Yeşil Hilal Yazilim : As your service, Develop Future **Only Non-Consumable Products Supported **
- Subscription will be supported future!
- Library use Sqlite for your products, You don’t need implementation to check status of your products.
- Library checks your products status on every time application starts. You can see.
- At fresh installation of your app, every products return as true (success) for better user experience. After the re-launch of your application, you will get real status of your app products.
Create 'Set' String which is product identifiers
- example
let listOfApplicationSKU : Set = ["sku.bor","sku.gas","sku.noads","","sku.sun"]
Call ConnectToApple with Enum parameter CallType.CheckProductStatus in your RootViewController. This method returns your products statuses.
ConnectToApple.shared.billingSKUS(listApplicationSKU: listOfApplicationSKU)
.startToWork(type: ConnectToApple.CallType.CheckProductStatus).statusOfProducts(){ status in
for row in status{
if row.productIdentifier == "sku.bor" {
self.lblBorChecking.text = row.isPurchased.description
}else if row.productIdentifier == "sku.gas" {
self.lblGasChecking.text = row.isPurchased.description
}else if row.productIdentifier == "sku.noads" {
self.lblNoAdsChecking.text = row.isPurchased.description
}else if row.productIdentifier == "" {
self.lblProChecking.text = row.isPurchased.description
}else if row.productIdentifier == "sku.sun" {
self.lblSunChecking.text = row.isPurchased.description
print("YHY : \(row.productIdentifier) : Status : \(BillingDB.shared.whatIsStatus(skuName: row.productIdentifier))")
Note: "ConnectToApple.CallType" function have below enum parameters*
public enum CallType{
case GetPriceProducts
case CheckProductStatus
Use CheckProductStatus in your RootVC
Use GetPriceProducts in buying ViewController
**You can check product status with below functions:
BillingDB.shared.whatIsStatus(skuName: productIdentifier)
Use this for getting prices of your products.
ConnectToApple.shared.billingSKUS(listApplicationSKU: listOfApplicationSKU)
.startToWork(type: ConnectToApple.CallType.GetPriceProducts).pricesOfProducts(completionHandler: { success , products in
for p in products! {
if p.productIdentifier == "sku.bor" {
//self.product = p
self.btnBor.setTitle(self.setPriceText(product: p), for: .normal)
//self.setPriceOfLicense(price: p.price.floatValue)
}else if p.productIdentifier == "sku.gas" {
self.btnGas.setTitle(self.setPriceText(product: p), for: .normal)
}else if p.productIdentifier == "sku.noads" {
self.btnNoAds.setTitle(self.setPriceText(product: p), for: .normal)
}else if p.productIdentifier == "" {
self.btnPro.setTitle(self.setPriceText(product: p), for: .normal)
}else if p.productIdentifier == "sku.sun" {
self.btnSun.setTitle(self.setPriceText(product: p), for: .normal)
self.isReady = true
self.buyProductDic[p.productIdentifier] = p
//print("Found product: \(p.productIdentifier) \(p.localizedTitle) \(p.price.floatValue)")
).boughtProduct(){ productIdentifier, isBought in
if isBought{
self.showToastMsg(title : "Success",message: "License Loaded... Re-Open App")
self.showToastMsg(title: "Fail..", message: "")