diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 0aaf83f..3118d6e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 2e00014..03d4050 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -19,8 +19,12 @@
malibu - Mannheim library utilities
Suche nach einer ISBN in verschiedenen Verbunddatenbanken und weitere Informationen etwa von Buchhändlern: isbn/suche.html
Recherchewerkzeug für die BNB weekly : bnb/recherche.php
- Bestandsabgleich anhand einer Liste von ISBNs: tools/bestandsabgleich.html speziell für den Bestand der UB Mannheim oder tools/bestandsabgleichA.html allgemein.
- PPN-Liste anreichern mit Werten eines Feldes (z.B. ISBN, Bestand, RVK, Schlagwörter) aus dem gleichen Verbund: tools/ppnListe.html
+ Bestandsabgleich anhand einer Liste von ISBNs:
+ PPN/ISBN-Liste anreichern mit Werten eines Feldes (z.B. ISBN, Bestand, RVK, Schlagwörter) aus dem gleichen Verbund: tools/ppnListe.html
malibu ist Open Source Software. Den Quellcode findet man auf GitHub zusammen mit der Möglichkeit eigene Issues oder Pull Requests zu stellen: https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/malibu
Ansprechperson: Philipp Zumstein
diff --git a/isbn/alma-sru.php b/isbn/alma-sru.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c53582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isbn/alma-sru.php
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ *
+ * This is free software licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL,
+ * version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * See for more details.
+ *
+ * Aufruf aus Webbrowser:
+ * alma-sru?isbn=ISBN
+ * ISBN ist eine 10- bzw. 13-stellige ISBN mit/ohne Bindestriche/Leerzeichen
+ * ISBN kann ebenfalls eine Komma-separierte Liste von ISBNs sein
+ * alma-sru?bibliothek=BIB&isbn=ISBN&format=json
+ * alma-sru?bibliothek=BIB&isbn=ISBN&format=holdings
+ * alma-sru?bibliothek=BIB&isbn=ISBN&format=holdings&with=collections
+ * Sucht übergebene ISBN bzw. PPN in der SRU-Schnittstelle einer Alma-Bibliothek
+ * und gibt maximal 10 Ergebnisse als MARCXML, JSON zurück oder eine
+ * formattierte Bestandsangabe (eine kurze Zeile und die Details in einer
+ * Tabelle).
+ */
+include 'conf.php';
+include 'lib.php';
+$file = file_get_contents('./srulibraries.json');
+$json = json_decode($file, true);
+if (isset($_GET['bibliothek']) and isset($json[$_GET['bibliothek']])) {
+ $urlBase = $json[$_GET['bibliothek']]['sru'];
+} else {
+ echo "Bibliothek nicht gefunden in der Liste der bekannten Alma-SRU-Schnittstellen.\n";
+ exit;
+$urlBase = $urlBase . '?version=1.2&operation=searchRetrieve&recordSchema=marcxml&query=';
+if (!isset($_GET['ppn']) and !isset($_GET['isbn'])) {
+ echo "Weder isbn noch ppn Parameter für eine Suche angegeben.\n";
+ exit;
+$suchString = '';
+if (isset($_GET['ppn'])) {
+ $n = trim($_GET['ppn']);
+ $searchObject = "ppn";
+if (isset($_GET['isbn'])) {
+ $n = trim($_GET['isbn']);
+ $searchObject = "isbn";
+$nArray = preg_split("/\s*(or|,|;)\s*/i", $n, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+$suchString = 'alma.all=' . implode('+OR+alma.all=', $nArray);
+$filteredSuchString = 'alma.mms_tagSuppressed=false' . '+AND+(' . $suchString . ')';
+# work around ExLibris server configuration issue
+# and increase timeout (i.e. waiting time)
+$contextOptions = [
+ 'ssl' => [
+ 'verify_peer' => true,
+ 'ciphers' => 'DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1',
+ ],
+ 'http' => [
+ 'timeout' => 10,
+ ],
+$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);
+$result = file_get_contents($urlBase . $filteredSuchString, false, $context);
+if ($result === false) {
+ header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
+ echo "Verbindung zu SRU-Schnittstelle fehlgeschlagen\n";
+ var_dump($urlBase . $filteredSuchString);
+ exit;
+// Delete namespaces such that we don't need to specify them
+// in every xpath query.
+$result = str_replace(' xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"', '', $result);
+$result = str_replace(' xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim"', '', $result);
+$doc = new DOMDocument();
+$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
+$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
+$records = $xpath->query("//records/record/recorddata/record"); //beachte: kein CamelCase sondern alles klein schreiben
+$outputString = "\n";
+$outputString .= "\n";
+$outputArray = [];
+foreach ($records as $record) {
+ // Filter out any other results which contain the ISBN but not in the 020 or 776 field
+ // or the PPN in the 001 or 035 field(s).
+ $pattern = [
+ "isbn" => './/datafield[@tag="020" or @tag="776"]/subfield',
+ "ppn" => './/controlfield[@tag="001"]|.//datafield[@tag="035"]/subfield'
+ ];
+ $foundMatch = false;
+ $nodes = $xpath->query($pattern[$searchObject], $record);
+ foreach ($nodes as $foundNode) {
+ $foundValue = $foundNode->nodeValue;
+ foreach ($nArray as $queryValue) {
+ $testString = $queryValue;
+ if ($searchObject == "isbn") {
+ $testString = preg_replace('/[^0-9xX]/', '', $testString);
+ $foundValue = preg_replace('/[^0-9xX]/', '', $foundValue);
+ if (strlen($testString) == 13) {
+ // Delete the 978-prefix and the check value at the end for ISBN13
+ $testString = substr($testString, 3, -1);
+ } elseif (strlen($testString) == 10) {
+ // Delete check value at the end for ISBN10
+ $testString = substr($testString, 0, -1);
+ }
+ // for isbn, check that the test string is part of the found value
+ if (strpos($foundValue, $testString) !== false) {
+ $foundMatch = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // for ppn (or other ids), skip the possible prefix in paranthesis and then they need to be exactly the same
+ $foundValue = preg_replace('/^\(.*\)/', '', $foundValue);
+ if ($foundValue == $testString) {
+ $foundMatch = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($foundMatch) {
+ $outputString .= $doc->saveXML($record);
+ array_push($outputArray, $doc->saveXML($record));
+ }
+$outputString .= " ";
+$map['bestand'] = '//datafield[@tag="AVA"]/subfield[@code="b"]';
+$map['sammlung'] = '//datafield[@tag="AVE"]/subfield[@code="m"]';
+// TODO Prüfen ob man die SW nicht allgemeingültig so wie folgt behandeln könnte
+// (Feld 689 wird von HBZ und SWISS genutzt und Feld 650 von SWISS;
+// Unterfeld 2 hat nur SWISS mit "gnd" gefüllt; aber alle nutzen Unterfeld
+// 0 zur Verlinkung mit der GND beginnend mit "(DE-588)". Aber unklar wie dies
+// etwa bei Formschlagwörtern ohne Verlinkung aussieht.)
+$map['sw'] = array(
+ 'mainPart' => '//datafield[starts-with(@tag,"6") and (starts-with(subfield[@code="0"],"(DE-588)") or subfield[@code="2"]="gnd")]',
+ 'value' => './subfield[@code="a"]',
+ 'subvalues' => './subfield[@code="b" or @code="t"]',
+ 'additional' => './subfield[@code="g" or @code="z"]',
+ 'key' => './subfield[@code="0" and contains(text(), "(DE-588)")]'
+ );
+if (!isset($_GET['format'])) {
+ header('Content-type: text/xml');
+ echo $outputString;
+} elseif ($_GET['format'] == 'json') {
+ $outputXml = simplexml_load_string($outputString);
+ $outputMap = performMapping($map, $outputXml);
+ $outputIndividualMap = [];
+ for ($j = 0; $j < count($outputArray); $j++) {
+ $outputXml = simplexml_load_string($outputArray[$j]);
+ $outputSingleMap = performMapping($map, $outputXml);
+ array_push($outputIndividualMap, $outputSingleMap);
+ }
+ $outputMap["einzelaufnahmen"] = $outputIndividualMap;
+ header('Content-type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode($outputMap, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
+} elseif ($_GET['format'] == 'holdings') {
+ echo "\n\n Bestand Alma-SRU zu ISBN-Suche \n \n \n\n\n";
+ $outputXml = simplexml_load_string($outputString);
+ $avaNodes = $outputXml->xpath('//datafield[@tag="AVA"]');
+ $aveNodes = $outputXml->xpath('//datafield[@tag="AVE"]');
+ $size = strlen($outputString);
+ if ($avaNodes) {
+ echo "\n";
+ $bestand = [];
+ foreach ($avaNodes as $node) {
+ echo "\n";
+ $subfields = $node->xpath('./subfield');
+ foreach ($subfields as $subfield) {
+ $code = $subfield[0]["code"];
+ $value = getValues($subfield[0]);
+ echo " " . $value . " ";
+ }
+ echo "\n \n";
+ $location = getValues($node->xpath('./subfield[@code="b"]')[0]);
+ $sublocation = getValues($node->xpath('./subfield[@code="c"]')[0]);
+ $node_f = $node->xpath('./subfield[@code="f"]');
+ $number = count($node_f) ? getValues($node_f[0]) : 0;
+ if (array_key_exists($location, $bestand)) {
+ $bestand[$location] += $number;
+ } else {
+ $bestand[$location] = $number;
+ }
+ }
+ echo "
+ echo " \n";
+ if ($aveNodes) {
+ $collections = [];
+ echo "\n";
+ foreach ($aveNodes as $node) {
+ echo "\n";
+ $subfields = $node->xpath('./subfield');
+ foreach ($subfields as $subfield) {
+ $code = $subfield[0]["code"];
+ $value = getValues($subfield[0]);
+ echo " " . $value . " ";
+ }
+ echo "\n \n";
+ $collection = $node->xpath('./subfield[@code="m"]');
+ if ($collection) {
+ $collectionValue = getValues($collection[0]);
+ $availability = $node->xpath('./subfield[@code="e"]');
+ if ($availability and getValues($availability[0]) != "Available") {
+ $collectionValue .= " [" . getValues($availability[0]) . "]";
+ }
+ $collections[] = $collectionValue;
+ }
+ }
+ echo "
+ echo " \n";
+ }
+ echo 'Bestand Alma-SRU: ';
+ foreach ($bestand as $loc => $n) {
+ echo $n . "x" . $loc . ", ";
+ }
+ if ($aveNodes) {
+ echo "E";
+ if ($_GET['with']) {
+ echo ' (' . implode(" | ", $collections) . ')';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '
+ } elseif ($aveNodes and !$avaNodes) {
+ echo "\n";
+ $collections = [];
+ foreach ($aveNodes as $node) {
+ echo "\n";
+ $subfields = $node->xpath('./subfield');
+ foreach ($subfields as $subfield) {
+ $code = $subfield[0]["code"];
+ $value = getValues($subfield[0]);
+ echo " " . $value . " ";
+ }
+ echo "\n \n";
+ $collection = $node->xpath('./subfield[@code="m"]');
+ if ($collection) {
+ $collectionValue = getValues($collection[0]);
+ $availability = $node->xpath('./subfield[@code="e"]');
+ if ($availability and getValues($availability[0]) != "Available") {
+ $collectionValue .= " [" . getValues($availability[0]) . "]";
+ }
+ $collections[] = $collectionValue;
+ }
+ }
+ echo "
+ echo " \n";
+ echo 'Bestand Alma-SRU: E';
+ if ($_GET['with']) {
+ echo ' (' . implode(" | ", $collections) . ')';
+ }
+ echo '
+ } elseif ($size > 100) {
+ //if the isbn/ppn is not found, then the $outputString is a minimal xml document
+ //of size 48, for larger size something might be found...
+ $sruUrl = str_replace('format=holdings', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
+ echo 'Bestand Alma-SRU: eventuell da (' . $size . ")
+ echo '';
+ } else {
+ echo 'Es wurde nichts gefunden';
+ }
+ echo "\n\n";
diff --git a/isbn/dnb.php b/isbn/dnb.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57d1cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isbn/dnb.php
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ *
+ * This is free software licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL,
+ * version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * See for more details.
+ *
+ * Aufruf aus Webbrowser:
+ * dnb.php?isbn=ISBN
+ * ISBN ist eine 10- bzw. 13-stellige ISBN mit/ohne Bindestriche/Leerzeichen
+ * ISBN kann ebenfalls eine Komma-separierte Liste von ISBNs sein
+ * dnb.php?isbn=ISBN&format=json
+ *
+ * Sucht übergebene ISBN bzw. PPN in der SRU-Schnittstelle der DNB
+ * und gibt maximal 10 Ergebnisse als MARCXML oder JSON zurück.
+ */
+ /*
+Explain SRU
+(v1.2 not supported, Bestandsdaten im Format MARC21plus-xml aber Mehraufwand und daher mal weggelassen)
+include 'conf.php';
+include 'lib.php';
+if (isset($_GET['ppn'])) {
+ $ppn = trim($_GET['ppn']);
+ $suchString = 'dnb.idn=' . $ppn;
+$urlBase = 'https://services.dnb.de/sru/dnb?version=1.1&operation=searchRetrieve&recordSchema=MARC21-xml&query=';
+if (isset($_GET['isbn'])) {
+ $n = trim($_GET['isbn']);
+ $nArray = preg_split("/\s*(or|,|;)\s*/i", $n, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+ $suchString = 'dnb.num=' . implode('+OR+dnb.num=', $nArray);
+$result = file_get_contents($urlBase . $suchString, false);
+if ($result === false) {
+ header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
+ echo "Verbindung zu SRU-Schnittstelle fehlgeschlagen\n";
+ var_dump($urlBase . $suchString);
+ exit;
+// Delete namespaces such that we don't need to specify them
+// in every xpath query.
+$result = str_replace(' xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"', '', $result);
+$result = str_replace(' xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim"', '', $result);
+$doc = new DOMDocument();
+$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
+$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
+$records = $xpath->query("//records/record/recorddata/record"); //beachte: kein CamelCase sondern alles klein schreiben
+$outputString = "\n";
+$outputString .= "\n";
+$outputArray = [];
+foreach ($records as $record) {
+ $outputString .= $doc->saveXML($record);
+ array_push($outputArray, $doc->saveXML($record));
+$outputString .= " ";
+// SW Zusätze im Unterfeld 9 sind nur "rswk-swf", was wir nicht wollen,
+// daher müssen wir den Teil hier überschreiben mit den restlichen Unterfelder
+$map['sw']['additional'] = './subfield[@code="g" or @code="z"]';
+if (!isset($_GET['format'])) {
+ header('Content-type: text/xml');
+ echo $outputString;
+} elseif ($_GET['format'] == 'json') {
+ $outputXml = simplexml_load_string($outputString);
+ $outputMap = performMapping($map, $outputXml);
+ $outputIndividualMap = [];
+ for ($j = 0; $j < count($outputArray); $j++) {
+ $outputXml = simplexml_load_string($outputArray[$j]);
+ $outputSingleMap = performMapping($map, $outputXml);
+ array_push($outputIndividualMap, $outputSingleMap);
+ }
+ $outputMap["einzelaufnahmen"] = $outputIndividualMap;
+ header('Content-type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode($outputMap, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
diff --git a/isbn/hbz.php b/isbn/hbz.php
index a57d9f1..5af217c 100644
--- a/isbn/hbz.php
+++ b/isbn/hbz.php
@@ -1,116 +1,4 @@
- *
- * This is free software licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL,
- * version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
- * See for more details.
- *
- * Aufruf aus Webbrowser:
- * hbz?isbn=ISBN
- * ISBN ist eine 10- bzw. 13-stellige ISBN mit/ohne Bindestriche/Leerzeichen
- * ISBN kann ebenfalls eine Komma-separierte Liste von ISBNs sein
- * hbz?ppn=PPN
- * PPN ist die eine ID-Nummer des HBZ
- * hbz?isbn=ISBN&format=json
- * hbz?ppn=PPN&format=json
- * Ausgabe erfolgt als JSON
- *
- * Sucht übergebene ISBN bzw. PPN im HBZ-Katalog
- * und gibt maximal 10 Ergebnisse als MABXML zurück
- * bzw. als JSON.
- */
-include 'conf.php';
-include 'lib.php';
-$id = yaz_connect(HBZ_URL);
-yaz_syntax($id, HBZ_SYNTAX);
-yaz_range($id, 1, 10);
-yaz_element($id, HBZ_ELEMENTSET);
-if (isset($_GET['ppn'])) {
- $ppn = trim($_GET['ppn']);
- yaz_search($id, "rpn", '@attr 5=100 @attr 1=12 "' . $ppn . '"');
-if (isset($_GET['isbn'])) {
- $n = trim($_GET['isbn']);
- $nArray = explode(",", $n);
- if (count($nArray) > 1) {
- //mehrere ISBNs, z.B. f @or @or @attr 1=7 "9783937219363" @attr 1=7 "9780521369107" @attr 1=7 "9780521518147"
- //Anfuehrungsstriche muessen demaskiert werden, egal ob String mit ' gemacht wird
- $suchString = str_repeat("@or ", count($nArray) - 1) . '@attr 1=7 \"'
- . implode('\" @attr 1=7 \"', $nArray) . '\"';
- yaz_search($id, "rpn", $suchString);
- } else {
- yaz_search($id, "rpn", '@attr 5=100 @attr 1=7 "' . $n . '"');
- }
- // @attr 5=100 -> no truncation, ist aber Standardeinstellung, kann daher auch weg
-$error = yaz_error($id);
-if (!empty($error)) {
- echo "Error Number: " . yaz_errno($id);
- echo "Error Description: " . $error;
- echo "Additional Error Information: " . yaz_addinfo($id);
-$outputString = "\n";
-$outputString .= "\n";
-$outputArray = [];
-for ($p = 1; $p <= yaz_hits($id); $p++) {
- $record = yaz_record($id, $p, "render;charset=iso5426,utf8"); //render;charset=iso5426,utf8
- $error = yaz_error($id);
- if (!empty($error)) {
- echo "Error Number: " . yaz_errno($id);
- echo "Error Description: " . $error;
- echo "Additional Error Information: " . yaz_addinfo($id);
- }
- $recordArray = explode("\x1e", $record);
- $header = substr($recordArray[0], 0, 24);
- $recordContent = '' . "\n";
- $recordContent .= printLine(substr($recordArray[0], 24));
- for ($j = 1; $j < count($recordArray); $j++) {
- $recordContent .= printLine($recordArray[$j]);
- }
- $recordContent .= ' ' . "\n";
- $outputString .= $recordContent;
- array_push($outputArray, $recordContent);
-$outputString .= " ";
-if (!isset($_GET['format'])) {
- header('Content-type: text/xml');
- echo $outputString;
-} elseif ($_GET['format'] == 'json') {
- $outputXml = simplexml_load_string($outputString);
- $outputMap = performMapping($map, $outputXml);
- $outputIndividualMap = [];
- for ($j = 0; $j < count($outputArray); $j++) {
- $outputXml = simplexml_load_string($outputArray[$j]);
- $outputSingleMap = performMapping($map, $outputXml);
- array_push($outputIndividualMap, $outputSingleMap);
- }
- $outputMap["einzelaufnahmen"] = $outputIndividualMap;
- header('Content-type: application/json');
- echo json_encode($outputMap, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
+// Redirect
+$url = str_replace('/hbz.php', '/alma-sru.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . "&bibliothek=DE-HBZ";
+header('Location: '. $url);
diff --git a/isbn/malibu_light.css b/isbn/malibu_light.css
index 30bf09b..08dd171 100644
--- a/isbn/malibu_light.css
+++ b/isbn/malibu_light.css
@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ input, select {
/*text-decoration: none;*/
-#rvkB3KAT, #rvkHBZ, #rvkK10PLUS, #rvkHEBIS, #rvkOBVSG, #rvkSWB, #rvkSWISS,
-#swB3KAT, #swHBZ, #swK10PLUS, #swHEBIS, #swOBVSG, #swSWB, #swSWISS, #rvkaggregiert a {
+/* #rvkB3KAT, #swK10PLUS, #rvkaggregiert etc. */
+[id^=rvk] a, [id^=sw] a {
font-weight: bold;
diff --git a/isbn/obvsg.php b/isbn/obvsg.php
index d08d15e..5c8d8b0 100644
--- a/isbn/obvsg.php
+++ b/isbn/obvsg.php
@@ -1,141 +1,4 @@
- *
- * This is free software licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL,
- * version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
- * See for more details.
- *
- * Aufruf aus Webbrowser:
- * obvsg.php?isbn=ISBN
- * ISBN ist eine 10- bzw. 13-stellige ISBN mit/ohne Bindestriche/Leerzeichen
- * ISBN kann ebenfalls eine Komma-separierte Liste von ISBNs sein
- * obvsg.php?isbn=ISBN&format=json
- *
- * Sucht übergebene ISBN bzw. PPN in der SRU-Schnittstelle von obvsg.at (OBV-LIT)
- * und gibt maximal 10 Ergebnisse als MARCXML oder JSON zurück.
- */
-include 'conf.php';
-include 'lib.php';
-SRU access
-$urlBase = 'https://services.obvsg.at/sru/OBV-LIT?operation=searchRetrieve&query=';
-$searchISBN = false;
-$searchPPN = false;
-if (isset($_GET['ppn'])) {
- $n = trim($_GET['ppn']);
- $searchPPN = true;
-if (!$searchPPN && isset($_GET['isbn'])) {
- $n = trim($_GET['isbn']);
- $searchISBN = true;
-if ($searchPPN || $searchISBN) {
- $nArray = preg_split("/\s*(or|,|;)\s*/i", $n, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
- $suchString = 'alma.all=' . implode('+OR+alma.all=', $nArray);
-$filteredSuchString = 'alma.mms_tagSuppressed=false+AND+(' . $suchString . ')&maximumRecords=10';
-$contextOptions = [
- 'http' => [
- 'header' => 'Connection: close\r\n',
- 'timeout' => 10,
- ],
-$context = stream_context_create($contextOptions);
-$result = file_get_contents($urlBase . $filteredSuchString, false, $context);
-if ($result === false) {
- header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
- echo "Verbindung zu SRU-Schnittstelle fehlgeschlagen\n";
- var_dump($urlBase . $filteredSuchString);
- exit;
-// Delete namespaces such that we don't need to specify them
-// in every xpath query.
-$result = str_replace(' xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"', '', $result);
-$result = str_replace(' xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim"', '', $result);
-$doc = new DOMDocument();
-$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
-$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
-$records = $xpath->query("//records/record/recorddata/record"); //beachte: kein CamelCase sondern alles klein schreiben
-$outputString = "\n";
-$outputString .= "\n";
-$outputArray = [];
-foreach ($records as $record) {
- // Filter out any other results which contain the ISBN but not in the 020 or 776 field
- $foundMatch = false;
- if ($searchISBN) {
- $foundIsbns = $xpath->query('.//datafield[@tag="020" or @tag="776"]/subfield', $record);
- foreach ($foundIsbns as $foundNode) {
- $foundValue = $foundNode->nodeValue;
- foreach ($nArray as $queryValue) {
- $testString = preg_replace('/[^0-9xX]/', '', $queryValue);
- if (strlen($testString) == 13) {
- // Delete the 978-prefix and the check value at the end for ISBN13
- $testString = substr($testString, 3, -1);
- } elseif (strlen($testString) == 10) {
- // Delete check value at the end for ISBN10
- $testString = substr($testString, 0, -1);
- }
- if (strpos(preg_replace('[^0-9xX]', '', $foundValue), $testString) !== false) {
- $foundMatch = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!$searchISBN || $foundMatch) {
- $outputString .= $doc->saveXML($record);
- array_push($outputArray, $doc->saveXML($record));
- }
-$outputString .= " ";
-$map['sw'] = array(
- 'mainPart' => '//datafield[starts-with(@tag,"689")]',
- 'value' => './subfield[@code="a"]',
- 'subvalues' => './subfield[@code="b" or @code="t"]',
- 'additional' => './subfield[@code="g" or @code="z"]',
- 'key' => './subfield[@code="0" and contains(text(), "(DE-588)")]'
- );
-if (!isset($_GET['format'])) {
- header('Content-type: text/xml');
- echo $outputString;
-} elseif ($_GET['format'] == 'json') {
- $outputXml = simplexml_load_string($outputString);
- $outputMap = performMapping($map, $outputXml);
- $outputIndividualMap = [];
- for ($j = 0; $j < count($outputArray); $j++) {
- $outputXml = simplexml_load_string($outputArray[$j]);
- $outputSingleMap = performMapping($map, $outputXml);
- array_push($outputIndividualMap, $outputSingleMap);
- }
- $outputMap["einzelaufnahmen"] = $outputIndividualMap;
- header('Content-type: application/json');
- echo json_encode($outputMap, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
+// Redirect
+$url = str_replace('/obvsg.php', '/alma-sru.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . "&bibliothek=AT-OBVSG";
+header('Location: '. $url);
diff --git a/isbn/rendering.js b/isbn/rendering.js
index 769784e..f72cea4 100644
--- a/isbn/rendering.js
+++ b/isbn/rendering.js
@@ -169,17 +169,19 @@ function renderLinks(linkArray)
-function renderBestandSWB(bestandArray, id)
+function renderBestand(bestandArray, id, verbund)
var bibArray = $.map(bestandArray, function (sigel) {
- if (sigel === "180") {
+ if (sigel === "180" && verbund == "k10plus") {
return '180 ';
} else {
return sigel;
- var outputString = "Insgesamt "+bibArray.length+" Bibliotheken im SWB mit Bestand: "+bibArray.join(", ");
- return outputString;
+ if (bibArray.length > 0) {
+ return "Insgesamt "+bibArray.length+" Bibliotheken im " + verbund.toUpperCase() + " mit Bestand: "+bibArray.join(", ");
+ }
+ return "";
@@ -200,6 +202,7 @@ function htmlEscape(str)
function renderSW(swObject)
var swArray = [];
+ var swTextArray = [];
$.each(swObject, function (key, value) {
if (typeof value == 'string') {
var swUrl = 'https://d-nb.info/gnd/' + value + '/about/html';
@@ -207,8 +210,12 @@ function renderSW(swObject)
} else {
+ swTextArray.push(key);
- return swArray.join('; ');
+ if (swArray.length > 0) {
+ return swArray.join('; ') + " ";
+ }
+ return "";
function bestellInfo(databaseText, currentRecord)
@@ -226,6 +233,21 @@ function bestellInfo(databaseText, currentRecord)
return content;
+function renderTitle(data)
+ var info = ""+data["titel"][0] + " " + data["autor"][0] + " ";
+ if (data["gesamttitel"].length>0) {
+ info += "("+data["gesamttitel"]+") ";
+ }
+ if (data["hochschulvermerk"].length>0) {
+ info += data["hochschulvermerk"]+" ";
+ }
+ if (data["isbn"].length>0) {
+ info += data["isbn"].join(", ")+" ";
+ }
+ return info;
function coins(currentRecord)
// rudimentärer COinS Daten um beispielsweise Titel in Citavi, Zotero oder Mendeley zu speichern
diff --git a/isbn/srulibraries.json b/isbn/srulibraries.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00baf7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isbn/srulibraries.json
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ "CH-UBS" : {
+ "name": "Basel U",
+ "sru": "https://ubs.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_UBS"
+ },
+ "CH-BFH" : {
+ "name": "Bern FH",
+ "sru": "https://bfh.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_BFH"
+ },
+ "CH-UBE" : {
+ "name": "Bern U",
+ "sru": "https://ube.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_UBE"
+ },
+ "CH-BCUFR" : {
+ "name": "Fribourg BCU",
+ "sru": "https://bcufr.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_BCUFR"
+ },
+ "CH-HSG " : {
+ "name": "St. Gallen U",
+ "sru": "https://hsg.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_HSG"
+ },
+ "CH-UGE" : {
+ "name": "Genève UGE",
+ "sru": "https://uge.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_UGE"
+ },
+ "CH-EPF" : {
+ "name": "Lausanne EPFL",
+ "sru": "https://epf.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_EPF"
+ },
+ "CH-USI" : {
+ "name": "Lugano USI",
+ "sru": "https://usi.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_USI"
+ },
+ "CH-RZS" : {
+ "name": "Luzern RZS",
+ "sru": "https://rzs.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_RZS"
+ },
+ "CH-UNE" : {
+ "name": "Neuchâtel UNE",
+ "sru": "https://une.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_UNE"
+ },
+ "CH-FHNW" : {
+ "name": "Nordwestschweiz FHNW",
+ "sru": "https://fhnw.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_FNW"
+ },
+ "CH-OSTFH" : {
+ "name": "Ostschweiz FH",
+ "sru": "https://ostgre.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_FHO"
+ },
+ "CH-ETH" : {
+ "name": "Zürich ETH",
+ "sru": "https://eth.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_ETH"
+ },
+ "CH-UZB": {
+ "name": "Zürich UZB",
+ "sru": "https://uzb.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_UZB"
+ },
+ "CH-ZHAW" : {
+ "name": "Zürich ZHAW",
+ "sru": "https://zhaw.swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_ZAW"
+ },
+ "AT-UBG" : {
+ "name": "Graz U",
+ "sru": "https://obv-at-ubg.userservices.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/43ACC_UBG"
+ },
+ "AT-TUG" : {
+ "name": "Graz TU",
+ "sru": "https://obv-at-ubtug.userservices.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/43ACC_TUG"
+ },
+ "AT-UBI" : {
+ "name": "Innsbruck U",
+ "sru": "https://obv-at-ubi.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/43ACC_UBI"
+ },
+ "AT-UBK" : {
+ "name": "Klagenfurt U",
+ "sru": "https://obv-at-ubk.userservices.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/43ACC_UBK"
+ },
+ "AT-UBL" : {
+ "name": "Linz U",
+ "sru": "https://obv-at-ubl.userservices.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/43ACC_UBL"
+ },
+ "AT-UBS" : {
+ "name": "Salzburg U",
+ "sru": "https://obv-at-ubs.userservices.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/43ACC_UBS"
+ },
+ "AT-UBWW" : {
+ "name": "Wien WU",
+ "sru": "https://obv-at-ubww.userservices.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/43ACC_WUW"
+ },
+ "AT-UBW" : {
+ "name": "Wien U",
+ "sru": "https://obv-at-ubw.userservices.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/43ACC_UBW"
+ },
+ "AT-TUW" : {
+ "name": "Wien TU",
+ "sru": "https://obv-at-ubtuw.userservices.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/43ACC_TUW"
+ },
+ "DE-FUB" : {
+ "name": "Berlin FU",
+ "sru": "https://fu-berlin.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49KOBV_FUB"
+ },
+ "DE-TUBUDK" : {
+ "name": "Berlin TU+UdK",
+ "sru": "https://tuudk-berlin.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49KOBV_TUBUDK"
+ },
+ "DE-BIE" : {
+ "name": "Bielefeld U",
+ "sru": "https://eu04.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49HBZ_BIE"
+ },
+ "DE-ULB" : {
+ "name": "Bonn ULB",
+ "sru": "https://eu04.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49HBZ_ULB"
+ },
+ "DE-UBD" : {
+ "name": "Dortmund TU",
+ "sru": "https://eu04.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49HBZ_UBD"
+ },
+ "DE-FUH" : {
+ "name": "Hagen FernU",
+ "sru": "https://eu04.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49HBZ_FUH"
+ },
+ "DE-RTU" : {
+ "name": "Kaiserslautern/Landau TU",
+ "sru": "https://eu04.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49HBZ_RTU"
+ },
+ "DE-MAN" : {
+ "name": "Mannheim U",
+ "sru": "https://uni-mannheim.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49MAN_INST"
+ },
+ "DE-BSB" : {
+ "name": "München BSB",
+ "sru": "https://bsb.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49BVB_BSB"
+ },
+ "DE-ULM" : {
+ "name": "Münster ULB",
+ "sru": "https://katalogplus.uni-muenster.de/view/sru/49HBZ_ULM"
+ },
+ "DE-PAD" : {
+ "name": "Paderborn U",
+ "sru": "https://eu04.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49HBZ_PAD"
+ },
+ "DE-SIE" : {
+ "name": "Siegen U",
+ "sru": "https://eu04.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49HBZ_SIE"
+ },
+ "DE-WUP" : {
+ "name": "Wuppertal U",
+ "sru": "https://eu04.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49HBZ_WUP"
+ },
+ "DE-HBZ" : {
+ "name": "HBZ (keine Bestandsdaten)",
+ "holdings": false,
+ "doku": "https://service-wiki.hbz-nrw.de/display/VDBE/Zugriff+auf+die+hbz-Verbunddatenbank+via+SRU",
+ "sru": "https://eu04.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/sru/49HBZ_NETWORK"
+ },
+ "CH-SWISS" : {
+ "name": "SWISS (keine Bestandsdaten)",
+ "holdings": false,
+ "doku": "https://slsp.ch/de/metadata",
+ "sru": "https://swisscovery.slsp.ch/view/sru/41SLSP_NETWORK"
+ },
+ "AT-OBVSG" : {
+ "name": "OBVSG (keine Bestandsdaten)",
+ "holdings": false,
+ "doku": "https://www.obvsg.at/services/verbundsystem/sru",
+ "sru": "https://services.obvsg.at/sru/OBV-LIT"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/isbn/suche.html b/isbn/suche.html
index 1585c25..2ae1661 100644
--- a/isbn/suche.html
+++ b/isbn/suche.html
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
+Bestandsabgleich Alma-SRU
+Anhand einer Liste von ISBNs wird der Bestand über eine Alma-SRU-Schnittstelle abgefragt und die Ergebnisse in der gleichen Reihenfolge wiedergegeben.
+Status: 0 von 0 ISBNs geprüft
+ In Zwischenablage kopieren