sudo apt-get install make gcc bison git python python-setuptools
git clone git://
cd rgbds
sudo make install
cd ..
git clone --recursive git://
cd pokecrystal
To build pokecrystal.gbc:
On 10.8 or earlier, download and install Command Line Tools for Xcode.
On 10.9 or later:
xcode-select --install
In the shell, run:
git clone git://
cd rgbds
sudo make install
cd ..
git clone --recursive git://
cd pokecrystal
To build pokecrystal.gbc:
To build on Windows, use Cygwin (32-bit).
In the installer, select the following packages: make
You can use python-setuptools directly via easy_install, but we recommend you use pip. To install pip, run easy_install pip
. When that finishes, run
pip install pypng
If you opt not to install pip, run instead
easy_install pypng
Then get the most recent version of rgbds.
Put rgbasm.exe
, rgblink.exe
and rgbfix.exe
in C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin
In the Cygwin terminal:
git clone --recursive git://
cd pokecrystal
To build:
The simplest way to get pokecrystal to compile is to use Vagrant and VirtualBox. Follow these steps:
- Download and install Vagrant
- Follow the instructions to download and install VirtualBox
- Run these commands:
vagrant box add pokecrystal
mkdir vagrantbox
cd vagrantbox
vagrant init pokecrystal
vagrant up
vagrant ssh -c "cd /vagrant && git clone --recursive git://"
vagrant ssh
Running "vagrant ssh" will give you a shell to type commands into for compiling the source code. Then the "virtualbox" directory on the host appears as a shared folder inside of the guest virtual machine at "/vagrant".
To build the project, run these commands in the guest (that is, inside "vagrant ssh"):
cd /vagrant/pokecrystal