These protocols are (or will be) used to provide an unified approach to math operations across several other projects, most notably &
(defprotocol IMathOps
(+ [_] [_ a] [_ a b] [_ a b c])
(- [_] [_ a] [_ a b] [_ a b c])
(* [_] [_ a] [_ a b] [_ a b c])
(div [_] [_ a] [_ a b] [_ a b c])
(madd [_ a b])
(addm [_ a b])
(msub [_ a b])
(subm [_ a b])
(abs [_]))
(defprotocol IMutableMathOps
(+! [_] [_ a] [_ a b] [_ a b c])
(-! [_] [_ a] [_ a b] [_ a b c])
(*! [_] [_ a] [_ a b] [_ a b c])
(div! [_] [_ a] [_ a b] [_ a b c])
(madd! [_ a b])
(addm! [_ a b])
(msub! [_ a b])
(subm! [_ a b])
(abs! [_]))
(defprotocol IConjugate
(conjugate [_]))
(defprotocol ICrossProduct
(cross [_ a]))
(defprotocol IDeltaEquals
(delta= [a b] [a b eps]))
(defprotocol IDeterminant
(determinant [_]))
(defprotocol IDotProduct
(dot [_] [_ a]))
(defprotocol IInterpolate
(mix [_ x] [_ x t] [_ a b c u v])
(mix-with [_ x t f])
(step [_ e])
(smoothstep [_ e1 e2]))
(defprotocol IInvert
(invert [_]))
(defprotocol IMinMax
(min [_ a] [_ a b])
(max [_ a] [_ a b]))
(defprotocol ILimit
(limit [_ x]))
(defprotocol IMagnitude
(mag [_])
(mag-squared [_]))
(defprotocol INormalize
(normalize [_] [_ norm])
(normalized? [_]))
(defprotocol ISetOps
(union [_ x])
(intersection [_ x])
(difference [_ x]))
(defprotocol ITranspose
(transpose [_]))
(def ^:const PI Math/PI)
(def ^:const TWO_PI (mm/mul PI 2.0))
(def ^:const HALF_PI (/ PI 2.0))
(def ^:const THIRD_PI (/ PI 3.0))
(def ^:const QUARTER_PI (/ PI 4.0))
(def ^:const SIXTH_PI (/ PI 6.0))
(def ^:const THREE_HALVES_PI (mm/mul PI 1.5))
(def ^:const MAX 1.7976931348623157E308)
(def ^:const MIN 4.9E-324)
(def ^:const SQRT2 (Math/sqrt 2))
(def ^:const SQRT3 (Math/sqrt 3))
(def ^:const PHI (/ (inc (Math/sqrt 5.0)) 2))
(def ^:const THIRD (/ 1.0 3.0))
(def ^:const TWO_THIRD (/ 2.0 3.0))
(def ^:const SIXTH (/ 1.0 6.0))
(def ^:const LOG2 (Math/log 2.0))
(def ^:const INF+ #?(:clj Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY :cljs (.-POSITIVE_INFINITY js/Number)))
(def ^:const INF- #?(:clj Double/NEGATIVE_INFINITY :cljs (.-NEGATIVE_INFINITY js/Number)))
(def ^:const DEG (/ 180.0 PI))
(def ^:const RAD (/ PI 180.0))
(def ^:const INV7BIT (/ 1.0 0x7f))
(def ^:const INV8BIT (/ 1.0 0xff))
(def ^:const INV15BIT (/ 1.0 0x7fff))
(def ^:const INV16BIT (/ 1.0 0xffff))
(def ^:dynamic *eps* 1e-6)
(def ^:dynamic *rnd* #?(:clj (java.util.Random.) :cljs Math/random))
(defn abs* [x] (if (neg? x) (clojure.core/- x) x))
(def abs* Math/abs))
(defn abs-diff
[x y] (abs* (mm/sub x y)))
(defn sign
[x] (if (zero? x) 0 (if (pos? x) 1 -1)))
([a b] (if (number? b) (<= (abs* (mm/sub a b)) *eps*)))
([a b eps] (if (number? b) (<= (abs* (mm/sub a b)) eps))))
([a b] (delta= a b *eps*))
([a b eps]
(if (sequential? b)
(if (== (count a) (count b))
(loop [a a, b b]
(if a
(if (delta= (first a) (first b) eps)
(recur (next a) (next b))
(extend-protocol IDeltaEquals
:cljs [number])
#?(:clj clojure.lang.PersistentVector :cljs PersistentVector)
#?(:clj clojure.lang.PersistentList :cljs List)
#?(:clj clojure.lang.LazySeq :cljs LazySeq)
#?(:clj clojure.lang.PersistentVector$ChunkedSeq :cljs IndexedSeq)
(delta= ([_ b] (nil? b)) ([_ b _] (nil? b))))
(defn ensure-even
"Returns x if even or `x+1` if `x` is odd."
[x] (if (even? x) x (inc x)))
(defn ensure-odd
"Returns x if odd or `x+1` if `x` is even."
[x] (if (even? x) (inc x) x))
(defn signum
([x] (if (neg? x) -1 (if (zero? x) 0 1)))
([x delta]
(if (delta= 0.0 x delta) 0
(if (neg? x) -1 1))))
(defn clamp
"Constraints x to be closed [min .. max] interval."
[x min max] (if (< x min) min (if (> x max) max x)))
(defn clamp-normalized
"Constraints x to closed [0.0 .. 1.0] interval."
[x] (if (< x -1.0) -1.0 (if (> x 1.0) 1.0 x)))
(defn clamp01
"Constraints x to closed [0 .. 1] interval."
[x] (if (< x 0.0) 0.0 (if (> x 1.0) 1.0 x)))
(def clamp11 clamp-normalized)
(defn map-interval
"Maps x from one interval into another. Intervals can be defined as
vectors. If range of input interval is zero, returns min. bound of
([x [in1 in2] [out1 out2]]
(if (not= in1 in2)
(mm/madd (mm/sub out2 out1) (mm/subdiv x in1 in2 in1) out1)
([x in1 in2 out1 out2]
(if (not= in1 in2)
(mm/madd (mm/sub out2 out1) (mm/subdiv x in1 in2 in1) out1)
(defn map-interval-clamped
"Takes a number x, input interval and output interval. Returns x
mapped proportionally from input to output interval and clamps it to
output. If range of input interval is zero, returns min. bound of
([x [in1 in2] [out1 out2]]
(map-interval-clamped x in1 in2 out1 out2))
([x in1 in2 out1 out2]
(if (<= x in1)
(if (>= x in2)
(map-interval x in1 in2 out1 out2))))
([x [in1 in2] [out1 out2] [c1 c2]]
(clamp (map-interval x in1 in2 out1 out2) c1 c2))
([x in1 in2 out1 out2 c1 c2]
(clamp (map-interval x in1 in2 out1 out2) c1 c2)))
(defn in-range?
"Returns true if x >= min and x <= max."
([[min max] x]
(if (>= x min) (<= x max)))
([min max x]
(if (>= x min) (<= x max))))
(defn wrap-range
"Returns x mod y with result always in semi-closed interval [0..y"
([x y] (let [x (rem x y)] (if (neg? x) (mm/add x y) x))))
(defn norm-range
"Returns lazy-seq of n values in the closed interval [0.0, 1.0] at
resolution 1/x."
[n] (map #(/ % (double n)) (range (inc n))))
(defn mix*
[a b t] (mm/submadd b a t a))
(defn step*
[edge x] (if (< x edge) 0.0 1.0))
(defn smoothstep*
[e0 e1 x]
(let [t (clamp (mm/subdiv x e0 e1 e0) 0.0 1.0)]
(mm/mul t (mm/mul t (mm/madd t -2.0 3.0)))))
(defn mix-circular
[a b t]
(let [t (mm/sub 1.0 t)]
(mm/submadd b a (Math/sqrt (mm/sub 1.0 (mm/mul t t))) a)))
(defn mix-circular-flipped
[a b t]
b a
(Math/sqrt (mm/sub 1.0 (mm/mul t t))) 1.0))
(defn mix-cosine
[a b t] (mm/submadd a b (mm/madd (Math/cos (mm/mul t PI)) 0.5 0.5) b))
(defn mix-bezier
[a b t c1 c2]
(let [tsq (mm/mul t t)
invt (mm/sub 1.0 t)
itsq (mm/mul invt invt)]
(mm/mul a t itsq)
(mm/mul (mm/submadd b a c1 a) 3.0 t itsq)
(mm/mul (mm/submadd b a c2 b) 3.0 tsq invt)
(mm/mul b t tsq))))
(defn mix-exp
[a b t e] (mm/submadd b a (Math/pow t e) a))
(defn mix-decimated
[a b t n] (mm/submadd b a (/ (int (mm/mul t n)) (double n)) a))
(defn mix-lens
[a b t pos strength]
(let [v (mm/submadd b a t a)]
(mm/add (if (< t pos)
((if (pos? strength) mix-circular-flipped mix-circular)
a (mm/submadd b a pos a) (/ t pos)) v strength)
((if (neg? strength) mix-circular-flipped mix-circular)
(mm/submadd b a pos a) b (mm/subdiv t pos 1.0 pos)) v (abs* strength)))
(defn mix-bounce
[a b t k]
(if-not (zero? t)
(let [t' (mm/mul t k)
t' (mm/sub 1.0 (mm/mul (/ (Math/sin t') t') (Math/cos (mm/mul t HALF_PI))))]
(mm/submadd b a t' a))
(defn floor
(long (Math/floor x))
(Math/floor x)))
(defn ceil
(long (Math/ceil x))
:cljs ;; TODO see abs*
(Math/ceil x)))
(defn roundto
[x prec] (mm/mul (floor (mm/add (/ x prec) 0.5)) prec))
(defn ceil-pow2
(loop [pow2 1]
(if (>= pow2 x) pow2 (recur (bit-shift-left pow2 1)))))
(defn floor-pow2
(long (Math/pow 2 (long (/ (Math/log x) LOG2))))
(Math/pow 2 (int (/ (Math/log x) LOG2)))))
;; TODO now included in CLJ1.8?
(defn bit-count
[x] (ceil (/ (Math/log x) LOG2)))
(defn trunc
[x] (if (neg? x) (ceil x) (floor x)))
(defn fract
[x] (mm/sub x (Math/floor x)))
(defn fdim
[x y] (if (> x y) (mm/sub x y) 0))
(defn radians [x] (mm/mul x RAD))
(defn degrees [x] (mm/mul x DEG))
(defn maxmag
[x y]
(let [ax (abs* x) ay (abs* y)]
(> ax ay) x
(> ay ax) y
:default x)))
(defn minmag
[x y]
(let [ax (abs* x) ay (abs* y)]
(< ax ay) x
(< ay ax) y
:default x)))
(defn ldexp
[x k] (mm/mul x (Math/pow 2 (int k))))
(defn remquo
[x y]
(let [k (/ x y)
f (fract k)
k (cond
(= f 0.5) (if (even? (int k)) (int k) (ceil k))
(< f 0.5) (floor k)
:default (ceil k))]
(mm/sub x (mm/mul k y))))
(defn hypot
[x y] (Math/sqrt (mm/madd x x y y)))
(defn rootn
[x y] (Math/pow x (/ 1.0 y)))
(defn rsqrt
[x] (let [r (Math/sqrt x)] (if (pos? r) (/ 1.0 r) 0)))
(defn impulse
[k t]
(let [h (mm/mul k t)] (mm/mul h (Math/exp (mm/sub 1.0 h)))))
(defn sinc
([x] (if (zero? x) 0.0 (/ (Math/sin x) x)))
([x freq] (if (zero? x) 0.0 (let [x' (mm/mul x freq)] (/ (Math/sin x') x')))))
(defn random
[([] (.nextDouble ^java.util.Random *rnd*))
([max] (mm/mul (.nextDouble ^java.util.Random *rnd*) max))
([min max] (mm/submadd max min (.nextDouble ^java.util.Random *rnd*) min))]
[([] (*rnd*))
([max] (mm/mul (*rnd*) max))
([min max] (mm/submadd max min (*rnd*) min))]))
(defn randnorm
(dec (mm/mul (.nextDouble ^java.util.Random *rnd*) 2.0))
(dec (mm/mul (*rnd*) 2.0))))
(defn percentile-index
[n num]
(if (< n 100)
(int (Math/round (mm/madd (/ n 100.0) num 0.5)))
(defn percentile
[n sorted]
(->> sorted
(percentile-index n)
(nth sorted)))
(defn quartile-index
[n num] (percentile-index (mm/mul n 25) num))
(defn quartile-range
[n num]
(let [a (quartile-index (dec n) num)
b (quartile-index n num)]
[a (if (= n 4) (inc b) b)]))
(defn quartile
"Takes a quartile index (1..4) and sorted seq of samples, returns set of items in quartile."
[n sorted]
(let [[a b] (quartile-range n (count sorted))]
(->> sorted (drop a) (take (mm/sub b a)))))
(defn normdist-weights
([n] (normdist-weights n 1.0))
([n scale]
(let [ws (repeatedly n random)
s (/ scale (reduce clojure.core/+ ws))]
(map #(mm/mul s %) ws))))
(:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - * abs min max bit-count])
(:require [ :as mm])
(:require-macros [ :as mm])))