Encapsulate multiple CTFs and common encryption and encoding C# libraries
In my blog, I've written about the introduction and analysis of various types of encryption and functions in the class library.标签: Crypto | 时光
- Salt (randomly generated)
- 32/16-bit MD5
- XOR(Optional return value is Base64)
- Caesar encryption
- Rot13
- Bacon password
- Fence password
- Virginia password
- AES(128-bit ECB、CBC)
- Sha1、Sha256
- CRC32
- Base64/32/16
- Morse(Only supports alphanumeric now)
- url
- ASCII,Unicode and string convert to each other
- String to Unicode encoding in decimal format(xss->xss)
- Hexadecimal ASCII string to string
- Original code to Inverse code and Complement code
- Arbitrary conversion(Supports up to 62 binary conversions,support array,does not support decimals and negative number now)
- Arbitrary four-order operation (based on int decimal, so its value can not be more than int range in decimal operation)
- Get file md5
- Get file Sha1
- Get file Sha256
- (FileInfo)Get file name, extension, size, creation time last access and write time, attribute
- Reverse file to new file
- File to byte array or string
- Byte array or string written to file
- Temporary file operation(CryptoFileInfo support)
- Generate a random string
- Reverse string
- Decimal digit string convert to the int value
- String, byte array and stream convert to each other
- Regular match returns an array of results
- Regular match and replace
- Commonly used strings, regular expressions
- Compressed file fake encryption
- jsfuck decode
- Manchester code
- Differential Manchester code
- Blowfish
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC)
- rc4
- brainfuck
- aaencode
- Tencent TEA algorithm根据腾讯公开的JS文件分析QQTEA算法
- wordpress user's password encryptionwordpress用户密码加密原理及其算法分析
- php serialization and deserialization
- baze64(https://github.com/xanderma/QQ-Confess/blob/master/src/Baze64.java)
- gzip,utf8, etc. conversion
- [Detect encryption type]
Virginia Key Crack http://www.practicalcryptography.com/cryptanalysis/stochastic-searching/cryptanalysis-vigenere-cipher/