Documents the different types of uibuilder messages between a Node-RED uibuilder node and a uibuilder front-end.
- Pre-defined uibuilder messages
May be attached to any msg (control or standard) in either direction.
Contains authentication and authorisation information and/or user meta-data. May also contain messages such as success or error messages on login.
See the Security doc for details.
Ignored if the "Use uibuilder's security?" flag is not set.
Only used if the "Scripts?" flag is set in uibuilder's Advanced Settings.
Text must be valid JavaScript and will be dynamically added to the client page DOM.
WARNING No checking is done and this could be quite dangerous.
Only used if the "Styles?" flag is set in uibuilder's Advanced Settings.
Text must be valid CSS and will be dynamically added to the client page DOM.
WARNING No checking is done and this could be quite dangerous.
Used by the showToast and showComponentDetails functions and their equivalent messages from Node-RED.
Used by the eventSend function.
Is sent from Node-RED by uibuilder to the client whenever a new client connects or when an existing client re-connects (by reloading their page).
"uibuilderCtrl": "client connect", // control message type
"cacheControl": "REPLAY", // Cache control request type: REPLAY or CLEAR
"serverTimestamp": "2020-09-24T12:56:13.125Z", // Can be used in client to work out their timezone or at least time offset from the server
"from": "server", // NR->Client
"_socketId": "/extras#sct0MeMrdeS5lwc0AAAB", // ID of client (from Socket.IO)
"_msgid": "8d4307ce.d5e428" // Node-RED internal msg id
Sending this message (uibuilder v3+) to the client will pop-over a dynamic message to the user in the browser. No code is required at the front-end.
This would send a notification to all connected clients. May be injected to a uibuilder node.
"_uib": { // Required. VueJS Component data
"componentRef": "globalNotification", // Required.
"payload": "This is a notification from Node-RED!", // Optional. Will be added to the notification message (content). May be HTML.
"_uib": { // Required. VueJS Component data
"componentRef": "globalNotification", // Required.
// options object is optional. Options are passed directly to the bootstra-vue `<toast>` component.
// These are examples only.
"options": { // all of the entries are optional.
// Creates a title section above the content that is highlighted
"title": "This is the <i>title</i>",
// Main message content (appears after any payload). May contain HTML.
"content": "This is content <span style=\"color:red;\">in addition to</span> the payload",
// New message appears above old by default (false), change to true to add to the bottom instead.
"append": true,
// 5000 by default, how long the message stays on-screen. Hover over message to pause countdown.
"autoHideDelay": 1500,
// Bootstrap-vue colour variant. Primary, Secondary, Error, Warning, Info
"variant": "info",
// Default display is semi-transparent, set this to true to make the message solid colour.
"solid": true,
// If present, the whole message is turned into a link. Click takes the client to the URL.
"href": "",
// Controls where on the page the toast appears. Several standard locations are available.
// default is top-right. Custom positions can be set by including a <toaster> element in your HTML.
"toaster": "b-toaster-top-center",
// Default false. If true stops auto-Hide. Click on the close button to remove the toast.
"noAutoHide": true
// More options are available. @see
"payload": "<any>", // Optional. Will be added to the notification message (content). May be HTML.
"_socketId": "/extras#sct0MeMrdeS5lwc0AAAB", // Optional. ID of client (from Socket.IO) - msg would only be sent to this client.
Sending this message (uibuilder v3.3+) to the client will cause the client to reload the page.
"_uib": { // Required. VueJS Component data
"reload": true, // Required.
// Everything else is ignored
Note that, if responding to a control msg, you must remove the uibuilderCtrl
property otherwise, uibuilder will refuse to send the msg (to prevent msg loops).
Is send by the client library (uibuilderfe) to Node-RED whenever the client connects by loading or reloading the page.
Any message that contains "cacheControl": "REPLAY"
and is linked back to your cache node should trigger that node to replay all of the saved cache
to the uibuilder node. Make sure you include the _socketId
if you want that replay to only go to a specific connected client.
"uibuilderCtrl": "ready for content", // control message type
"cacheControl": "REPLAY", // Cache control request type: REPLAY or CLEAR
"from": "client", // NR->Client
"_socketId": "/extras#sct0MeMrdeS5lwc0AAAB", // ID of client (from Socket.IO)
Is sent whenever the eventSend function is called.
Example output:
"topic": "mytopic", // Optional. Repeats the topic from the last inbound msg if it exists
"uibDomEvent": {
// The HTML id attribute where the event occured
// If no id present, will try to use `name`, if
// that isn't present, will use the first 25 chars of the inner text.
"sourceId": "mytagid",
// The DOM event type
"event": "click",
// Each `data-xxxx` attribute in the HTML is added as a property
// - this may be an empty Object if no data attributes defined
"payload": { ... },
This can be sent from anywhere. You will need to link the message to your caching node (e.g. a function node that handles caching).
Note that sending this into a uibuilder node, the msg will be dropped by uibuilder (to prevent control loops). Send it to your cache node.
"uibuilderCtrl": "clear cache", // Required. control message type
"cacheControl": "CLEAR", // Required. Cache control request type: REPLAY or CLEAR