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This is a project from a Machine learning course (subject). If you come to watch because of your course (subject) assignment, DO NOT just copy and paste this code or just modify the variables name. More importantly, DO NOT copy this article and the results otherwise your score is possible to be penalised.

The goal of this project is to build and critically analyse some supervised Machine Learning algorithms. Therefore, in this repository, I just tried to implement multiple models to compare their performances. There is no guarantee that these models are the best.

In this course, there is a in-class Kaggle competition which has approximately 300 students participated. My final result is,

Public Leaderboard: 28 / 306 (9%)
Private Leaderboard: 80 / 306 (26%)

This leaderboard is calculated with approximately 30% of the test data. The final results will be based on the other 70%, so the final standings may be different.

Music-Genre-Classification Specification

The goal of this project is to build and critically analyse some supervised Machine Learning algorithms, to automatically identify the genre of a song on the basis of its audio, metadata and textual features.

This project aims to reinforce the largely theoretical Machine Learning concepts around models, data, and evaluation covered in the lectures, by applying them to an open-ended problem. You will also have an opportunity to practice your general problem-solving skills, written communication skills, and creativity.


Each song is represented through a large set of features, and listed in the features.csv files. Each song is labelled with a single genre tag, which is provided in the labels.csv files.

  • train features.csv: Contains features of 7678 training instances.
  • train labels.csv: Contains a single genre label for each training instance
  • valid features.csv: Contains features of 450 validation instances.
  • valid labels.csv: Contains a single genre label for each validation instance.
  • test features.csv: Contains features of 428 test instances


  • Metadata features: For each song, we provide its title, loudness, tempo, key, mode, duration, and time_signature .
  • Text features: For each song, we provide a list of tags representing the words that appeared in the lyrics of the song and are human annotated (such as ‘dance’, ‘love’, or ‘never).
  • Audio features: We provide 148 pre-computed audio features that were pre-extracted from the 30 or 60 second snippets of each track, and capture timbre, chroma, and ‘Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients’ (MFCC) aspects of the audio. Each feature is continuous and the values are not interpretable


There are eight labels in the dataset

  1. Soul and Reggae
  2. Pop
  3. Punk
  4. Jazz and Blues
  5. Dance and Electronica
  6. Folk
  7. Classic Pop and Rock
  8. Metal


Develop Machine Learning models which predict the music genre based on features. You will implement and analyze different Machine Learning models in their performance; and explore the utility of the different types of features for music genre prediction.


University of Melbourne COMP90049 Subject.

Explanation of My Implementation

In this section I will explain the methods and models I used in this project.


The data contains two issues which will cause unsatisfactory training. Firstly, feature values in some metadata and audio are numerical, but their scopes are extremely different. For instance, the scope of vect_1 is 35.0 to 55.0 approximately, while vect_24 is 100 to 500 roughly. The scope difference will cause training be slow or unable to converge effectively. Secondly, text features cannot be directly input into the model for training. Therefore, data need to be transform to make it into trainable data.

  1. Normalization: It allows acceleration and rapid convergence during training.
  2. Bag of Word (BOW): Pre-processing is required to enable models to train the text features since lyrics cannot be directly inputted to models for training. BOW can convert each article or comment to be represented by a one-dimensional vector, and the length of each vector is the total number of words. By applying BOW, the music lyrics can be represented as a numeric vector. Subsequently, lyrics are able to be trained by model.

Feature Selection Hypotheses

Different feature combinations are necessary because not all features are valid for model prediction. For example, trackId and tile in data are unique values so that they are not useful for prediction. Moreover, there are models that are more effective for learning specific features. Consequently, we need to figure out which classifier is the most accurate in diverse feature hypotheses and various models. In general, the public's perception of genres is more related to "music." Hence audio must be within the combination. In addition, lyrics may relate to genres, it should be used as training features as well. Whether metadata is effective for genre classification is unknown, but the contained data is more related to "music" characteristic such as loudness, tempo, and key. As a result, metadata will be trained with audio in some of the hypotheses.


1. Lyrics
2. Metadata and audio
3. Audio
4. Lyrics, metadata, and audio
5. Lyrics and audio


  1. K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN): KNN is one of the traditional classifiers which the learning method is based on instances. A testing data point’s class will be determined by measuring the distance to testing data points.
  2. Random Forest (RF): RF is a classifier that consists the methods of bagging and decision tree. Create several decision trees randomly which train different features set from training data. Finally, ensemble all trained trees together to predict the test data class.
  3. Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP): MLP is a model composed of many perceptrons and connected to many layers. The weight in the MLP can be updated through loss function and backpropagation to find which input features are significant so that all numerical features can be trained by MLP
  4. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): The advantage of CNN is that it only extracts important features for MLP training rather than input all the data directly. Therefore, the training efficiency will be much better than MLP
  5. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM): LSTM can make use of data continuity. That is, we can use audio feature more effeciently.


The Test accuracy on Kaggle indicates Public Leaderboard. In other words, it just uses the 30% of the test data rather than the whole test dataset.

  1. KNN: In KNN implementation, three hypotheses have been trained, and the best result is this task’s baseline result because it is the most basic within all implemented models. Besides, the data is not normalized, while others model will normalize; the purpose is to compare the training difference with normalization data. The result indicates the distribution of data points for classification is not effective.

    hypothesis Valid data accuracy Test accuracy on Kaggle
    Lyrics 30.45% 26.57%
    Metadata + audio 34.45% 33.60% (Baseline)
    Lyrics + Metadata + audio 34.45% 33.60% (Baseline)
  2. RF: The hypotheses used by RF are the same as KNN. Obviously, because of random decision trees and bagging, the final ensemble method is much more effective than KNN in each hypothesis

    hypothesis Valid data accuracy Test accuracy on Kaggle
    Lyrics 53.56% 44.53%
    Metadata + audio 47.11% 42.97%
    Lyrics + Metadata + audio 64% 56%
  3. MLP: All hypotheses are used by MLP. According to the table bellow, neither training lyrics nor audio alone can achieve highest accuracy, and metadata seems ineffective. However, training lyrics and audio achieved best test accuracy. Accordingly, this combination can be assumed that it is the most effective feature combination for prediction.

    hypothesis Valid data accuracy Test accuracy on Kaggle
    Lyrics 56.89% 48.44%
    audio 46.45% 42.97%
    Metadata + audio 48.45% 42.97%
    Lyrics + audio 63.33% 61.72%
    Lyrics + Metadata + audio 63.38% 58.60%
  4. CNN: The purpose of CNN is to extract features of audio data. Only audio is used as a training feature as a result. But in order to compare the differences, audio and metadata combination is trained as well. According to the table bellow, metadata will affect the feature extraction of CNN and reduce the prediction accuracy due to metadata is not a part of audio.

    hypothesis Valid data accuracy Test accuracy on Kaggle
    audio 48.45% 44.53%
    Metadata + audio 48.22% 36.72%
  5. LSTM: The purpose of LSTM is applied for continuous data. Therefore, using training features is the same as CNN. Similarly, metadata is also used as training data for comparison. According to the table bellow, metadata affect the data's continuity and reduce the accuracy of the prediction because metadata is not in the continuous value of audio feature.

    hypothesis Valid data accuracy Test accuracy on Kaggle
    audio 48.89% 32.81%
    Metadata + audio 44.45% 30.47%
  6. Eventual classifier: Through MLP and CNN results, we can realize that the difference with training audio alone will not be vast. However, using MLP to train audio and lyrics can achieve high accuracy. Therefore, in the final implementation, the feature map extracted by CNN is not directly inputted into MLP. In contrast, the feature map concatenates the vector of BOW first then trained by perceptron. The advantage is that the important audio features are trained with lyrics instead of all audio features. Finally, this method reaches the highest accuracy rate within all methods.

    hypothesis Valid data accuracy Test accuracy on Kaggle
    Eventual method 70.44% 62.50%


According to this study, CNN has a better performance on audio feature extraction than LSTM and MLP in general. However, only training audio features cannot provide outstanding prediction results. Based on the final and MLP results, they show that lyrics are beneficial for predicting genre as well. But according to different data forms, different models must be applied to combine important features to achieve the highest accuracy