520], [5694, 2524], [5746, 2524], [5690, 2528], [5694, 2532], [5722, 2532], [5698, 2536], [5754, 2544], [5734, 2548], [5718, 2552], [7718, 2760], [7726, 2764], [7726, 2768], [7034, 2984], [7030, 2996], [6158, 3104], [6170, 3104], [6150, 3108], [6226, 3116], [6170, 3120], [6234, 3120], [6170, 3124], [6214, 3124], [6230, 3124], [6214, 3132], [6226, 3132], [6214, 3136], [8602, 3180], [8610, 3248], [8606, 3252], [6722, 3272], [6730, 3280], [6718, 3284], [6726, 3284], [6734, 3284], [6742, 3284], [6738, 3288], [6738, 3464], [6734, 3468], [6746, 3468], [5806, 3552], [5822, 3552], [5810, 3556], [5826, 3556], [9010, 3760], [8994, 3772], [9010, 3780], [7974, 3836], [7970, 3840], [7978, 3844], [7970, 3848], [7974, 3852], [7970, 3856], [5898, 3924], [6782, 4320], [10439, 4347], [10435, 4355], [10451, 4359], [10447, 4367], [8566, 4380], [8558, 4384], [8562, 4388], [8570, 4388], [8090, 4788], [4536, 5252], [4488, 5264], [4524, 5264], [4520, 5272], [4528, 5280], [4532, 5284], [8902, 5332], [8918, 5344], [8910, 5348]]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3158083, 6, 2.84, 0.38); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ begin [ //Bandit Camp Quarry [8050, 4792], [8058, 4796], [8062, 4796], [8062, 4800] ]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2253179, 17, 0.04, 0.35); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ begin [6674, 4457], [6679,4457], [6678, 4448], [6686, 4453], [6687, 4440], [6695, 4445], [6695, 4436] ]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7211376, 19, 0.02, 0.85); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ begin with Self.GoldRock do begin Setup(3, [[6536, 460], [4726, 461], [4746, 465], [4726, 469], [8122, 684], [8130, 684], [8126, 688], [8174, 716], [4930, 837], [4970, 837], [4958, 845], [4950, 849], [4950, 869], [4942, 873], [4046, 2768], [4058, 2768], [4042, 2772], [4062, 2772], [4042, 2788], [4058, 2788], [4054, 2792], [6838, 3296], [8570, 3296], [6842, 3300], [8570, 3300], [7146, 3328], [7166, 3328], [7166, 3332], [7146, 3336], [7150, 3344], [7162, 3344], [7294, 3512], [7302, 3516], [6330, 3540], [6318, 3544], [6318, 3548], [6318, 3552], [6334, 3552], [6330, 3556], [6358, 3828], [6366, 3840], [6374, 3848], [6362, 3852], [6378, 3852], [6378, 3856], [10435, 4311], [10451, 4311], [10423, 4319], [10431, 4319], [8686, 4940], [8690, 4944], [8678, 4948], [8690, 4952], [8682, 4960], [4524, 5240], [4552, 5248], [4500, 5284], [4544, 5300], [10260, 5624], [10268, 5628], [10272, 5632], [10276, 5640]]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3580597, 17, 0.02, 0.86); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ begin with Self.VolcanicSulphurRock do begin Setup(3, []); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); //Finder.Colors += CTS2(2044210, 9, 0.10, 0.85); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ begin [ // Bandit Camp Quarry [8054, 4816], [8054, 4812], [8054, 4808], [8062, 4804] ]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3630463, 26, 0.05, 0.37); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ begin with Self.MithrilRock do begin Setup(3, [[6484, 408], [6476, 416], [6544, 544], [6536, 548], [6548, 552], [6524, 568], [6472, 596], [6492, 596], [6508, 604], [6504, 608], [6468, 624], [6476, 628], [6524, 628], [6464, 636], [6500, 640], [6496, 644], [7614, 660], [7622, 672], [7630, 676], [7606, 680], [8174, 708], [9483, 1032], [9487, 1036], [1302, 1344], [7734, 1368], [7734, 1384], [7734, 1388], [7730, 1392], [7738, 1392], [7798, 1400], [7734, 1404], [7798, 1404], [7726, 1408], [7802, 1412], [7742, 1416], [7742, 1420], [7746, 1424], [7738, 1428], [2426, 1600], [6302, 1672], [6298, 1700], [246, 1816], [254, 1828], [250, 1832], [230, 1840], [238, 1844], [1798, 1908], [1794, 1912], [8610, 3228], [8614, 3232], [6722, 3260], [6678, 3460], [6674, 3464], [6682, 3472], [6682, 3480], [6002, 3768], [5958, 3840], [5910, 3860], [7970, 3860], [7966, 3864], [7970, 3868], [7978, 3868], [7986, 3872], [6798, 4324], [6798, 4328], [10427, 4343], [10427, 4351], [4564, 5256], [4568, 5264]]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6046016, 20, 0.04, 0.26); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ begin with Self.AdamantiteRock do begin Setup(3, [[6504, 404], [6504, 412], [6476, 444], [6496, 556], [6472, 572], [6520, 596], [6456, 600], [6480, 600], [6524, 600], [6492, 612], [6484, 636], [6512, 636], [6488, 648], [7614, 672], [8166, 708], [8162, 740], [8170, 740], [8166, 744], [8162, 748], [8170, 748], [4914, 901], [9491, 1020], [9487, 1044], [9507, 1044], [9491, 1048], [7694, 1408], [7698, 1412], [7694, 1420], [7706, 1424], [7722, 1428], [7726, 1432], [238, 1820], [234, 1824], [242, 1832], [246, 1840], [1794, 1900], [8586, 3180], [6742, 3472], [6742, 3476], [4510, 3804], [4502, 3808], [4510, 3812], [4514, 3820], [7986, 3860], [7982, 3864], [6782, 4308], [8914, 5356]]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4214847, 21, 0.06, 0.19); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ begin with Self.RuniteRock do begin Setup(3, [[6552, 600], [6560, 616], [7298, 700], [7250, 716], [7186, 792], [4910, 873], [4922, 901], [7630, 908], [7634, 912], [9523, 1028], [9515, 1040], [3938, 1535], [4514, 3808], [4506, 3824]]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(8091471, 26, 0.08, 0.33); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; @@ -728,20 +728,20 @@ begin [6438, 687], [6450, 687], [6438, 682], [6451, 682], [6446, 675], [6446, 671] ]); - Setup(['ine Roc']); + SetupUpText(['ine Roc']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7035284, 24, 0.20, 0.47); Finder.MinShortSide := 20; end; with Self.MLMRockFall do begin - Setup(['Rockfall']); + SetupUpText(['Rockfall']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1790047, 11, 0.05, 0.52); end; with Self.MLMOre do begin - Setup(['Ore', 'vein']); + SetupUpText(['Ore', 'vein']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(11382198, 10, 0.17, 0.20); Finder.Colors += CTS2(8355976, 2, 1.58, 0.08); Finder.Colors += CTS2(8092803, 6, 0.41, 0.14); @@ -750,73 +750,73 @@ begin with Self.MLMDarkTunnel do begin Setup(7, [[7675, 4710], [7689, 4707]]); - Setup(['Dark', 'tunnel']); + SetupUpText(['Dark', 'tunnel']); Filter.Finder := False; end; with Self.MLMLadder do begin Setup(10, [[7654, 4693]]); - Setup(['Ladder']); + SetupUpText(['Ladder']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4412510, 13, 0.07, 0.16); end; with Self.MLMHopper do begin Setup(4, [[7626, 4700]]); - Setup(['Hopper']); + SetupUpText(['Hopper']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4938075, 21, 0.17, 0.44); end; with Self.MLMWheel do begin - Setup(['']); + SetupUpText(['']); Filter.Finder := False; end; with Self.MLMBrokenStrut do begin - Setup(['Broken', 'strut']); + SetupUpText(['Broken', 'strut']); end; with Self.MLMSack do begin Setup(3, [[7626, 4754]]); - Setup(['Search', 'Sack']); + SetupUpText(['Search', 'Sack']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(931142, 9, 0.21, 4.32); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4610403, 15, 0.07, 0.11); end; with Self.MLMBank do begin - Setup(['Bank chest']); + SetupUpText(['Bank chest']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4278105, 25, 0.17, 0.58); end; with Self.DepositBoxRegular do begin Setup(7, [[6387, 619], [4392, 1272], [2617, 1319], [1525, 1495], [1897, 1511], [9574, 1815], [401, 2175], [6777, 2303], [7785, 2451], [8089, 2475], [9429, 2551], [6617, 2691], [8113, 2715], [5745, 2783], [7165, 2975], [7465, 3015], [5841, 3115], [6009, 3327], [8933, 3359], [7769, 3487], [4793, 3799], [6049, 3811], [8629, 3951], [10030, 3978], [5837, 4095], [6801, 4643], [6254, 4692], [9109, 4871], [10451, 5352]]); - Setup(['Bank de', 'deposit', 'box']); + SetupUpText(['Bank de', 'deposit', 'box']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6322053, 10, 0.11, 0.77); end; with Self.DepositBoxWood do begin Setup(7, [[341, 1431], [409, 1499], [2405, 2075], [3891, 2124], [5541, 2159], [4035, 2296], [2201, 2351], [6313, 2479], [4201, 2811], [4587, 4995], [5669, 4999], [8029, 5111]]); - Setup(['Bank de', 'deposit', 'box']); + SetupUpText(['Bank de', 'deposit', 'box']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6322053, 10, 0.11, 0.77); end; with Self.DepositBoxWintertodt do begin Setup(7, [[1937, 667]]); - Setup(['Bank de', 'deposit', 'box']); + SetupUpText(['Bank de', 'deposit', 'box']); end; with Self.BanditCampQuarryGrinder do begin SetupEx([2, 3.5, 7], [[7996, 4813]]); - Setup(['Grin', 'der']); + SetupUpText(['Grin', 'der']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4346725, 19, 0.17, 0.32); Finder.Colors += CTS2(8634567, 18, 0.11, 0.88); Finder.Colors += CTS2(8109251, 20, 0.09, 0.75); @@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ begin [8496, 2516], [8487, 2523], [8496, 2541], [8491, 2552], [8509, 2541], [8511, 2556], [8527, 2552], [8527, 2532] ]); - Setup(['own Tree']); + SetupUpText(['own Tree']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(599320, 9, 1.14, 5.31); Finder.MinShortSide := 30; end; @@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ begin with Self.OakTree do begin Setup(3, 12, [[274, 1348], [290, 1376], [270, 1408], [446, 1424], [638, 1424], [466, 1440], [250, 1452], [782, 1456], [794, 1484], [258, 1488], [242, 1504], [282, 1504], [494, 1504], [742, 1520], [782, 1540], [746, 1544], [618, 1564], [710, 1568], [794, 1572], [658, 1580], [414, 1584], [490, 1584], [746, 1584], [302, 1596], [350, 1596], [370, 1612], [338, 1620], [414, 1628], [666, 1640], [694, 1644], [302, 1648], [646, 1656], [430, 1660], [534, 1660], [590, 1660], [274, 1676], [418, 1676], [2202, 1684], [2290, 1684], [2318, 1692], [250, 1696], [2178, 1696], [2250, 1696], [2214, 1704], [2390, 1716], [434, 1724], [2334, 1732], [450, 1736], [2210, 1740], [2298, 1740], [1066, 1744], [2178, 1744], [258, 1752], [442, 1752], [330, 1760], [362, 1764], [6350, 1780], [2502, 1788], [2290, 1792], [2458, 1792], [6250, 1792], [318, 1796], [2246, 1796], [2342, 1796], [2210, 1800], [2310, 1804], [2414, 1804], [2450, 1804], [2522, 1808], [406, 1812], [2274, 1812], [2398, 1812], [426, 1816], [1690, 1816], [2506, 1816], [6382, 1816], [2186, 1820], [6210, 1828], [2262, 1836], [6278, 1836], [6326, 1840], [6202, 1844], [6242, 1848], [2198, 1852], [2226, 1852], [2322, 1852], [6350, 1852], [6390, 1852], [2398, 1856], [2246, 1860], [6226, 1884], [2534, 1888], [6302, 1896], [2174, 1900], [6410, 1904], [1922, 1908], [1134, 1912], [2014, 1912], [6186, 1912], [2506, 1916], [5950, 1924], [2198, 1928], [5906, 1928], [6342, 1932], [2090, 1936], [6122, 1940], [2458, 1944], [5878, 1944], [6290, 1948], [2122, 1952], [2422, 1952], [4870, 1952], [2546, 1960], [5974, 1960], [6386, 1960], [2322, 1964], [4730, 1964], [5950, 1964], [6170, 1968], [2298, 1972], [5918, 1972], [6090, 1972], [6138, 1972], [6218, 1972], [2214, 1976], [5974, 1976], [6002, 1976], [5874, 1980], [2070, 1984], [2158, 1984], [2274, 1984], [2330, 1984], [6082, 1984], [1890, 1988], [2478, 1988], [2542, 1992], [6106, 1992], [4818, 1996], [6142, 2000], [1998, 2004], [5934, 2004], [6246, 2004], [6286, 2004], [2330, 2008], [6118, 2008], [2282, 2016], [5902, 2016], [6218, 2016], [2094, 2024], [2126, 2024], [2326, 2028], [6082, 2028], [6374, 2028], [2210, 2032], [2378, 2032], [5982, 2032], [6178, 2032], [2166, 2036], [4746, 2036], [2614, 2040], [6306, 2044], [2342, 2048], [2402, 2048], [6422, 2048], [1946, 2052], [2214, 2060], [2290, 2060], [2310, 2064], [6378, 2064], [2054, 2072], [2226, 2076], [2334, 2076], [6062, 2080], [6026, 2088], [4822, 2096], [4962, 2096], [2290, 2108], [2334, 2112], [2262, 2116], [2310, 2120], [2570, 2120], [2522, 2124], [4890, 2128], [2438, 2136], [4974, 2136], [1854, 2144], [2598, 2144], [2030, 2148], [2286, 2164], [6022, 2180], [2330, 2188], [6046, 2196], [2382, 2200], [2754, 2200], [5482, 2204], [5466, 2216], [6158, 2220], [2082, 2224], [2058, 2228], [2730, 2228], [5518, 2232], [4826, 2236], [2030, 2240], [4870, 2240], [6122, 2240], [1954, 2248], [2758, 2248], [7518, 2256], [1930, 2264], [5110, 2268], [1954, 2272], [5150, 2284], [7438, 2288], [1930, 2292], [1974, 2296], [1946, 2300], [5154, 2300], [7466, 2300], [2406, 2304], [7802, 2304], [7438, 2308], [5258, 2312], [7566, 2312], [2030, 2320], [5110, 2320], [5194, 2320], [5246, 2324], [5390, 2324], [2322, 2328], [4958, 2328], [5142, 2332], [5210, 2332], [7314, 2332], [5154, 2336], [5198, 2336], [7722, 2336], [8266, 2336], [8462, 2336], [1894, 2340], [1982, 2340], [7858, 2340], [8234, 2340], [1934, 2344], [5014, 2344], [5318, 2344], [7438, 2344], [7594, 2344], [2042, 2348], [5238, 2348], [5266, 2348], [7502, 2348], [5282, 2356], [1966, 2360], [2354, 2360], [2702, 2360], [5226, 2360], [5214, 2364], [1890, 2368], [2570, 2368], [4694, 2376], [4778, 2376], [5566, 2376], [8290, 2380], [4922, 2384], [1854, 2388], [1930, 2388], [1986, 2388], [4726, 2392], [4750, 2392], [4802, 2400], [5014, 2400], [1430, 2408], [1866, 2408], [2582, 2408], [1898, 2412], [2414, 2412], [5306, 2412], [8358, 2412], [1386, 2416], [2030, 2416], [8470, 2416], [1310, 2420], [5226, 2420], [1862, 2424], [5894, 2424], [5966, 2424], [6102, 2424], [7102, 2424], [1878, 2428], [5010, 2428], [6042, 2428], [2386, 2432], [5050, 2432], [8350, 2432], [5990, 2436], [6070, 2436], [6086, 2440], [6246, 2440], [2294, 2444], [2438, 2444], [4938, 2444], [5946, 2444], [2074, 2448], [5514, 2448], [5902, 2448], [6058, 2448], [5026, 2452], [6094, 2452], [7106, 2452], [7122, 2452], [1374, 2456], [4914, 2456], [5998, 2460], [1510, 2464], [2266, 2464], [5978, 2464], [7054, 2464], [7066, 2464], [8682, 2464], [2038, 2468], [2430, 2468], [5106, 2472], [5170, 2472], [5206, 2472], [5306, 2472], [5926, 2472], [6070, 2472], [8558, 2472], [1514, 2476], [5946, 2476], [6050, 2476], [7058, 2476], [1626, 2480], [4814, 2480], [5878, 2480], [5998, 2480], [6102, 2480], [6326, 2480], [7046, 2480], [5894, 2484], [5966, 2488], [6086, 2492], [8554, 2492], [8574, 2492], [2006, 2496], [2450, 2500], [6014, 2500], [6054, 2500], [6206, 2500], [5974, 2504], [6094, 2504], [5938, 2508], [6334, 2508], [8570, 2508], [1338, 2512], [1954, 2512], [5238, 2512], [5342, 2512], [1454, 2516], [1978, 2520], [2430, 2520], [5098, 2520], [5510, 2520], [6274, 2520], [6022, 2524], [6174, 2524], [6198, 2524], [8698, 2524], [5870, 2528], [6006, 2528], [8502, 2528], [1626, 2532], [5954, 2532], [5982, 2532], [6278, 2532], [1366, 2536], [4938, 2536], [5818, 2536], [5882, 2540], [5894, 2540], [6062, 2540], [5030, 2544], [6134, 2544], [8482, 2544], [8526, 2544], [2674, 2548], [5922, 2548], [6030, 2548], [6086, 2548], [8466, 2548], [6046, 2552], [6070, 2552], [1842, 2560], [5870, 2560], [5962, 2560], [6162, 2560], [7922, 2560], [4874, 2564], [5906, 2564], [5942, 2564], [6070, 2564], [7062, 2564], [1662, 2568], [5646, 2568], [6026, 2568], [6458, 2568], [7126, 2568], [8502, 2568], [8630, 2568], [1478, 2572], [1566, 2572], [4990, 2572], [6062, 2576], [6438, 2576], [5662, 2580], [8602, 2580], [1754, 2588], [5018, 2588], [5102, 2588], [6414, 2588], [6470, 2588], [5978, 2592], [6094, 2592], [6426, 2592], [6590, 2592], [4894, 2596], [5586, 2596], [5946, 2596], [6370, 2596], [8166, 2596], [734, 2600], [6462, 2600], [1398, 2604], [6018, 2604], [6066, 2604], [8154, 2604], [8634, 2608], [5598, 2612], [6126, 2612], [6490, 2612], [8174, 2616], [5070, 2620], [6454, 2620], [7850, 2620], [4822, 2632], [6446, 2632], [5598, 2636], [6138, 2636], [6514, 2636], [5082, 2640], [5266, 2640], [6102, 2640], [1634, 2644], [5218, 2644], [5646, 2644], [5686, 2644], [5562, 2648], [5674, 2648], [5706, 2648], [6298, 2648], [6546, 2648], [1934, 2652], [6522, 2652], [8750, 2652], [4842, 2656], [6286, 2656], [6470, 2656], [1562, 2660], [6270, 2660], [6494, 2660], [5714, 2664], [6014, 2664], [6590, 2664], [6298, 2668], [6570, 2668], [6918, 2668], [1802, 2672], [5022, 2672], [5274, 2672], [6110, 2672], [6490, 2672], [6542, 2672], [8662, 2672], [4974, 2676], [5218, 2676], [1938, 2680], [6170, 2680], [7102, 2680], [5202, 2684], [5718, 2684], [5058, 2688], [5154, 2688], [8642, 2688], [1506, 2692], [4994, 2692], [5706, 2692], [6538, 2696], [7902, 2696], [5262, 2700], [5590, 2700], [6186, 2700], [8502, 2700], [8618, 2700], [5978, 2704], [5222, 2708], [5618, 2708], [8290, 2708], [1630, 2712], [5382, 2712], [5650, 2712], [6542, 2712], [5574, 2716], [6174, 2716], [7922, 2716], [8642, 2716], [5698, 2720], [5646, 2724], [5686, 2724], [6162, 2724], [8514, 2724], [1458, 2728], [5218, 2728], [1822, 2732], [4846, 2732], [6194, 2732], [7878, 2732], [1618, 2736], [1850, 2736], [6170, 2736], [8598, 2736], [5622, 2740], [1538, 2744], [4818, 2744], [5010, 2748], [8522, 2748], [1498, 2752], [5066, 2752], [5142, 2752], [5366, 2752], [6322, 2752], [4890, 2756], [6294, 2760], [5570, 2764], [7382, 2764], [8066, 2764], [4858, 2768], [5258, 2768], [5370, 2768], [7438, 2768], [1814, 2772], [8630, 2772], [6918, 2776], [5098, 2780], [5206, 2780], [6274, 2780], [6290, 2780], [8042, 2780], [8526, 2780], [8602, 2780], [5618, 2784], [5982, 2784], [6126, 2784], [4878, 2788], [6222, 2788], [8510, 2788], [5394, 2792], [6198, 2792], [7942, 2792], [4822, 2796], [6178, 2796], [5194, 2800], [5582, 2800], [6134, 2800], [7474, 2800], [8058, 2800], [5070, 2804], [5362, 2804], [6226, 2804], [7782, 2804], [1798, 2808], [5438, 2808], [6018, 2808], [7438, 2808], [7862, 2808], [8634, 2808], [5246, 2812], [5406, 2812], [6246, 2812], [7198, 2812], [7798, 2812], [4886, 2816], [5146, 2816], [5966, 2816], [7890, 2816], [6030, 2820], [4902, 2824], [1510, 2828], [5654, 2828], [7478, 2828], [5258, 2832], [5394, 2832], [5598, 2832], [6166, 2832], [6242, 2832], [7966, 2832], [4898, 2836], [5286, 2836], [7862, 2836], [4942, 2840], [4978, 2840], [5314, 2840], [4930, 2844], [5186, 2844], [5422, 2848], [5982, 2848], [6054, 2848], [6174, 2848], [6230, 2848], [7186, 2848], [4986, 2852], [5214, 2852], [6278, 2852], [7642, 2852], [4838, 2856], [4870, 2856], [7214, 2856], [6006, 2860], [6026, 2860], [7506, 2860], [7970, 2860], [4926, 2864], [5466, 2864], [6290, 2864], [4970, 2868], [4986, 2868], [5026, 2868], [5158, 2868], [5962, 2872], [6018, 2872], [5258, 2876], [5074, 2884], [5546, 2888], [7310, 2888], [5530, 2892], [6094, 2892], [6134, 2892], [8066, 2892], [4990, 2896], [4898, 2900], [4942, 2900], [5990, 2900], [6250, 2900], [6114, 2904], [8642, 2904], [5074, 2908], [5198, 2908], [6006, 2908], [6042, 2908], [8626, 2908], [5090, 2912], [5150, 2912], [6030, 2912], [6370, 2912], [8058, 2912], [5390, 2916], [6806, 2916], [7678, 2916], [8622, 2920], [4918, 2924], [4942, 2924], [5098, 2924], [6162, 2924], [5034, 2928], [5150, 2928], [5186, 2928], [4874, 2932], [4986, 2932], [5218, 2932], [5718, 2932], [6730, 2932], [4890, 2936], [5202, 2936], [6170, 2936], [5902, 2940], [5390, 2944], [5558, 2944], [6230, 2944], [5074, 2948], [6114, 2948], [5914, 2952], [6198, 2952], [4966, 2956], [5030, 2956], [5198, 2956], [5574, 2956], [6238, 2956], [5086, 2960], [6122, 2960], [5130, 2964], [7510, 2964], [7678, 2964], [8202, 2964], [8258, 2964], [5142, 2968], [5214, 2968], [5566, 2968], [4982, 2972], [5234, 2972], [7086, 2972], [7126, 2972], [8230, 2972], [8398, 2972], [5186, 2976], [5274, 2976], [8206, 2976], [8218, 2976], [5014, 2980], [5150, 2980], [7106, 2980], [7398, 2980], [7622, 2980], [5090, 2984], [5582, 2984], [8426, 2984], [5362, 2988], [6046, 2988], [7326, 2988], [8198, 2988], [8230, 2988], [8250, 2992], [4958, 2996], [5038, 2996], [8210, 2996], [8394, 2996], [5070, 3000], [5166, 3000], [5550, 3000], [6186, 3000], [6050, 3004], [6198, 3004], [8366, 3004], [8410, 3004], [8886, 3004], [7662, 3008], [5010, 3012], [5406, 3012], [6086, 3012], [8226, 3012], [5034, 3016], [5522, 3016], [5586, 3016], [5898, 3016], [5066, 3020], [5210, 3020], [5622, 3020], [6262, 3020], [8774, 3020], [5570, 3028], [6170, 3028], [5390, 3032], [5442, 3032], [8598, 3032], [7046, 3036], [5214, 3040], [5434, 3040], [5622, 3040], [5702, 3040], [7654, 3040], [8854, 3040], [5746, 3044], [6266, 3044], [5602, 3048], [8082, 3048], [5262, 3052], [6278, 3052], [5286, 3056], [5322, 3056], [7666, 3056], [5158, 3060], [5826, 3060], [5922, 3060], [6230, 3060], [8570, 3060], [5534, 3064], [6110, 3064], [5262, 3068], [5690, 3068], [7102, 3068], [8426, 3068], [5442, 3072], [5654, 3072], [6250, 3072], [5522, 3076], [5670, 3076], [6814, 3076], [5562, 3080], [7618, 3080], [7654, 3080], [8442, 3080], [8526, 3080], [5170, 3084], [6126, 3084], [6246, 3084], [6322, 3084], [6686, 3084], [8566, 3084], [8754, 3084], [5658, 3088], [5814, 3092], [6090, 3092], [6106, 3092], [6198, 3092], [8578, 3092], [6182, 3096], [6670, 3096], [7670, 3096], [8538, 3096], [6030, 3100], [5222, 3104], [6102, 3104], [7126, 3104], [7614, 3104], [8406, 3104], [8594, 3104], [8746, 3108], [7658, 3112], [8322, 3112], [5918, 3116], [6802, 3116], [7558, 3116], [8558, 3116], [6002, 3124], [7950, 3140], [5642, 3144], [6030, 3144], [8162, 3144], [5806, 3152], [7622, 3156], [8186, 3156], [6166, 3164], [6226, 3164], [7638, 3164], [6238, 3172], [5814, 3180], [7442, 3180], [7646, 3184], [5750, 3188], [6134, 3188], [7194, 3188], [7586, 3188], [7602, 3188], [6118, 3192], [6186, 3192], [7406, 3192], [7582, 3200], [7642, 3200], [6174, 3204], [7406, 3208], [7482, 3212], [6126, 3216], [7198, 3216], [7150, 3224], [7394, 3224], [7122, 3228], [5910, 3232], [5810, 3236], [7646, 3236], [7830, 3236], [8158, 3236], [6198, 3240], [7126, 3240], [7710, 3240], [7154, 3244], [7430, 3244], [7730, 3244], [8434, 3244], [6114, 3248], [6182, 3248], [7110, 3248], [7326, 3256], [7406, 3256], [7806, 3256], [7726, 3264], [6098, 3268], [7722, 3280], [6126, 3284], [7298, 3284], [7790, 3284], [7818, 3284], [5642, 3292], [7782, 3296], [7802, 3300], [7394, 3308], [7346, 3312], [7822, 3316], [7318, 3328], [5730, 3332], [7554, 3332], [7294, 3340], [7462, 3340], [5722, 3344], [7178, 3348], [7518, 3348], [8338, 3348], [7538, 3352], [5366, 3356], [7486, 3356], [5722, 3364], [7162, 3364], [8390, 3364], [7314, 3376], [7622, 3376], [8310, 3380], [7154, 3384], [7562, 3384], [8222, 3392], [5710, 3400], [7162, 3400], [7622, 3400], [7386, 3408], [8058, 3408], [5870, 3412], [7542, 3412], [8002, 3412], [7874, 3420], [7394, 3424], [7914, 3424], [7894, 3428], [7678, 3432], [8362, 3432], [5930, 3436], [7858, 3444], [5830, 3448], [5906, 3448], [7822, 3456], [8150, 3456], [7870, 3460], [8210, 3460], [5822, 3468], [7806, 3476], [7998, 3476], [6022, 3488], [7854, 3488], [8214, 3488], [8406, 3496], [5834, 3500], [7202, 3504], [7098, 3508], [7210, 3516], [5930, 3520], [6030, 3520], [7854, 3520], [5370, 3524], [5914, 3524], [7226, 3524], [6018, 3528], [8058, 3532], [5930, 3536], [5942, 3536], [5878, 3544], [7182, 3544], [7862, 3544], [7994, 3544], [5938, 3548], [5362, 3552], [8438, 3552], [5386, 3564], [5938, 3564], [7314, 3564], [5726, 3568], [5674, 3572], [7990, 3572], [7438, 3580], [5622, 3584], [7786, 3588], [7854, 3588], [7914, 3588], [7054, 3592], [8166, 3592], [7902, 3596], [5398, 3616], [5686, 3616], [5714, 3616], [7334, 3620], [5310, 3624], [7322, 3624], [8270, 3624], [5910, 3628], [5190, 3632], [5734, 3632], [7338, 3632], [5270, 3636], [5614, 3636], [5674, 3636], [7302, 3640], [5414, 3644], [5902, 3648], [5406, 3656], [5266, 3660], [5874, 3660], [7214, 3660], [5282, 3668], [5642, 3676], [5190, 3704], [5734, 3704], [5514, 3708], [5670, 3720], [5186, 3724], [5386, 3732], [5158, 3740], [5370, 3748], [5626, 3752], [7494, 3760], [5366, 3764], [7466, 3764], [5198, 3772], [5226, 3804], [5114, 3820], [5110, 3832], [5098, 3844], [5182, 3844], [5366, 3844], [7814, 3844], [5134, 3852], [5102, 3856], [5094, 3880], [5326, 3880], [5346, 3884], [5082, 3888], [5106, 3900], [5526, 3900], [5218, 3912], [5490, 3912], [5382, 3916], [5430, 3920], [5534, 3924], [5838, 3924], [7738, 3924], [7750, 3928], [5274, 3932], [5622, 3932], [5738, 3932], [7774, 3932], [7946, 3932], [5242, 3936], [5326, 3936], [5498, 3936], [5526, 3936], [5786, 3936], [5314, 3940], [10191, 3947], [5874, 3948], [5854, 3952], [5770, 3956], [10203, 3963], [5350, 3964], [5478, 3964], [5510, 3964], [5870, 3964], [5206, 3968], [5918, 3972], [5310, 3976], [5546, 3976], [7914, 3980], [10143, 3987], [5210, 3992], [5510, 3992], [5854, 3992], [7966, 3996], [10463, 3999], [5246, 4000], [5314, 4000], [7794, 4008], [7858, 4008], [7978, 4008], [7966, 4012], [5342, 4016], [5898, 4016], [7694, 4016], [7978, 4020], [5242, 4024], [5882, 4024], [5334, 4028], [5622, 4028], [7926, 4028], [5506, 4032], [7666, 4032], [5258, 4036], [7790, 4036], [7986, 4036], [5278, 4040], [5574, 4040], [5246, 4056], [7914, 4056], [5342, 4060], [7766, 4060], [5698, 4064], [5266, 4068], [7774, 4072], [7978, 4072], [7878, 4080], [7898, 4080], [10399, 4083], [7986, 4084], [5246, 4092], [7906, 4096], [5262, 4104], [7874, 4108], [8038, 4108], [7762, 4112], [7802, 4112], [5698, 4120], [5914, 4124], [7746, 4128], [7834, 4128], [10403, 4135], [5754, 4136], [8034, 4136], [10451, 4139], [7838, 4140], [7910, 4140], [7970, 4140], [7706, 4144], [7902, 4152], [7662, 4156], [7826, 4156], [7874, 4156], [5238, 4168], [7794, 4168], [7782, 4172], [5554, 4176], [5694, 4176], [5774, 4180], [7654, 4180], [7666, 4188], [7770, 4188], [5766, 4196], [5154, 4204], [7602, 4204], [5718, 4212], [7594, 4212], [7606, 4220], [5150, 4256], [5126, 4272], [5154, 4296], [7758, 4296], [7850, 4320], [7774, 4332], [7830, 4400], [5830, 4428], [5874, 4428], [5802, 4432], [5866, 4440], [5802, 4460], [5814, 4464], [5494, 4576], [5670, 4576], [5574, 4592]]); - Setup(['own Oak']); + SetupUpText(['own Oak']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(599320, 9, 1.14, 5.31); Finder.MinShortSide := 30; end; @@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ begin with Self.WillowTree do begin Setup(12, [[684, 1486], [584, 1518], [720, 1518], [616, 1550], [632, 1554], [680, 1554], [648, 1562], [512, 1658], [508, 1666], [644, 1666], [300, 1670], [624, 1670], [524, 1674], [2356, 1674], [292, 1678], [344, 1678], [536, 1682], [592, 1682], [604, 1682], [2352, 1690], [336, 1710], [2340, 1714], [324, 1718], [2368, 1722], [320, 1726], [2376, 1734], [284, 1742], [2360, 1746], [2388, 1794], [2356, 1806], [2384, 1810], [2348, 1818], [2372, 1818], [2340, 1830], [2372, 1838], [2348, 1854], [2324, 1890], [2336, 1910], [2352, 1910], [2580, 1942], [2584, 1950], [2592, 1958], [5460, 2122], [5472, 2122], [5464, 2130], [5468, 2138], [6384, 2174], [5460, 2178], [5448, 2206], [5444, 2214], [5432, 2226], [5272, 2274], [5280, 2294], [5344, 2294], [5308, 2302], [5324, 2302], [5344, 2302], [5336, 2306], [6184, 2314], [6196, 2314], [5308, 2318], [6168, 2318], [6180, 2322], [2608, 2326], [6160, 2330], [2596, 2334], [2636, 2338], [2588, 2346], [2652, 2346], [2668, 2346], [2588, 2358], [2636, 2358], [2652, 2358], [2668, 2358], [2604, 2366], [2620, 2366], [6228, 2394], [5656, 2398], [5664, 2402], [6240, 2402], [6232, 2406], [6244, 2414], [5836, 2422], [6212, 2422], [5828, 2426], [6272, 2426], [5836, 2430], [5712, 2434], [5740, 2434], [5828, 2434], [5816, 2438], [5732, 2442], [5752, 2442], [5704, 2450], [5808, 2450], [1960, 2454], [5692, 2454], [5712, 2454], [5764, 2454], [5816, 2454], [1908, 2458], [5704, 2458], [7860, 2458], [5748, 2462], [1948, 2466], [5740, 2466], [1912, 2470], [5684, 2470], [1924, 2478], [1940, 2478], [1912, 2482], [7840, 2498], [5424, 2510], [2008, 2542], [2012, 2550], [2024, 2550], [2000, 2558], [1988, 2562], [1984, 2578], [1968, 2642], [1972, 2650], [4924, 2654], [4896, 2666], [1980, 2670], [1972, 2678], [1960, 2682], [1916, 2690], [1952, 2690], [4956, 2690], [1908, 2694], [1892, 2710], [4932, 2714], [5924, 2718], [4932, 2730], [4960, 2730], [6540, 2730], [1868, 2734], [6480, 2738], [6520, 2738], [1884, 2742], [6468, 2742], [6528, 2742], [1832, 2746], [1860, 2746], [4964, 2750], [1820, 2754], [7072, 2770], [4980, 2774], [1824, 2790], [7092, 2790], [7096, 2798], [5920, 2802], [7032, 2802], [1820, 2806], [5028, 2806], [5908, 2814], [5924, 2814], [7084, 2814], [4980, 2818], [7072, 2818], [5904, 2822], [5912, 2822], [7012, 2822], [5360, 2826], [7068, 2826], [7080, 2826], [7112, 2826], [7000, 2830], [6988, 2834], [7068, 2834], [5904, 2838], [5896, 2842], [7008, 2842], [7076, 2842], [7088, 2842], [5916, 2846], [7084, 2850], [7096, 2850], [5900, 2858], [7004, 2858], [5892, 2870], [7008, 2874], [6828, 2894], [5568, 2898], [6720, 2898], [6740, 2898], [6748, 2898], [6840, 2898], [6732, 2902], [6852, 2902], [5580, 2906], [6844, 2906], [6724, 2910], [6860, 2910], [8920, 2918], [5604, 2938], [6368, 2938], [6376, 2942], [5608, 2950], [6368, 2950], [6968, 2954], [6956, 2962], [5644, 2966], [6948, 2970], [6968, 2974], [6952, 2978], [5704, 2986], [6956, 2986], [6744, 2990], [6752, 2994], [6776, 2994], [6792, 2994], [6764, 2998], [6956, 3002], [5708, 3014], [8208, 3018], [8244, 3022], [6736, 3026], [6960, 3030], [8416, 3034], [6368, 3042], [6932, 3042], [8428, 3042], [8068, 3046], [6928, 3050], [6936, 3058], [6364, 3066], [6284, 3142], [6252, 3146], [6268, 3150], [6260, 3154], [6276, 3154], [6268, 3158], [6260, 3162], [5804, 3170], [6264, 3174], [6264, 3190], [5784, 3194], [8276, 3214], [8276, 3226], [7040, 3230], [7048, 3230], [6224, 3238], [6248, 3238], [7044, 3238], [8280, 3242], [6232, 3246], [6208, 3250], [7052, 3250], [7060, 3250], [7056, 3258], [7080, 3258], [7076, 3266], [6192, 3270], [6184, 3274], [6188, 3282], [8104, 3350], [8064, 3358], [8048, 3366], [8108, 3366], [8044, 3378], [8056, 3386], [5940, 3406], [5936, 3414], [7624, 3430], [7640, 3430], [5948, 3434], [7644, 3438], [7624, 3442], [6056, 3446], [5964, 3450], [8328, 3470], [6032, 3474], [5948, 3482], [6096, 3486], [5944, 3490], [7728, 3498], [8336, 3498], [5968, 3502], [7736, 3506], [7748, 3510], [7744, 3522], [6092, 3534], [6076, 3538], [7748, 3538], [6084, 3542], [5348, 3594], [5376, 3594], [5360, 3598], [5344, 3606], [5360, 3606], [5352, 3610], [5336, 3626], [5324, 3638], [5332, 3642], [7260, 3650], [7240, 3658], [7288, 3666], [7240, 3670], [7248, 3670], [7268, 3674], [7276, 3674], [7268, 3682], [5336, 3686], [7356, 3690], [7344, 3694], [7344, 3702], [5300, 3706], [5344, 3710], [7356, 3710], [5328, 3730], [5336, 3730], [5320, 3738], [5328, 3738], [7504, 3742], [5328, 3750], [7476, 3750], [5320, 3754], [7508, 3754], [7428, 3758], [7448, 3762], [7380, 3770], [7400, 3774], [7504, 3774], [7388, 3778], [7460, 3778], [7484, 3782], [5324, 3786], [7392, 3790], [5332, 3794], [7416, 3794], [5324, 3798], [7428, 3806], [5312, 3810], [5312, 3838], [5304, 3846], [5312, 3846], [5256, 3890], [5232, 3898], [5264, 3898], [5208, 3914], [5200, 3918], [5212, 3922], [5188, 3966], [5168, 3978], [5856, 4178], [5844, 4190], [5820, 4210], [5824, 4218], [5812, 4230], [5992, 4458], [6004, 4606], [5988, 4630], [5996, 4630], [5984, 4638]]); - Setup(['own Wil']); + SetupUpText(['own Wil']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(4411471, 19, 0.14, 0.30), CTS2(5204331, 17, 0.31, 0.71), 40]; Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(4411471, 19, 0.14, 0.30), CTS2(1123107, 8, 0.71, 3.84), 40]; Finder.ClusterDistance := 10; @@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ begin with Self.TeakTree do begin Setup(12, [[10191, 1488], [10099, 1520], [4092, 2049], [4100, 2053], [4100, 2061], [6686, 4096], [6702, 4096], [6694, 4100], [6702, 4108], [6698, 4112], [6706, 4120], [6702, 4128], [6706, 4132], [6682, 4136], [9434, 4156], [4734, 4256], [4496, 4472], [4488, 4480], [4488, 4488], [6742, 4804], [6742, 4820], [6734, 4828], [6990, 4844], [6978, 4860], [9138, 5288], [9154, 5288], [9162, 5292], [9166, 5300], [9154, 5304], [6229, 5363], [6229, 5371], [6241, 5371]]); - Setup(['own Tea']); + SetupUpText(['own Tea']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5214845, 18, 0.03, 0.43); Finder.MinShortSide := 30; end; @@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ begin with Self.MapleTree do begin Setup(9, [[560, 1426], [568, 1438], [552, 1442], [580, 1446], [560, 1454], [324, 1626], [308, 1630], [336, 1638], [316, 1642], [328, 1650], [1636, 1894], [1632, 1902], [1644, 1902], [1660, 1902], [1668, 1906], [1656, 1910], [1636, 1922], [1648, 1926], [1640, 1930], [6156, 2066], [5764, 2074], [1948, 2082], [2016, 2082], [6228, 2082], [1992, 2086], [1960, 2090], [6192, 2090], [6284, 2090], [1940, 2094], [2004, 2094], [6164, 2094], [6252, 2098], [2020, 2102], [6216, 2102], [6328, 2102], [1936, 2106], [1960, 2106], [1992, 2106], [6300, 2106], [1948, 2110], [2008, 2110], [6256, 2122], [6244, 2134], [6288, 2158], [6236, 2166], [6292, 2170], [6136, 2182], [6240, 2182], [6300, 2182], [6228, 2186], [6288, 2186], [6148, 2194], [6260, 2194], [6284, 2194], [6300, 2198], [6128, 2202], [6236, 2202], [6284, 2202], [6164, 2210], [6096, 2214], [6292, 2214], [6148, 2222], [6264, 2222], [6180, 2226], [6072, 2230], [6080, 2230], [6136, 2230], [6256, 2230], [6104, 2238], [6292, 2238], [6164, 2242], [6100, 2246], [6256, 2246], [2152, 2250], [6192, 2250], [6132, 2254], [6276, 2258], [2140, 2262], [6080, 2270], [6108, 2282], [6128, 2282], [6084, 2286], [6092, 2294], [6132, 2298], [6044, 2306], [6092, 2306], [6104, 2306], [6028, 2310], [6052, 2310], [6100, 2314], [6012, 2318], [6052, 2318], [6024, 2322], [6000, 2330], [6120, 2330], [6020, 2338], [6132, 2342], [6112, 2346], [6016, 2362], [6128, 2362], [6008, 2370], [5996, 2378], [6020, 2378], [6280, 2442], [6304, 2442], [6316, 2442], [6324, 2450], [1844, 2474], [1864, 2474], [1884, 2478], [1896, 2482], [1832, 2486], [1872, 2486], [1852, 2490], [1936, 2490], [1948, 2494], [1984, 2494], [1864, 2498], [1840, 2502], [1968, 2502], [6312, 2522], [6276, 2546], [6392, 2578], [6280, 2586], [6392, 2586], [4240, 2730], [4232, 2734], [4248, 2734], [4224, 2742], [4240, 2750], [6252, 2914], [6244, 2922], [6232, 2926], [6240, 2970], [6228, 2974], [6256, 2978], [5312, 4850], [5328, 4854], [5304, 4866], [5320, 4866], [4786, 5150], [4770, 5154], [4802, 5162], [4778, 5170], [4770, 5198], [4790, 5198], [4750, 5202], [4774, 5214], [4734, 5218], [4754, 5222], [4774, 5230], [4738, 5238], [4758, 5238], [4730, 5246], [4742, 5258]]); - Setup(['own Map']); + SetupUpText(['own Map']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(17002, 11, 0.28, 0.01); Finder.MinShortSide := 30; end; @@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ begin with Self.MahoganyTree do begin Setup(16, [[338, 1368], [354, 1380], [10107, 1496], [10163, 1528], [4064, 2013], [4064, 2029], [4076, 2033], [6674, 4096], [6682, 4112], [6674, 4128], [6690, 4128], [4512, 4464], [4576, 4480], [7202, 4756], [7182, 4804], [7182, 4824], [6049, 5219], [6009, 5323]]); - Setup(['own Maho']); + SetupUpText(['own Maho']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(2445899, 8, 0.08, 0.26), CTS2(1787968, 9, 0.12, 0.97), 20]; Finder.MinShortSide := 75; end; @@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ begin with Self.BlisterwoodTree do begin Setup(16, [[9933, 2991], [9933, 2995], [9933, 2999], [9933, 3003], [9933, 3007], [9933, 3011], [9937, 2991], [9937, 2995], [9937, 2999], [9937, 3003], [9937, 3007], [9937, 3011]]); - Setup(['Chop Blister']); + SetupUpText(['Chop Blister']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(9671582, 18, 0.11, 0.15); Finder.MinShortSide := 80; end; @@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ begin with Self.YewTree do begin Setup(3, 14, [[8212, 2432], [8228, 2448], [8280, 2436], [8170, 692], [8122, 704], [8094, 712], [8174, 728], [810, 1504], [810, 1536], [790, 1560], [246, 1676], [2278, 1680], [266, 1692], [2246, 1708], [262, 1712], [266, 1728], [1966, 1728], [2250, 1736], [1898, 1752], [1898, 1784], [1966, 1808], [2074, 1832], [2126, 1832], [1698, 1952], [1678, 1980], [1682, 2000], [1662, 2004], [4658, 2008], [1342, 2064], [4778, 2100], [1370, 2132], [1398, 2132], [2194, 2240], [1594, 2248], [1622, 2248], [2034, 2252], [2178, 2260], [2158, 2268], [4028, 2273], [1594, 2276], [1622, 2276], [4012, 2281], [4008, 2297], [4770, 2304], [1938, 2312], [1946, 2328], [1966, 2328], [1954, 2344], [1970, 2348], [4726, 2376], [4706, 2388], [4818, 2388], [1906, 2396], [4830, 2404], [1882, 2412], [4076, 2413], [1442, 2416], [4802, 2416], [1898, 2428], [1918, 2428], [1966, 2428], [1986, 2428], [2006, 2428], [4060, 2429], [4048, 2441], [4842, 2444], [1742, 2456], [1722, 2472], [8462, 2472], [1966, 2476], [1778, 2480], [5382, 2484], [1758, 2488], [1778, 2500], [2230, 2504], [1758, 2512], [2250, 2516], [1730, 2520], [1778, 2520], [7738, 2524], [4814, 2536], [1738, 2540], [4838, 2564], [8478, 2564], [8614, 2568], [7738, 2572], [6218, 2588], [6218, 2608], [6254, 2608], [6466, 2636], [1514, 2644], [10106, 2652], [1506, 2656], [1522, 2660], [10106, 2668], [10090, 2672], [6478, 2696], [6414, 2712], [6426, 2712], [6438, 2720], [6418, 2724], [6434, 2736], [6458, 2736], [1770, 2756], [1758, 2764], [1782, 2768], [1770, 2780], [10134, 2892], [10150, 2900], [10146, 2916], [10110, 2924], [8410, 2988], [6342, 3108], [6322, 3120], [7562, 3168], [7474, 3184], [7382, 3200], [7610, 3364], [7982, 3428], [7130, 3512], [7158, 3516], [8002, 3524], [7138, 3528], [8134, 3540], [7134, 3544], [8058, 3568], [4266, 3872], [4266, 3884], [4258, 3896], [4274, 3900], [10155, 3971], [10367, 4119], [10471, 4127], [4384, 4528], [4336, 4540], [4320, 4556], [4336, 4576], [5290, 4880], [5306, 4896], [5282, 4900], [4412, 4972], [4392, 4984], [4428, 4988], [4392, 5004], [4436, 5004], [4412, 5008]]); - Setup(['own Yew']); + SetupUpText(['own Yew']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(4623237, 15, 0.16, 1.17), CTS2(400145, 5, 1.79, 8.06), 20]; Finder.MinShortSide := 75; end; @@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ begin with Self.MagicTree do begin Setup(3, 16, [[8116, 730], [8092, 734], [8152, 746], [892, 1150], [952, 1150], [888, 1166], [956, 1166], [888, 1182], [956, 1182], [916, 1202], [928, 1202], [2116, 1454], [2160, 1454], [2116, 1498], [2160, 1498], [2120, 1706], [2580, 2054], [2592, 2054], [3766, 2131], [3798, 2131], [3766, 2163], [3798, 2163], [2392, 2194], [2412, 2194], [1704, 2490], [1716, 2490], [1704, 2502], [1716, 2502], [1704, 2518], [1716, 2518], [1704, 2530], [1716, 2530], [1824, 2682], [1852, 2682], [1840, 2698], [6156, 2738], [6160, 2750], [6180, 2754], [6188, 2854], [6216, 2854], [6188, 2862], [6216, 2862], [8820, 3202], [8868, 3202], [4536, 3874], [4540, 3894], [4532, 3898], [5172, 5058], [5164, 5070], [5176, 5070], [5176, 5082]]); - Setup(['own Magi']); + SetupUpText(['own Magi']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(4623237, 15, 0.16, 1.17), CTS2(400145, 5, 1.79, 8.06), 20]; Finder.MinShortSide := 75; end; @@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ begin [9430, 1267], [9434, 1267], [9430, 1270], [9434, 1272], //Verdant valley [9106, 1271], [9110, 1271], [9106, 1276], [9110, 1276], //Sticky swamp [9093, 808], [9097, 808], [9093, 812], [9097, 812]]); //Mushroom meadow - Setup(['Mushtree']); + SetupUpText(['Mushtree']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3233415, 13, 0.19, 0.65); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4339785, 11, 0.18, 0.52); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(3233415, 13, 0.19, 0.65), CTS2(7176299, 39, 0.05, 0.19), 30]; @@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ begin with Self.BirdHouse do begin Setup(5, [[5887, 1251], [5867, 1275], [5522, 767], [5531, 1035]]); - Setup(['Bank', 'chest']); + SetupUpText(['Bank', 'chest']); end; with Self.BirdHouseSpace do @@ -939,42 +939,42 @@ begin with Self.HosidiusKitchenOven do begin Setup(4, [[2099, 1970], [2112, 1970]]); - Setup(['Clay', 'oven']); + SetupUpText(['Clay', 'oven']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4145256, 26, 0.04, 0.89); end; with Self.TeaStall do begin Setup(4, [[8469, 2804], [8474, 2804], [8469, 2808], [8474, 2808]]); - Setup(['Tea', 'stall']); + SetupUpText(['Tea', 'stall']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(9939895, 8, 0.07, 0.64); end; with Self.FoodStall do begin SetupEx([1.5, 2, 4], [[6063, 3206]]); - Setup(['Baker''s', 'stall']); + SetupUpText(['Baker''s', 'stall']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(9216171, 8, 0.10, 0.67); end; with Self.SilkStall do begin Setup(4, [[6041, 3186], [6046, 3186], [6041, 3190], [6046, 3190]]); - Setup(['Silk', 'stall']); + SetupUpText(['Silk', 'stall']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(9939895, 8, 0.07, 0.64); end; with Self.FruitStall do begin SetupEx([1, 2, 4], [[2572, 2029], [2597, 2029]]); - Setup(['Fruit', 'stall']); + SetupUpText(['Fruit', 'stall']); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(1666610, 20, 0.33, 2), CTS2(4805477, 11, 0.04, 0.48), 5]; end; with Self.TitheTable do begin SetupEx([2, 1, 4], [[2602, 2445]]); - Setup(['eed', 'able']); + SetupUpText(['eed', 'able']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5994632, 8, 0.07, 0.54); Finder.Colors += CTS2(9741662, 33, 0.13, 0.46); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7358393, 31, 0.31, 0.97); @@ -983,14 +983,14 @@ begin with Self.TitheDoor do begin SetupEx([0.3, 1, 7], [[2610, 2454]]); - Setup(['door', 'arm d']); + SetupUpText(['door', 'arm d']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2961462, 13, 0.46, 0.57); end; with Self.TitheWaterBarrels do begin Setup(4, [[2628, 2459], [2733, 2450], [2684, 2520], [2676, 2394]]); - Setup(['er Ba', 'Barrel']); + SetupUpText(['er Ba', 'Barrel']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7693402, 9, 0.18, 0.87); Finder.Colors += CTS2(932429, 13, 0.06, 2.56); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4151882, 8, 1.41, 0.76); //color through the glass walls. @@ -999,7 +999,7 @@ begin with Self.TitheSacks do begin Setup(4, [[2627, 2450], [2672, 2458], [2732, 2460]]); - Setup(['Sack']); + SetupUpText(['Sack']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3300974, 21, 0.05, 0.36); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5416116, 10, 0.03, 0.91); Finder.Colors += CTS2(8042926, 9, 0.36, 1.22); //center color through the glass walls. @@ -1009,35 +1009,35 @@ begin with Self.ArceuusShortcut49 do begin Setup(3, [[2496, 929]]); - Setup(['Boulder']); + SetupUpText(['Boulder']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4928845, 15, 0.10, 0.35); end; with Self.ArceuusShortcut52 do begin Setup(3, [[2472, 1064], [2481, 1064]]); - Setup(['Rocks']); + SetupUpText(['Rocks']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4013380, 14, 0.01, 0.27); //This is awful! end; with Self.ArceuusShortcut69 do begin Setup(3, [[2437, 966]]); - Setup(['Rocks']); + SetupUpText(['Rocks']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7963267, 12, 0.15, 0.11); end; with Self.ArceuusShortcut73 do begin Setup(3, [[2362, 1043]]); - Setup(['Rocks']); + SetupUpText(['Rocks']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5726049, 25, 0.14, 0.16); end; with Self.DenseRunestone do begin Setup(3, 10, [[2448, 1027], [2448, 1077]]); - Setup(['Dense r']); + SetupUpText(['Dense r']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(11514041, 8, 0.22, 0.17); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4408394, 17, 0.15, 0.22); //dark side end; @@ -1045,14 +1045,14 @@ begin with Self.DarkAltar do begin Setup(3, 10, [[2256, 927]]); - Setup(['Dark', 'Altar']); + SetupUpText(['Dark', 'Altar']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(10894192, 30, 0.11, 1.25); end; with Self.BloodAltar do begin Setup(4, 3, [[2258, 1141]]); - Setup(['Bind Blood', 'Blood Altar']); + SetupUpText(['Bind Blood', 'Blood Altar']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2109591, 20, 0.12, 1.79); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7436200, 19, 0.14, 1.20); end; @@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@ begin with Self.SoulAltar do begin SetupEx([4, 3, 10], [[2650, 1043]]); - Setup(['Bind Soul', 'Soul Altar']); + SetupUpText(['Bind Soul', 'Soul Altar']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(12967516, 17, 0.12, 1.79); Finder.Colors += CTS2(9733536, 39, 1.17, 0.27); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4206924, 14, 3.61, 1.48); @@ -1073,55 +1073,55 @@ begin [4973, 4264], [4973, 4268], [4965, 4253], [4964, 4243], [4968, 4229], [4964, 4228], [4959, 4231], [4962, 4237], [4962, 4236], [4990, 4283], [4993, 4284], [4997, 4279], [4998, 4277]]); - Setup(['Suck', 'Swamp', 'bubbles']); + SetupUpText(['Suck', 'Swamp', 'bubbles']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5464637, 3, 0.23, 0.28); end; with Self.KrakenEntrance do begin Setup(6, [[10393, 1200]]); - Setup(['Crevice']); + SetupUpText(['Crevice']); Filter.Finder := False; end; with Self.DwarfMulticannon do begin - Setup(['wrf mul', 'cannon']); + SetupUpText(['wrf mul', 'cannon']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6643549, 26, 0.17, 0.08); end; with Self.UnkahShipRopeLadder do begin SetupEx([0.6, 2, 8], [[7934, 5086]]); - Setup(['Rope', 'ladder']); + SetupUpText(['Rope', 'ladder']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4742239, 15, 0.22, 0.83); end; with Self.TemporossMasts do begin SetupEx([0.6, 0.6, 8], [[7537, 4539], [7625, 4540]]); - Setup(['Mast', 'Damaged', 'mast']); + SetupUpText(['Mast', 'Damaged', 'mast']); Filter.Finder := False; end; with Self.TemporossTotems do begin SetupEx([0.4, 0.4, 7], [[7569, 4468], [7565, 4604]]); - Setup(['Totem', 'pole', 'Damaged', 'totem']); + SetupUpText(['Totem', 'pole', 'Damaged', 'totem']); Filter.Finder := False; end; with Self.TemporossShrines do begin SetupEx([1.2, 1.2, 7], [[7535, 4625], [7550, 4441]]); - Setup(['Cook', 'k-at', 'Shrine']); + SetupUpText(['Cook', 'k-at', 'Shrine']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6056814, 23, 0.13, 0.32); end; with Self.TemporossCrates do begin SetupEx([0.7, 0.7, 4], [[7617, 4544], [7617, 4536], [7545, 4536], [7545, 4544]]); - Setup(['Ammunition', 'crate']); + SetupUpText(['Ammunition', 'crate']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1776416, 1, 0.01, 0.01); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7243142, 5, 0.15, 0.19); end; @@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@ begin with Self.TemporossRopes do begin SetupEx([0.7, 0.7, 4], [[7525, 4548], [7637, 4532]]); - Setup(['Ropes']); + SetupUpText(['Ropes']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3957621, 17, 0.04, 0.62); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7243142, 5, 0.15, 0.19); end; @@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ begin with Self.TemporossHammers do begin SetupEx([0.7, 0.7, 4], [[7525, 4552], [7637, 4528]]); - Setup(['Hammers']); + SetupUpText(['Hammers']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(541275, 8, 0.10, 2.17); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7243142, 5, 0.15, 0.19); end; @@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ begin with Self.TemporossHarpoons do begin SetupEx([0.7, 0.7, 4], [[7529, 4556], [7633, 4524]]); - Setup(['Harpoons']); + SetupUpText(['Harpoons']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1403269, 9, 0.04, 0.45); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7243142, 5, 0.15, 0.19); end; @@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ begin with Self.TemporossBuckets do begin SetupEx([0.7, 0.7, 4], [[7525, 4532], [7637, 4548], [7577, 4580], [7585, 4500]]); - Setup(['Buckets']); + SetupUpText(['Buckets']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2257299, 24, 0.07, 1.61); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7237496, 24, 0.11, 0.12); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7243142, 5, 0.15, 0.19); @@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ begin with Self.TemporossPump do begin SetupEx([0.7, 0.7, 4], [[7525, 4536], [7637, 4542], [7577, 4576], [7585, 4504]]); - Setup(['Water p', 'r pump']); + SetupUpText(['Water p', 'r pump']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4753550, 19, 0.04, 0.55); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7243142, 5, 0.15, 0.19); end; @@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ begin with Self.TemporossPools do begin Setup(2, -1, [[7582, 4520], [7582, 4560]]); - Setup(['Spirit', 'pool']); + SetupUpText(['Spirit', 'pool']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(13551688, 35, 0.07, 1.12); end; @@ -1178,28 +1178,28 @@ begin with Self.BlastFurnaceBarDispenser do begin Setup(5, [[10408, 1532]]); - Setup(['Bar d', 'dispenser']); + SetupUpText(['Bar d', 'dispenser']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7434872, 9, 0.28, 0.10); end; with Self.BlastFurnaceMeltingPot do begin Setup(2, 9, [[10420, 1530]]); - Setup(['Melting', 'g pot']); + SetupUpText(['Melting', 'g pot']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(5085891, 15, 0.04, 1.62); end; with Self.BlastFurnaceConveyorBelt do begin Setup(0.5, 6, [[10419, 1516]]); - Setup(['Conveyor', 'belt']); + SetupUpText(['Conveyor', 'belt']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1196888, 11, 0.16, 3.39); end; with Self.BlastFurnaceCoffer do begin Setup(3, [[10432, 1556]]); - Setup(['Coffer']); + SetupUpText(['Coffer']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7040114, 5, 0.58, 0.09); Finder.Colors += CTS2(48, 2, 28.34, 0.01); end; @@ -1207,21 +1207,21 @@ begin with Self.BlastFurnaceSink do begin Setup(3, [[10416, 1558]]); - Setup(['Sink']); + SetupUpText(['Sink']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(9863283, 19, 0.06, 0.42); end; with Self.BlastFurnacePump do begin Setup(3, [[10449, 1540]]); - Setup(['Pump']); + SetupUpText(['Pump']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6513770, 7, 0.38, 0.10); end; with Self.ElidinisStatue do begin - Setup(['Pray-at']); + SetupUpText(['Pray-at']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(10980938, 13, 0.02, 0.65); Finder.Colors += CTS2(9816548, 10, 0.04, 0.42); Finder.ColorClusters += [CTS2(6726593, 1, 0.01, 0.01), CTS2(4682374, 1, 0.01, 0.01), 30]; @@ -1230,21 +1230,21 @@ begin with Self.GiantsFoundryLavaPool do begin Setup(2, 1, [[4370, 3107]]); - Setup(['Lava p', 'a pool']); + SetupUpText(['Lava p', 'a pool']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3568295, 7, 0.52, 3.35); end; with Self.GiantsFoundryWaterfall do begin Setup(3, 1, [[4310, 3141]]); - Setup(['Waterfall']); + SetupUpText(['Waterfall']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(10788210, 18, 0.07, 0.58); end; with Self.SpiritTree do begin Setup(6, 12, [[5236,2661], [5571,3768]]);//Gnome Stronghold, Gnome Village - Setup(['Travel']); + SetupUpText(['Travel']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2712710, 7, 0.04, 0.28); Finder.Colors += CTS2(404024, 5, 0.22, 4.71); end; @@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ begin with Self.YoungSpiritTree do begin Setup(4, 7, [[8130,2410]]);//GE - Setup(['Travel']); + SetupUpText(['Travel']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3635823, 9, 0.04, 1.91); Finder.Colors += CTS2(4746890, 5, 0.18, 0.32); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2703439, 6, 0.09, 0.25); @@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ begin with Self.BalloonTransport do begin Setup(4, 15, [[7150, 2761], [8578, 2521], [7091, 3242], [6618, 3026], [5320, 2618], [5239, 4009]]);//Taverley, Varrock, Crafting guild, Entrana, Grand Tree, Castle Wars - Setup(['Use', 'Basket']); + SetupUpText(['Use', 'Basket']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(11648974, 16, 0.42, 1.09); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6191244, 9, 0.07, 0.50); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3068396, 20, 0.02, 0.72); @@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@ begin with Self.TreePatch do begin Setup(6, 2, [[8165, 3525],[7409, 2955],[7137, 2696],[8309, 2611],[5137, 2787],[322, 1515]]); //lumbridge, falador, taverley, varrock, gnome stronghold, farming guild - Setup(['Rake','Check-health','Inspect','Chop down']); + SetupUpText(['Rake','Check-health','Inspect','Chop down']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3761516, 1, 0.01, 0.01); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2968409, 2, 0.17, 0.59);//varrock Finder.Colors += CTS2(5469039, 1, 0.45, 0.84);//farming guild through window @@ -1280,28 +1280,28 @@ begin with Self.DriftNetTunnel do begin Setup(1, 14, [[1265, 5531]]); - Setup(['Enter']); + SetupUpText(['Enter']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6711644, 7, 1.06, 0.26); end; with Self.DriftNetPlantDoor do begin Setup(1, 8, [[1294, 5514]]); - Setup(['Navigate']); + SetupUpText(['Navigate']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(8093784, 6, 0.22, 0.83); end; with Self.FossilIslandAnchorRope do begin Setup(1.5, 6, [[1271, 5582]]); - Setup(['Climb']); + SetupUpText(['Climb']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(7961715, 4, 1.17, 0.23); end; with Self.FossilIslandRowboat do begin Setup(2.5, 3, [[9464, 704]]);//Small island to north - Setup(['Travel']); + SetupUpText(['Travel']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6190723, 1, 0.01, 0.01); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3819600, 13, 0.09, 0.20); end; @@ -1309,21 +1309,21 @@ begin with Self.WoodenDoor1 do begin Setup(1, 8, [[7784,4019],[7707,4111],[7683,4081],[7738,3945],[7892,3952],[7912,3952],[7882,4038]]); //tutorial island - Setup(['Open','door']); + SetupUpText(['Open','door']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2714758, 3, 0.05, 0.42); end; with Self.LargeDoor do begin Setup(1, 8, [[8058,3238]]); //lumbridge - Setup(['Open','door']); + SetupUpText(['Open','door']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2714758, 3, 0.05, 0.42); end; with Self.WoodenLadder do begin Setup(1, 6, [[7747,3971], [9681,5035],[6408, 543], [6418, 543], [7465, 3092], [7475, 3092], [8050, 3220]]); //tutorial island,f2p mining guild,lumbridge - Setup(['Climb', 'ladder']); + SetupUpText(['Climb', 'ladder']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(3102319, 6, 0.03, 0.16); Finder.Colors += CTS2(2113363, 10, 0.10, 0.44); end; @@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ begin with Self.WoodenGate1 do begin Setup(3, 4, [[7751,4081], [8244, 3404],[8244, 3400],[8182, 3321],[8186, 3321],[8146, 3330],[8150, 3330],[8114, 3293],[8118, 3293],[8042, 3289],[8046, 3289],[7974, 3282],[7978, 3286],[8339, 3264],[8343, 3268],[8404, 3380],[8408, 3376]]); //tutorial island ,lumbridge - Setup(['Open','Gate']); + SetupUpText(['Open','Gate']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1468301, 2, 0.07, 0.79); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1332601, 25, 0.10, 0.71); Finder.Colors += CTS2(872561, 25, 0.09, 0.56); @@ -1340,21 +1340,21 @@ begin with Self.SteelGate1 do begin Setup(1, 8, [[9613, 5129], [9678, 5065]]); //tutorial island ,lumbridge - Setup(['Open','Gate']); + SetupUpText(['Open','Gate']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(9145236, 5, 0.37, 0.14); end; with Self.TutorialRange do begin Setup(2, 3, [[7694,4120]]); - Setup(['Cook','Range']); + SetupUpText(['Cook','Range']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1714842, 6, 0.05, 0.29); end; with Self.TutorialFurnace do begin Setup(3, 7, [[9552, 5157]]); - Setup(['Furnace']); + SetupUpText(['Furnace']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6448237, 30, 0.11, 0.13); //furnace Finder.Colors += CTS2(2703532, 13, 0.10, 0.84); //fire end; @@ -1362,14 +1362,14 @@ begin with Self.MythicStatue do begin Setup(3, 18, [[5222, 5060]]); - Setup(['Enter', 'Mythic']); + SetupUpText(['Enter', 'Mythic']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(6446429, 17, 0.12, 0.08); end; with Self.MythicCave do begin Setup(3, 8, [[9445, 5734]]); - Setup(['Enter', 'Cave']); + SetupUpText(['Enter', 'Cave']); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1776416, 1, 0.01, 0.01); Finder.Colors += CTS2(1065038, 11, 0.13, 3.28) end; diff --git a/osr/walker/objects/walkerobjects.simba b/osr/walker/objects/walkerobjects.simba index 596dd71c..dc9d15b0 100644 --- a/osr/walker/objects/walkerobjects.simba +++ b/osr/walker/objects/walkerobjects.simba @@ -295,7 +295,12 @@ begin SetLength(Self.ShapeArray, Length(coordinates)); end; -procedure TRSWalkerObject.Setup(upText: TStringArray); overload; +procedure TRSWalkerObject.Setup(coordinates: TPointArray); deprecated 'Use TRSWalkerObject.SetupCoordinates() instead.'; +begin + Self.SetupCoordinates(coordinates); +end; + +procedure TRSWalkerObject.SetupUpText(upText: TStringArray); begin if Self.Filter.Skip then Exit; @@ -309,6 +314,11 @@ begin Self.Finder.Grow := 4; end; +procedure TRSWalkerObject.Setup(upText: TStringArray); overload; deprecated 'Use TRSWalkerObject.SetupUpText() instead.'; +begin + Self.SetupUpText(upText); +end; + (* TRSWalkerObject.GetCuboidArray ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~