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File metadata and controls

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Wio - Web Image Optimizer

Wio (Web Image Optimizer) is a Python script designed to optimize images for the web by reducing their size or dimensions. It supports various image formats and offers configuration options through a settings file. This README guide will help you understand how to set up and use Wio effectively.


  • Converts images to different formats (webp, avif, or original)
  • Adjusts the quality of the images
  • Preserves or removes metadata from images
  • Can keep or delete original files after conversion
  • Supports batch processing of images

Table of Contents


  1. Clone this repository or download the Python script.

  2. Install the required dependencies using pip:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


Before using Wio, you can customize its behavior using the config/settings.json file. This file allows you to control the logging levels and modes. Make sure to adjust the settings according to your preferences.

  • logToFile: Set to true to enable logging to the file named latest.log.

  • loggingLevel: Choose from DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL. This sets the logging level for console output. File logging is always in DEBUG mode.


To use Wio, open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the script. You can run the script with various command-line arguments to control the conversion process.

python [options] input_paths


  • --version, -v: Display the script's version.

  • --extensions, -e: Specify the image file extensions to convert. Default: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.

  • --format, -f: Choose the format to convert images to: webp, avif, or original. Default: avif.

  • --quality, -q: Set the quality of the conversion (0-100). Default: 70.

  • --keep-originals, -o: Keep the original files after conversion.

  • --keep-metadata, -m: Keep metadata on the converted images.

  • --dry-run, -d: Perform a dry run without actually converting images.


  1. Convert all jpg and png images in a directory to avif format with 80% quality, keeping originals:

    python -e jpg png -f avif -q 80 -o /path/to/images
  2. Convert a single image to webp format with 90% quality and keep metadata:

    python -f webp -q 90 -m image.jpg
  3. Convert all images in a directory to their original formats, keeping metadata and original files:

    python -f original -m -o /path/to/images
  4. Perform a dry run on a directory to see what conversions would take place:

    python -d /path/to/images


  • You can customize the supported image formats and their corresponding plugins by modifying the SUPPORTED_FORMATS dictionary in the script.

  • The script uses asynchronous programming for faster processing. This might require Python 3.7 or higher.

  • Make sure the necessary packages are installed from the requirements.txt file.

  • Before using Wio on a large number of images, consider making backups to avoid accidental data loss.

  • Wio is provided as-is and may be subject to changes or updates. Always check for the latest version and release notes.

Feel free to contribute to this open-source project or report issues on the GitHub repository. Your feedback and contributions are greatly appreciated!