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Change log

-Simple Stack 2.9.0 (2024-05-06)

  • ADDED: Backstack.goAppendChain(newKeys) and Backstack.goAppendChain(asReplace, newKeys) which appends the provided keys to the end of the current history.

If any duplicates are provided, they will also be added to the end. If a key already exists in the history, it gets removed from earlier and appended to the end.

If there are implicit parents used as the reorder occurs, please make sure that the scope hierarchy can still be rebuilt from left-to-right order. It might be preferred top use ScopeKey.Child instead of ScopeKey in these cases.

  • ADDED: Backstack.findServices(serviceSearchMode) and Backstack.findServicesFromScope(scopeTag, serviceSearchMode).

This allows for getting the services of a backstack (either only local services, or including parent services) that are accessible within the backstack.

-Simple Stack 2.8.0 (2023-07-03)

  • ADDED: Backstack.setParentServices(Backstack parentServices) , Backstack.setParentServices(Backstack parentServices, String parentScopeTag) and Backstack.getParentServices() (as per #239).

When using backstack.lookupService(), backstack.canFindService(), backstack.canFindFromScope() and backstack.lookupFromScope(), then if parent services are set, it will attempt to lookup the service with ALL from either the full scope hierarchy, or from the scope provided as the parentScopeTag.

Please note that findScopesForKey() is NOT affected, as it would drastically alter behavior. If you need this, you can collect it from the parent manually (which is partly why getParentServices() was added).

-Simple Stack 2.7.0 (2023-03-31)

  • MAJOR FEATURE ADDITION: Added Backstack.setBackHandlingModel(BackHandlingModel.AHEAD_OF_TIME) to support android:enableBackInvokedCallback="true" on Android 14 for predictive back gesture support.

  • This also comes with a new artifact in simple-stack-extensions 2.3.0 called lifecycle-ktx.

With this, Navigator.Installer.setBackHandlingModel(), BackstackDelegate.setBackHandlingModel(), and Backstack.setBackHandlingModel() are added.

Also, ServiceBinder.getAheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry() is added as a replacement for ScopedServices.HandlesBack. Please note that using it requires AHEAD_OF_TIME mode, and without it, trying to use ServiceBinder.getAheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry() throws an exception.

Also, Backstack.willHandleAheadOfTimeBack(), Backstack.addAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener() and Backstack.removeAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener() are added.


The AHEAD_OF_TIME back handling model must be enabled similarly to how setScopedServices() or other similar configs must be called before backstack.setup(), Navigator.install(), or BackstackDelegate.onCreate().

When AHEAD_OF_TIME is set, the behavior of goBack() changes. Calling goBack() when willHandleAheadOfTimeBack() returns false throws an exception.

When AHEAD_OF_TIME is set, ScopedServices.HandlesBack will no longer be called (as it cannot return whether a service WILL handle back or not), and should be replaced with registrations to the AheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry.

When AHEAD_OF_TIME is NOT set (and therefore the default, EVENT_BUBBLING is set), calling willHandleAheadOfTimeBack or addAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener or removeAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener throws an exception.

To migrate to use the ahead-of-time back handling model, then you might have the previous somewhat onBackPressedDispatcher-compatible (but not predictive-back-gesture compatible) code:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), SimpleStateChanger.NavigationHandler {
    private lateinit var fragmentStateChanger: DefaultFragmentStateChanger

    private val backPressedCallback = object: OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
        override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
            if (!Navigator.onBackPressed(this@MainActivity)) {
                onBackPressed() // this is the reliable way to handle back for now 
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(backPressedCallback) // this is the reliable way to handle back for now

        val binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
        fragmentStateChanger = DefaultFragmentStateChanger(supportFragmentManager,
            .install(this, binding.container, History.single(HomeKey))

    override fun onNavigationEvent(stateChange: StateChange) {

This code changes to the following in order to support predictive back gesture using ahead-of-time model:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), SimpleStateChanger.NavigationHandler {
    private lateinit var fragmentStateChanger: FragmentStateChanger

    private lateinit var authenticationManager: AuthenticationManager

    private lateinit var backstack: Backstack

    private val backPressedCallback = object : OnBackPressedCallback(false) { // <-- !
        override fun handleOnBackPressed() {

    private val updateBackPressedCallback = AheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener { // <-- !
        backPressedCallback.isEnabled = it // <-- !

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


        onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(backPressedCallback) // <-- !

        fragmentStateChanger = FragmentStateChanger(supportFragmentManager,

        backstack = Navigator.configure()
            .setBackHandlingModel(BackHandlingModel.AHEAD_OF_TIME) // <-- !
            .install(this, binding.container, History.single(HomeKey))

        backPressedCallback.isEnabled = backstack.willHandleAheadOfTimeBack() // <-- !
        backstack.addAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener(updateBackPressedCallback) // <-- !

    override fun onDestroy() {
        backstack.removeAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener(updateBackPressedCallback); // <-- !

  override fun onNavigationEvent(stateChange: StateChange) {

Please make sure to remove the AheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener in onDestroy (Activity) or onDestroyView ( Fragment), because the listener staying registered would be a memory leak.

With the new lifecycle-ktx in simple-stack-extensions 2.3.0, this:

    backPressedCallback.isEnabled = backstack.willHandleAheadOfTimeBack() // <-- !
    backstack.addAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener(updateBackPressedCallback) // <-- !

override fun onDestroy() {
    backstack.removeAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener(updateBackPressedCallback); // <-- !

can be turned into this:

backPressedCallback.isEnabled = backstack.willHandleAheadOfTimeBack() // <-- !
backstack.observeAheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChanged(this, backPressedCallback::isEnabled::set)

If you can't update to the AHEAD_OF_TIME back handling model, then don't worry, as backwards compatibility has been preserved with the previous behavior.

When using AHEAD_OF_TIME back handling model, ScopedServices.HandlesBack is no longer called. To replace this, you might have had something like this:

class FragmentStackHost(
  initialKey: Any
) : Bundleable, ScopedServices.HandlesBack {
    var isActiveForBack: Boolean = false
    // ...
    override fun onBackEvent(): Boolean {
        if (isActiveForBack) {
            return backstack.goBack()
        } else {
            return false

This is replaced like so:

class FragmentStackHost(
    initialKey: Any,
    private val aheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry: AheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry,
) : Bundleable, ScopedServices.Registered {
    var isActiveForBack: Boolean = false
        set(value) {
            field = value
            backCallback.isEnabled = value && backstackWillHandleBack

    private var backstackWillHandleBack = false
        set(value) {
            field = value
            backCallback.isEnabled = isActiveForBack && value

    private val backCallback = object : AheadOfTimeBackCallback(false) {
        override fun onBackReceived() {

    private val willHandleBackChangedListener = AheadOfTimeWillHandleBackChangedListener {
        backstackWillHandleBack = it

    init {
        // ...
        backstackWillHandleBack = backstack.willHandleAheadOfTimeBack()

  override fun onServiceRegistered() {

  override fun onServiceUnregistered() {

Where FragmentStackHost gets the AheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry from serviceBinder.getAheadOfTimeBackCallbackRegistry().

So in this snippet, whether back will be handled needs to be propagated up, and manage the enabled state of the AheadOfTimeBackCallback to intercept back if needed.

While this might seem a bit tricky, this is how Google does it in their own micromanagement of communicating with the onBackPressedDispatcher as well, so evaluating ahead of time who will want to handle back later is unavoidable.

  • DEPRECATED: BackstackDelegate.onBackPressed() and Navigator.onBackPressed(). Not only are they the same as backstack.goBack() and merely managed to confuse people historically, but this deprecation mirros the deprecation of onBackPressed in compileSdk 33, to push towards using predictive back.

-Simple Stack 2.6.5 (2022-11-11)

  • FIX: Backstack.CompletionListener added to Backstack that unregistered themselves during dispatching notifications would cause either a ConcurrentModificationException or invalid results, this is now fixed and no longer the case ( #263, thanks @angusholder)

  • MINOR CHANGE: When Backstack.CompletionListener's are being notified, the state changer is temporarily removed ( similarly to dispatching ScopedServices.Activated events), so that navigation actions invoked on Backstack are deferred until all Backstack.CompletionListeners are notified.

-Simple Stack 2.6.4 (2022-04-21)

  • FIX: Attempt at fixing a crash related to LinkedHashMap.retainAll() specifically on Android 6 and Android 6.1 devices (#256).

  • 2.6.3 had an issue with maven-publish and transitive dependencies were missing, and is therefore skipped.

-Simple Stack 2.6.2 (2021-06-07)

  • ADDED: Backstack.canSetScopeProviders().

This is in conjunction with the 2.6.1 change, while making it safe to use them without extra checks such as if(lastNonConfigurationInstance == null) {.

-Simple Stack 2.6.1 (2021-05-03)

  • CHANGE: Backstack.setScopedServices(ScopedServices), Backstack.setGlobalServices(GlobalServices), and Backstack.setGlobalServices(GlobalServices.Factory) can now be called after setup(), but before setStateChanger().

This allows setting the scoped services on the backstack instance, when using deferred initialization, before the initial state change is run.

-Simple Stack 2.6.0 (2021-03-08)

  • ADD: Backstack.addRetainedObject(objectTag, retainedObject), Backstack.hasRetainedObject(objectTag), Backstack.removeRetainedObject(objectTag), Backstack.getRetainedObject(objectTag).

This allows simpler way of persisting an object instance across configuration changes.

Also, retained objects that implement Bundleable are given state restoration callbacks.

  • UPDATE: Add simple-stack-example-multistack-nested-fragment that shows how to create a fragment that has Backstacks for its child fragments, thus creating true multi-stack apps using nested backstacks.

  • DEPRECATED: Backstack.addCompletionListener, Backstack.removeCompletionListener, Backstack.removeCompletionListeners.

These were the same as addStateChangeCompletionListener and removeStateChangeCompletionListener, and should not have been duplicate APIs.

-Simple Stack 2.5.0 (2020-12-16)

  • ADD: Backstack.exitScope(scopeTag), Backstack.exitScope(scopeTag, direction) and Backstack.exitScopeTo(scopeTag, targetKey, direction).

If a scope is found, the backstack now allows exiting from it. Providing a target allows exiting into a new target key.

  • ADD: AsyncStateChanger for convenience.

Mirroring the addition of SimpleStateChanger for synchronous state changes, AsyncStateChanger is for async state changes (while still no longer having to remember checking for the same key being provided using isTopNewKeyEqualToPrevious).

  • UPDATE: state-bundle is updated to 1.4.0 (add a few missing @Nullables that became platform types instead of nullables).

-Simple Stack 2.4.0 (2020-07-08)

  • SIGNATURE CHANGE: GlobalServices.Factory now receives Backstack parameter in create(). (#231)

I'm aware this is technically "breaking", but the effect should be minor, and hopefully shouldn't cause problems.`

The Backstack cannot be added as a service directly, but it can be added as an alias.

  • FIX: GlobalServices.Factory's create() method was non-null, but @Nonnull was missing.

  • MINOR FIX: Adding the Backstack from serviceBinder.getBackstack() with addService() would cause a loop in toBundle(). Now it explicitly throws IllegalArgumentException instead sooner (not reported before).

  • DEPRECATED: backstack.removeAllStateChangeCompletionListeners(). This was added "for convenience", but in reality it is not a good/safe API, and it should not exist.

  • UPDATE: Create and release simple-stack-extensions for default scoping and default fragment behaviors.

  • ADD: GlobalServices.SCOPE_TAG to make it possible to see the scope tag of global services without relying on internals.

-Simple Stack 2.3.2 (2020-04-11)

  • FIX: Bug introduced in 2.3.1, using backstack.removeAllStateChangeCompletionListeners() would remove an internal completion listener and therefore scope activation callbacks would stop being dispatched.

-Simple Stack 2.3.1 (2020-03-31)

  • FIX: Ensure that if multiple navigation actions are enqueued, then scope activation dispatch only occurs for the final state change, instead of potentially running into an AssertionError. (#220, thanks @valeriyo)

If you use either ScopeKey or ScopeKey.Child, it is advised to update, and get this bugfix.

-Simple Stack 2.3.0 (2020-02-27)

  • CHANGE: Remove dependency on*. With that, there should be no dependency from the library on either* or androidx.*.

Replaced it using javax.annotation.Nullable and javax.annotation.Nonnull provided by api("").

  • UPDATE: state-bundle is updated to 1.3.0 (Remove dependency on*, replace with javax.annotation.*).

With these changes, Jetifier should no longer be needed when using Simple-Stack.

-Simple Stack 2.2.5 (2020-02-18)

  • CHANGE: Backstack.getSavedState(Object key).getBundle() is now initialized to an empty StateBundle instead of null (but is still nullable because of setBundle()).

  • FIX: Backstack.persistViewToState(Object key) no longer creates a new SavedState instance, and uses getSavedState to re-use (or create) the existing one.

  • FIX: Ensure that backDispatchedServices is also cleared after execution of dispatchBack.

-Simple Stack 2.2.4 (2020-01-30)

  • UPDATE: state-bundle is updated to 1.2.2 (Fix a bug in StateBundle.equals()).

-Simple Stack 2.2.3 (2020-01-23)

  • FIX: ScopedService.Activated callback could immediately execute a navigation action, which if destroyed the current scope, then it could result in an AssertionError (#215).

  • ADD: SimpleStateChanger for convenience when a StateChanger is not intended to take asynchronous execution into account.

-Simple Stack 2.2.2 (2020-01-17)

  • FIX: Ensure that unused services can be GCed inside ScopeManager (previously they could be kept alive in a map, #213).

-Simple Stack 2.2.1 (2020-01-12)

  • FIX: The explicit parent scope chain was not always resolved correctly if a key is only a ScopeKey.Child, but not a ScopeKey, and the key did not register any new scopes (as all scopes defined by the ScopeKey.Child had already been registered by previous keys).

This could provide incorrect results in findScopesForKey(key, EXPLICIT), and could skip a HandlesBack service in the current top key's explicit parent chain.

-Simple Stack 2.2.0 (2019-12-30)

  • ADDED: ScopedService.HandlesBack.

When a service implements HandlesBack, then when Backstack.goBack() is called, it is first dispatched across the current active explicit scope chain.

This allows handling "back", without having to dispatch it through the active view hierarchy (in order to get access to it in scoped services).

  • FIX: Backstack.moveToTop() did not re-order the scope hierarchy according to the new active keys (as the scope order depended on construction order, but existing scopes were not recreated).

This could have been a problem if services used the same name across multiple scopes, and the keys were re-ordered in place (not add/remove).

  • ADDED: Backstack.setGlobalServices(GlobalServices.Factory) and its BackstackDelegate/Navigator equivalent.

This allows delaying the instantiation of services when the global scope is actually being created, rather than providing them immediately.

Please note that providing a GlobalServices.Factory will override whatever GlobalServices was previously set.

Also note that the GlobalServices.Factory should not be an anonymous inner class / lambda / inner class, as it is kept for configuration changes.

  • DEPRECATED: BackstackDelegate.

With the renaming of BackstackManager to Backstack in 2.0.x, it's become easier to use Backstack directly than juggling the BackstackDelegate.

Also, using Navigator with Fragments seems to have no side-effects, therefore this is now the preferred approach (since setting a non-default state changer calls setShouldPersistContainerChild(false), also since 2.0.x).

Therefore, using Navigator is now preferred over BackstackDelegate.

  • FIX: Backstack.forceClear() now calls finalizeScopes() first to ensure that scoped services are also properly reset.

-Simple Stack 2.1.2 (2019-10-10)

  • BEHAVIOR CHANGE: The navigation operations goBack(), replaceTop(), jumpToRoot(), goUp(), goUpChain(), and goTo() (when going to existing element) are now considered "terminal" operations.

Terminal operation means that actions (that are not setHistory) called on the Backstack are ignored while the state change of the terminal action has not been completed yet.

This is done to eliminate the possibility of enqueueing incorrect "forward" navigation immediately when a "back" navigation is happening, that could potentially create "illegal" navigation history.

Illegal navigation history is a problem when using implicit scopes, as with the right button mashing, you could potentially "skip" an expected screen, and not have registered its services.

Therefore, the possibility of this scenario is now blocked.

-Simple Stack 2.1.1 (2019-09-26)

  • FIX: Make findScopesForKey work consistently even if a key is not a ScopeKey.

  • FIX: Add missing @NonNull on Context argument on some methods of Navigator.

-Simple Stack 2.1.0 (2019-09-25)

  • FIX: Ensure that while navigation is in progress, lookupService() (and other service lookup methods) can access all currently built scopes, rather than only the latest navigation history currently being navigated to.

This fix is crucial when lookupService is used inside onFinishInflate method of views inflated by ViewPager adapters; and returning from process death, navigation to a different screen is immediate (f.ex. deep-linking via notifications).

-Simple Stack 2.0.3 (2019-05-20)

  • ADDED: ServiceBinder.addAlias() to allow adding an alias to an added service: available for look-up, but without getting callbacks by this registration (thus avoiding unnecessary toBundle() calls for a multi-registered service).

-Simple Stack 2.0.0 (2019-04-30)

MAJOR API BREAKING CHANGES! To create better consistency and naming, certain core APIs were renamed, moved around, restructured, etc.

This means that 1.x and 2.x shouldn't be used in a project at the same time, because they're not compatible.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: BackstackManager is now Backstack.

What was called Backstack is now called NavigationCore and is an internal class (not part of public API).

(!) This also means that the new Backstack(List<?>) constructor is replaced with new Backstack(); backstack.setup(List<?>).

All sane public APIs of NavigationCore were moved over to the new Backstack (think navigation-related ones).

This means that wherever you used to receive a Backstack, now you still receive a "Backstack", but it has additional functionality (such as lookupService).

As a result, the following methods no longer exist:

  • BackstackDelegate.getManager() is removed

  • Navigator.getManager() is removed

  • ServiceBinder.getManager() is removed

With that, StateChange.getBackstack() now returns what was previously the BackstackManager, allowing access to scope-related functions.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: ScopedServices.Scoped is removed, and completely replaced with ScopedServices.Registered.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: ScopedServices.Activated behavior change, now only called once rather than multiple times if the service is in an active explicit parent chain.

    • onScopeActive()/onScopeInactive() -> onServiceActive()/onServiceInactive().

Previously, you could get multiple callbacks to onScopeActive per each activated scope the service was in, now it is tracked per service instead and only called for 0->1 and 1->0.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: setShouldPersistContainerChild(true) was the default, now it is default to false. It's only true by default if the DefaultStateChanger is used.

If you use a custom-view-based setup and a custom state changer, please make sure to set Navigator.configure().setShouldPersistContainerChild(true).install(...).

  • BREAKING CHANGE: ScopedServices.ServiceBinder is now moved to top-level, now accessible as ServiceBinder.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: ViewChangeHandler.CompletionCallback renamed to ViewChangeHandler.ViewChangeCallback.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: StateKey is renamed to DefaultViewKey.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: HistoryBuilder is now History.Builder. The deprecated HistoryBuilder factory methods were removed.


    • StateChange.getPreviousState() -> StateChange.getPreviousKeys()
    • StateChange.getNewState() -> StateChange.getNewKeys()
    • StateChange.topPreviousState() -> StateChange.topPreviousKey()
    • StateChange.topNewState() -> StateChange.topNewKey()
    • StateChange.isTopNewStateEqualToPrevious() -> StateChange.isTopNewKeyEqualToPrevious()
  • BREAKING CHANGE: StateChange.backstack() -> StateChange.getBackstack().

  • BREAKING CHANGE: ServiceBinder method renaming for sake of consistency.

    • ServiceBinder.add() -> ServiceBinder.addService()
    • ServiceBinder.has() -> ServiceBinder.hasService()
    • ServiceBinder.get() -> ServiceBinder.getService()
    • ServiceBinder.canFind() -> ServiceBinder.canFindService()
    • ServiceBinder.lookup() -> ServiceBinder.lookupService()
    • ServiceBinder.canFindFrom() -> ServiceBinder.canFindFromScope()
    • ServiceBinder.lookUpFrom() -> ServiceBinder.lookupFromScope()
  • CHANGE/FIX: Added missing @NonNull annotation on KeyContextWrapper.getKey(). Now throws exception if the key is not found (previously returned null).

-Simple Stack 1.14.1 (2019-04-26)

  • FIX: onServiceUnregistered() was called multiple times if the service was being unregistered from a scope where it was registered multiple times.

  • SAMPLE UPDATE: Safer version of the FragmentStateChanger that handles re-entrancy of back and going to the same target as where we were (handle fragment.isRemoving).

  • SAMPLE UPDATE: MVP/MVVM samples have a better packaging structure.

-Simple Stack 1.14.0 (2019-03-16)

  • ADD: ScopedServices.Registered to receive a service lifecycle callback when a service is added to a scope for the first time (it was not in any other scopes).

  • ADD: findScopesForKey(Object key, ScopeLookupMode mode) to retrieve the list of scopes accessible from a given key.

  • FIX: A service registered in multiple scopes would receive fromBundle(stateBundle) callback in each scope where it was registered and when that given scope was entered, restoring potentially outdated state on back navigation.

Now, a service will only receive fromBundle callback before its onServiceRegistered() callback, and not before each onEnterScope(scopeTag) callbacks.

  • FIX: during backstackManager.finalizeScopes(), onExitScope and onScopeInactive were dispatched in an incorrect order across nested explicit parents.

  • CHANGE: persistViewToState()/restoreViewFromState() now use a separate bundle from the one that's publicly visible on SavedState.

-Simple Stack 1.13.4 (2019-03-10)

  • FIX: calling backstackManager.finalizeScopes() multiple times now results in consistent and defined behavior (namely, it gets ignored).

  • CHANGE: navigation that occurs after backstackManager.finalizeScopes() will now trigger reconstruction and proper callbacks of services in a consistent manner.

  • FIX: ScopedServices.Activated's onScopeInactive() during scope finalization was called in order from explicit parent to child, instead of child to explicit parent.

-Simple Stack 1.13.3 (2019-02-27)

  • FIX: NPE when canFindFromScope() was used on an uninitialized stack, instead of returning false.

  • ADD: ScopeLookupMode for canFindFromScope() and lookupFromScope() methods, which allows restricting the lookup only to the explicit parent chain).

  • ADD: setGlobalServices() to allow setting global services (that functions as the last parent of any parent chains).

-Simple Stack 1.13.2 (2019-02-05)

  • FIX: Fix that a service registered multiple times in the same scope with different tags would receive service lifecycle callbacks as many times as it was registered.

  • ADD: Convenience method stateChange.isTopNewStateEqualToPrevious() to replace stateChange.topNewState<Any>() == stateChange.topPreviousState() condition check. It does the same thing, but maybe it's a bit easier to read.

  • FIX: Fix a typo which resulted in not throwing if the provided service tag was null (whoops. -_-)

  • UPDATE: Backstack now checks if altering methods are called from the thread where the backstack was created.

-Simple Stack 1.13.1 (2018-11-25)

  • UPDATE: Added simple-stack-example-scoping to showcase the usage of ScopeKey.Child, with Fragments and Navigator.

  • ADDED: lookupFromScope() and canFindFromScope() methods that begin the lookup from the specified scope, instead of the active-most one. This is to allow safer look-ups when the same service tag is used in different scopes.

  • UPDATE: Better error message if the scope does not exist for lookup (also provides the currently accessed scopes).

-Simple Stack 1.13.0 (2018-09-10)

  • ADDED: Adds ScopeKey.Child interface, which allows the definition of explicit parent hierarchy of a given scope.

Even by default, there is an implicit hierarchy between screens: it is possible to look up services defined by previous keys.

However, there are times when we must define scopes that are supersets of multiple screens. In this case, we know we are on a given screen, within a given state, and we require a superscope to exist that is shared across multiple screens.

In this case, the key can define an explicit parent hierarchy of scopes. These scopes are created before the key's own scope (assuming the key is also a ScopeKey).

The parent scopes are only destroyed after all their children are destroyed.

lookupService() prefers explicit parents, however will also continue to seek the service across implicit parents, and their explicit parent chain as well.

-Simple Stack 1.12.3 (2018-09-02)

  • CHANGE: When lookupService cannot find the service, the exception message is improved (and tells you what could be wrong in your configuration).

  • UPDATE: mvp-view, mvp-fragments and mvvm-fragments samples now use ScopedServices (and Bundleable) to retain presenters/viewmodels across config changes and have their states persisted/restored across process death.

-Simple Stack 1.12.2 (2018-08-29)

  • CHANGE: AnimatorViewChangeHandler has an overridable method called resetPreviousViewValues(), which receives the previous view after animation is complete.

  • CHANGE: FadeViewChangeHandler and SegueViewChangeHandler now reset alpha = 1f and translationX = 0f respectively, after animation is complete and the view is removed.

-Simple Stack 1.12.1 (2018-08-28)

  • ADDED: ScopedServices.Activated. Implementing Activated for a scoped service makes the service receive a callback when the scope it is bound to becomes the top-most scope, and when it stops being the top-most scope.

There are strict ordering guarantees that onEnterScope, onScopeActive, onScopeInactive, onExitScope are called in this order.

onScopeInactive is called in reverse order (just like onExitScope).

When navigating from one scope to another scope, the new scope becomes active before the previous scope becomes inactive.

-Simple Stack 1.12.0 (2018-08-23)

  • CHANGE: and backstack.root() now throw exception (just like fromTop()) if the method is called before a StateChanger is set (and the backstack becomes initialized). This makes using root()/top() nicer in Kotlin.

  • FIX: During a second "initialize" state change (which happens when calling setStateChanger()), accessing the Backstack's getHistory(), top() and root() inside the StateChanger could return incorrect value.

  • UPDATE: MVP samples are now written in Kotlin. MVVM sample now has a better SQLite-based non-Room reactive wrapper (for people trying out SQLite without Room). Some samples were renamed.

-Simple Stack 1.11.7 (2018-08-18)

  • ADDED: ServiceBinder.getBackstack() method. This allows scoped services to be given the backstack as constructor argument.

-Simple Stack 1.11.6 (2018-08-14)

  • ADDED: Navigator.hasScope(scopeTag), BackstackDelegate.hasScope(scopeTag), BackstackManager.hasScope(scopeTag).

  • ADDED: Navigator.canFindService(Context, serviceTag), BackstackDelegate.canFindService(serviceTag), BackstackManager.canFindService(serviceTag) to check if lookup can find the service.

  • ADDED: ServiceBinder.lookup() and ServiceBinder.canFind() to inherit from currently existing scopes while creating service binding.

  • CHANGE: onExitScope(scopeTag) is now ensured to happen in reverse order compared to onEnterScope(scopeTag) (both in terms of scope creation order and service binding order).

-Simple Stack 1.11.4 (2018-08-10)

  • ADDED: Navigator.isNavigatorAvailable(Activity) to ensure the ability to check if the BackstackHost is added to the Activity.

  • ADDED: BackstackManager.lookupService(serviceTag), BackstackDelegate.lookupService(serviceTag), and Navigator.lookupService(Context, serviceTag), which attempts to look up the service in all currently existing scopes (starting from the newest added scope).

-Simple Stack 1.11.2 (2018-07-26)

  • UPDATE: state-bundle is updated to 1.2.1.

  • CHANGE: Allow calling BackstackDelegate.setScopedServices(activity, scopedServices) once after an onDestroy() callback (to allow setting back the Activity).

  • CHANGE: Allow calling BackstackDelegate.setScopedServices(null, scopedServices). In this case, onDestroy() will finalize scopes - normally it only does that if Activity is finalizing.

-Simple Stack 1.11.1 (2018-07-14)

  • API CHANGE: backstackDelegate.setScopedServices(ScopedServices) is now backstackDelegate.setScopedServices(Activity, ScopedServices).

  • FIX: If enclosing Activity is destroyed (onDestroy) and Activity.isFinishing(), then the existing scopes are destroyed along with it so that Scoped.onExitScope() is called properly, and resources are cleaned up as expected across closing the app and restarting it quickly.

  • MINOR FIX: Added ScopedServices javadoc and missing@NonNull on ServiceBinder.

  • DEPRECATED: reset() method. Renamed to forceClear(). You probably don't need it, but that wasn't clear enough.

-Simple Stack 1.11.0 (2018-07-01)

  • ADDED: Ability to share data across screens via scoped services.

To use, the key must implement ScopeKey and define its scope's tag. If ScopeKey is used, then a ScopedServices must be provided.

Currently, a scope can be shared across keys, but there is no scope inheritance, and there is no way to have multiple scopes for a given key.

To use, one must set an implementation of ScopedServices on either BackstackDelegate, Navigator.Installer, or BackstackManager.

Services that are Bundleable and registered in a given scope receive callbacks to toBundle() and fromBundle() to persist/restore their state.

Services registered in a given scope receive onEnterScope() and onExitScope() callbacks if they implement ScopedServices.Scoped.

Tip: A possible way to simplify the usage of service tags is to define an inline reified extension function for ServiceBinder to default to using

-Simple Stack 1.9.3 (2018-06-28)

  • ADDED: Ability to change duration, interpolation and start delay of AnimatorViewChangeHandler.

  • ADDED: jumpToRoot(direction).

-Simple Stack 1.9.2 (2018-06-01)

  • MINOR CHANGE: DefaultStateChanger uses FadeViewChanger for StateChange.REPLACE by default, instead of NoOpViewChangeHandler.

-Simple Stack 1.9.1 (2018-05-20)

  • Fix: History.single() should return History<T>, not List<T>.

  • ADDED: jumpToRoot() and moveToTop() convenience operators to Backstack.

  • ADDED: goUp(Object, boolean fallbackToBack) and goUpChain(List<?>, boolean fallbackToBack) to allow opt-in for the newly provided navigation principle: "Up and Back are equivalent within your app's task"

-Simple Stack 1.9.0 (2018-03-04)

  • DEPRECATED: HistoryBuilder's factory methods are moved from HistoryBuilder to the newly added History class.

HistoryBuilder.from(T... objects) -> History.builderOf(T... objects)

HistoryBuilder.from(...) -> History.builderFrom(...)

HistoryBuilder.single() -> History.single()

HistoryBuilder.newBuilder() -> History.newBuilder()

Also adds History.of(T... objects) instead of HistoryBuilder.of(...).build().

  • ADDED: History class, an immutable list with additional operations over List<T> - as some methods' return type.

I also changed some return types (in history building) from List<Object> to <T> List<T>, this resulted in having to change some List<Object>s to List<?> on the receiving side if used in assignment.

So if you run into that, just change List<Object> to List<?> and it should work.

  • ADDED: Long-overdue empty constructor for BackstackDelegate and backstack.setStateChanger(StateChanger).

  • UPDATE: Kotlin sample replaces PaperParcel with @Parcelize.

-Simple Stack 1.8.2 (2018-01-20)

  • CRITICAL FIX: 1.8.1 (2018-01-17) didn't retrieve state-bundle 1.2.0 as transitive dependency because of com.github.dcendents:android-maven-gradle-plugin:1.5. It is updated to 2.0 to fix publishing to Jitpack.

  • ADDED / CHANGE: Navigator.findActivity(Context) is now public. It also casts the returned Activity to whatever subclass type is expected.

  • ADDED: Backstack.fromTop(int offset) method, which provides the element in the backstack from the top with a given offset.

  • Updated State-Bundle to 1.2.0.

  • Updated to use implementation/api and AS 3.0's tooling.

  • Updated implementation lib versions in samples and tests.

  • Updated Kotlin example to use Fragment-based usage.

-Simple Stack 1.8.0 (2017-10-25)

  • BREAKING(?) CHANGE / FIX: when goBack() returns false, then the backstack is not cleared automatically. Added reset() to allow imitating the previous behavior.

Previous behavior would now be the same as:

if(!backstack.goBack() && !backstack.isStateChangePending()) {

Honestly, this might have been unexpected, as goBack() returning false had the side-effect of clearing the stack, and next state change using the initial key!

The test that checks for this has been changed to use the above construct. Another test of course has been added to validate new behavior.

Also, to eliminate the possibility of reset() misuse, it is only allowed when there are no pending state changes.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: getInitialParameters() is renamed to getInitialKeys().

  • FIX: getInitialParameters() returned the actual list instead of an unmodifiable copy, it returns the keys provided at initialization.

  • ADDED: replaceTop() backstack operator, which replaces current top with the provided key.

  • ADDED: goUp() backstack operator, which will go back to the provided key if exists, replace top with new key otherwise.

  • ADDED: goUpChain() backstack operator, which will:

    • If the chain of parents is found as previous elements, then it works as back navigation to that chain.
    • If the whole chain is not found, but at least one element of it is found, then the history is kept up to that point, then the chain is added, any duplicate element in the chain is added to the end as part of the chain.
    • If none of the chain is found, the current top is removed, and the provided parent chain is added.

    I added a bunch of tests for this, hopefully I didn't forget anything!

  • ENHANCEMENT/FIX: HistoryBuilder.get() is now @NonNull, because HistoryBuilder.from(List<?>) throws if List contains null.

  • ENHANCEMENT: getHistory() and getInitialParameters() also returns a List<T> in which each element is cast to T.

  • FIX: BackstackDelegate.setStateChanger() should have been allowed even without calling backstackDelegate.onCreate() first. All the samples use new BackstackDelegate(null) so it never came up.

  • ENHANCEMENT: Some improvement to persistViewToState() exception message if the view has no key (so that it references KeyContextWrapper and stateChange.createContext()).

-Simple Stack 1.7.2 (2017-07-24)

  • MINOR CHANGE + ENHANCEMENT: StateChange.getNewState() and StateChange.getPreviousState() return a copy of the list (it was already a copy, don't worry), where each item is casted to <T> specified as generic parameter.

For example, the following can be changed from:

for(Object _newKey : stateChange.getNewState()) {
    Key newKey = (Key)_newKey;
    // ...


for(Key newKey : stateChange.<Key>getNewState()) {
   // ...

And the following works now as well:

List<Key> newKeys = stateChange.getNewState(); // used to return List<Object>

-Simple Stack 1.7.1 (2017-07-11)

  • ADDED: BackstackDelegate.registerForLifecycleCallbacks(Activity) convenience method (API 14+).

This method allows you to call this after BackstackDelegate.onCreate(), after which the following 4 methods no longer need to be called manually:

- `onPostResume()`
- `onPause()`
- `onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)`
- `onDestroy()`

Therefore the callbacks that ought to be called remain as onCreate(), onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance(), and of course onBackPressed().

-Simple Stack 1.7.0 (2017-07-04)

  • REMOVED: BackstackManager.StateChangeCompletionListener. It is replaced by Backstack.CompletionListener, which was added back in 0.9.1 (and is more reliable).

This also fixes a possible bug with incorrect call order of state change completion listeners.

The API is otherwise exactly the same, StateChangeCompletionListener should have been Backstack.CompletionListener from the start.

  • ADDED: backstackDelegate.getManager(), just to make sure its API mirrors Navigator.

-Simple Stack 1.6.3 (2017-06-28)

  • Added missing @NonNull and @Nullable annotations where applicable.

-Simple Stack 1.6.2 (2017-05-14)

  • MINOR CHANGE: DefaultStateChanger no longer explicitly demands a StateKey, because both LayoutInflationStrategy and GetViewChangeHandlerStrategy can be re-defined for custom behavior.

  • Added GetViewChangeHandlerStrategy to DefaultStateChanger to allow re-defining the view change handler behavior.

  • Added ContextCreationStrategy to DefaultStateChanger to support Mortar scopes, or anything similar in design.

  • Added BackstackManager.StateChangeCompletionListener to add a hook where you can listen for the completion of state changes reliably - even if they were forced to execute.

Also added addStateChangeCompletionListener to BackstackDelegate and Navigator.Installer accordingly.

Please make sure it does not retain a reference to enclosing Activity, to avoid memory leaks.

  • Minor fix: setKeyFilter(), setKeyParceler(), and setStateClearStrategy() in BackstackDelegate now throw if they are set after calling onCreate(), as per docs.

  • Bump state-bundle version to 1.1.5

  • ADDED: simple-stack-mortar-sample, which is based on mortar-sample from square/mortar, but using Simple-Stack and Service-Tree.

-Simple Stack 1.6.1 (2017-05-08)

  • Added GetPreviousViewStrategy to DefaultStateChanger as per request (#36).

-Simple Stack 1.6.0 (2017-05-03)

  • Added KeyFilter to allow clearing out keys on process death that should not be restored.
  • Added stateChange.backstack() which returns the backstack this state change was executed by.
  • Added DefaultStateChanger.ViewChangeStartListener for before the view change, but after the state restore
  • Added DefaultStateChanger.LayoutInflationStrategy to support asynchronous layout inflation (if you need it) or hopefully Anko

-Simple Stack 1.5.3 (2017-04-21)

  • Bump state-bundle version to 1.1.4

-Simple Stack 1.5.2 (2017-04-12)

  • Bump state-bundle version to 1.1.0

-Simple Stack 1.5.1 (2017-04-07)

  • Added a method to DefaultStateChanger to allow perform view change with an externally specified direction.

-Simple Stack 1.5.0 (2017-04-07)

  • Merged zhuinden/navigator into zhuinden/simple-stack.

  • ADDED: Navigator class as an optional replacement for BackstackDelegate (API 11+).

BackstackDelegate had a lot of callbacks to remember (onPause(), onResume(), onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance(), onDestroy()), but more importantly you had to manage saving out the current view's state in onSaveInstanceState() manually.

With Navigator, this is all hidden in the BackstackHost installed by Navigator.install() (or Navigator.configure()...install(), so this problem is solved for you.

  • ADDED: DefaultStateChanger that by default uses Navigator-based installation.

To use DefaultStateChanger with BackstackDelegate, you must provide DefaultStateChanger.configure().setStatePersistenceStrategy() and delegate persistence calls to your delegate.

  • ADDED: StateKey interface used by DefaultStateChanger.

  • ADDED: default view change handlers for DefaultStateChanger.

  • All examples (except the fragment and multistack samples) were updated to use Navigator.

  • simple-stack-example-mvp no longer uses square/coordinator, it uses custom viewgroups instead.

This is because Coordinator gets created only after container.addView(), which makes it hard to work with.

-Simple Stack 1.4.4 (2017-03-28)

  • ADDED: method that returns the last element in the backstack or null

-Simple Stack 1.4.3 (2017-03-25)

  • FIX: Fixed a bug that if a restored backstack is cleared and an initialize state change is triggered, then the restored keys were used instead of the initial key (this only surfaced if you attempt to use multiple backstacks, and a cleared backstack is re-used)

-Simple Stack 1.4.2 (2017-03-20)

  • CHANGE: Decreased minSDK to 1.

-Simple Stack 1.4.1 (2017-03-09)

  • MINOR FIX: Adjusted exception message in BackstackManager to say setup().

-Simple Stack 1.4.0 (2017-03-06)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: StateBundle is moved from com.zhuinden.simplestack.StateBundle to com.zhuinden.statebundle.StateBundle

  • CHANGE: StateBundle is moved to and is a compile dependency of simple-stack

-Simple Stack 1.3.0 (2017-03-03)

  • REFACTOR: BackstackDelegate is separated into BackstackManager.

  • ADDED: BackstackManager class to help with creating backstacks inside views.

  • ENHANCEMENT: BackstackManager is now Bundleable, therefore its state can be automatically restored along with other managed services (see examples).

  • CHANGE: clearStatesNotIn() is no longer a method of BackstackDelegate or BackstackManager, it can be specified as custom using a BackstackManager.StateClearStrategy.

  • ADDED: simple-stack-example-services that shows how to use service-tree with simple-stack to store scoped services that can have their states restored and survive configuration change.

  • ADDED: simple-stack-example-nestedstack that shows how to use view-level BackstackManager stored in service-tree to have nested backstacks inside views.

-Simple Stack 1.2.1 (2017-02-28)

  • FIX: HistoryBuilder should receive List<?> as parameters, not List<Object> on all methods.

-Simple Stack 1.2.0 (2017-02-28)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Bundleable and SavedState now use StateBundle class.

  • ENHANCEMENT: Added StateBundle class to replace android.os.Bundle.

-Simple Stack 1.1.1 (2017-02-19)

  • FIX: A bug that allowed the possibility that an uninitialized backstack could restore its history to be an empty list after process death.

  • ADDED: simple-stack-example-multistack for handling multiple backstacks in the same Activity using a BottomNavigationView.

-Simple Stack 1.1.0 (2017-02-18)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Backstack's APIs return Object instead of Parcelable (that includes StateChange, initial keys, HistoryBuilder, etc.)

  • ENHANCEMENT: Added KeyParceler interface to allow defining custom strategy in order to turn keys into Parcelable (for example, using Parceler library instead)

-Simple Stack 1.0.0 (2017-02-15)

  • RELEASE: 1.0.0!

  • ENHANCEMENT: Javadoc for all public classes and methods.

-Simple Stack 0.9.6 (2017-02-14)

  • INTERNAL CHANGE: Hidden stateChangeComplete() from public API of BackstackDelegate, it shouldn't have been public.

-Simple Stack 0.9.5 (2017-02-13)

  • INTERNAL CHANGE: clearStatesNotIn() now receives both keyStateMap and StateChange, instead of just the new state.

  • ENHANCEMENT: Added HistoryBuilder.from(Backstack) and HistoryBuilder.from(BackstackDelegate) convenience methods.

  • ENHANCEMENT: Added HistoryBuilder.isEmpty() method, and implements Iterable<Parcelable>.

  • ADDED: flow-masterdetail-fragments example.

  • FIX: A bug in flow-masterdetail sample that prevented Master's state from being persisted if detail directly opens a detail.

-Simple Stack 0.9.3 (2017-02-12)

  • ENHANCEMENT: Added ability to force execute pending state changes with Backstack.executePendingStateChange().

  • INTERNAL CHANGE: BackstackDelegate.onDestroy() calls backstack.executePendingStateChange() to prevent hanging state changes.

  • ADDED: ObjectAnimator-based segue animation to MVP example.

-Simple Stack 0.9.2 (2017-02-11)

  • BREAKING CHANGE(?): CompletionListener no longer receives isPending parameter.

  • ADDED: Backstack.isStateChangePending() to replace isPending.

  • ENHANCEMENT: Added some missing @NonNull and @Nullable annotations.

  • ADDED: Apache license notes, and improved the README.

-Simple Stack 0.9.1 (2017-02-09)

  • BREAKING CHANGE(!): BackstackDelegate has a new method which must be called: backstackDelegate.onDestroy() Not calling backstackDelegate.onDestroy() will most likely result in memory leak, so please make sure you call it paired with onCreate().

  • BREAKING CHANGE: BackstackDelegate.clearStatesNotIn() is no longer public, because it is automatically managed on state change completion.

  • ENHANCEMENT: Added Backstack.CompletionListener which listens to when backstack has completed a state change. Added Backstack.addCompletionListener() and Backstack.removeCompletionListener() methods. The backstack keeps a strong reference to your completion listener, so make sure you remove your change listener when no longer needed.

  • ENHANCEMENT: It is no longer the responsibility of the StateChanger to call backstackDelegate.clearStatesNotIn(). The BackstackDelegate registers itself as a CompletionListener, and therefore it can call clearStatesNotIn() automatically.

  • ENHANCEMENT: Added flow-sample changed to use Simple-Stack, as name simple-stack-flow-masterdetail.

-Simple Stack 0.8.3 (2017-02-04)

  • ENHANCEMENT: Added BackstackDelegate.setPersistenceTag(String) for support of multiple backstacks. It must be called before BackstackDelegate.onCreate().

-Simple Stack 0.8.2 (2017-02-03)

  • CHANGE: KeyContextWrapper is public again
  • ENHANCEMENT: Created fragments example based on mvp example.

-Simple Stack 0.8.1 (2017-02-02)

  • BREAKING(?) CHANGE: Renamed HistoryBuilder.peek() to HistoryBuilder.getLast()
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added the following new methods to HistoryBuilder: HistoryBuilder.get(index), HistoryBuilder.contains(key), HistoryBuilder.containsAll(keys), HistoryBuilder.add(key, index), HistoryBuilder.size(), HistoryBuilder.removeAt(index), HistoryBuilder.remove(key), HistoryBuilder.clear(), HistoryBuilder.retainAll(keys), HistoryBuilder.indexOf(key),

-Simple Stack 0.8.0 (2017-02-02)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed StateChange.Direction, it is now an int annotated with @IntDef. This means that StateChange.Direction.FORWARD is now StateChange.FORWARD, same for BACKWARD and REPLACE.
  • Fix: @StateChangerRegisterMode shouldn't have been public

-Simple Stack 0.7.0 (2017-01-31)

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed Backstack.get(Context), BackstackDelegate.isSystemService(String) and BackstackDelegate.getSystemService(Context).

These can be easily done manually with the following setup:

    public static Backstack get(Context context) {
        // noinspection ResourceType
        return (Backstack)context.getSystemService(BACKSTACK);


    public Object getSystemService(String name) {
        if(name.equals(BACKSTACK)) {
            return backstackDelegate.getBackstack();
        return super.getSystemService(name);

Therefore the preferred solution is to provide the Backstack instance via @Inject instead of Backstack.get(Context).

Example for Backstack.get(Context) was moved to simple-stack-example as BackstackService. Example for @Inject Backstack backstack; is seen in simple-stack-example-mvp.

-Simple Stack 0.6.1 (2017-01-27)

  • It is now allowed to initialize BackstackDelegate without a StateChanger, in which case setStateChanger() must be called before onPostResume().This way it is possible to postpone the initialization state change of theBackstack`.

-Simple Stack 0.6.0 (2017-01-23)

  • Simple Stack is now a library!
  • Added BackstackDelegate.getBackstack() for convenience over Backstack.get(this) in Activity

-Simple Stack 0.5.1 (2017-01-23)

  • Added Bundleable interface to allow saving view's state to Bundle
  • Added BackstackDelegate.restoreViewFromState() method to mirror persistViewToState()
  • getSavedState() now returns a new SavedState instead of throwing error if the key has no state bound to it
  • Added SavedState.viewHierarchyState default value new SparseArray<>(), null is prohibited

-Simple Stack 0.5.0 (2017-01-22)

  • Added BackstackDelegate class to hide activity lifecycle integration
  • Moved SavedState into library
  • Added Backstack.get(Context) method to obtain Backstack of instance shared by the delegate
  • Moved KeyContextWrapper into library, and it is now package-private
  • Added StateChange.createContext(base, key) method to create KeyContextWrapper
  • KeyContextWrapper.getKey(Context) is now Backstack.getKey(Context)

-Simple Stack 0.4.0 (2017-01-21)

  • Rename packages from demostack to simplestack

-Simple Stack 0.3.3 (2017-01-21)

  • Rename State to SavedState

-Simple Stack 0.3.2 (2017-01-21)

  • Add check for if key is null in State's

-Simple Stack 0.3.1 (2017-01-20)

  • Added missing equals()/hashCode() to State class in example

-Simple Stack 0.3.0 (2017-01-20)

  • Added view persistence to example code (MainActivity)

-Simple Stack 0.2.6 (2017-01-20)

  • Added HistoryBuilder for convenience

-Simple Stack 0.2.5 (2017-01-17)

  • Minor bug fixes and simplifications

-Simple Stack 0.2.1 (2017-01-17)

  • Added ReentranceTest and ported to simple-stack-demo codebase
  • Fixed some bugs based on ReentranceTest - all tests pass now

-Simple Stack 0.2.0 (2017-01-16)

  • State changes are now enqueued while StateChanger is not available (after onPause()) or a state change is already in progress
  • Added FlowTest and ported to simple-stack-demo codebase

Simple Stack 0.1.1 (2017-01-14)

  • Key and backstack are now provided to custom viewgroup via getSystemService()

Simple Stack 0.1.0 (2017-01-13)

  • Added initial Backstack, StateChange and StateChanger classes.
  • Backstack allows manipulation of state via goTo(), goBack() and setHistory().
  • Demo persists backstack history through config change and process death.


  • ViewState is not persisted
  • scheduling state changes (starting a state change while another is in progress) is not allowed
  • there is a possibility that state change can occur even after onPause()
  • key and backstack are manually set to the custom viewgroup, which means these are not directly accessible in their child views (and the interfaces are ugly anyways)